93 research outputs found

    Labelled as ‘risky’ in an era of control: how young people experience and respond to the stigma of criminalised identities.

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    The construction and labelling of groups of young people as ‘risky’ triggers a multifaceted and dynamic social process of stigma that frequently results in reduced life chances and limited opportunities for self-development. Drawing on case-study data from four European countries, this article focuses on the ways in which stigma is reproduced through interactions and interventions that label young people. Our analysis explores how young people experience and understand stigma, and how they respond to it. Framed within a theoretical understanding of stigma as a form of power, we examine its components and cyclical process, its role in shaping policies of social control, and its consequences for groups of ‘risky’ young people. Our analysis builds upon and develops Link and Phelan’s (2001) reconceptualization of stigma to include reference to young people’s reactions and responses: alienation and marginalization; anger and resistance; empathy and generativity. We argue that stigma acts primarily as an inhibitor of young people’s engagement in wider society, serving to further reduce access to beneficial opportunities. However, some young people are able to resist the label, and, for them, resistance can become generative and enabling.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Encountering authority and avoiding trouble: Young migrant men’s narratives of negotiation in Europe

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    Drawing on data from seven European countries (Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy and the United Kingdom), this article seeks to identify how young migrant men engage with authority and avoid conflict against a backdrop of increasing hostility towards migrants in many European countries. As this article contends, even those with permanent residency status in the host country often find themselves having to justify their legitimacy to carry out daily tasks, resulting in many young male migrants living with feelings of perpetual insecurity. As such, a number of coping strategies are employed by young migrant men in order to assuage such feelings and mitigate potential risks. Focusing on the lived experiences of this group, as described in narrative interviews, our study found that many young migrant men are required to enter into negotiations with authority figures, where there is a considerable power differential. Acting as risk assessors, they find themselves forced to navigate complex and challenging social relations and support networks. We show how self-limiting behaviour intended to avoid or control interactions with authority and the negotiations conducted to minimize the risk of ‘trouble’ by young migrant men not only are problematic in the context of day-to-day activities but can very often have a detrimental impact on their lives

    The Impact of Immunocompromise on Outcomes of COVID-19 in Children and Young People - A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Despite children and young people (CYP) having a low risk for severe Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outcomes, there is still a degree of uncertainty related to their risk in the context of immunodeficiency or immunosuppression, primarily due to significant reporting bias in most studies, as CYP characteristically experience milder or asymptomatic COVID-19 infection and the severe outcomes tend to be overestimated. Methods: A comprehensive systematic review to identify globally relevant studies in immunosuppressed CYP and CYP in general population (defined as younger than 25 years of age) up to 31st October 2021 (to exclude vaccinated populations), was performed. Studies were included if they reported the two primary outcomes of our study, admission to intensive therapy unit (ITU) and mortality, while data on other outcomes, such as hospitalisation and need for mechanical ventilation were also collected. A meta-analysis estimated the pooled proportion for each severe COVID-19 outcome, using the inverse variance method. Random effects models were used to account for interstudy heterogeneity. Findings: The systematic review identified 30 eligible studies for each of the two populations investigated: immunosuppressed CYP (n=793) and CYP in general population (n=102,022). Our meta-analysis found higher estimated prevalence for hospitalization (46% vs. 16%), ITU admission (12% vs. 2%), mechanical ventilation (8% vs. 1%) and increased mortality due to severe COVID-19 infection (6.5% vs. 0.2%) in immunocompromised CYP compared to CYP in general population. This shows an overall trend for more severe outcomes of COVID-19 infection in immunocompromised CYP, similar to adult studies. Interpretation: This is the only up to date meta-analysis in immunocompromised CYP with high global relevance, which excluded reports from hospitalised cohorts alone and included 35% studies from low- and medium-income countries. Future research is required to characterise individual subgroups of immunocompromised patients, as well as impact of vaccination on severe COVID-19 outcomes. Funding: There was no funding source specifically dedicated for this study. CC is supported by a National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) at University College London Hospital (UCLH). The study was performed within the Centre for Adolescent Rheumatology Versus Arthritis at University College London (UCL), UCL Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) supported by grants from Versus Arthritis (21593 and 20164), Great Ormond Street Children’s Charity, and the NIHR-BRC at both GOSH and UCLH

