228 research outputs found


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    In recent years, botanicals have gained importance due to their dermal photoprotective effect against the harmful UV radiation. This radiation generates reactive oxygen species which attack proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids among others. This leads to the cellular oxidation, which is reflected as tanning, skin inflammation, erythema, immunosuppression, photoaging and skin cancer. The photoprotective activity of synthetic sunscreens is unsatisfactory due the proved incomplete spectral protection, toxicity, and allergenicity. The phytotherapy treatment with antioxidant compounds with potential UV absorbing capacity could offer a more effective photoprotection since they may impede, reverse or delay the process of formation of DNA adducts. The wide diversity of botanicals with photoprotective activity is attributed to several types of substances with phenolic chromophores. These compounds can be classified as flavonoids, phytoestrogens, carotenoids, xhantophylls, coumarins, proanthocyanidins, anthocyanins, catechins, phenolic acids, triterpenes, alkaloids, etc. The bioactivity of these compounds is not limited to the photoprotective action, but antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic and immunomodulatory properties. The regular intake of these botanicals not only prevents but also delays the deleterious effects of sun radiation onto the skin. Therefore, these botanicals have gained considerable attention and are now included in most vitamin and cosmetic products. This review gives an overview of photoprotective botanicals mainly focused on UVA chromophores that are able to inhibit or reverse the damaging effects of sun radiation. The search criterion was made essentially on UVA photoprotective botanicals and related works published in the last ten years. The literature search included mainly the Google scholar, Science direct, and ISI web of knowledge databases.Keywords: Ultraviolet radiation, Photoprotective botanicals, Antioxidants, Phytotherapy

    Coenzyme q10 microparticles formation with supercritical carbon dioxide

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    Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant used on cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and cancer diseases. Its hydrophobic nature do limit its applications, because human body absorbs it with dfculty, that is why it was proposed to increase its bioavailability by diminishing the particle size using supercritical carbon dioxide. It was determined experimentally the phase behavior of the coenzyme in a supercritical system. The equilibrium data and a factorial 2k experimental design were utilized to find how the shape and size of the microparticles are affected by temperature, coQ10 concentration and nozzle diameter. Microparticles were characterized using infrared spectrometry and chromatography. For verify the fundamental chemical structure, the size and the shape of the microparticles was used scanning electronic microscopy. It was found a significant decrease in particle size and a modification of physical structure. The antioxidant power of coQ10 after micronization was measured, showing an increase of this property. Finally, in order to evaluate the bioavailability, the kinetic of solubility was determined in ethanol, having a substantial increase on solubilization speed of micronized coQ10 compared with the commercial one

    Parque Dom Pedro II: an antithesis of public open space in the São Paulo Metropolis

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    Este artigo apresenta uma discussão referente aos espaços livres, conceituando-os brevemente e abordando questões concernentes a suas transformações morfológicas ao longo dos anos. Elementos fundamentais na organização da forma urbana e lócus da vida cotidiana nas cidades, os espaços livres não são tidos como prioritários, seja por agentes públicos ou privados. Adota-se como estudo de caso o Parque Dom Pedro II, espaço livre público que sempre esteve presente nas discussões referentes ao planejamento urbano paulistano. Por meio de revisão bibliográfica buscou-se analisar as principais intervenções que incidiram sobre esse espaço desde as primeiras melhorias na região anteriormente conhecida como Várzea do Carmo, passando pela implantação do Parque Dom Pedro II e seu desmonte como espaço livre destinado ao lazer e à recreação em prol do discurso da modernidade urbana. A discussão demonstra a desarticulação existente entre as políticas públicas brasileiras e a fragilidade dos espaços livres públicos.This article presents a discussion relating to open spaces, briefly conceptualizing them and approaching questions regarding its morphological transformations over the years. Fundamental elements on the urban form’s organization and locus of daily life in the cities, the opens spaces aren’t seen as a priority by public either private agents. It is adopted as a case study the Dom Pedro II park public open space that has always been present in discussions referred to São Paulo urban planning. Throughout the bibliographic review, it was aimed to analyze the principal interventions that occurred on the site since the first improvements made on the region that is previously known as Várzea do Carmo, going through the implantation of the Dom Pedro II park and its disassembly as an open space destinated to leisure and recreation, due to urban modernity’s speech. This discussion demonstrates the disarticulation that exists between the Brazilian public politics and the fragility of public open spaces

