41 research outputs found

    Clinical and ex-vivo evaluation of isometric points during TightRope reconstruction of cranial cruciate ligament in dog

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    La rottura del Legamento Crociato Craniale (LCCr) rappresenta una delle patologie ortopediche di maggiore riscontro clinico nella specie canina. In seguito a rottura del LCCr si presenta un continuo slittamento craniale della tibia il quale esita in un processo osteoartrosico. La risoluzione chirurgica rappresenta la migliore soluzione terapeutica. Le tecniche chirurgiche extra-articolari con sfruttamento dei punti isometrici del ginocchio si presentano come delle procedure molto diffuse e utilizzate. Questa tesi propone di validare l’uso di un nuovo sistema di navigazione computerizzato-assistito per la valutazione cinematica durante la ricostruzione del LCCr nel cane, ma soprattutto di studiare e confrontare il comportamento e l’efficacia dopo ricostruzione TightRope (TR) in due diverse coppie di punti isometrici. Abbiamo effettuato due analisi in parallelo. La prima eseguendo interventi chirurgici con tecnica TR su 18 casi clinici e sfruttando il punto isometrico del femore (F2) e due diversi punti isometrici della tibia (T2 o T3). L’analisi prevedeva dei controlli postoperatori a 1, 3 e 6 mesi. Ad ogni controllo veniva effettuata una visita ortopedica, esami radiografici, un questionario di valutazione clinico e di soddisfazione del proprietario. Mentre nella ricerca Ex-Vivo abbiamo eseguito dei test su 14 preparati anatomici con l’utilizzo di un sistema di navigazione computerizzato per la rilevazione dei dati. L’analisi prevedeva la valutazione dell’articolazione in diversi stadi: LCCr intatto; LCCr rotto; dopo ricostruzione con TR in F2-T2 e tensionato a 22N, 44N e 99N; dopo ricostruzione con TR in F2-T3 e tensionato a 22N, 44N e 99N. Ad ogni stadio si eseguivano cinque test di valutazione, tra cui: Test del Cassetto, Test di compressione tibiale (TCT), Rotazione Interna/Esterna, Flesso/Estensione e Varo/Valgo. Lo scopo di tale studio ù quello di confrontare tra loro i punti isometrici del ginocchio e di analizzare l’efficacia della tecnica TR nelle due differenti condizioni di isometria (F2-T2 e F2-T3).Rupture of the Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) is one of the major orthopedic clinical response in dogs. Following rupture of the CCL presents a continuous tibial cranial slip which results in an osteoarthritic process. Extra-articular stabilization techniques is one of the most popular treatment that has been used for CCL stabilization. The aims of this thesis want to validate new computer navigation system for kinematic assessment during canine CCL Surgery, analyze the validity and effectiveness of this TightRope (TR) extracapsular reconstruction, but above all to study and compare the behavior after TR extracapsular reconstruction in two different pairs of isometric points. We performed two different analyzes. The first consist in evaluation of 18 surgical technique with TR, exploiting the isometric points of the femur (F2) and two different points of the tibia (T2 and T3). The assessment included postoperative controls at 1,3 and 6 months. At each controls were performed a clinical assessment test, test of owner satisfaction, radiographic examination and orthopedic examination. While, in the second case, we have carried ex-vivo tests on 14 limbs analyzed with computerized navigation system. The analysis included the evaluation of the joint at different stages: CCL intact; CCL demage, after reconstruction with TR in F2-T2 and tensioned to 22N, 44N and 99N; after reconstruction with TR in F2-T3 and tensioned to 22N, 44N and 99N. At each stage were performed five tests assessment, including: Cranial drawer test, Cranial tibial thrust (TCT), Internal / External rotation, Flexion / Extension (ROM= Range on Motion), and Varus/Valgus. The purpose of this study is to compare the isometric points of the knee and to analyze the effectiveness of the technique in two different TR isometric conditions (F2-T2 and F2-T3)

