38 research outputs found

    Race/Class/Language: 'El Negro' Speaks Cuban Whiteness in the Teatro Bufo

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    This essay focuses on the intersections between race, class, and language – hierarchical conceptions of "proper," yet "authentic," Cuban speech – in representations of pseudo-intellectual Afro-Cubans in 19th-Century Cuban blackface theatre. The analysis of three key figures that emerge in the theatrical genres of the day (the negro bozal and two different versions of the negro catedrático) indicates that each one is part of the simultaneous appropriation and rejection of the Afro-Cuban, as well as the intertwined presence of the Cuban intellectual and the linguistic and cultural authority for which he (she) stands. Thus, whites carry out self-definition through the representation of blacks speaking different conceptions of "improper" language. The desired white, yet creole, Cuban identity is always intertwined with the Afro-Cuban, as well as with definitions of what constitutes "true" or "proper" Cuban language. (CC

    Transcriptional organization and regulation of the Pseudomonas putida K1 type VI secretion system gene cluster

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    The type VI secretion system (T6SS) is an antimicrobial molecular weapon that is widespread in Proteobacteria and offers competitive advantages to T6SS-positive micro-organisms. Three T6SSs have recently been described in Pseudomonas putida KT2440 and it has been shown that one, K1-T6SS, is used to outcompete a wide range of phytopathogens, protecting plants from pathogen infections. Given the relevance of this system as a powerful and innovative mechanism of biological control, it is critical to understand the processes that govern its expression. Here, we experimentally defined two transcriptional units in the K1-T6SS cluster. One encodes the structural components of the system and is transcribed from two adjacent promoters. The other encodes two hypothetical proteins, the tip of the system and the associated adapters, and effectors and cognate immunity proteins, and it is also transcribed from two adjacent promoters. The four identified promoters contain the typical features of σ70-dependent promoters. We have studied the expression of the system under different conditions and in a number of mutants lacking global regulators. P. putida K1-T6SS expression is induced in the stationary phase, but its transcription does not depend on the stationary σ factor RpoS. In fact, the expression of the system is indirectly repressed by RpoS. Furthermore, it is also repressed by RpoN and the transcriptional regulator FleQ, an enhancer-binding protein typically acting in conjunction with RpoN. Importantly, expression of the K1-T6SS gene cluster is positively regulated by the GacS–GacA two-component regulatory system (TCS) and repressed by the RetS sensor kinase, which inhibits this TCS. Our findings identified a complex regulatory network that governs T6SS expression in general and P. putida K1-T6SS in particular, with implications for controlling and manipulating a bacterial agent that is highly relevant in biological control

    Designing bioactive porous titanium interfaces to balance mechanical properties and in vitro cells behavior towards increased osseointegration

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    Titanium implant failures are mainly related to stress shielding phenomenon and the poor cell interaction with host bone tissue. The development of bioactive and biomimetic Ti scaffolds for bone regeneration remains a challenge which needs the design of Ti implants with enhanced osseointegration. In this context, 4 types of titanium samples were fabricated using conventional powder metallurgy, fully dense, dense etched, porous Ti, and porous etched Ti. Porous samples were manufactured by space holder technique, using ammonium bicarbonate particles as spacer in three different ranges of particle size (100–200 μm, 250–355 μm and 355–500 μm). Substrates were chemically etched by immersion in fluorhydric acid at different times (125 and 625 s) and subsequently, were characterized from a micro-structural, topographical and mechanical point of view. Etched surfaces showed an additional roughness preferentially located inside pores. In vitro tests showed that all substrates were biocompatible (80% of cell viability), confirming cell adhesion of premioblastic cells. Similarly, osteoblast showed similar cell proliferation rates at 4 days, however, higher cell metabolic activity was observed in fully dense and dense etched surfaces at 7 days. In contrast, a significant increase of alkaline phosphatase enzyme expression was observed in porous and porous etched samples compared to control surfaces (dense and dense etched), noticing the suitable surface modification parameters (porosity and roughness) to improve cell differentiation. Furthermore, the presence of pores and rough surfaces of porous Ti substrates remarkably decreased macrophage activation reducing the M1 phenotype polarization as well M1 cell marker expression. Thus, a successful surface modification of porous Ti scaffolds has been performed towards a reduction on stress shielding phenomenon and enhancement of bone osseointegration, achieving a biomechanical and biofunctional equilibrium.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain grant MAT2015-71284-PJunta de Andalucía – FEDER (Spain) Project Ref. P12-TEP-140

