180 research outputs found

    Poor care and the professional duty of the registered nurse

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    Concerns have been raised in recent years about standards of care in the UK. Notable failures have been identified in the care of vulnerable older adults. This article identifies and discusses some logical steps which might be taken to minimise the risk of individual and systemic care failure in settings for older adults. These steps include frank discussion about ageism to promote empowerment and respect for older people; ensuring robust policies are in place that support and encourage the reporting of poor care; and ensuring that registered practitioners are aware of their accountability for their actions and also their omissions should they witness poor care. In addition to reducing the risk of poor care, these steps could contribute to having a more confident, competent and empowered workforce

    College Students\u27 Attitudes on Neighborhood Integration: From the Classroom to the Community and Back Again

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    I grew up in an all white suburb, well, almost all white. There were two black families that literally lived on the wrong side of the tracks. Two large run-down old houses sat within five feet of the rumbling trains. Sometimes my family drove past those houses in our old station wagon. On days that our drive was interrupted by a crossing train, I would watch the barefoot black children playing by the street. I never thought of our suburb as being segregated, at least not until I was in high school

    “Unrealistic realities”: Child abuse and the aesthetic resolution

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    Abstract OnlyThis article addresses the complex social realities of organizational life through aesthetic theory. After reviewing aesthetic theory and its relationship to organizational communication, we discuss the issue of suspected child abuse as a social and organizational communication concern. Suspected child abuse is considered a socially constructed phenomenon surrounded by multiple realities. Two such realities are the naturalized inclination and the simulation. A third reality is discussed‐the aesthetic reality. The aesthetic reality is exemplified in this case through the stories collected from former elementary school teachers who discuss the topic of child abuse and at times create aesthetic narratives that serve multiple functions

    Narrative approaches to raising consciousness about sexual harassment: From research to pedagogy and back again

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    Abstract OnlyIn this paper we discuss narrative from both a theoretical and pedagogical perspective. After briefly reviewing the theoretical possibilities of narrative for addressing the problem of sexual harassment, we discuss how feminist pedagogy both draws from and advances our notions of narrative. We then focus on three forms of narrative as they are used to raise consciousness concerning the issue of sexual harassment. The three specific approaches include: (1) the personal narrative, (2) the case study, and (3) the interactive narrative or collective story. After providing illustrations of these three approaches as they are used in academic settings, we explore the possibility that utilizing these approaches might provide heuristic tools for the classroom instructor, useful strategies for the workplace practitioner, and insight into the theoretical exploration of sexual harassment

    Viewing Film from a Communication Perspective: Film as Public Relations, Product Placement, and Rhetorical Advocacy in the College Classroom

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    Academics approach film from multiple perspectives, including critical, literary, rhetorical, and managerial approaches. Furthermore, and outside of film studies courses, films are frequently used as a pedagogical tool. Their relevance in society as well as their valuable use in the classroom makes them an important and pragmatic medium deserving further attention. The ability of film to be used in a socio-political way may sustain, challenge or change the status quo, which supports studying film as well as teaching students about the power of film. The purpose of this article is to share the development of a course which points out to students how film is used in society. Film theories are discussed, selected films are reviewed, and class assignments related to the theories and movies are summarized. In particular, this course explores films’ relationship to corporate agendas as well as to social justice. This approach to film crosses film studies with rhetoric and public relations connecting the course to other courses often taken by communication majors

    Concerted adoption as an emerging strategy for digital transformation of healthcare - lessons from Australia, Canada, and England

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    Objectives: With an increasing focus on the digitalization of health and care settings, there is significant scope to learn from international approaches to promote concerted adoption of electronic health records. Materials and methods: We review three large-scale initiatives from Australia, Canada, and England, and extract common lessons for future health and social care transformation strategy. Results: In doing so, we discuss how, despite differences in contexts, concerted adoption enables sharing of experience and learning to streamline the digital transformation of health and care. Discussion and conclusion: Concerted adoption can be accelerated through building communities of expertise and partnerships promoting knowledge transfer and circulation of expertise, commonalities in geographical and cultural contexts, and commonalities in technological systems

    A Qualitative Study Investigating Stroke Survivors’ Perceptions of their Psychosocial Needs Being Met During Rehabilitation

