1,490 research outputs found

    Graded Hecke algebras for disconnected reductive groups

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    We introduce graded Hecke algebras H based on a (possibly disconnected) complex reductive group G and a cuspidal local system L on a unipotent orbit of a Levi subgroup M of G. These generalize the graded Hecke algebras defined and investigated by Lusztig for connected G. We develop the representation theory of the algebras H. obtaining complete and canonical parametrizations of the irreducible, the irreducible tempered and the discrete series representations. All the modules are constructed in terms of perverse sheaves and equivariant homology, relying on work of Lusztig. The parameters come directly from the data (G,M,L) and they are closely related to Langlands parameters. Our main motivation for considering these graded Hecke algebras is that the space of irreducible H-representations is canonically in bijection with a certain set of "logarithms" of enhanced L-parameters. Therefore we expect these algebras to play a role in the local Langlands program. We will make their relation with the local Langlands correspondence, which goes via affine Hecke algebras, precise in a sequel to this paper.Comment: Theorem 3.4 and Proposition 3.22 in version 1 were not entirely correct as stated. This is repaired in a new appendi

    Temperature dependence of electrical properties of electrodeposited Ni-based nanowires

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    The influence of annealing on the microstructure and the electrical properties of cylindrical nickel-based nanowires has been investigated. Nanowires of nickel of nominally 200 nm diameter and of permalloy (Py) of nominally 70 nm were fabricated by electrochemical deposition into nanoporous templates of polycarbonate and anodic alumina, respectively. Characterization was carried out on as-grown nanowires and nanowires heat treated at 650°C. Transmission electron microscopy and diffraction imaging of as-grown and annealed nanowires showed temperature-correlated grain growth of an initially nano-crystalline structure with ≤8 nm (Ni) and ≤20 nm (Py) grains towards coarser poly-crystallinity with grain sizes up to about 160 nm (Ni) and 70 nm (Py), latter being limited by the nanowire width. The electrical conductivity of individual as-grown and annealed Ni nanowires was measured in situ within a scanning electron microscope environment. At low current densities, the conductivity of annealed nanowires was estimated to have risen by a factor of about two over as-grown nanowires. We attribute this increase, at least in part, to the observed grain growth. The annealed nanowire was subsequently subjected to increasing current densities. Above 120 kA mm -2 the nanowire resistance started to rise. At 450 kA mm -2 the nanowire melted and current flow ceased

    Mouse Panx1 Is Dispensable for Hearing Acquisition and Auditory Function

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    Panx1 forms plasma membrane channels in brain and several other organs, including the inner ear. Biophysical properties, activation mechanisms and modulators of Panx1 channels have been characterized in detail, however the impact of Panx1 on auditory function is unclear due to conflicts in published results. To address this issue, hearing performance and cochlear function of the Panx1−/− mouse strain, the first with a reported global ablation of Panx1, were scrutinized. Male and female homozygous (Panx1−/−), hemizygous (Panx1+/−) and their wild type (WT) siblings (Panx1+/+) were used for this study. Successful ablation of Panx1 was confirmed by RT-PCR and Western immunoblotting in the cochlea and brain of Panx1−/− mice. Furthermore, a previously validated Panx1-selective antibody revealed strong immunoreactivity in WT but not in Panx1−/− cochleae. Hearing sensitivity, outer hair cell-based “cochlear amplifier” and cochlear nerve function, analyzed by auditory brainstem response (ABR) and distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) recordings, were normal in Panx1+/− and Panx1−/− mice. In addition, we determined that global deletion of Panx1 impacts neither on connexin expression, nor on gap-junction coupling in the developing organ of Corti. Finally, spontaneous intercellular Ca2+ signal (ICS) activity in organotypic cochlear cultures, which is key to postnatal development of the organ of Corti and essential for hearing acquisition, was not affected by Panx1 ablation. Therefore, our results provide strong evidence that, in mice, Panx1 is dispensable for hearing acquisition and auditory function

    Rare location of a colloid cyst: Case presentation

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    Not only pituitary adenomas, but also a number of tumors may arise from within the sella presenting a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge at a multidisciplinary specialist level. This article presents a case of a colloid cyst located in sellar region, with overlapping symptoms of a nonfunctioning pituitary adenoma

