5 research outputs found

    A Critical Analysis of the Indonesian Human Rights Action Plan 1998-2020

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    This article analyzes the emergence and development of the National Human Rights Action Plan (NHRAP) or Rencana Aksi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (Ranham) during Indonesian Reform era, 1998-2020. Ranham is recognized as a national strategic policy document that describes and explains; 1) how the state incorporates human rights principles and norms into its policies, and 2) how to measure its remarkable achievements. All Indonesian governments have adopted and implemented Ranham, which was enacted by Presidential Regulations during five phases in the two decades of the Reform era. Ranham was derived and mandated by the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action (VDPA) 1993. Up until recently, more than 70 states have formulated the Ranham, including Indonesia. This article discovers that the policy of Ranham during the Reform era reflects the national commitment to the human rights agenda. However, the lack of the conceptualization of human rights still impedes the development and reinforcement of the national human rights system


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    Nella prospettiva di una transizione dell’Unione Europea verso un’economia verde e climaticamente neutra è necessaria la buona condotta della società in ogni settore economico. Per questo motivo è importante intraprendere misure per attenuare gli impatti negativi sui diritti umani e sull’ambiente mediante un processo globale che includa le catene del valore. L’individuazione di questi ultimi è agevole nel momento in cui un gran numero di società adempie correttamente al dovere di diligenza. L’obiettivo della ricerca è quello di percorrere le tappe precedenti alla possibile adozione di una direttiva europea in materia di Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence. Verranno illustrate brevemente le varie categorie concettuali legate al tema dei diritti umani e delle imprese, procedendo con un’analisi sugli sviluppi delle policies promosse a livello globale dalle organizzazioni internazionali e regionale dall’Unione Europea, per poi concentrarsi su alcune delle misure legislative nazionali più rilevanti. Infine, verrà descritta la proposta di direttiva europea con particolare attenzione agli obiettivi previsti, ai tipi di imprese coinvolte e alle possibili problematiche emergenti

    Voices from Below—Africa’s Contribution to the Development of the Norm of Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights

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    The long conversations about corporate responsibility predominantly take place in forums and conferences in the Global North. Yet, the majority of the human rights abuses and their impacts are felt by peasants, farmers, children, and women in local communities in the Global South who do not have a voice in the institutionalized governance systems that animate global affairs. This thesis answers the question of how norms and human rights institutions in Africa can influence the corporate responsibility to respect (CR2R) norm as embedded in pillar II of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Through the theory of social constructivism, this thesis examines how the CR2R norm is changing the dominant narrative that MNCs do not have human rights responsibilities in international law. In light of the CR2R norm’s status as a social and (growing) legal norm, this thesis asks how norms and human rights institutions in Africa can contribute to the interpretation and application of the CR2R norm. The central argument is that international law-making, especially in human rights, should be an inclusive process that promotes an exchange of norms and ideas between the Global North and South divide. The ultimate goal of this thesis is to generate conversations about the potential role that norms and human rights institutions in Africa can play in the development of the CR2R norm. As a start, this thesis puts Africans at the center of the CR2R norm development discussion in terms of the inclusion of their views to affect the prescriptive and policy implications of emergent human right norms and principles