442 research outputs found

    Optimal Colored Threshold Visual Cryptography Schemes

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    Visual cryptography schemes allow the encoding of a secret image into n shares which are distributed to the participants. The shares are such that only qualified subsets of participants can visually recover the secret image. Usually the secret image consist of black and white pixels. In colored threshold visual cryptography schemes the secret image is composed of pixels taken from a given set of c colors. The pixels expansion and the contrast of a scheme are two measures of the goodness of the scheme. In this paper, we study c-color (k,n)-threshold visual cryptography schemes and provide a characterization of contrast-optimal schemes. More specifically we prove that there exists a contrast-optimal scheme that is a member of a special set of schemes, which we call canonical schemes, and that satisfy strong symmetry properties. Then we use canonical schemes to provide a constructive proof of optimality, with respect to the pixel expansion, of c-color (n,n)-threshold visual cryptography schemes. Finally, we provide constructions of c-color (2,n)-threshold schemes whose pixels expansion improves on previously proposed schemes

    Deep Learning for Real-time Information Hiding and Forensics

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    Overcoming the Obfuscation of Java Programs by Identifier Renaming

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    Decompilation is the process of translating object code to source code and is usually the first step towards the reverse-engineering of an application. Many obfuscation techniques and tools have been developed, with the aim of modifying a program, such that its functionalities are preserved, while its understandability is compromised for a human reader or the decompilation is made unsuccessful. Some approaches rely on malicious identifiers renaming, i.e., on the modification of the program identifiers in order to introduce confusion and possibly prevent the decompilation of the code. In this work we introduce a new technique to overcome the obfuscation of Java programs by identifier renaming. Such a technique relies on the intelligent modification of identifiers in Java bytecode. We present a new software tool which implements our technique and allows the processing of an obfuscated program in order to rename the identifiers as required by our technique. Moreover, we show how to use the existing tools to provide a partial implementation of the technique we propose. Finally, we discuss the feasibility of our approach by showing how to contrast the obfuscation techniques based on malicious identifier renaming recently presented in literature

    La privatizzazione delle "Public Utilities": Il caso Poste Italiane

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    Questo elaborato tratta la privatizzazione delle imprese fornitrici dei servizi di pubblica utilità focalizzando l’attenzione sulla privatizzazione del Settore Postale e ripercorrendo le tappe fondamentali che caratterizzarono tale evento fino ai nostri giorni. Infine vengono illustrati i servizi finanziari forniti dalla Società Poste Italiane S.p.A. descrivendo quelli da sempre svolti per conto della Cassa Depositi e Prestiti e quelli sviluppati dopo la trasformazione in Società per Azioni, tali da renderla assimilabile ad un istituto bancario

    A cryptographic cloud-based approach for the mitigation of the airline cargo cancellation problem

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    In order to keep in good long-term relationships with their main customers, Airline Cargo companies do not impose any fee for last minute cancellations of shipments. As a result, customers can book the same shipment on several cargo companies. Cargo companies try to balance cancellations by a corresponding volume of overbooking. However, the considerable uncertainty in the number of cancellations does not allow to fine-tune the optimal overbooking level, causing losses. In this work, we show how the deployment of cryptographic techniques, enabling the computation on private information of customers and companies data can improve the overall service chain, allowing for striking and enforcing better agreements. We propose a query system based on proxy re-encryption and show how the relevant information can be extracted, still preserving the privacy of customers\u2019 data. Furthermore, we provide a Game Theoretic model of the use case scenario and show that it allows a more accurate estimate of the cancellation rates. This supports the reduction of the uncertainty and allows to better tune the overbooking level
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