2,713 research outputs found

    Orientation-dependent binding energy of graphene on palladium

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    Using density functional theory calculations, we show that the binding strength of a graphene monolayer on Pd(111) can vary between physisorption and chemisorption depending on its orientation. By studying the interfacial charge transfer, we have identified a specific four-atom carbon cluster that is responsible for the local bonding of graphene to Pd(111). The areal density of such clusters varies with the in-plane orientation of graphene, causing the binding energy to change accordingly. Similar investigations can also apply to other metal substrates, and suggests that physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of graphene may be controlled by changing its orientation.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Particular form of simultaneous pancreas and liver toxic damage

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    USMF “N. Testemițanu”, Clinica Chirurgie “Sf. Arh. Mihail”, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Studiul vizează 10 cazuri, observate în SCM ”Sf. Arh. Mihail” pe perioada ultimilor 10 ani. Toți sunt spitalizați în secția ATI cu manifestări clinicoparaclinice de insuficiență hepatică acută; antecedente de băutori și cu afecțiuni hepatice cronice (hepatita cronică 2 cazuri, ciroza hepatică -8). Date pentru pancreatita acută căutate intenționat absente, amilaza sanguine cifre joase/ absentă, date EUS (10 caz. ), cât și CT (2 caz.) fără modificări de structură. Evolutțe gravă, icter, uremie, hipoprotrombinemie, trasamilazemie, ulterior MODS avansat. Deces în mediu la ziua a 8 . Necroptic – asociație de ciroză hepatică cu pancreatită acută necrotică în toate cazurile. Expansie parapancreatică absentă. În acest context de afectare panceatica directă au fost studiate și 55 acte medico-legale de deces subit (anii 2004-2006) cu diagnostic – pancreonecroză hemoragică. Rezultatul ulterior a alcoolemiei arată a fi prezent în 39 cazuri ( 71%), până la 3% - 23 cazuri, peste 3% -15 cazuri. Concluzie: 1. Posibilitatea afectării toxice concomitente a ficatului și pancreasului este o realitate clinică. 2. Clinico - paraclinic predomină insuficiența hepatică acută, manifestările pancreatice fiind minime. 3. PA are o evoluție necrotică de la început, fără răspândire peripancreatică și deasemenea fără complicații chirurgicale.The study included 10 cases observed in the SCM ” St. Arch. Michael’’ during the last 10 years. All are hospitalized in the ATI department with clinical manifestations of acute liver failure laboratory, and drinkers with a history of chronic liver disease (2 cases, chronic hepatitis, and liver cirrhosis 8). Data for acute pancreatitis intentionally sought missing digits blood amylase low / absent, EUS data (10 cases.) and CT (two cases.) no modifications of structure. Charts severe jaundice, uremia, hipoprotrombinemy, trasamilazemy subsequently advanced MODS. Death occurs in the average at day 8. Necroptic - association of cirrhosis with acute necrotic pancreatitis in all cases. Parapancreatic expansion is missing. In this context panceatic direct damage and 55 acts have been studied forensic sudden death (2004-2006) with diagnosis - hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis. Result of alcohol tests later shown to be present in 39 cases (71%), up to 3% - 23 cases over 3%-15 cases. Conclusion: 1. the possibility of toxic damage to liver and pancreas simultaneous is a clinical reality. 2. Clinical - Acute liver failure prevails paraclinical, pancreatic manifestations were minimal. 3. PA has a necrotic evolution from the beginning, and also without peripancreatic spread visa without surgical complications

    Histological and immunohistochemical evaluation of mandibular bone tissue regeneration

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    The purpose of the study was to perform an immunohistochemical and histological evaluation of samples taken from different bone regeneration procedures in atrophic human mandible. 30 patients (15 men and 15 women, age range of 35-60 years), non-smokers, with good general and oral health were recruited in this study and divided into three groups. The first group included patients who were treated with blood Concentration Growth Factors (bCGF), the second group included patients who were treated with a mixture of bCGF and autologous bone, while the third group of patients was treated with bCGF and tricalcium phosphate/hydroxyapatite (TCP-HA). Six months after the regenerative procedures, all patients undergone implant surgery, and a bone biopsy was carried out in the site of implant insertion. Each sample was histologically and immunohistochemically examined. Histological evaluation showed a complete bone formation for group II, partial ossification for group I, and moderate ossification for group III. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated a statistically significant difference between the three groups, and the best clinical result was obtained with a mixture of bCGF and autologous bone