    Soil phosphorus dynamics as affected by Congo grass and P fertilizer

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    Some plant species can change soil phosphorus (P) availability and this may be an important tool in managing tropical high fixing phosphorus soils. An experiment was conducted to evaluate phosphorus transformations in the soil and phosphatase activity during periods of Congo grass (Brachiaria ruziziensis, Germain et Evrard) growth in two tropical soils receiving 20, 40, 80, 160 mg dm-3 of inorganic P. Plants were grown for 84 days in 8-L pots. Acid phosphatase activity, P in the microbial mass, soil organic and inorganic P and P accumulation by Congo grass were evaluated. Phosphorus fertilization increased soil P availability, Congo grass yields and P accumulation in the plant. On average, less labile P forms in the soil were not changed by Congo grass; however, the P in the soil extracted with HCl (P-Ca - non labil form) decreased. This decrease may have resulted from the combination of the presence of grass and phosphatase capacity to dissolve less available P in the soil. Thus, soil exploration by Congo grass roots and the subsequent extraction of calcium phosphate may have increased the P concentration in the plant tissue. Despite the decrease in the P extracted from the soil with HCl resulting in increased labile P forms in the soil, the effect of Congo grass on the availability of P depends on the soil type

    Servicio profesional de carrera en México, análisis de la implementación de políticas públicas en la Dirección General del Registro Nacional de Población e Identificación Personal

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se divide en 3 capítulos. El primero de ellos denominado “Administración Pública y Servicio Civil de Carrera”, define los principales conceptos que rodean al Servicio Civil de Carrera, así como las ventajas y desventajas del mismo. Como segundo capítulo, denominado “Origen y Desarrollo de las propuestas para instaurar un Servicio Civil de Carrera en México”, aborda los primeros intentos de instauración de un Servicio Civil de Carrera en el Gobierno, iniciando en el virreinato, la independencia y la revolución, hasta la implementación del Servicio Profesional de Carrera en la actualidad. Por último, el tercer capítulo, denominado “Implementación del Servicio Profesional de Carrera en la Administración Pública Federal; caso de la Dirección General del Registro Nacional de Población e Identificación Personal de la Secretaría de Gobernación”, muestra los resultados obtenidos de la implementación de tan importante política pública a nivel federal del 2000 al 2018, así como la aplicación de un cuestionario a servidores públicos de carrera en la Dirección General del Registro Nacional de Población e Identificación Personal de la Secretaría de Gobernación

    Open-Access Geographic Sources And Data For The Study And Management Of Natural Resources

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    The objective of this systematic review is to describe and analyze open geographic data provided by governmental sources in order to provide an overview of open geographic sources and data for the study and management of natural resources in Peru. For this purpose, the web was explored and scientific articles were reviewed, finding a huge cartographic archive offered by the Peruvian State. On the one hand, public institutions put their respective geoportals into operation, and on the other hand, the launching into space of the PeruSAT-1 satellite. This increased the supply of official geospatial information in the last five years. In addition, geotechnical data was found in raw and processed form from global initiatives. All of this documentary collection is available to the public in an open, free and free form in cyberspace, which can be used in the study of the use, restoration, conservation and valuation of ecosystems and other elements of the environment

    Proteins of \u3ci\u3eBartonella bacilliformis\u3c/i\u3e:Candidates for Vaccine Development

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    Bartonella bacilliformis is the etiologic agent of Carrion\u27s disease suggest complex adaptations by the bacterium to the human host, with the overall objectives of persistence, maintenance of a reservoir state for vectorial transmission, and immune evasion. These events include a multitude of biochemical and genetic mechanisms involving both bacterial and host proteins. This review focuses on proteins involved in interactions between B. bacilliformis and human host. Some of them (e.g., flagellin, Brps, IalB, FtsZ, Hbp/Pap31, and other outer membrane proteins) are potential protein antigen candidates for a synthetic vaccine