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    Background: Depression and anxiety can negatively impact one’s recovery, outcomes, and quality of life. Even though therapists consider the mental health needs of their clients to be a priority, they are dissatisfied with their ability to completely address these needs. The purpose of this study was to examine the client’s perspective regarding the extent to which health care professionals addressed their psychosocial needs after a stroke. Method: A phenomenological research design was used to collect data from six participants. Interviews and focus group were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim, and thematically analyzed. Member checks, peer-review, multiple coders, triangulation, and expert examination were used to increase trustworthiness of findings. Results: Five themes emerged. People with strokes: (a) experience an array of emotions, (b) are not likely to initiate disclosure of their state of mental health, (c) feel their psychosocial needs are not being addressed by health care professionals, (d) grieve the loss of prior roles post stroke and work hard to establish a new normal routine and purpose in life, and (e) have suggestions for improved care. Conclusion: These findings reinforce the importance of addressing the mental health needs of individuals post stroke and the importance of identifying methods to enhance the ability to effectively address the psychosocial needs of clients post stroke

    Defined plant extracts can protect human cells against combined xenobiotic effects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pollutants representative of common environmental contaminants induce intracellular toxicity in human cells, which is generally amplified in combinations. We wanted to test the common pathways of intoxication and detoxification in human embryonic and liver cell lines. We used various pollutants such as Roundup residues, Bisphenol-A and Atrazine, and five precise medicinal plant extracts called Circ1, Dig1, Dig2, Sp1, and Uro1 in order to understand whether specific molecular actions took place or not.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Kidney and liver are major detoxification organs. We have studied embryonic kidney and hepatic human cell lines E293 and HepG2. The intoxication was induced on the one hand by a formulation of one of the most common herbicides worldwide, Roundup 450 GT+ (glyphosate and specific adjuvants), and on the other hand by a mixture of Bisphenol-A and Atrazine, all found in surface waters, feed and food. The prevention and curative effects of plant extracts were also measured on mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase activity, on the entry of radiolabelled glyphosate (in Roundup) in cells, and on cytochromes P450 1A2 and 3A4 as well as glutathione-S-transferase.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Clear toxicities of pollutants were observed on both cell lines at very low sub-agricultural dilutions. The prevention of such phenomena took place within 48 h with the plant extracts tested, with success rates ranging between 25-34% for the E293 intoxicated by Roundup, and surprisingly up to 71% for the HepG2. By contrast, after intoxication, no plant extract was capable of restoring E293 viability within 48 h, however, two medicinal plant combinations did restore the Bisphenol-A/Atrazine intoxicated HepG2 up to 24-28%. The analysis of underlying mechanisms revealed that plant extracts were not capable of preventing radiolabelled glyphosate from entering cells; however Dig2 did restore the CYP1A2 activity disrupted by Roundup, and had only a mild preventive effect on the CYP3A4, and no effect on the glutathione S-transferase.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Environmental pollutants have intracellular effects that can be prevented, or cured in part, by precise medicinal plant extracts in two human cell lines. This appears to be mediated at least in part by the cytochromes P450 modulation.</p

    Answers to critics: Why there is a long term toxicity due to a Roundup- tolerant genetically modified maize and to a Roundup herbicide

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    AbstractOur recent work (SĂ©ralini et al., 2012) remains to date the most detailed study involving the life-long consumption of an agricultural genetically modified organism (GMO). This is true especially for NK603 maize for which only a 90-day test for commercial release was previously conducted using the same rat strain (Hammond et al., 2004). It is also the first long term detailed research on mammals exposed to a highly diluted pesticide in its total formulation with adjuvants. This may explain why 75% of our first criticisms arising within a week, among publishing authors, come from plant biologists, some developing patents on GMOs, even if it was a toxicological paper on mammals, and from Monsanto Company who owns both the NK603 GM maize and Roundup herbicide (R). Our study has limits like any one, and here we carefully answer to all criticisms from agencies, consultants and scientists, that were sent to the Editor or to ourselves. At this level, a full debate is biased if the toxicity tests on mammals of NK603 and R obtained by Monsanto Company remain confidential and thus unavailable in an electronic format for the whole scientific community to conduct independent scrutiny of the raw data. In our article, the conclusions of long-term NK603 and Roundup toxicities came from the statistically highly discriminant findings at the biochemical level in treated groups in comparison to controls, because these findings do correspond in an blinded analysis to the pathologies observed in organs, that were in turn linked to the deaths by anatomopathologists. GM NK603 and R cannot be regarded as safe to date