    Histochemical Analysis of Herniated Disc Tissue Surgically Removed from 27 Dogs

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    Hernias of intervertebral discs are a common canine disease that is usually treated surgically. Recently, a histological scoring system for surgically removed canine intervertebral herniated discs has been developed by scoring the lesions of both the anulus fibrosus (AF) and the nucleus pulposus (NP). Since the proportion of AF and NP in the surgical samples may vary, depending on the surgical approach, the aim of this study is to grade separately the lesions in AF and NP and to modify the previously described scoring system adding three parameters: inflammation, mineralization and neovascularization. Possible association of the modified grading system with clinical parameters were statistically assessed. Herniated disc material was collected from 27 dogs. AF was present in 10/27 cases and was classified as grade 2 in 4 cases, grade 3 in 5 cases and grade 4 in 1 case. The NP was present in all 27 cases and was classified as grade 2 in 1 case, grade 3 in 5 cases, grade 4 in 9 cases and grade 5 in 12 cases. A statistically significant association was evidenced between short pre-operative period and higher grade of both the NP and of the AF (P<0.01). Separating the grades of the AF and NP can be useful for a fair assessment of degeneration, and circumventing the limitation of the qualitative and quantitative variability of samples

    On the tracks of Nitrogen deposition effects on temperate forests at their southern European range - an observational study from Italy

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    We studied forest monitoring data collected at permanent plots in Italy over the period 2000\u20132009 to identify the possible impact of nitrogen (N) deposition on soil chemistry, tree nutrition and growth. Average N throughfall (N-NO3+N-NH4) ranged between 4 and 29 kg ha 1 yr 1, with Critical Loads (CLs) for nutrient N exceeded at several sites. Evidence is consistent in pointing out effects of N deposition on soil and tree nutrition: topsoil exchangeable base cations (BCE) and pH decreased with increasing N deposition, and foliar nutrient N ratios (especially N : P and N : K) increased. Comparison between bulk openfield and throughfall data suggested possible canopy uptake of N, levelling out for bulk deposition &gt;4\u20136 kg ha 1 yr 1. Partial Least Square (PLS) regression revealed that - although stand and meteorological variables explained the largest portion of variance in relative basal area increment (BAIrel 2000\u20132009) - N-related predictors (topsoil BCE, C : N, pH; foliar N-ratios; N deposition) nearly always improved the BAIrel model in terms of variance explained (from 78.2 to 93.5%) and error (from 2.98 to 1.50%). N deposition was the strongest predictor even when stand, management and atmosphere-related variables (meteorology and tropospheric ozone) were accounted for. The maximal annual response of BAIrel was estimated at 0.074\u20130.085% for every additional kgN. This corresponds to an annual maximal relative increase of 0.13\u20130.14% of carbon sequestered in the above-ground woody biomass for every additional kgN, i.e. a median value of 159 kgC per kgN ha 1 yr 1 (range: 50\u2013504 kgC per kgN, depending on the site). Positive growth response occurred also at sites where signals of possible, perhaps recent N saturation were detected. This may suggest a time lag for detrimental N effects, but also that, under continuous high N input, the reported positive growth response may be not sustainable in the long-term

    Use of wound infusion catheters for postoperative local anaesthetic administration in cats

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    Objectives The present study aimed to document the use of the wound infusion catheter (WIC) following a variety of surgical procedures in cats, investigating complications and risk factors associated with catheter placement or local anaesthetic (LA) administration. Methods A retrospective, multicentric study was performed. Medical databases of eight veterinary referral hospitals from 2010 to 2021 were searched to identify records of cats where WICs were used. Information regarding signalment, type of surgery, size and type of WIC placed, and LA protocol used, as well as postoperative complications, were retrieved. Results One hundred and sixty-six cases fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Feline injection site sarcoma resection was the most common surgery. Overall complications were identified in 22/166 cats (13.2%). Thirteen cats (7.8%) experienced wound-related complications, whereas nine cats (5.4%) experienced drug-delivery complications. The only factor associated with an increased risk of complications was the amount of a single dose of LA delivered through the catheter ( P <0.001). An amount higher than 2.5 ml of LA delivered at each administration was associated with an increased risk of complications. All complications were minor and self-limiting. Conclusions and relevance WICs were used for a large variety of surgical procedures with different protocols of LA administration as part of a multimodal analgesic plan in cats. The risk of complications was relatively low and self-limiting, suggesting its safe use in cats. Further prospective studies are required to evaluate efficacy of postoperative analgesia and to determine the suitable protocol for WIC handling and maintenance