    Culture, Utility or Social Systems?:Explaining the Cross-National Ties of Emigrants from Borsa, Romania

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    Emigrants from Borşa, Romania, display two quite distinct patterns of ties with their community of origin: migration to Italy is discernibly transnational, with a strong reliance on migrant networks; while migration to the UK is more individualistic, with emigrants shunning interaction with compatriots and retaining only weak ties to Borşa. We argue that prevalent theories of cross-national ties fail adequately to explain this divergence. Instead, we draw on systems theory to explain the discrepancy in terms of divergent conditions for societal inclusion. In Italy, incorporation into parallel, unofficial structures of work, welfare and accommodation encouraged a reliance on cultural criteria for maintaining social ties. In the UK, migrants were obliged to integrate into state-sponsored systems, encouraging the relinquishing of ethnic ties in favour of more strategic networking to facilitate societal inclusion

    Restricted walks in regular trees

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    Let T be the Cayley graph of a finitely generated free group F. Given two vertices in T consider all the walks of a given length between these vertices that at a certain time must follow a number of predetermined steps. We give formulas for the number of such walks by expressing the problem in terms of equations in F and solving the corresponding equations

    Mapping and Investigation of Two Novel Candidate Genes for Growth and Meat Quality traits in the Pig

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    Two new candidate genes for growth and meat quality traits were studied. The porcine beta-tropomyosin (TPM2) and the agouti-related protein (AGRP) genes were chosen based on their presumed role in growth and meat quality traits. These genes were genetically mapped and were linked to several markers on porcine chromosomes (SSC) 1 and 6, respectively. Both genes also were physically mapped using a pig/rodent somatic cell hybrid panel. The physical locations of the genes are consistent with linkage results and previous chromosome painting results indicating conserved (similar) regions between human and pig chromosomes. Association studies of the AGRP and TPM2 polymorphisms with growth and meat quality traits in commercial pig populations provided preliminary evidence that an AGRP polymorphism may be associated with variation in several traits of interest for pig breedin

    Recovery of electronic wastes as fillers for electromagnetic shielding in building components: an LCA study

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    The present study reports the development of sandwich panels for building walls having electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding abilities. Conductive polymer composites (CPCs) have started being employed as EMI shielding materials. In this paper we propose the use of a conductive polymer composite flat sheet made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) recovered from municipal solid wastes (MSW) used as polymeric matrix, “doped” with dispersed metal fillers recycled from e-wastes. Test results proved that the recycled metal fillers enhance the electrical conductivity and enable EMI shielding. Different sandwich panels were discussed in the context of building applications, using identical HDPE/metal-filler EMI sheets, but different thermal insulation material (polystyrene and glass wool). The life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology was applied to evaluate the environmental impact generated during the following steps: a) recycling of thermoplastic materials from MSW; b) recovering of metallic components from waste PCB; c) re-use of the recovered components into sandwich panels with electromagnetic shielding properties for buildings. The goal of the LCA was to perform a comparative analysis of the composite sandwich structures manufactured to be used as EMI shielding in buildings applications in order to assist the materials selection and eco-design. By means of the LCA results it was possible to manufacture a building component with good EMI shielding properties and reduced environmental impact

    Elastic constants of beta-eucryptite: A density functional theory study

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    The five independent elastic constants of hexagonal β\beta-eucryptite have been determined using density functional theory (DFT) total energy calculations. The calculated values agree well, to within 15%, with the experimental data. Using the calculated elastic constants, the linear compressibility of β\beta-eucryptite parallel to the c-axis, χc\chi_c, and perpendicular to it, χa\chi_a, have been evaluated. These values are in close agreement to those obtained from experimentally known elastic constants, but are in contradiction to the direct measurements based on a three-terminal technique. The calculated compressibility parallel to the c-axis was found to positive as opposed to the negative value obtained by direct measurements. We have demonstrated that χc\chi_c must be positive and discussed the implications of a positive χc\chi_c in the context of explaining the negative bulk thermal expansion of β\beta-eucryptite.Comment: 3 eps figures, submitted for publicatio

