329 research outputs found

    IT investments’ features in the Romanian banking industry

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    The paper aims to present some of the features of IT investments in the banking industry. Theoretical aspects, summarized from the literature come illustrated along with empirical findings from the Romanian banking industry. The present paper aims to provide the main drivers for IT investment in banks as well as the criteria involved when selecting a particular course of action in the associated decision-making process. The study is enriched with examples of software applications acquired by some of the major banks in Romania in the past seven years. The IT investment strategies presented in this paper can be considered proven successful practices of business-IT alignment in the Romanian banking industryIT investments, Romanian banks, diversification, management, strategy

    A Benchmark for Banks’ Strategy in Online Presence – An Innovative Approach Based on Elements of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Machine Learning Techniques

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    This paper aims to offer a new decision tool to assist banks in evaluating their efficiency of Internet presence and in planning the IT investments towards gaining better Internet popularity. The methodology used in this paper goes beyond the simple website interface analysis and uses web crawling as a source for collecting website performance data and employed web technologies and servers. The paper complements this technical perspective with a proposed scorecard used to assess the efforts of banks in Internet presence that reflects the banks’ commitment to Internet as a distribution channel. An innovative approach based on Machine Learning Techniques, the K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm, is proposed by the author to estimate the Internet Popularity that a bank is likely to achieve based on its size and efforts in Internet presence.SEO, Internet Website Popularity, banking industry, Machine Learning, K-Nearest Neighbors.

    Exercise training as a preventive tool for age-related disorders: a brief review

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    Aging populations are a worldwide phenomenon affecting both developed and developing countries. This issue raises serious concerns for both governments and the general population. Regular participation in physical activity and/or exercise training programs can minimize the physiological alterations that occur during aging and may contribute to improvements in health and well-being. The present review will discuss the role of regular exercise training in preventing age-related physiological decline and, consequently, associated chronic diseases. Compelling evidence that regular exercise and/or physical activity can improve quality of life, prevent or control the development of chronic disease and increase life expectancy is shown. In summary, regular exercise training and/or physical activity has an important influence on aging and may help to prevent age-related disorders

    A mathematical estimate within economic discounting computations

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    The paper aims to evaluate the opportunity of using mathematic estimation models within economic discounting computation. Several approximation models from the numerical methods theory will be considered in order to determine the evolution trend for investment projects’ economic indicators. The paper has a rather theoretical framework and aims to identify new ways of improving existing techniques.update, discount rate, numerical methods, interpolation

    Romanian Banks – Romanian SMEs: A Mutual Business Relationship

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    This paper analyzes the bank-SMEs partnership in terms of ICT collaboration. The data about ICT projects developed in the Romanian banks having SMEs as a technology provider is collected by web content mining. Then, the paper addresses two main perspectives. At first, we identify the features that characterize the successful SMEs that managed to develop business relationships with the Romanian Banks and we build an econometric model to express this dependency. On the other hand, the paper analyzes the problem from the Romanian banks’ perspective, identifying patterns in their IT investment decisions.SMEs; banking industry; IT investments; clustering; decision patterns.

    Current issues in ITC investments management

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    The paper aims to provide an overview of the current issues in IT investments management. Topics such as IT investments evaluation, the reflexive relationship between the business context and IT investments are analyzed in detail. Also, the paper analyzes the impact of time over IT investments as well as the causes that lead to IT projects failure. A synthesis is carried out among the arguments regarding the IT Investments Paradox. Different evaluation methods are exposed along with their practical usage. The results are presented both from an economical perspective and from a technical onemanagement, IT investments, metrics, investment decision

