26 research outputs found

    Improving Picking Productivity by Redesigning Storage Policy Aided by Simulations Tools

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    [ENG] Order picking is defined as the process of clustering and scheduling orders, assigning stock on location to order lines, releasing orders to the floor, picking the articles from storage locations and the disposal of the picked articles. Picking is the most labour- intensive operation in warehouses with manual systems and a very capital-intensive operation in warehouses with automated systems so it is therefore a key process in warehouse design as it has a significant impact on capital and operating costs. Coyle et al. (2003) state that this activity’s contribution could arise a 65% of total operating costs of a common warehouse. According to Malmbor and Al-Tassan (2000), there are three operation rules that influence the order picking system operating performance: storage locations assignment, batching and routing. To implement cost-effective solutions, some ideas have being proposed. One of these ideas is to use ABC analysis in order to cluster items into storage classes, resulting a successful way of both reducing the picking cycle time and maximizing the throughput of the system Manzini et al. (2006). In addition, according to De Koster et al. 2007, there is a potential for improving picking productivity by picking a group or batch of orders in a unique picking tour. This paper presents a case study where order picking process is improved by implementing class-based storage policy. Within-aisle storage and across-aisle storage are also compared employing archival demand information. Once the best storage policy is determined, batching is analyzed. The results are obtained building a Discrete Event simulation model that emulates three different demand scenarios: low, medium and high demand

    Internship diversity & mobility: first experiences on spanish universities

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    Ponència presentada a 10 th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, 7-9 març 2016.After 13 years of Jaume I University (UJI) experience on international mobility programmes (Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus Placements, Socially-oriented internships in impoverished countries), more than 500 university students have benefited from them. The project coordination corresponds to the Careers Services (OIPEP), in consultation with a system of coordinators and tutors. As a result of this coordinated work, the quality of this project has been recognised several times by the Autonomous Organization of European Educational Programmes (AOEEP), bounded up with the Ministry of Education. Furthermore, Jaume I University (UJI) relies on a set of services implied on diversity such as the Support Educational Unity and the Careers Services, both of them linked to Vice-Rector for Students, Employment and Educational Innovation. Especially, the Diversity Attention Programme (DAP, 2015), implemented from the UJI's origination, is a model for the rest of the Spanish universities. As a matter of fact, UJI is nowadays in charge of coordinating the network of Service of Assistance to Disabled People (SADP). The Assistance Diversity Programme (DAP) pretends to give academic support to this university community which requires a specific educational need (SEN) and its teachers. Inside this context of international and diversity internships, we set the present paper, submitting a pioneering experience in Spain. Concretely, between the years 2013 and 2014 through Leonardo's programme (People in the Labour Market) we implemented an international internship with a graduated disabled students, sponsored by the AOEEP. The complexity of this international internship implied the creation of an ad-hoc group with professors and professional workers in the required areas for the good development of this task. The results were important, not only for our university, but for future and similar experiences in other universities

    Physiological changes in retinal layers thicknesses measured with swept source optical coherence tomography

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    Purpose To evaluate the physiological changes related with age of all retinal layers thickness measurements in macular and peripapillary areas in healthy eyes. Methods Wide protocol scan (with a field of view of 12x9 cm) from Triton SS-OCT instrument (Topcon Corporation, Japan) was performed 463 heathy eyes from 463 healthy controls. This protocol allows to measure the thickness of the following layers: Retina, Retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), Ganglion cell layer (GCL +), GCL++ and choroid. In those layers, mean thickness was compared in four groups of ages: Group 1 (71 healthy subjects aged between 20 and 34 years); Group 2 (65 individuals aged 35–49 years), Group 3 (230 healthy controls aged 50–64 years) and Group 4 (97 healthy subjects aged 65–79 years). Results The most significant thinning of all retinal layers occurs particularly in the transition from group 2 to group 3, especially in temporal superior quadrant at RNFL, GCL++ and retinal layers (p=0.001), and temporal superior, temporal inferior, and temporal half in choroid layer (p<0.001). Curiously group 2 when compared with group 1 presents a significant thickening of RNFL in temporal superior quadrant (p = 0.001), inferior (p<0.001) and temporal (p = 0.001) halves, and also in nasal half in choroid layer (p = 0.001). Conclusions Excepting the RNFL, which shows a thickening until the third decade of life, the rest of the layers seem to have a physiological progressive thinning. Copyright

