2,281 research outputs found

    Photographic quantification of water quality in mixing zones

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    A method was developed to quantitatively delineate waste concentrations throughout waste effluent mixing zones on the basis of densitometric measurements extracted from aerial photography. A mixing zone is the extent of a receiving water body ultilized to dilute a waste discharge to a concentration characteristic of a totally mixed condition. Simultaneously-acquired color infrared photography and suspended solids water samples were used to quantitatively delineate the mixing zone resulting from the discharge of a paper mill effluent. Digital scanning microdensitometer data was used to estimate and delineate suspended solids concentrations on the basis of a semi-empirical model. Photographic photometry, when predicated on a limited amount of ground sampling, can measure and delineate mixing zone waste distributions in more detail then conventional surface measuring techniques. The method has direct application to: (1) the establishment of definite and rational water quality guidelines; (2) the development of sampling and surveillance programs for use by governmental and private agencies; and (3) the development of design and location criteria for industrial and municipal waste effluent outfalls

    H&S around the world

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    Mammals at Hidden Springs State Forest, Shelby County, Illinois

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    A survey of the mammals at Hidden Springs State Forest (HSSF) in Shelby County, Illinois was conducted from May 1 to November 18, 1984. The survey was designed to determine the species and relative abundance of mammals associated with major habitat types of the Forest based on area walk-through surveys, streamside surveys, mist net surveys, snaptrap/pitfall surveys, and a hunter questionaire. A total of 26 mammal species were found associated with various habitats within the Forest and an additional four species were reported within Shelby County. One species, the southeastern shrew (Sorex longirostris) had not previously been reported in Shelby County. Within HSSF the large deciduous and edge habitats had the highest mammal diversities. Of the areas trapped for small mammals edge and conifer plantation habitats had the highest abundance of mammals taken in snap-traps and pitfalls. Habitat associations for each mammal species found at HSSF were defined. Mammals not found on the Forest but whose known range includes Shelby County are discussed

    Mammals at Hidden Springs State Forest, Shelby County, Illinois

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    A survey of the mammals at Hidden Springs State Forest (HSSF) in Shelby County, Illinois was conducted from May 1 to November 18, 1984. The survey was designed to determine the species and relative abundance of mammals associated with major habitat types of the Forest based on area walk-through surveys, streamside surveys, mist net surveys, snaptrap/pitfall surveys, and a hunter questionaire. A total of 26 mammal species were found associated with various habitats within the Forest and an additional four species were reported within Shelby County. One species, the southeastern shrew (Sorex longirostris) had not previously been reported in Shelby County. Within HSSF the large deciduous and edge habitats had the highest mammal diversities. Of the areas trapped for small mammals edge and conifer plantation habitats had the highest abundance of mammals taken in snap-traps and pitfalls. Habitat associations for each mammal species found at HSSF were defined. Mammals not found on the Forest but whose known range includes Shelby County are discussed

    The effect of therapeutic exercise and metabolic acidosis on skeletal muscle wasting in chronic kidney disease

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    Muscle wasting and increased proteolysis is a major problem in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Exercise is potentially beneficial, but has been under-investigated in pre-dialysis CKD and could theoretically worsen acidosis through exercise-induced lactic acid generation. We therefore investigated effects of 6 months walking exercise with and without additional alkali therapy. 40 patients were recruited (23 male and 17 female, median age 58, range 20-83, mean eGFR±SEM 25.7±1.2ml/min/1.73m2). 20 undertook walking exercise at a Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion Rate (RPE) of 12-14 for at least 30 minutes, 5 times a week. The other 20 continued with normal physical activity (non-exercising controls). In addition to standard oral bicarbonate therapy (STD), 10 patients in each group were randomised to receive additional bicarbonate (XS). Blood and vastus lateralis muscle biopsies were drawn at baseline, one and six months. 18 exercisers (including 8 in XS group) and 14 controls (6 in XS group) completed the 6 month study. Exercise tolerance increased after 1 and 6 months in the exercisers, but not the controls, accompanied by a reduced acute lactate response in the XS, but not the STD exercising group. After 6 months of exercise, 9 intramuscular free amino acids showed striking depletion in the STD, but not XS bicarbonate group. This suggests an inhibition of active amino acid transporters, possibly the SNAT2 transporters that are inhibited by acidosis. Studies with cultured myotubes identified glucocorticoid as a possible mediator of acid s inhibitory effect on SNAT2. The preservation of amino acid concentrations in the XS exercising group was accompanied by strong suppression of ubiquitin E3-ligases MuRF-1 and MAFbx which activate proteolysis through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. However, other anabolic indicators (Protein Kinase B activation and suppression of the 14kDa actin fragment) were unaffected in the exercising XS group. Possibly because of this, overall suppression of myofibrillar proteolysis (3-methyl histidine excretion) and increased lean body mass (DEXA) were not observed in the exercising patients. As XS alkali had no effect in non-exercisers, it is concluded that alkali effects in the exercisers arose by countering exercise-induced acidosis. Sulphuric acid produced from the catabolism of sulphur-containing amino acids ingested in the diet is the main contributor to the daily titratable acid load and hence acidosis in CKD. In these patients the amount of sulphate excreted in urine over 24h varied widely between individuals. This directly correlated with 3-methyl histidine excretion suggesting that sulphate excretion may be a better clinical indicator of acidotic patients at long-term risk of cachexia than conventional measures such as venous bicarbonate. Studies with cultured myotubes confirmed that skeletal muscle is a source of sulphuric acid and showed that production of this acid is partly suppressed by L-Glutamine a potential novel way to control acidosis in CKD

    Evaluation of the application of ERTS-1 data to the regional land use planning process

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    On multidisciplinary research on the application of remote sensing to water resources problems

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    On multidisciplinary research on the application of remote sensing to water resources problems

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    Research objectives during 1972-73 were to: (1) Ascertain the extent to which special aerial photography can be operationally used in monitoring water pollution parameters. (2) Ascertain the effectiveness of remote sensing in the investigation of nearshore mixing and coastal entrapment in large water bodies. (3) Develop an explicit relationship of the extent of the mixing zone in terms of the outfall, effluent and water body characteristics. (4) Develop and demonstrate the use of the remote sensing method as an effective legal implement through which administrative agencies and courts can not only investigate possible pollution sources but also legally prove the source of water pollution. (5) Evaluate the field potential of remote sensing techniques in monitoring algal blooms and aquatic macrophytes, and the use of these as indicators of lake eutrophication level. (6) Develop a remote sensing technique for the determination of the location and extent of hydrologically active source areas in a watershed

    On multidisciplinary research on the application of remote sensing to water resources problems

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    Yankee goes south

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