53 research outputs found

    Designing with communities of place: the experience of a DESIS Lab during COVID-19 and beyond

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    Social distancing, lockdown, and the consequent intensification of online interactions brought by Covid-19 are raising new questions for design theory and practices. The lack of physical or face-to-face interactions blocked the design activities developed in public spaces. The article aims to share a DESIS Lab experience to overcome these limitations and continue in a contactless way. Firstly, a literature review introduces the Lab's theoretical and methodological approaches; then, a process started previously to the pandemic outbreak is presented, called My Neighborhood. It happens in a neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro, called Grajaú, with face-to-face activities developed in a public square. Secondly, a new initiative prototyped after the pandemic outbreak is described. Grajaú Collab is an online mapping that identifies micro-businesses and volunteers in the neighborhood. The Lab's theoretical and methodological approaches provided the orientation and adaptability to stay with the local community under the pandemic. My Neighborhood has moved online and generates Grajaú Collab; however, both remain closely referred to the neighborhood's physical space. Online and offline modalities become two complementary sides of the same open-ended learning process and, in the future, the lab team can restart offline and face-to-face participation in the neighborhood as a continuum of the same infrastructuring process

    Maker Networks Fighting Covid-19: Design Guidelines for Redistributed Manufacturing (RDM) Models

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    Maker Networks indicate how society organizes itself to overcome significant challenges, such as the lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) observed during the COVID-19 pandemic. We analyze initiatives that produced PPE for frontline health staff to propose design guidelines for implementing RDM-Maker Networks: networks of people and organizations in the Maker Movement that collaboratively produce goods or services organized in a redistributed manufacturing (RDM) model. This paper has two main results: five Maker Networks in Brazil analyzed in terms of their RDM features and the subsequent design guidelines. We selected cases through several criteria like their location and the type of one of their nodes. Those criteria also represent limitations that further works can address

    DESIS and Covid-19: It’s Time to Hit the Reset Button

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    DESIS-Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability is a network of design-led research labs based in universities around the world created to trigger and support social change towards sustainability. The network started in 2009, in the wave of social innovation that characterized that period: innovations emerging mainly from grassroots initiatives aiming to solve, in a collaborative way, problems that people had to face in mature industrial societies. It is not rhetorical to say that the context we were in when we started, seems a century ago. The tragedy of Covid-19 is, in fact, one of those events that force us to push on the reset button. Where, in this case, “resetting” means the need to adjust what we are doing, and how and why we do it, considering what the Covid19 crisis has taught us and could still teach us. The double special issue of SDRJ we are presenting here goes in this direction

    Evocando o genius loci para a promoção de um desenvolvimento situado:: o caso Villa Sorra

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    This article introduces some of the practical and theoretical implications of a local developmentstrategy. The strategy is based on the synergy between a local constructed patrimony and thelocal enogastronomic patrimony. Departing from a theoretical framework, the article starts bydescribing and analyzing the Villa dei Sapori project, developed in the context of an architectoniccomplex in Italy. The complex, Villa Sorra, is located in the Modena region. The concept ofsituated development is defined through this case study. It is also interpreted through theexperience of its manager. We arrive at the conclusion that the creation of territorial valorizationstrategies, in a situated perspective, rely on the possibility of the existence of a dialogic relationshipbetween the project author and the genius loci (the “spirit of the place”).O artigo apresenta as perspectivas teóricas e práticas de uma estratégia de desenvolvimento local, baseada na sinergia entre o patrimônio construído e enogastronômico local. Partindo de um quadro teórico de referência, o artigo se desdobra na descrição e análise do projeto Villa dei Sapori, desenvolvido para um complexo arquitetônico na Itália, situado na região de Modena, denominado Villa Sorra. O conceito de desenvolvimento situado é, através deste estudo de caso único, definido, exemplificado e interpretado a partir da experiência de seu gestor. Conclui-se que a definição de estratégias de valorização territorial, em uma perspectiva situada, partem da possibilidade de estabelecimento de uma relação dialógica entre o projetista e o genius loci (o“espírito do lugar”)

    Análise do ganho de escala no caso para Inovação Social “Voz das Comunidades

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    Bearing in mind the increased impact and great relevance of the “Voz das Comunidades” project – a community newspaper that gained greater prominence after the police invasion of Complexo do Alemão in 2010 –, this article aims to point out the factors that contributed for its scalability. For this purpose, the trajectory of the project and the results pointed out in the article “Scalability of social innovations: a meta-synthesis“ were analyzed, in order to understand the common factors between the two. The analyzed article indicates factors that promote scalability and a proposal for the concept of “environment conducive to scalability”, based on the analysis of nine cases for Social Innovation. As a result of the analysis between the trajectory of the project and the results presented in the article, it was identified that the factors: leadership, credibility and reputation, philanthropy, partnerships, and involvement of community members were decisive for the community newspaper to increase its impact

    identificação de oportunidades de projeto para o processo produtivo e comercialização

