1,743 research outputs found

    Band gap renormalization in photoexcited semiconductor quantum wire structures in the GW approximation

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    We investigate the dynamical self-energy corrections of the electron-hole plasma due to electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions at the band edges of a quasi-one dimensional (1D) photoexcited electron-hole plasma. The leading-order GWGW dynamical screening approximation is used in the calculation by treating electron-electron Coulomb interaction and electron-optical phonon Fr\"{o}hlich interaction on an equal footing. We calculate the exchange-correlation induced band gap renormalization (BGR) as a function of the electron-hole plasma density and the quantum wire width. The calculated BGR shows good agreement with existing experimental results, and the BGR normalized by the effective quasi-1D excitonic Rydberg exhibits an approximate one-parameter universality.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Multiple solutions to a magnetic nonlinear Choquard equation

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    We consider the stationary nonlinear magnetic Choquard equation [(-\mathrm{i}\nabla+A(x))^{2}u+V(x)u=(\frac{1}{|x|^{\alpha}}\ast |u|^{p}) |u|^{p-2}u,\quad x\in\mathbb{R}^{N}%] where A A\ is a real valued vector potential, VV is a real valued scalar potential,, N≄3N\geq3, α∈(0,N)\alpha\in(0,N) and 2−(α/N)<p<(2N−α)/(N−2)2-(\alpha/N) <p<(2N-\alpha)/(N-2). \ We assume that both AA and VV are compatible with the action of some group GG of linear isometries of RN\mathbb{R}^{N}. We establish the existence of multiple complex valued solutions to this equation which satisfy the symmetry condition u(gx)=τ(g)u(x)   for allg∈G,x∈RN, u(gx)=\tau(g)u(x)\text{\ \ \ for all}g\in G,\text{}x\in\mathbb{R}^{N}, where τ:G→S1\tau:G\rightarrow\mathbb{S}^{1} is a given group homomorphism into the unit complex numbers.Comment: To appear on ZAM

    Design of a beamline for soft and deep lithography on third generation synchrotron radiation source

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    ELETTRA is a third generation synchrotron radiation source. The energy spectrum allows the design of beamlines suitable for x-ray lithography from soft to hard x-ray wavelengths. An appropriate lithographic window for micro- and nanofabrication can be obtained by a combination of selected filters and mirrors. As the beamline is interfaced to a vertical x-ray stepper, a uniformity in the beam intensity better than 3% (3σ) in the horizontal direction has to be reached. The present beamline is designed by taking into account the main factors which can affect the beam quality, namely, thermal loading on mirrors and filters, slope errors, and surface roughness of the mirrors. The resulting lithographic resolution at soft x-ray wavelengths is better than 100 nm

    Microscopic investigation of the poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene) photoluminescence dependence on the deposition conditions by confocal laser microscopy

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    We studied the microscopic dependence of poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene) photoluminescence (PL) on the deposition conditions. We show that in films spin coated from chloroform phase separation of ÎČ and glassy phases is present, with micrometric ÎČ phase clusters covering about 6% of the sample surface. The exposure to toluene vapors leads to the disappearance of the ÎČ phase clusters, but increases the ÎČ phase content in the films due to swelling induced polyfluorene chain planarization. The deposition from toluene solution leads to nonuniform PL intensity, dominated by the ÎČ phase emission, attributed to an interplay between aggregation during the solvent evaporation and solvent swelling induced chain planarization

    Valence band spectroscopy in V-grooved quantum wires

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    We present a combined theoretical and experimental study of the anisotropy in the optical absorption of V-shaped quantum wires. By means of realistic band structure calculations for these structures, we show that detailed information on the heavy- and light-hole states can be singled out from the anisotropy spectra {\em independently of the electron confinement}, thus allowing accurate valence band spectroscopy.Comment: To be published in Appl. Phys. Lett. (8 pages in REVTeX, two postscipt figures

    An observing system for the collection of fishery and oceanographic data

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    Fishery Observing System (FOS) was developed as a first and basic step towards fish stock abundance nowcasting/forecasting within the framework of the EU research program Mediterranean Forecasting System: Toward an Environmental Prediction (MFSTEP). The study of the relationship between abundance and environmental parameters also represents a crucial point towards forecasting. Eight fishing vessels were progressively equipped with FOS instrumentation to collect fishery and oceanographic data. The vessels belonged to different harbours of the Central and Northern Adriatic Sea. For this pilot application, anchovy (&lt;I&gt;Engraulis encrasicolus&lt;/I&gt;, L.) was chosen as the target species. Geo-referenced catch data, associated with in-situ temperature and depth, were the FOS products but other parameters were associated with catch data as well. MFSTEP numerical circulation models provide many of these data. In particular, salinity was extracted from re-analysis data of numerical circulation models. Satellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll were also used as independent variables. Catch and effort data were used to estimate an abundance index (CPUE &amp;ndash; Catch per Unit of Effort). Considering that catch records were gathered by different fishing vessels with different technical characteristics and operating on different fish densities, a standardized value of CPUE was calculated. A spatial and temporal average CPUE map was obtained together with a monthly mean time series in order to characterise the variability of anchovy abundance during the period of observation (October 2003&amp;ndash;August 2005). In order to study the relationship between abundance and oceanographic parameters, Generalized Additive Models (GAM) were used. Preliminary results revealed a complex scenario: the southern sector of the domain is characterised by a stronger relationship than the central and northern sector where the interactions between the environment and the anchovy distribution are hidden by a higher percentage of variability within the system which is still unexplained. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; GAM analysis showed that increasing the number of explanatory variables also increased the portion of variance explained by the model. Data exchange and interdisciplinary efforts will therefore be crucial for the success of this research activity

    Valence band spectroscopy in V-grooved quantum wires

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    We present a combined theoretical and experimental study of the anisotropy in the optical absorption of V‐shaped quantum wires. By means of realistic band structure calculations for these structures, we show that detailed information on the heavy‐ and light‐hole states can be singled out from the anisotropy spectra independently of the electron confinement, thus allowing accurate valence band spectroscopy

    Intrinsic exciton-exciton coupling in GaN-based quantum dots: Application to solid-state quantum computing

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    In this Rapid Communication we propose to use GaN-based quantum dots as building blocks for solid-state quantum-computing devices. The existence of a strong built-in electric field induced by the spontaneous polarization and by the piezoelectricity is exploited to generate entangled few-exciton states in coupled quantum dots without resorting to external fields. More specifically, we shall show how the built-in field induces intrinsic exciton-exciton coupling, which can be used to realize basic quantum information processing on a sub-picosecond time scale

    Photodetectors fabricated from a self-assembly of a deoxyguanosine derivative

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    A metal–semiconductor–metal (MSM) photodetector has been fabricated using as the semiconductor, a self-assembled layer of a DNA basis, namely a deoxyguanosine derivative, deposited between two gold electrodes. These were defined lithographically on a SiO2 substrate, separated by a distance of about 120 nm. The resulting self-assembled guanosine crystal has been deposited in such a way to achieve striking semiconducting properties. We show that with these conditions, the I–V characteristics are independent of the crystal orientation. The device shows a high current response (differential resistance at room temperature ranges in MΩ) which is symmetric with respect to bias sign and dependent on the illumination conditions. This behavior can be explained by taking into account the standard MSM theory and its applications as a photodetector