    Surgical findings and outcomes after unilateral adrenalectomy for primary hyperaldosteronism in cats: a multi-institutional retrospective study

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    Case series summary: Twenty-nine cats from different institutions with confirmed or highly suspected primary hyperaldosteronism treated by unilateral adrenalectomy were retrospectively included in this study. The most frequent clinical signs were lethargy (n = 20; 69%) and neck ventroflexion (n = 17; 59%). Hypokalaemia was present in all cats, creatinine kinase was elevated in 15 and hyperaldosteronism was documented in 24. Hypertension was frequently encountered (n = 24; 89%). Preoperative treatment included potassium supplementation (n = 19; 66%), spironolactone (n = 16; 55%) and amlodipine (n = 11; 38%). There were 13 adrenal masses on the right side, 15 on the left and, in one cat, no side was reported. The median adrenal mass size was 2 × 1.5 cm (range 1-4.6 × 0.4-3.8); vascular invasion was present in five cats, involving the caudal vena cava in four cats and the renal vein in one. Median duration of surgery was 57 mins. One major intraoperative complication (3%) was reported and consisted of haemorrhage during the removal of a neoplastic thrombus from the caudal vena cava. In 4/29 cats (14%), minor postoperative complications occurred and were treated medically. One fatal complication (3%) was observed, likely due to disseminated intravascular coagulation. The median duration of hospitalisation was 4 days; 97% of cats survived to discharge. The potassium level normalised in 24 cats within 3 months of surgery; hypertension resolved in 21/23 cats. Follow-up was available for 25 cats with a median survival of 1082 days. Death in the long-term follow-up was mainly related to worsening of comorbidities. Relevance and novel information: Adrenalectomy appears to be a safe and effective treatment with a high rate of survival and a low rate of major complications. Long-term medical treatment was not required


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    In the framework of the Project of National Interest (PRIN) “Climate change and forests - Dendroecological and ecophysiological responses, productivity and carbon balance on the Italian network of old-growth beech forests”, 9 old beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests were sampled in the eastern Alps and in the central Apennines to assess: i) the degree of ‘old-growthness’ on a structural and dendroecological basis; ii) the carbon (C) stocks in the different ecosystem compartments; iii) some ecophysiological traits using stable isotopes. Live and dead tree structure, soil features and C stocks were examined in some among the oldest and less disturbed beech forests in Italy. Furthermore, leaves, litter and wood cores were sampled for concurrent dendroecological, nutrient and stable isotope analysis, to study age structure, disturbance history and medium- and long-term response to climate and ecophysiological traits. In all sampled stands, values of basal area, volume and large trees density reached or exceeded control values reported for European and North American old-growth forests, while total amount of deadwood was generally low, except in two sites. Diameter distribution showed a remarkable differentiation from bimodal to ‘rotated-sigmoid’ curve. In accordance with structural analyses, disturbance chronologies revealed the importance of frequent low-to-moderate events in generating a fine-scale structure, confirming previous results on beech forests. Different degrees of ‘old-growthness’ were identified for Alpine and Apennine beech stands through the ‘structural-based approach’, which proved to be a valid tool for old-growth forests detection. Preliminary results on carbon stocks on a subset of sites indicate that these old-growth forests are relevant carbon reservoirs, with 192-268 MgC ha-1 of total biomass (67-73% aboveground; 27-33% belowground, 4 stands) and 7-21 MgC ha-1 of deadwood. In these stands, also forest floor (excluding deadwood) and soils are stores of relevant amount of carbon (5-9 MgC ha-1 litter layer, 4 stands; 168-420 MgC ha-1 mineral soil, 3 stands). Finally, carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) analysis, a proxy of wateruse efficiency, was applied on tree-ring cores from a subset of sites. The perspectives of this technique for a retrospective ecophysiological interpretation of climate-change impact on old-growth forests were described. Preliminary results obtained within this PRIN project indicate that the reported ecological indicators can be used to produce a description of forest structures and processes driving stand dynamics (‘structural-based approach’). Furthermore, the use of multiple sampling and research techniques and the integration of research groups with complementary expertise can foster deeper understanding of the ecology and dynamics of old-growth forests.L'articolo ù disponibile sul sito dell'editore http://www.aisf.it

    Where are we now with European forest multi-taxon biodiversity and where can we head to?

