142 research outputs found

    The lights and shadows of the open access regulatory framework at the General Government Administration in Spain

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar cuál es el marco normativo en el que se desenvuelve el acceso abierto en la Administración General del Estado (AGE) de España y cómo condiciona su funcionamiento. Para ello se recopilan exhaustivamente las diversas disposiciones, declaraciones y convocatorias existentes en España y la Unión Europea, y se realiza un análisis comparado de todas ellas. La conclusión es la ausencia de marcos legales comunitarios y nacionales específicos y a la vez de alcance general sobre acceso abierto. Las menciones principales aparecen recogidas de forma parcial o tangencial en programas y convocatorias de financiación de proyectos de investigación, comunicaciones y normativa de reutilización y datos abiertos. Ni siquiera la Ley 14/2011 de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación (LCTI) ofrece un mandato suficientemente claro, y la nueva modificación de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual (LPI) empeora aún más la situación. El tema más tratado es el de los repositorios, lo que indica la preferencia por la vía verde para asegurar el acceso abierto a los contenidos de las revistas.This paper aims at reviewing the open access regulatory frame work at the General Government Administration in Spain to observe how it affects its performance. To achieve such goals this study first compiles and analyses a whole range of rules, provisions, statements and existing calls in Spain and the European Union on comparative bases. The conclusion is the absence of specific and general European and national legal frame works affecting the open access. The main information collected appear partially ortangentially in programs and calls for funding of research projects, communications, and reuse and open data regulation. Even the Law 14/2011 of Science, Technology and Innovation does not provide a sufficiently clear mandate, and the new amendment to the Copyright Act does not contribute to clarify the situation neither. The focus is usually on the repositories, indicating a preference for the green road to ensure open access to journal content

    The High School Principal as Instructional Leader: An Explanatory, Mixed Methods Case Study Examining Principal Leadership within the Context of Rural Secondary Schools

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    The purpose of this explanatory, mixed methods case study was to examine instructional leadership within the context of rural secondary schools. This investigation followed an explanatory mixed methods design of sequential quantitative and qualitative phases (QUAL→quan). For the quantitative phase, the Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale (PIMRS) was administered to eight principals and 312 teachers in eight rural secondary schools in the southeastern United States. Descriptive analysis of principal and teacher results found that principals were most engaged in the subscales of framing school goals, coordinating curriculum, and promoting professional development and least engaged in the subscales of maintaining high visibility, protecting instructional time, and providing teaching and learning incentives. Independent t-tests found statistically significant differences in the instructional leadership of principals based on four contextual factors: school size, school SES, principal administrative experience, and district funding (per pupil expenditure). Two principals and their schools were selected for participation in the qualitative phase of the study. Interviews and observations of principals and interviews with teachers added insight to the findings of the quantitative phase. Participants characterized the principalship as a multifaceted job where secondary school principals fulfilled four leadership roles: instructional leader, district/community liaison, organizational manager, and problem solver. Participants also identified important instructional leadership behaviors not measured by the PIMRS, such as hiring effective teachers, providing instructional resources, and sharing leadership responsibilities. The study concludes with suggestions for future instructional leadership research and practical advice for rural secondary school principals

    Shortleaf Pine Sprout Production Capability in Response to Disturbances

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    Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata Mill.) seedlings are capable of sprouting and continuing growth after the stem is killed. The sprouting ability of shortleaf pine could be used to favor the species silviculturally after disturbance. Information is limited on shortleaf pine seedling sprouting after burning and clipping at different periods of the growing season and the effects of these treatments during their first three years after outplanting. Survival, seedling growth, and sprout production of shortleaf pine were evaluated after burning and clipping. The research was conducted on one, two, and three-year-old seedlings on an above average productivity site on the Cumberland Plateau region of east Tennessee. Replicated treatments were analyzed as a randomized block design which included: clipping in March, burning in April (early growing season burn), burning in July (mid growing season burn), burning in November (late growing season burn), and an untreated control completed on one, two, and three-yearold seedlings. Each experimental unit received a treatment once over the course of the study. Variability in burn treatments and their effects on the dependent variables were accounted for by using burn duration and intensity covariates in the analyses for sprout number and height. Results indicate that survival improved with increasing age and was greatest in early and late growing season burns among burn treatments and improved even more with clip treatments. Sprout production following treatments was greatest with the late growing season burn across years and was affected by the maximum burn temperature and mean burn temperature covariates at different seedling ages. Height growth following treatments was greatest with the late growing season burn or clip treatment across years. The burn duration covariate affected seedling height in two-year-old seedlings. Taller seedlings post treatment tended to produce fewer sprouts. These results indicate that late growing season burns may be best to promote the greatest survival rates and sprout growth in the species