    Systemic and Tissue Inflammation in Juvenile Dermatomyositis: From Pathogenesis to the Quest for Monitoring Tools

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    Juvenile Dermatomyositis (JDM) is a systemic immune-mediated disease of childhood, characterized by muscle weakness, and a typical skin rash. Other organ systems and tissues such as the lungs, heart, and intestines can be involved, but may be under-evaluated. The inflammatory process in JDM is characterized by an interferon signature and infiltration of immune cells such as T cells and plasmacytoid dendritic cells into the affected tissues. Vasculopathy due to loss and dysfunction of endothelial cells as a result of the inflammation is thought to underlie the symptoms in most organs and tissues. JDM is a heterogeneous disease, and several disease phenotypes, each with a varying combination of affected tissues and organs, are linked to the presence of myositis autoantibodies. These autoantibodies have therefore been extensively studied as biomarkers for the disease phenotype and its associated prognosis. Next to identifying the JDM phenotype, monitoring of disease activity and disease-inflicted damage not only in muscle and skin, but also in other organs and tissues, is an important part of clinical follow-up, as these are key determinants for the long-term outcomes of patients. Various monitoring tools are currently available, among which clinical assessment, histopathological investigation of muscle and skin biopsies, and laboratory testing of blood for specific biomarkers. These investigations also give novel insights into the underlying immunological processes that drive inflammation in JDM and suggest a strong link between the interferon signature and vasculopathy. New tools are being developed in the quest for minimally invasive, but sensitive and specific diagnostic methods that correlate well with clinical symptoms or reflect local, low-grade inflammation. In this review we will discuss the types of (extra)muscular tissue inflammation in JDM and their relation to vasculopathic changes, critically assess the available diagnostic methods including myositis autoantibodies and newly identified biomarkers, and reflect on the immunopathogenic implications of identified markers

    Retrospective analysis of infliximab and adalimumab treatment in a large cohort of juvenile dermatomyositis patients

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    © The Author(s). 2020 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Background: Anti-TNF treatment may be useful for the treatment of patients with refractory juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM). The aim of this study was to describe the use of infliximab and adalimumab therapy in juvenile dermatomyositis as an adjunctive treatment. Methods: Sixty children recruited to the UK JDM Cohort and Biomarker Study that had received at least 3 months of anti-TNF treatment (infliximab or adalimumab) were studied. Childhood Myositis Assessment Scale (CMAS). Manual Muscle Testing (MMT8) and physician’s global assessment (PGA) were recorded. Skin disease was assessed using the modified skin disease activity score (DAS). Data were analysed using Friedman’s test for repeated measures analysis of variance. Results: Compared to baseline, there were improvements at 6 and 12 months in skin disease (χ 2 (2) = 15.52, p = 0.00043), global disease (χ 2 (2) = 8.14, p = 0.017) and muscle disease (CMAS χ 2 (2) = 17.02, p = 0.0002 and MMT χ 2 (2) = 10.56, p = 0.005) in infliximab patients. For patients who switched from infliximab to adalimumab, there was improvement in global disease activity (χ 2 (2) = 6.73, p = 0.03), and trends towards improvement in CMAS, MMT8 and modified DAS. The median initial prednisolone dose was 6 [0–10] mg, and final was 2.5 [0–7.5] mg (p < 0.0001). Fifty-four per cent of patients had a reduction in the number and/or size of calcinosis lesions. Twenty-five per cent switched their anti-TNF treatment from infliximab to adalimumab. 66.7%of the switches were to improve disease control, 26.7% due to adverse events and 6.6% due to patient preference. A total of 13.9 adverse reactions occurred in 100 patient-years, of which 5.7 were considered serious. Conclusion: Reductions in muscle and skin disease, including calcinosis, were seen following treatment with infliximab and adalimumab.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sex and Pubertal Differences in the Type 1 Interferon Pathway Associate With Both X Chromosome Number and Serum Sex Hormone Concentration