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    O artigo define as características específicas da agricultura urbana (AU) por meio de uma revisão da literatura e aponta quais os principais aspectos da AU a serem considerados no desenvolvimento de novos produtos e serviços. O processo envolve a análise das atividades realizadas pelo Centro de Educação Multicultural (CEM) que desenvolve agricultura urbana no complexo de favelas da Penha, na cidade do Rio de Janeir

    Translocal empowerment in transformative social innovation networks

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    [Abstract] This paper contributes to public and academic discussions on empowerment and social innovation by conceptualizing the mechanisms of empowerment from a social psychology perspective, and empirically exploring how people are empowered through both local and transnational linkages, i.e. translocal networks. Section 2 conceptualizes empowerment as the process through which actors gain the capacity to mobilize resources to achieve a goal, building on different power theories in relation to social change, combined with self-determination theory and intrinsic motivation research. Based on that conceptualization, empirical questions are formulated to be asked about cases under study. Section 3 then provides an empirical analysis of translocal networks that work with social innovation both at the global and local level. A total of five networks are analyzed: FEBEA, DESIS, the Global Ecovillage Network, Impact Hub and Slow Food. The embedded cases-study approach allows an exploration of how people are empowered through the transnational networking while also zooming in on the dynamics in local initiatives. In the final section, conceptual and empirical insights are synthesized into a characterization of the mechanisms of translocal empowerment, and challenges for future research are formulated


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    Bearing in mind the increased impact and great relevance of the “Voz das Comunidades” project – a community newspaper that gained greater prominence after the police invasion of Complexo do Alemão in 2010 –, this article aims to point out the factors that contributed for its scalability. For this purpose, the trajectory of the project and the results pointed out in the article “Scalability of social innovations: a meta-synthesis“ were analyzed, to understand the common factors between the two. The analyzed article indicates factors that promote scalability and a proposal for the concept of “environment conducive to scalability”, based on the analysis of nine cases for Social Innovation. As a result of the analysis between the trajectory of the project and the results presented in the article, it was identified two categories with decisive factors for the community newspaper to increase its impact. Promoting factors: credibility and reputation, philanthropy, and partnerships. Support factors: leadership and involvement of community members.Teniendo en cuenta el mayor impacto y la gran relevancia del proyecto “Voz das Comunidades” –un periódico comunitario que ganó mayor destaque después de la invasión policial del Complexo do Alemão en 2010–, este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar y analizar los factores que contribuyeron a su escalabilidad. Para ello, se analizó el recorrido del proyecto y se señalaron los resultados en el artículo “Escalabilidad de las innovaciones sociales: una metasíntesis”, con el fin de comprender los factores comunes entre ambos. El artículo analizado indica factores que favorecen la escalabilidad y una propuesta del concepto de “entorno propicio para la escalabilidad”, a partir del análisis de nueve casos de Innovación Social. Como resultado del análisis entre la trayectoria del proyecto y los resultados presentados en el artículo, se identificaron dos categorías con factores determinantes para que el periódico comunitario incremente su impacto. Factores de promoción: credibilidad y reputación, filantropía y alianzas. Factores de apoyo: liderazgo y participación de los miembros de la comunidad.Tendo-se em vista o aumento de impacto e a grande relevância do projeto “Voz das Comunidades” – jornal comunitário que ganhou maior destaque após a invasão pela polícia no Complexo do Alemão em 2010 –, este artigo possui como objetivo identificar e analisar os fatores que contribuíram para sua escalabilidade. Com esta finalidade, analisou-se a jornada do projeto e os resultados apontados no artigo “Escalabilidade de inovações sociais: uma meta-síntese“, a fim de entender os fatores em comum entre os dois. O artigo analisado indica fatores promotores de escalabilidade e uma proposta para o conceito de “ambiente propício à escalabilidade”, a partir da análise de nove casos para Inovação Social. Como resultado da análise entre a trajetória do projeto e os resultados apresentados no artigo, identificou-se duas categorias com fatores determinantes para que o jornal comunitário aumentasse seu impacto. Fatores promotores: credibilidade e reputação, filantropia e parcerias. Fatores suporte: liderança e envolvimento de membros da comunidade


