79 research outputs found

    Immigration et mobilisations sociales

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    AprĂšs le dossier sur « les Français issus de l’immigration », ce dossier prĂ©sente une grande enquĂȘte europĂ©enne, coordonnĂ©e sur la question de l’immigration telle qu’elle est prise en charge par le politique et le sociĂ©tal. Manlio Cinalli propose un aperçu des questions au centre du projet de recherche qu’il dirige ici au CEVIPOF dans le cadre du FP6 de la Commission europĂ©enne. Didier Chabanet, visiting professor Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de Hong Kong pour l’annĂ©e 2005-06, participe Ă©galement Ă  ce projet, en qualitĂ© de co-responsable scientifique. Il prĂ©sente ici un article "De la question sociale aux problĂšmes urbains : l’exemple de Vaux-en-Velin". Cette recherche* se caractĂ©rise par sa dimension comparative europĂ©enne (Espagne, France, Grande-Bretagne, Hongrie, Italie et Suisse). Ce projet intitulĂ© LOCALMULTIDEM porte non seulement sur les immigrĂ©s comme individus et groupes ethniques, mais s’attache aussi Ă  Ă©tudier les rĂ©seaux qui les relient (ou les opposent) aux autres acteurs des sociĂ©tĂ©s d’accueil. Est Ă©galement intĂ©grĂ©e l’étude des lois et des politiques publiques avec une analyse systĂ©matique du discours public. L’immigration peut ainsi devenir un carrefour de dialogue et de dĂ©bat fĂ©cond entre diffĂ©rentes traditions de recherche. Un carrefour pour l’échange entre les spĂ©cialistes des diffĂ©rents niveaux de gouvernance (local, national et europĂ©en) et entre les utilisateurs de diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes, qualitatives et quantitatives. Tout cela pour dĂ©boucher finalement sur une rĂ©flexion plus large relative aux sociĂ©tĂ©s europĂ©ennes contemporaines face aux nouvelles ‘obligations’ de dĂ©mocraties ouvertes et multiculturelles. * L’équipe CEVIPOF qui participe Ă  ce projet europĂ©en comprend Manlio Cinalli, Florence Haegel, Patrick Le GalĂ©s, Nonna Mayer, et Vincent Tiberj. Le projet, coordonnĂ© par Laura Morales Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de Murcie, comprend six Ă©quipes europĂ©ennes : France: CEVIPOF/FNSP, project leader Manlio Cinalli ; Hongrie: MTAKI, project leaders Andras Kovats and Endre Sik ; Italie: Univ. Trento, project leader Mario Diani ; Espagne: Univ. Murcie, project leader Laura Morales ; Suisse: Univ. GenĂšve, project leader Marco Giugni; Grande-Bretagne: Univ. Leeds, project leader Paul Statham. Le site du projet LOCALMULTIDEM

    Horizontal Networks vs. Vertical Networks in Multi-Organisational Alliances:A Comparative Study of the Unemployment and Asylum Issue-Fields in Britain

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    This paper engages in a comparative analysis of networks amongst social and political actors within two specific issue-fields of British politics, namely, asylum and unemployment. In so doing, the paper aims to develop a series of arguments which draw on and cut across several sociological paths of inquiry on collective action, social movements, networks, civil society, and policy process. My analysis will start with the discussion of the relationship between social actors (movements, non-governmental organisations and voluntary groups) that make demands for other constituencies rather than themselves on the one hand, and policy-makers, political parties, and civil society groups and organisations on the other hand. This debate has so far relied on relatively few empirical accounts that are informed by original comparative data [Statham, 2001], and has received limited attention by scholars of social movements and collective action, who have focused in general on instances of collective action where the beneficiary of the political goal does not differ from the constituency group that mobilises [Giugni and Passy, 2001; Passy, 1998]. Indeed, this specific ‘altruistic’ relationship between beneficiary and constituency groups within the two selected issue-fields of asylum and unemployment provides one of the main conceptual and methodological foundations for their comparison

    The impact of 'relational structures' upon collective action:A comparison of unemployment and asylum in New Labour Britain

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    This paper gives an original twist to main theories of mobilisation and collective action through the use of conceptual and methodological tools of network analysis in order to explore the notion of ‘relational structures’. It emphasises that inter-organisational exchanges specific to the political or sub-political issue field within which collective actors mobilise and interact have an important impact upon collective action. This paper focuses on the study of this specific impact. In particular, it constructs a conceptual space of relational structures, which leads to the formulation of a series of hypotheses about the development of collective action across different fields. Relevant patterns of collective action are then matched with empirical findings on relational structures in the two fields of asylum and unemployment in Britain, providing an initial positive assessment of the overall framework, and hence, opening space for further empirical testing and theoretical refinement

    Report on interviews at level of the European Union

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    The main objective of European Union (EU) employment and social policies is to promote a decent quality of life and standard of living for its member states. At present, the four key strands of employment and social policy in the European Union are: - The European Employment Strategy - Improving working conditions and standards - Social Inclusion and social protection - Equality of men and women (...)