    Balancing porosity and mechanical properties of titanium samples to favor cellular growth against bacteria

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    Two main problems limit the success of titanium implants: bacterial infection, which restricts their osseointegration capacity; and the stiffness mismatch between the implant and the host cortical bone, which promotes bone resorption and risk of fracture. Porosity incorporation may reduce this difference in stiffness but compromise biomechanical behavior. In this work, the relationship between the microstructure (content, size, and shape of pores) and the antibacterial and cellular behavior of samples fabricated by the space-holder technique (50 vol % NH4HCO3 and three ranges of particle sizes) is established. Results are discussed in terms of the best biomechanical properties and biofunctional activity balance (cell biocompatibility and antibacterial behavior). All substrates achieved suitable cell biocompatibility of premioblast and osteoblast in adhesion and proliferation processes. It is worth to highlighting that samples fabricated with the 100–200 μm space-holder present better mechanical behavior—in terms of stiffness, microhardness, and yield strength—which make them a very suitable material to replace cortical bone tissues. Those results exposed the relationship between the surface properties and the race of bacteria and mammalian cells for the surface with the aim to promote cellular growth over bacteria.University of Seville (Spain) VI Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia—US 2018, I.3A

    Porous Titanium surfaces to control bacteria growth: mechanical properties and sulfonated polyetheretherketone coating as antibiofounling approaches

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    Here, titanium porous substrates were fabricated by a space holder technique. The relationship between microstructural characteristics (pore equivalent diameter, mean free-path between pores, roughness and contact surface), mechanical properties (Young’s modulus, yield strength and dynamic micro-hardness) and bacterial behavior are discussed. The bacterial strains evaluated are often found on dental implants: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The colony-forming units increased with the size of the spacer for both types of studied strains. An antibiofouling synthetic coating based on a sulfonated polyetheretherketone polymer revealed an effective chemical surface modification for inhibiting MRSA adhesion and growth. These findings collectively suggest that porous titanium implants designed with a pore size of 100–200 µm can be considered most suitable, assuring the best biomechanical and bifunctional anti-bacterial properties.University of Seville VI Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia—US 2018, I.3A

    Vestibular rehabilitation with Dynamic posturography

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    [ES] La rehabilitación vestibular es fundamental en el tratamiento de la inestabilidad actuando sobre la compensación se mejora el equilibrio y la calidad de vida del paciente. En este artículo, nos centraremos en la utilidad y en los aspectos practicos de la posturografía dinámica computarizada en el diseño de un programa de rehabilitación vestibula

    Oral manifestations of syphilis. Clinical Case

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    Introduction: Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. Oral manifestations of syphilis are not frequent but may occur in all stages simulating other diseases, delaying diagnosis and treatment. We describe the case of a patient with oral lesions as a manifestation of secondary syphilis. Discussion: oral manifestations of syphilis may mimic other more common oral mucosa lesions, going undiagnosed and with no proper treatment. Although oral lesions may manifest at all stages, are mainly associated with secondary syphilis. The diagnosis is usually made through serologic tests, however that suspicion needs to be maintained by the clinical and histologic findings. Conclusion: Given the increasing incidence of syphilis, it remains a public health problem worldwide and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of oral lesions in sexually active patients.Introducción: La sífilis es una enfermedad de transmisión sexual causada por la bacteria Treponema pallidum. Las manifestaciones orales de la sífilis no son frecuentes, pero pueden presentarse en todos sus estadios simulando otras enfermedades, retrasando el diagnóstico y tratamiento. Describimos el caso de un paciente con lesiones orales como manifestación de una sífilis secundaria. Discusión: las manifestaciones orales de la sífilis pueden simular otras lesiones orales más comunes, lo que dificulta y retrasa el diagnóstico y tratamiento correcto. Aunque las lesiones orales pueden manifestarse en todas las etapas se asocian principalmente con la sífilis secundaria. El diagnóstico definitivo se realiza generalmente mediante los tests serológicos, sin embargo, se precisa la sospecha clínica e histológica. Conclusión: Dada la creciente incidencia de la sífilis, representa un problema de salud pública y debe tenerse en cuenta en el diagnóstico diferencial de las lesiones orales en los pacientes sexualmente activos