    Perceptions of Seventh- and Eighth-Grade Girls toward Coeducational Physical Education Classes in Five Middle Schools in East Tennessee.

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the participation, perceptions, and preferences of seventh- and eighth-grade girls in coeducational and gender-separated physical education classes in five schools in East Tennessee. The participants in this study were seventh- and eighth-grade girls attending public schools in two East Tennessee counties. Participants completed a questionnaire pertaining to their physical education classes. Although 465 students were invited to participate in this study, only 241 students returned the permission form. This resulted in a 50% response rate. The findings were descriptive in nature, although basic analyses were calculated to identify any relationships among the different variables. The literature review examined adolescents\u27 activity patterns, adolescents\u27 self-esteem, gender equity issues, coeducational physical education versus same-gender physical education, and physical educators and their roles. The study revealed that most seventh- and eighth-grade girls dressed out for physical education and participated in coeducational physical education classes. A majority of the seventh- and eighth-grade girls preferred having a female physical education teacher. Seventh- and eighth-grade girls\u27 participation rates did not decrease in a coeducational class setting. There was not a significant relationship between the gender of the physical education teacher and seventh- and eighth-grade girls\u27 participation in physical education activities. Seventh- and eighth-grade girls agreed their physical education teachers were fun, fair, and easy to talk to. Seventh- and eighth-grade girls also agreed that their physical education teachers explained things well and motivated them to do their best. Having boys in physical education classes was not a major factor for girls in dressing out for physical education classes or in their participation rates

    A Study of the Library Use Practices of High School Students in Three East Tennessee Counties.

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    The purpose of the study was to examine how and why high school students use the library and its resources. It examined how teachers influence students\u27 use of library resources. The participants were 11th-grade students attending public high schools in 3 east Tennessee counties. Participants completed a survey based on library use. Although 350 students were invited to participate in the study, only 130 returned the permission slip, resulting in a 37% response rate. Eleven respondents were asked to participate in a short interview to supplement and add qualitative clarification to the findings. The findings were descriptive in nature, although basic analyses were calculated to identify any relationships between the different variables. A literature review examined the historical development of the library, the purpose of the library, challenges to the role of the library, research in the library science field, influences on library use, library use and academic achievement, studies of library users and nonusers, and lifestyle variables relating to library use. The study\u27s identification of library use patterns and high school students\u27 attitudes about their use of the library could assist librarians in making long range plans for their libraries. These plans could include the identification of materials to purchase, areas in which students need assistance in completing projects, or recreational materials to read. Ultimately, the findings could assist librarians in the development of cooperative programs between school and public libraries to reduce the overlapping of information while increasing student use of the library. The study found most students visited the library at an early age with their mothers, although not on a regular basis. They were more likely to visit the school library than the public library; the primary reason being to locate information to complete school assignments. Parents and English teachers were the most influential in encouraging library use, although teachers had more influence on female students than male students. Female students also visited the library on a more frequent basis

    Shortleaf Pine-Hardwood Mixture Establishment and Release in Two Physiographic Regions of Tennessee