    Marco activo de recursos de innovación docente: Madrid

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    Una guía de espacios e instituciones para actividades educativas complementarias en enseñanza secundaria y Formación Profesional

    Determinación de niveles sericos de anticuerpo anti bordetella pertussis en mujeres embarazadas

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    TUTOR: Msc. Amílcar PérezLa tosferina es una enfermedad respiratoria aguda, sumamente contagiosa, con tasa de ataque elevados entre individuos susceptibles. La Bordetella pertussis sigue siendo una causa de morbi-mortalidad en poblaciones con alta cobertura de vacunación. Así, en la última década se han producido epidemias de tosferina en países que han mantenido altas coberturas vacúnales. Los cambios en la epidemiología de la tosferina nos obligan a replantearnos los esquemas actuales de vacunación contra esta enfermedad, existen diferentes estudios realizados acerca de la eficacia, inmunogenicidad y seguridad de las vacunas contra tosferina en los adolescentes y adultos, la aplicación de las mismas forma parte de las primeras y luego últimas recomendaciones emitidas por el grupo de expertos mundiales de la Iniciativa Global de Pertussis. Así mismo, las guías de vacunación para grupos de riesgo como los adolescentes, adultos, y mujeres embarazadas y en posparto inmediato. El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar la presencia de anticuerpo anti Bordetella pertussis en embarazadas atendidas en la consulta preoperatoria anestésica en la Maternidad del Este. Periodo Septiembre – Noviembre 2012. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de tipo transversal no experimental. La muestra estuvo constituida por 61 mujeres embarazadas que acudieron a la consulta preoperatoria anestésica de la Maternidad del Este, cuyo criterio de inclusión fue embarazo de más de 37 semanas de gestación. Se registró que entre las mujeres con presencia de anticuerpo séricos la edad promedio de 24,0 +/- 12,53, mientras que aquellas que no presentaron anticuerpo registraron una edad promedio de 27,26 +/- 1,37, no encontrándose diferencias entre ambos promedios. Que el 6,56% (4) del total de las embarazadas presentaron anticuerpos para Bordetella pertussis, el 9,83 % que corresponde a seis (6) paciente registraron valores en rango dudoso y el 83,66 (51) se reportó negativo. Del grupo estudiado tanto para las pacientes con reporte de anticuerpos presente como las registradas como negativo tenían un tiempo de inmunización superior a los 10 años. (100%= 61 casos). En todas las embarazadas con presencia de anticuerpo para Bordetella pertussis las concentraciones eran no protectoras (6,56%= 4 casos). Se concluye que la vacuna contra Bordetella pertussis recibida durante la infancia no prevalece en el tiempo, dejando a la mujer embarazada tanto adolescente como adulta desprotegida y por ende a su recién nacido

    Improving user-insurance communication on accident reports

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    This paper presents an easy to use methodology and system for insurance companies targeting at managing traffic accidents reports process. The main objective is to facilitate and accelerate the process of creating and finalizing the necessary accident reports in cases without mortal victims involved. The diverse entities participating in the process from the moment an accident occurs until the related final actions needed are included. Nowadays, this market is limited to the consulting platforms offered by the insurance companies. Copyright 2014 ACM.Sin financiación0.343 SJR (2014) Q1, 95/543 Human-Computer InteractionUE

    Effect of silicon on creep properties of titanium 6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo alloy

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    The alloy Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo is a titanium alloy for elevated temperatures often used in aerospace applications. Minor additions of silicon have proven to improve the creep resistance of this alloy. In this work, three different amounts of silicon (0.015, 0.07 and 0.162 wt% Si) were added to cast Ti-6242 and creep tests were performed at different temperatures and loads. Creep resistance increased significantly with silicon addition by means of silicide precipitation hindering dislocations movement. Silicon rich nanoparticles in the microstructure were detected and their effect on creep resistance was investigated. The instruments used in this study were light optical microscope (LOM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Precipitates larger than 150 nm were found to be located heterogeneously in the microstructure, whereas smaller precipitates, ranging from 20-100 nm were homogeneously spread in the material. All silicides were predominantly situated next to the beta-phase in the alloy, either at the prior-beta grain boundaries or the beta-phase in between the alpha-colonies

    Fotodescomposición de benomilo en solución acuosa

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    Casos prácticos de gestión empresarial

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    Diplomatura en Ciències Empresarials. C24: Informàtica Aplicada a la Gestió de l'Empres