    In Vitro Bone Cell Behavior on Porous Titanium Samples: Influence of Porosity by Loose Sintering and Space Holder Techniques

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    A great variety of powder metallurgy techniques can produce biomimetic porous titanium structures with similar mechanical properties to host bone tissue. In this work, loose sintering and space holder techniques, two frequently used metallurgical techniques, are compared to evaluate the influences of porosity (content, size, morphology and wall roughness), mechanical properties (stiffness and yield strength) and in-vitro cellular responses (adhesion and proliferation of myoblasts and osteoblasts). These comparisons are made to achieve the best balance between biomechanical and bifunctional behavior of a partial porous implant for cortical bone replacement. Cell adhesion (filopodia presence) and spreading were promoted on both porous surfaces and fully dense substrates (non-porous control surfaces). Porous scaffold samples designed using 50 vol.% NaCl space holder technique had an improved bioactive response over those obtained with the loose sintering technique due to higher roughness and scaffold pore diameter. However, the presence of large and heterogeneous pores compromises the mechanical reliability of the implant. Considering both scenarios, the substrates obtained with 40 vol.% NH4HCO3 and pore size ranges between 100 and 200 μm provide a balanced optimization of size and strength to promote in-vitro osseointegration.FEDER US-1259771University Complutense of Madrid (UCM) C2C12-GFPJunta de Andalucía US-125977

    The Activity of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa Virulence Regulator σVreI Is Modulated by the Anti-σ Factor VreR and the Transcription Factor PhoB

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    Gene regulation in bacteria is primarily controlled at the level of transcription initiation by modifying the affinity of the RNA polymerase (RNAP) for the promoter. This control often occurs through the substitution of the RNAP sigma (σ) subunit. Next to the primary σ factor, most bacteria contain a variable number of alternative σ factors of which the extracytoplasmic function group (σECF) is predominant. Pseudomonas aeruginosa contains nineteen σECF, including the virulence regulator σVreI. σVreI is encoded by the vreAIR operon, which also encodes a receptor-like protein (VreA) and an anti-σ factor (VreR). These three proteins form a signal transduction pathway known as PUMA3, which controls expression of P. aeruginosa virulence functions. Expression of the vreAIR operon occurs under inorganic phosphate (Pi) limitation and requires the PhoB transcription factor. Intriguingly, the genes of the σVreI regulon are also expressed in low Pi despite the fact that the σVreI repressor, the anti-σ factor VreR, is also produced in this condition. Here we show that although σVreI is partially active under Pi starvation, maximal transcription of the σVreI regulon genes requires the removal of VreR. This strongly suggests that an extra signal, probably host-derived, is required in vivo for full σVreI activation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the activity of σVreI is modulated not only by VreR but also by the transcription factor PhoB. Presence of this regulator is an absolute requirement for σVreI to complex the DNA and initiate transcription of the PUMA3 regulon. The potential DNA binding sites of these two proteins, which include a pho box and −10 and −35 elements, are proposed.This work has been supported by the EU Seventh Framework Programme through a Marie Curie CIG grant (3038130), and the Spanish Ministry of Economy with grants inside the Ramón&Cajal (RYC2011-08874 to ML) and the Plan Nacional for I+D+i (SAF2012-31919 and SAF2015-68873-P) programs.USD 2212,20 APC fee funded by the EC FP7 Post-Grant Open Access PilotPeer reviewe

    Neck cystic lymphangioma in an adult

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    [ES] Los linfangiomas o higromas quísticos son tumores benignos e infrecuentes de la infancia con excepcional aparición en la edad adulta. Se localizan de forma preferente a nivel cervicofacial. Se clasifican como tumores vasculares con origen en el sistema linfático. El tratamiento de elección es la cirugía o la escleroterapia, según los casos. Presentamos el caso de un linfangioma cervical en adulto que recibió tratamiento quirúrgico en nuestro servicio. [EN] Lymphangiomas or cystic hygromas are benign and infrequent in childhood with exceptional occurrence in adulthood. Preferentially located at cervicofacial. They are classified as vascular tumors arising in the lymphatic system. The treatment of choice is surgery or sclerotherapy. We report the case of a cervical lymphangioma in adults who received surgical treatment in our department