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    Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata Mill.)-hardwood forest types have been declining in area across shortleaf pine’s native range for at least forty years. Interest in restoring this forest type has increased in recent years, yet knowledge on restoration of mixed shortleaf pine-hardwood forests is limited. The objectives of this study were to investigate five site preparation or release treatments at two sites using different silvicultural systems and their effects on artificially regenerated shortleaf pine (due to the lack of a seed source) and naturally regenerated woody species. The first study investigated establishment and development of even-aged, mixed shortleaf pine-hardwood forests on the Highland Rim physiographic province of Tennessee, whereas the second study investigated establishment and development of two-aged mixed shortleaf pine-hardwood forests after a partial harvest in the Cumberland Mountains physiographic province of Tennessee. At the Highland Rim Site, shortleaf pine was planted at two wide spacings (12x12 and 18x18 ft.) to allow natural regeneration development among the planted pines. Treatments tested included: herbicide and burn (brown-and-burn), burn, herbicide, strip-burn, and a control. Three years after study establishment, statistical differences among treatments occurred for shortleaf pine survival, basal diameter, and height. Survival was greatest in the herbicide treatment and height and basal diameter growth were greatest in the brown-and-burn treatment. Natural regeneration stem densities reflected the intensity of the treatment, and no differences in height were detected. Invasive species such as privet and callery pear were prevalent in most treatments. At the Cumberland Mountains site, shortleaf pine was planted in clusters within canopy gaps at narrow spacings. Treatments investigated at this site included: brown-and-burn, burn, herbicide, scarification, and a control. Two years after planting, no treatment differences were observed for shortleaf pine survival or basal diameter growth, yet seedlings in the scarification treatment were significantly taller than those in the other treatments. Statistical differences for natural regeneration stem densities among treatments were found for cluster interiors, yet not for cluster exteriors. Woody shrubs were prevalent in the regeneration with a minor component of desirable oak species. Both management scenarios offer promise for reintroducing shortleaf pine as a component of mixed stands

    Presencia de la documentación parlamentaria en las páginas web españolas

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    Se aborda el tema de la presencia de las publicaciones oficiales de las Cortes Generales en las páginas web de nuestro país desde dos ángulos diferentes. En primer lugar, se describe y valora su aparición en las páginas web del Congreso y el Senado, lo que permite determinar las principales características desde el lado de la «oferta». Considerando este contexto, el análisis se complementa, en segundo lugar, con una visión empírica externa centrada en la presencia de dicha documentación en otras páginas diferentes, con lo que se calibra la importancia y el peso específico que tiene en Internet y, por tanto, su «demanda» o recepción social.Se aborda el tema de la presencia de las publicaciones oficiales de las Cortes Generales en las páginas web de nuestro país desde dos ángulos diferentes. En primer lugar, se describe y valora su aparición en las páginas web del Congreso y el Senado, lo que permite determinar las principales características desde el lado de la «oferta». Considerando este contexto, el análisis se complementa, en segundo lugar, con una visión empírica externa centrada en la presencia de dicha documentación en otras páginas diferentes, con lo que se calibra la importancia y el peso específico que tiene en Internet y, por tanto, su «demanda» o recepción social

    Diagnostics for specific PAHs in the far-IR: searching neutral naphthalene and anthracene in the Red Rectangle

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    Context. In the framework of the interstellar polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) hypothesis, far-IR skeletal bands are expected to be a fingerprint of single species in this class. Aims. We address the question of detectability of low energy PAH vibrational bands, with respect to spectral contrast and intensity ratio with ``classical'' Aromatic Infrared Bands (AIBs). Methods. We extend our extablished Monte-Carlo model of the photophysics of specific PAHs in astronomical environments, to include rotational and anharmonic band structure. The required molecular parameters were calculated in the framework of the Density Functional Theory. Results. We calculate the detailed spectral profiles of three low-energy vibrational bands of neutral naphthalene, and four low-energy vibrational bands of neutral anthracene. They are used to establish detectability constraints based on intensity ratios with ``classical'' AIBs. A general procedure is suggested to select promising diagnostics, and tested on available Infrared Space Observatory data for the Red Rectangle nebula. Conclusions. The search for single, specific PAHs in the far-IR is a challenging, but promising task, especially in view of the forthcoming launch of the Herschel Space Observatory.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&