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    Type 1 interferons (IFN) are an antiviral cytokine family, important in juvenile onset systemic lupus erythematosus (jSLE) which is more common in females, around puberty. We report that plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) from healthy females produced more type 1 IFN after toll like receptor (TLR) 7 signaling than males, even before puberty, but that puberty itself associated with increased production of type 1 IFN. A unique human model allows us to show that this was related to X chromosome number, and serum testosterone concentration, in a manner which differed depending on the number of X chromosomes present. In addition, we have showed that pDC were more activated in females overall, and immune cell TLR7 gene expression was higher in females after puberty. Therefore, sex hormones and X chromosome number were associated individually and interactively with the type 1 IFN response, which contributes to our understanding of why females are more likely to develop an IFN mediated disease like jSLE after puberty

    Adalimumab or Etanercept as first line biologic therapy in Enthesitis related arthritis (ERA) - a drug-survival single centre study spanning 10 years

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    Objectives: To analyse and compare drug-survival of adalimumab and etanercept (and their biosimilars) in biologic-naĂŻve patients with ERA (Enthesitis-Related Arthritis). // Methods: In this retrospective observational study, conventional statistics and machine-learning were applied to compare drug-survival (adalimumab, etanercept and their biosimilars initiated: 2009–2019) in ERA and identify determinants. The primary outcome was discontinuation of treatment due to primary- or secondary-failure and adverse drug-reactions. // Results: During the observation period, 99 of 188 patients with ERA on first-line TNF inhibitors (etanercept-n=108, adalimumab-n=80) discontinued their treatment (median survival-time 3.9years, 95%CI 2.6-4.9years). Adalimumab was associated with longer drug-survival compared to etanercept especially after an initial positive response, with the median time to treatment discontinuation 4.9years (95% CI 3.9–5.7) for adalimumab, compared to 2years (95%CI 1.4–4.0) for etanercept (HR of treatment-discontinuation-0.49, 95%CI 0.32–-0.75, p=0.001). Adjusted by propensity-score, adalimumab-methotrexate combination was associated with longer drug survival, compared to adalimumab-monotherapy (HR-0.41, 95%CI 0.20–0.85), etanercept-monotherapy (HR-0.28, 95%CI 0.15–0.53), and etanercept-methotrexate combination (HR-0.39, 95%CI 0.21–0.73). The presence of HLA-B27 was associated with longer drug-survival (HR-0.50, 95%CI 0.29–0.87) following an initial positive response. Higher-CRP at baseline was associated with higher rate of primary-failure (HR-1.68, 95%CI 1.08–2.62). Axial-ERA (sacroiliitis±spinal-involvement) was associated with poorer drug-survival for both primary- and secondary-failure (overall HR-2.03, 95%CI 1.22–3.40). Adjusted by propensity-score, shorter drug-survival was observed in patients with baseline-CRP≄12.15 mg/L, but only in the context of axial-ERA, not in peripheral-ERA (no sacroiliitis/spinal-involvement) (HR-2.28, 95%CI 1.13–-3.64). // Conclusion: Following an initial positive primary response, continuing methotrexate with adalimumab was associated with the longest drug-survival compared to adalimumab-monotherapy or etanercept-based regimens. Axial-ERA was associated with a poorer drug-survival. A CRP >12.15 in patients with axial-ERA was associated with a higher rate of primary-failure. Further prospective studies are required to confirm these findings

    The cost-effectiveness of a mechanical compression device in out of hospital cardiac arrest