    Les acteurs du mouvement de soutien face Ă  l’immigration illĂ©gale en France et en Grande-Bretagne

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    Cet article se concentre sur les questions de l’asile en Grande-Bretagne et des « sans-papiers » en France pris comme des objets d’étude comparables dans le cadre de la controverse plus large sur l’immigration « illĂ©gale ». Notre analyse porte sur un large nombre d’acteurs qui interviennent en soutien des demandeurs d’asile et des « sans-papiers », dans le cadre de champs multi-organisationnels qui s’étendent sur plusieurs niveaux. Plus particuliĂšrement, nous abordons les dynamiques complexes situĂ©es Ă  l’intersection de l’espace public et des politiques publiques, au sein et au-delĂ  des frontiĂšres de l’État-nation. Nous examinons ainsi une gamme de facteurs qui constituent le noyau des discussions courantes de l’approche des processus politiques, nous inscrivant ainsi dans le dĂ©bat relatif aux filiations et aux limites de l’approche de Charles Tilly, telle que prĂ©sentĂ©e dans From Mobilization to Revolution (1978).This article considers issues of asylum in Great Britain and among undocumented aliens (“sans-papiers”) in France as comparable topics of study pertinent to “illegal” immigration. Our analysis is based on a large number of individuals in many organizations and at various levels acting in support of asylum seekers and the undocumented. Focusing on the complex dynamics that intersect the public space and public policies within and beyond the borders of the nation state, we examine a range of factors at the core of current discussions on the political process approach nd join the debate on the filiations and limits to the approach advanced in Charles Tilly’s From Mobilization to Revolution (1978).Este artĂ­culo se enfoca en las cuestiones del asilo polĂ­tico en Gran Bretaña y de los indocumentados en Francia como objetos de estudio comparables en el marco de la controversia mĂĄs amplia sobre la inmigraciĂłn “ilegal”. Nuestro anĂĄlisis se refiere a un gran nĂșmero de actores que intervienen apoyando a los refugiados y a los indocumentados, en el marco del campo multiorganizacional que se extiende a travĂ©s de varios niveles. MĂĄs concretamente, abordamos las dinĂĄmicas complejas situadas a la intersecciĂłn del espacio pĂșblico y de las polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas, adentro y mĂĄs allĂĄ de las fronteras del Estado-naciĂłn. Examinamos asĂ­ una gama de factores que constituyen el nĂșcleo de los debates actuales del enfoque del proceso polĂ­tico, inscribiĂ©ndonos en el debate sobre las filiaciones y los limites del enfoque de Charles Tilly, tal como se presenta en From Mobilization to Revolution (1978)

    La prĂ©sidentielle vue d’Italie:les rĂ©actions de la sociĂ©tĂ© et du systĂšme politique

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    La prĂ©sidentielle vue d’Italie : les rĂ©actions de la sociĂ©tĂ© et du systĂšme politique Au moins deux perspectives diffĂ©rentes sont nĂ©cessaires pour se faire une idĂ©e de la maniĂšre dont l’élection prĂ©sidentielle française peut ĂȘtre lue depuis l’Italie. Il y a d’abord l’attention que la sociĂ©tĂ© dans son ensemble porte Ă  ce qui se passe en France dans des domaines comme l’immigration, la performance Ă©conomique et l’évolution de l’État social, qui touchent les deux pays de façon analogue. Il y a ensuite l’intĂ©rĂȘt que les autoritĂ©s italiennes vouent aux Ă©vĂ©nements français quant Ă  leurs consĂ©quences possibles sur les rapports bilatĂ©raux et sur les grands Ă©quilibres europĂ©ens.Note publiĂ©e sur le site du Cevipof "Elections 2012" In "Le recueil des notes du Cevipof - Vues d'ailleurs

    Final Report for the United Kingdom

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    Unemployment has stood out as a crucial and controversial issue in the UK. Long term and unskilled unemployed have assisted powerlessly to the continuous erosion of their welfare entitlements, with little prospect of finding work. The New Labour government has promoted significant reforms to the labour market in order to move more people from welfare to work. These include the working families’ tax credit, changes to the system of national contribution, a national minimum wage, and the New Deal, which started as a specific policy directed at young people, but was soon extended to older people, single parents and the disabled. The unemployment issue has thus attained high priority on the agenda of both mass media and public administration, especially during the first New Labour government, opening space for further involvement of civil society at large (...).Funded by the 5th Framework Programme of the European Commissio

    Solidarity in the Media and Public Contention over Refugees in Europe

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    This book examines the ‘European refugee crisis’, offering an in-depth comparative analysis of how public attitudes towards refugees and humanitarian dispositions are shaped by political news coverage. An international team of authors address the role of the media in contesting solidarity towards refugees from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. Focusing on the public sphere, the book follows the assumption that solidarity is a social value, political concept and legal principle that is discursively constructed in public contentions. The analysis refers systematically and comparatively to eight European countries, namely, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Treatment of data is also original in the way it deals with variations of public spheres by combining a news media claims-making analysis with a social media reception analysis. In particular, the book highlights the prominent role of the mass media in shaping national and transnational solidarity, while exploring the readiness of the mass media to extend thick conceptions of solidarity to non-members. It proposes a research design for the comparative analysis of online news reception and considers the innovative potential of this method in relation to established public opinion research. The book is of particular interest for scholars who are interested in the fields of European solidarity, migration and refugees, contentious politics, while providing an approach that talks to scholars of journalism and political communication studies, as well as digital journalism and online news reception