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    Bearing in mind the increased impact and great relevance of the “Voz das Comunidades” project – a community newspaper that gained greater prominence after the police invasion of Complexo do Alemão in 2010 –, this article aims to point out the factors that contributed for its scalability. For this purpose, the trajectory of the project and the results pointed out in the article “Scalability of social innovations: a meta-synthesis“ were analyzed, to understand the common factors between the two. The analyzed article indicates factors that promote scalability and a proposal for the concept of “environment conducive to scalability”, based on the analysis of nine cases for Social Innovation. As a result of the analysis between the trajectory of the project and the results presented in the article, it was identified two categories with decisive factors for the community newspaper to increase its impact. Promoting factors: credibility and reputation, philanthropy, and partnerships. Support factors: leadership and involvement of community members.Teniendo en cuenta el mayor impacto y la gran relevancia del proyecto “Voz das Comunidades” –un periódico comunitario que ganó mayor destaque después de la invasión policial del Complexo do Alemão en 2010–, este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar y analizar los factores que contribuyeron a su escalabilidad. Para ello, se analizó el recorrido del proyecto y se señalaron los resultados en el artículo “Escalabilidad de las innovaciones sociales: una metasíntesis”, con el fin de comprender los factores comunes entre ambos. El artículo analizado indica factores que favorecen la escalabilidad y una propuesta del concepto de “entorno propicio para la escalabilidad”, a partir del análisis de nueve casos de Innovación Social. Como resultado del análisis entre la trayectoria del proyecto y los resultados presentados en el artículo, se identificaron dos categorías con factores determinantes para que el periódico comunitario incremente su impacto. Factores de promoción: credibilidad y reputación, filantropía y alianzas. Factores de apoyo: liderazgo y participación de los miembros de la comunidad.Tendo-se em vista o aumento de impacto e a grande relevância do projeto “Voz das Comunidades” – jornal comunitário que ganhou maior destaque após a invasão pela polícia no Complexo do Alemão em 2010 –, este artigo possui como objetivo identificar e analisar os fatores que contribuíram para sua escalabilidade. Com esta finalidade, analisou-se a jornada do projeto e os resultados apontados no artigo “Escalabilidade de inovações sociais: uma meta-síntese“, a fim de entender os fatores em comum entre os dois. O artigo analisado indica fatores promotores de escalabilidade e uma proposta para o conceito de “ambiente propício à escalabilidade”, a partir da análise de nove casos para Inovação Social. Como resultado da análise entre a trajetória do projeto e os resultados apresentados no artigo, identificou-se duas categorias com fatores determinantes para que o jornal comunitário aumentasse seu impacto. Fatores promotores: credibilidade e reputação, filantropia e parcerias. Fatores suporte: liderança e envolvimento de membros da comunidade

    Melatonin action on luteal - granulosa cells in women with marital infertility undergoing in vitro fertilization

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    Introduction of the subject: Melatonin is a hormone related to the light-dark cycle and it plays an influential role in the reproductive system. In humans, researchers have shown there is three times more melatonin in follicular fluid than in the blood flow, suggesting the influence of the hormone on follicular maturation. However, little is known about melatonin action on granulosa cells in women with infertility, especially the molecular mechanisms involved. We are, therefore, conducting this study to evaluate melatonin action pathways in granulosa cells in the ovaries of women with infertility. To achieve our aim, we will use molecular biology, involving diverse signaling pathways, such as angiogenesis. Objective(s): to analyze melatonin action on luteal - granulosa cells in women with marital infertility undergoing in vitro fertilization. Methodology: For this, 68 patients, aged between 20 and 35 years, attended at the Human Reproduction Sector of the Federal University of São Paulo, were submitted to in vitro fertilization treatment. After all preparatory procedures were performed, luteal granulosa cells were removed and routed to the cell culture. The cells were divided into four groups: a) control; b) 0.1 μM melatonin; c) 1 μM melatonin; d) melatonin at 10μM. After a period of 10 days, the cells were trypsinized for extraction of the total RNA and later analysis of the gene expression by Real Time PCR of the angiogenesis signaling pathway. Results: Our data evaluated 96 genes, which are related to the angiogenesis pathway. The results of transcriptional expression showed important genes involved in this pathway that are hypo or hyperexpressed after treatment with melatonin. The main hyperexpressed genes were: fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGF1) genes; interleukin 1-beta (IL1B); receptor tyrosine kinase (VEGFR-2); folliculogenesis regulating genes (TGFB1). They act in the dynamics of follicular growth. On the other hand, the genes inducing factor 1-alpha (HIF1A), fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGFA) melatonin decreased its expression. Discussion and conclusion of the results: It is concluded that melatonin in high concentration (above 1 μM) may have dual function in increasing the expression of some growth factors and cytokines, in the decrease of other genes and mechanism of physiological compensation and also modulates negative angiogenesis, mainly in the dose (10 uM) of granulosa cells from women submitted to in vitro fertilization. Perhaps this fact is important for adequate follicular growth, avoiding excessive growth, which could turn the follicle into cyst, making ovulation difficult.Keywords: Melatonin; Granulosa cells; Women; Marital infertility; In vitro fertilization