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    AIM: To assess the cost-effectiveness of LUCAS-2, a mechanical device for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) as compared to manual chest compressions in adults with non-traumatic, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. METHODS: We analysed patient-level data from a large, pragmatic, multi-centre trial linked to administrative secondary care data from the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) to measure healthcare resource use, costs and outcomes in both arms. A within-trial analysis using quality adjusted life years derived from the EQ-5D-3L was conducted at 12-month follow-up and results were extrapolated to the lifetime horizon using a decision-analytic model. RESULTS: 4471 patients were enrolled in the trial (1652 assigned to the LUCAS-2 group, 2819 assigned to the control group). At 12 months, 89 (5%) patients survived in the LUCAS-2 group and 175 (6%) survived in the manual CPR group. In the vast majority of analyses conducted, both within-trial and by extrapolation of the results over a lifetime horizon, manual CPR dominates LUCAS-2. In other words, patients in the LUCAS-2 group had poorer health outcomes (i.e. lower QALYs) and incurred higher health and social care costs. CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrates that the use of the mechanical chest compression device LUCAS-2 represents poor value for money when compared to standard manual chest compression in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

    The effects of adrenaline in out of hospital cardiac arrest with shockable and non-shockable rhythms : findings from the PACA and PARAMEDIC-2 randomised controlled trials

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    Introduction Previous research suggests there may be differences in the effects of adrenaline related to the initial cardiac arrest rhythm. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of adrenaline compared with placebo according to whether the initial cardiac arrest rhythm was shockable or non-shockable. Methods Return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), survival and neurological outcomes according to the initial arrest rhythm were compared amongst patients enrolled in the PARAMEDIC-2 randomised, placebo controlled trial. The results of the PARAMEDIC-2 and PACA out of hospital cardiac arrest trials were combined and meta-analysed. Results The initial rhythm was known for 3,929 (98.2%) in the placebo arm and 3,919 (97.6%) in the adrenaline arm. The effect on the rate of ROSC of adrenaline relative to placebo was greater in patients with non-shockable cardiac rhythms (1002/3003 (33.4%) versus 222/3005 (7.4%), adjusted OR: 6.5, (95% CI 5.6-7.6)) compared with shockable rhythms 349/716 (48.7%) versus (208/702 (29.6%), adjusted OR: 2.3, 95%CI: 1.9-2.9)). The adjusted odds ratio for survival at discharge for non-shockable rhythms was 2.5 (1.3, 4.8) and 1.3 (0.9, 1.8) for shockable rhythms (P value for interaction 0.065) and 1.8(0.8-4.1) and 1.1 (0.8-1.6) respectively for neurological outcome at discharge (P value for interaction 0.295). Meta-analysis found similar results. Conclusion Relative to placebo, the effects of adrenaline ROSC are greater for patients with an initially non-shockable rhythm than those with a shockable rhythms. Similar patterns are observed for longer term survival outcomes and favourable neurological outcomes, although the differences in effects are less pronounced

    The influence of time to adrenaline administration in the Paramedic 2 randomised controlled trial

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    Abstract: Purpose: To examine the time to drug administration in patients with a witnessed cardiac arrest enrolled in the Pre-Hospital Assessment of the Role of Adrenaline: Measuring the Effectiveness of Drug Administration in Cardiac Arrest (PARAMEDIC2) randomised controlled trial. Methods: The PARAMEDIC2 trial was undertaken across 5 NHS ambulance services in England and Wales with randomisation between December 2014 and October 2017. Patients with an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest who were unresponsive to initial resuscitation attempts were randomly assigned to 1 mg intravenous adrenaline or matching placebo according to treatment packs that were identical apart from treatment number. Participants and study staff were masked to treatment allocation. Results: 8016 patients were enrolled, 4902 sustained a witnessed cardiac arrest of whom 2437 received placebo and 2465 received adrenaline. The odds of return of spontaneous circulation decreased in both groups over time but at a greater rate in the placebo arm odds ratio (OR) 0.93 (95% CI 0.92–0.95) compared with the adrenaline arm OR 0.96 (95% CI 0.95–0.97); interaction OR: 1.03, 95% CI 1.01–1.05, p = 0.005. By contrast, although the rate of survival and favourable neurological outcome decreased as time to treatment increased, the rates did not differ between the adrenaline and placebo groups. Conclusion: The rate of return of spontaneous circulation, survival and favourable neurological outcomes decrease over time. As time to drug treatment increases, adrenaline increases the chances of return of spontaneous circulation. Longer term outcomes were not affected by the time to adrenaline administration. (ISRCTN73485024)