    On the elliptic nonabelian Fourier transform for unipotent representations of p-adic groups

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    In this paper, we consider the relation between two nonabelian Fourier transforms. The first one is defined in terms of the Langlands-Kazhdan-Lusztig parameters for unipotent elliptic representations of a split p-adic group and the second is defined in terms of the pseudocoefficients of these representations and Lusztig's nonabelian Fourier transform for characters of finite groups of Lie type. We exemplify this relation in the case of the p-adic group of type G_2.Comment: 17 pages; v2: several minor corrections, references added; v3: corrections in the table with unipotent discrete series of G

    Dirac cohomology, elliptic representations and endoscopy

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    The first part (Sections 1-6) of this paper is a survey of some of the recent developments in the theory of Dirac cohomology, especially the relationship of Dirac cohomology with (g,K)-cohomology and nilpotent Lie algebra cohomology; the second part (Sections 7-12) is devoted to understanding the unitary elliptic representations and endoscopic transfer by using the techniques in Dirac cohomology. A few problems and conjectures are proposed for further investigations.Comment: This paper will appear in `Representations of Reductive Groups, in Honor of 60th Birthday of David Vogan', edited by M. Nervins and P. Trapa, published by Springe

    Eficacitatea tratamentului fizioterapeutic cu Amplipuls în litiaza ureterală joasă

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    Summary Contemporary treatment of urolithiasis combines different approaches to the destruction/elimination of the urinary stones. There are a limited number of researches dedicated to the application of physical factors in the treatment of urinary lithiasis i. e. renal colic (Gorovits, 1969, Kubarikov, 1993). The ,,Amplipuls’’ therapy in pelvic ureteral stones, has a greater efficiency than conventional methods, a fact that was demonstrated in this study. Introducere. În managementul contemporan al urolitiazei sunt îmbinate diverse metode de tratament (conservator convenţional, ESWL, NLP, litotriţie intracorporală, chirurgia deschisă). Un număr neînsemnat de cercetări este dedicat problemei utilizării metodelor fizioterapeutice în tratamentul urolitiazei şi anume a colicii renale (Gorovits, 1969; Kubarikov, 1993). La momentul actual este reactualizată problema de aplicare a metodelor alternative în asociere cu cele convenţionale în tratamentul colicii renale (Davenport, 2005). Scopul lucrării. Analiza eficacitatii metodei fizioterapeutice de curent diadinamic “Amplipuls” în tratamentul litiazei ureterale joase. Material si metodă. Studiul a fost realizat retrospectiv pe un lot de 1215 de bolnavi cu calculi ureterali pelvini, trataţi în Clinica de Urologie a CNŞPMU, în perioada anilor 2002-2005. Dimensiunile calculului a variat de la 0,3 la 0,7 cm. Din lotul general de pacienţi, în lotul A (746 pacienţi) a fost administrat tratament conservator medicamentos (spasmolitice, antalgice, antiinflamatorii nesteroidiene) şi fizioterapie cu Amplipuls, iar în lotul B (469 pacienţi) numai tratament medicamentos. S-a urmărit în ambele loturi durata de eliminare a calculului în corelaţie cu dimensiunile lui. În studiu nu au fost incluşi pacienţii care au urmat metode miniminvazive de tratament (ESWL sau metode endoscopice). Rezultate. Toţi pacienţii au eliminat spontan calculul. În lotul A de pacienţi s-a determinat eliminarea calculului ureteral de dimesiuni 0,3-0,4 cm în 1,4 zile şi de dimensiuni 0,5-0,7 cm în 4,3 zile. În lotul B pacienţii au eliminat calculul de 0,3-0,4 cm în 2,5 zile şi cel de 0,5-0,7 cm în 5,8 zile, respectiv. Concluzie. Tratamentul fizioterapeutic cu Amplipuls în litiază ureterală joasă duce la eliminarea mai rapidă a concrementilor: de 1,8 ori pentru calculi cu diametrul mediu 0,3 - 0,4 cm şi de 1,3 ori pentru calculi cu diametrul mediu 0,5-0,7 cm