    Limfangiomul chistic mezenterial la copii. Caz clinic

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    Background. Cystic lymphangioma - malformation of the lymphatic system, with cystic dilation of the primitive lymphatic sacs, due to lack of drainage in the venous system. 80–90% of cases are diagnosed in the first 2 years of life, 50–65% at once after birth, 3–5% of cases with localization in the mediastinum. Objective of the study. To establish the role of surgical treatment in mesenteric cystic lymphangiomas in children. Material and Methods. Patient F., aged 2 years hospitalized in the Pediatric Surgery Clinic of NSPC «Natalia Gheorghiu», PHI IMC for abdominal pain, nausea, lowgrade fever - 37.2 0C, flatulence, lack of stool. Suspected intestinal obstruction. Diagnostic methods: the chest and abdominal X-ray, abdominal ultrasound, abdominal CT. Performed surgical treatment, bacteriological and histopathological examination. Results. Thoracoabdomenal X-ray detected bilateral bronchopneumonia and abdominal mass. Abdominal ultrasound - intra-abdominal cystic mass (120 x 5.5 cm). Abdominal CT with contrast agent - massive intra-abdominal cystic mass without signs of aggression. The following surgery was performed: mesenteric cystic lymphangioma was detected and competely excised, mesenteric lymphotropic therapy was applied. Histopathological examination - cystic lymphangioma, associated with local lymphocytic inflammation, venous ectasia and focal productive omentum inflammation. Bacteriological investigation without bacteriological growth. The general condition of the child with amelioration. Conclusion. The clinical case demonstrated the primordiality of surgery in mesenteric cystic lymphangiomas. The suspicion of intra-abdominal cystic mass requires hospitalization, complete investigation and laparotomy with complete excision of the lymphangioma. Introducere. Limfangiomul chistic – malformație a sistemului limfatic, cu dilatarea chistică a sacilor limfatici primitivi, în urma lipsei drenării lor în sistemul venos. 80– 90% dintre cazuri sunt diagnosticate în primii 2 ani de viaţă, 50–65% - imediat după naştere, 3–5% dintre cazuri sunt cu localizare în mediastin. Scopul lucrării. Stabilirea rolul tratamentului chirurgical în limfangioamele chistice mezenteriale la copii. Material și Metode. Pacientă F., cu vârsta de 2 ani, internată în Clinica de chirurgie pediatrică a CNȘP „Natalia Gheorghiu” cu dureri abdominale, greață, subfebrilitate – 37,2 0C, meteorism, lipsa scaunului. Suspecție: ocluzie intestinală. Metode de diagnostic: Rx. toracelui și a abdomenului, ecografie abdominală, CT abdominală. Efectuat tratament chirurgical, examen bacteriologic și histopatologic. Rezultate. Rx. toraco-abdominală a decelat bronhopneumonie bilaterală și formațiunea de volum intraabdominală. Ecografie abdominală – formațiune chistică intraabdominală (120 x 5,5 cm). CT abdominal cu substanța de contrast – formațiune chistică masivă intraabdominală, fără semne de agresivitate. S-a intervenit chirurgical prin laparotomie transrectală pe dreapta: depistat și excizat complet limfangiomul chistic mezenterial, aplicată terapie limfotropă mezenterică. Examen histopatologic – limfangiomul chistic în focar, asociat cu inflamație limfocitară, ectazii venoase, omentită focală productivă. Investigare bacteriologică fără creștere bacteriologică. Starea generală cu ameliorare. Concluzii. Cazul clinic a demonstrat primordialitatea intervenției chirurgicale în limfangioamele chistice mezenteriale. Suspecția unei formațiuni chistice în regiunea intraabdominală impune spitalizarea, investigarea complectă și laparotomie cu excizia completă a limfangiomului

    Linking microstructural integrity and motor cortex excitability in multiple sclerosis

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    Motor skills are frequently impaired in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients following grey and white matter damage with cortical excitability abnormalities. We applied advanced diffusion imaging with 3T magnetic resonance tomography for neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI), as well as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in 50 MS patients and 49 age-matched healthy controls to quantify microstructural integrity of the motor system. To assess excitability, we determined resting motor thresholds using non-invasive transcranial magnetic stimulation. As measures of cognitive-motor performance, we conducted neuropsychological assessments including the Nine-Hole Peg Test, Trail Making Test part A and B (TMT-A and TMT-B) and the Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT). Patients were evaluated clinically including assessments with the Expanded Disability Status Scale. A hierarchical regression model revealed that lower neurite density index (NDI) in primary motor cortex, suggestive for axonal loss in the grey matter, predicted higher motor thresholds, i.e. reduced excitability in MS patients (p = .009, adjusted r² = 0.117). Furthermore, lower NDI was indicative of decreased cognitive-motor performance (p = .007, adjusted r² = .142 for TMT-A; p = .009, adjusted r² = .129 for TMT-B; p = .006, adjusted r² = .142 for SDMT). Motor WM tracts of patients were characterized by overlapping clusters of lowered NDI (p <.05, Cohen’s d = 0.367) and DTI-based fractional anisotropy (FA) (p <.05, Cohen’s d = 0.300), with NDI exclusively detecting a higher amount of abnormally appearing voxels. Further, orientation dispersion index of motor tracts was increased in patients compared to controls, suggesting a decreased fiber coherence (p <.05, Cohen’s d = 0.232). This study establishes a link between microstructural characteristics and excitability of neural tissue, as well as cognitive-motor performance in multiple sclerosis. We further demonstrate that the NODDI parameters neurite density index and orientation dispersion index detect a larger amount of abnormally appearing voxels in patients compared to healthy controls, as opposed to the classical DTI parameter FA. Our work outlines the potential for microstructure imaging using advanced biophysical models to forecast excitability alterations in neuroinflammation

    Reorganization and resilience of brain networks in focal epilepsy

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    Laboratory of Neurobiology and Medical Genetics Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova, The 75th anniversary of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova (1945-2020)Background: Epilepsy has been considered as a brain network disorder. Advanced computational tools have granted a non-invasive window to explore the brain networks in epilepsy. Studying the reorganization of brain networks can help in modelling the network topology changes related to focal epilepsy. The present study aimed to explore the reorganization and resilience of brain networks in patients with focal epilepsy. Material and methods: The structural 3T T1-weighted MR images of 40 patients with focal epilepsy and 40 healthy subjects, were processed by using FreeSurfer. Cortical thickness values were used for the reconstruction of morphometric networks. The topological organization and resilience of brain networks were assessed by applying the graph theoretical analysis. Results: The topological organization of the brain networks in patients was marked by a higher clustering coefficient, local efficiency and path length (all p<0.05) as compared to healthy individuals. The network hubs (i.e. brain regions responsible for network maintenance) were differently distributed in patients (left superior temporal and right paracentral) and healthy subjects (left anterior cingulate and right superior temporal). The brain networks in patients exhibited lower resilience (p<0.05) to targeted attacks (i.e. the removal of brain regions depending on their importance for network organization) and similar resilience (p>0.05) to random attacks (i.e. random brain area removal). Conclusions: Brain networks in focal epilepsy were characterized by an increased segregability and a decreased integrability. Reduced resilience to targeted attacks in patients, as compared to healthy subjects, suggests an uneven importance of brain regions for network maintenance in the studied groups
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