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    The European biodiversity and forest strategies rely on forest sustainable management (SFM) to conserve forest biodiversity. However, current sustainability assessments hardly account for direct biodiversity indicators. We focused on forest multi-taxon biodiversity to: i) gather and map the existing information; ii) identify knowledge and research gaps; iii) discuss its research potential. We established a research network to fit data on species, standing trees, lying deadwood and sampling unit description from 34 local datasets across 3591 sampling units. A total of 8724 species were represented, with the share of common and rare species varying across taxonomic classes: some included many species with several rare ones (e.g., Insecta); others (e.g., Bryopsida) were represented by few common species. Tree-related structural attributes were sampled in a subset of sampling units (2889; 2356; 2309 and 1388 respectively for diameter, height, deadwood and microhabitats). Overall, multi-taxon studies are biased towards mature forests and may underrepresent the species related to other developmental phases. European forest compositional categories were all represented, but beech forests were over-represented as compared to thermophilous and boreal forests. Most sampling units (94%) were referred to a habitat type of conservation concern. Existing information may support European conservation and SFM strategies in: (i) methodological harmonization and coordinated monitoring; (ii) definition and testing of SFM indicators and thresholds; (iii) data-driven assessment of the effects of environmental and management drivers on multi-taxon forest biological and functional diversity, (iv) multi-scale forest monitoring integrating in-situ and remotely sensed information

    Traumatic caudal elbow luxation in two cats

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    Background: Traumatic caudal elbow luxation is an uncommon injury and it is rarely reported in the cat. Closed reduction is considered in early instance but open reduction and stabilization should be evaluated if the joint cannot be reduced or if gross instability persist.Case Description: This case report described two Domestic Shorthaired cats referred for monolateral forelimb non-weight bearing lameness caused by trauma. Clinical and radiographic examinations revealed a caudal elbowluxation in both patients. The cats were treated with closed reduction and the elbow joints stabilized at 40° of flexion by a transarticular external skeletal fixation for 18–22 days. The follow-up examinations at 2 months and at 3 years showed mild and moderate radiographic evidence of osteoarthritis, respectively, but good elbow function in both patients.Conclusion: This technique, for the treatment of the traumatic caudal elbow luxation, is easy and straightforward with few complications and to the authors' knowledge was not previously reported in cats.Keywords: Closed reduction, Elbow, External fixation, Luxation

    A Novel Algorithm for Online Inexact String Matching and its FPGA Implementation

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    Among the basic cognitive skills of the biological brain in humans and other mammals, a fundamental one is the ability to recognize inexact patterns in a sequence of objects or events. Accelerating inexact string matching procedures is of utmost importance when dealing with practical applications where huge amounts of data must be processed in real time, as usual in bioinformatics or cybersecurity. Inexact matching procedures can yield multiple shadow hits, which must be filtered, according to some criterion, to obtain a concise and meaningful list of occurrences. The filtering procedures are often computationally demanding and are performed offline in a post-processing phase. This paper introduces a novel algorithm for online approximate string matching (OASM) able to filter shadow hits on the fly, according to general purpose priority rules that greedily assign priorities to overlapping hits. A field-programmable gate array (FPGA) hardware implementation of OASM is proposed and compared with a serial software version. Even when implemented on entry-level FPGAs, the proposed procedure can reach a high degree of parallelism and superior performance in time compared to the software implementation, while keeping low the usage of logic elements. This makes the developed architecture very competitive in terms of both performance and cost of the overall computing system