    Proteins of Bartonella bacilliformis: Candidates for Vaccine Development

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    Bartonella bacilliformis is the etiologic agent of Carrion's disease or Oroya fever. B. bacilliformis infection represents an interesting model of human host specificity. The notable differences in clinical presentations of Carrion's disease suggest complex adaptations by the bacterium to the human host, with the overall objectives of persistence, maintenance of a reservoir state for vectorial transmission, and immune evasion. These events include a multitude of biochemical and genetic mechanisms involving both bacterial and host proteins. This review focuses on proteins involved in interactions between B. bacilliformis and the human host. Some of them (e.g., flagellin, Brps, IalB, FtsZ, Hbp/Pap31, and other outer membrane proteins) are potential protein antigen candidates for a synthetic vaccine

    Sensibilidade de cultivares de algodoeiro ao cloreto de mepiquat

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    The objective of this work was to assess the sensibility of cotton cultivars to mepiquat chloride and to verify if it is related to plant cycle or architecture. A green-house experiment was carried out with six cotton cultivars – FiberMax 966, FiberMax 977, Delta Penta, Delta Opal, FMT 501 e FMT 701 –, and four concentrations of mepiquat chloride plant growth regulator – 0, 7,5, 15 and 22,5 g ha-1 of the active ingredient – in complete block design with a 6x4 factorial arrangement and four replicates. The plots consisted of 12 L pots with two plants per pot. Regulator doses were applied without adjuvants at the beginning of flowering, 34 days after emergence of seedlings. Besides the experiment with doses, the regulator deposition on leaves of each cultivar was quantified. The growth regulator reduces the growth of cotton plants, and this effect is intensified by increasing the dosage. There are differences among cotton cultivars regarding their sensibility to mepiquat chloride, with the earliest cultivars being the most sensitive. Besides differential sensibility, cultivar architecture can provide greater or lesser regulator deposition on leaves.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a sensibilidade de cultivares de algodoeiro ao cloreto de mepiquat e verificar se ela está relacionada ao ciclo ou à arquitetura da planta. Foi realizado um experimento em casa de vegetação com seis cultivares de algodoeiro – FiberMax 966, FiberMax 977, Delta Penta, Delta Opal, FMT 501 e FMT 701 – e quatro doses do regulador vegetal à base de cloreto de mepiquat – 0, 7,5, 15 e 22,5 g ha-1 de i.a. –, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com arranjo fatorial 6x4 e quatro repetições. As parcelas experimentais foram constituídas por vasos de 12 L com duas plantas em cada um. As doses do regulador vegetal foram aplicadas sem adjuvante, no estádio de aparecimento dos botões florais, aos 34 dias após a emergência das plântulas. Paralelamente ao experimento com doses, a retenção do regulador pelas folhas das cultivares foi quantificada. O crescimento em altura das plantas de algodoeiro é diminuído com a aplicação do regulador vegetal, e esse efeito se intensifica com o aumento da dosagem aplicada. Existe diferença entre as cultivares estudadas quanto à sensibilidade ao cloreto de mepiquat, sendo que as mais precoces são mais sensíveis. Além da sensibilidade diferenciada, a arquitetura das plantas pode possibilitar maior ou menor deposição do regulador sobre as folhas

    Supercritical Extraction Process of Allspice Essential Oil

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    Se presentan los resultados del proceso de extracción de aceite de pimienta utilizando dióxido de carbono supercríticoAllspice essential oil was extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) in a static process at three different temperatures (308.15, 313.15 and 318.15 K), and four levels of pressure (100, 200, 300 and 360 bar). The amount of oil extracted was measured at intervals of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6h, the most extraction yield reached was of 68.47% at 318.15K, 360 bar and 6h of contact time. In this supercritical extraction process, the distribution coefficient (KD), the mean effective diffusion coefficient (Def), the energy of activation (Ea), the thermodynamic properties (ΔG0, ΔH0 and ΔS0) and the apparent solubility (S) expressed as mass fraction (w/w) were evaluated for the first time. At the equilibrium the experimental apparent solubility data were successfully correlated with the modified Chrastil equation