    A Survey on the Application of Evolutionary Algorithms for Mobile Multihop Ad Hoc Network Optimization Problems

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    Evolutionary algorithms are metaheuristic algorithms that provide quasioptimal solutions in a reasonable time. They have been applied to many optimization problems in a high number of scientific areas. In this survey paper, we focus on the application of evolutionary algorithms to solve optimization problems related to a type of complex network likemobilemultihop ad hoc networks. Since its origin, mobile multihop ad hoc network has evolved causing new types of multihop networks to appear such as vehicular ad hoc networks and delay tolerant networks, leading to the solution of new issues and optimization problems. In this survey, we review the main work presented for each type of mobile multihop ad hoc network and we also present some innovative ideas and open challenges to guide further research in this topic

    Fournier's gangrene: summary of 8 years of clinical experience

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    Catedra Chirugie nr.1 „N.Anestiadi”, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Spitalul „Sf.Arhanghel Mihail”, Chişinau, Republica Moldova, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Gangrena Fournier este o fasciită necrozantă care implică zona genitală şi perineul, progresează spre coapse şi peretele abdominal prin trabeculele fasciale. Material şi metode: Experienţa noastră include opt pacienţi cu gangrena Fournier, trataţi pe parcursul anilor 2006-2014. Repartizarea după sex a fost: 5 femei şi 3 bărbaţi. În etiologia bolii putem evidenţia calea ano-rectală (2 cazuri), infecţia urogenitală (3 cazuri) şi infecţia pielii (3 cazuri). Diagnosticul a fost stabilit în baza tabloulului clinic şi examenului ultrasonor. Toţi pacienţii au beneficiat de debridare chirurgicală radicală imediată, necrozectomii seriate, antibioticoterapia combinată şi terapie intensivă. Numărul de operaţii seriate a variat de la 4 până la 13. Rezultate: În urma tratamentului efectuat am obţinut stoparea procesului de necroză la 7 pacienţi. Doi pacienţi au evoluat spre septicemie cu hemocultură pozitivă. La un pacient sa dezvoltat şocul toxico-infecţios. Analiza bacteriologică din plagă a determinat: Staphylococcus aureus (2 cazuri), Enterococcus faecium (un caz), Escherichia coli (2 cazuri), floră mixtă (3 cazuri). Mortalitatea a fost de 37,5%. Concluzii: Stabilirea precoce a diagnosticului şi debridarea primară imediată urmată de necrozectomii etapizate stau la baza evoluţiei favorabile a procesului necrotico-septic. Antibioticoterapia efectuată prin asocierea a 3 antibiotice cu diferit spectru de acţiune împiedică răspândirea procesului putrid şi generalizarea infecţiei. Mortalitatea înaltă în gangrena Fournier este dic tată de insuccesele terapiei intensive în stările septice avansate cu comorbidităţi severe, în pofida metodelor contemporane de tratament chirurgical.Introduction: Fournier's gangrene is a necrotizing fasciitis which involves the genitals regions and perineum, spreading to thighs and abdominal wall through fascial trabeculae. Material and methods: Our experience includes eight patients with Fournier's gangrene treated during 2006-2014. Distribution by gender: 5 women and 3 men. In the etiology of the disease we can highlight ano-rectal way (2 cases), urogenital infection (3 cases) and skin infection (3 cases). The diagnosis was based on clinical features and ultrasound exam. All patients underwent immediate radical surgical debridement, serial necrosectomy, combined antibiotic therapy and intensive care. Number of serial operations ranged from 4 to 13. Results: After the provided treatment we were able to stop the process of necrosis in 7 patients. Two patients progressed to sepsis with positive blood test. Toxico-infectious shock was present in one patient. Bacteriological analysis showed: Staphylococcus aureus (2 cases), Enterococcus faecium (one case), Escherichia coli (2 cases), and mixed flora (3 cases). Mortality was 37.5%. Conclusions: Early diagnosis establishment and immediate primary debridement followed by serial necrosectomy is the base of the favourable evolution of the necrotic septic process. Antibacterial therapy carried out by the association with 3 different action spectrum antibiotics prevent the spread of the putrid process and generalized of infection. High mortality in Fournier's gangrene is a consequence of failures in intensive care in advanced sepsis with severe comorbidities, in spite of the contemporary methods of the surgical treatment