91 research outputs found

    Multi-frequency analysis of intraday variable radio sources

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    Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are known to show significant flux density variability across the whole electromagnetic spectrum on a wide range of time scales, from years to less than one day. In the radio regime, variability on intra-day time scales (IDV) was discovered in the mid-eighties. Due to small source sizes, either refractive interstellar scintillation (RISS) or source-intrinsic effects or a mixture of both are possible causes for IDV. Combining new observations with the 15-years IDV monitoring at the 100-m Ef-felsberg radio telescope, we performed a statistical analysis of the phenomenon. Furthermore, we tested various high frequency approaches to search for rapid variability of flat-spectrum radio sources in total intensity and polarization in the millimeter and sub-millimeter regimes. Finally, we discussed the overall interpretation of the results and some implications concerning the physics of compact structures and the characteristics of the interstellar medium

    Hour time-scale QPOs in the X-ray and radio emission of LS I +61∘^{\circ}303

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    LS I +61∘^{\circ}303 is an X-ray binary with a radio outburst every ~27 days. Previous studies of the stellar system revealed radio microflares superimposed on the large radio outburst. We present here new radio observations of LS I +61∘^{\circ}303 at 2.2 GHz with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT). Using various timing analysis methods we find significant Quasi-Periodic Oscillations (QPOs) of 55 minutes stable over the duration of 4 days. We also use archival data obtained from the Suzaku satellite at X-ray wavelengths. We report here for the first time significant X-ray QPOs of about 2 hours present over the time span of 21 hours. We compare our results with the previously reported QPO observations and we conclude that the QPOs seem to be associated with the radio outburst, independent of the amplitude of the outburst. Finally, the different QPO time-scales are discussed in the context of magnetic reconnection

    Ploidy manipulation for genetic improvement in some Mediterranean fruit crops

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    Plant breeding is focused on selection of new genotypes with improved traits. Conventional methods based on hybridization and those based on biotechnology (somatic hybridization, genetic transformation, ploidy manipulation, etc.) are used to create novel genetic variations. Biotechnology provides powerful tools for plant breeding, for instance, haploid technology allows achievement of homozygous lines from heterozygous parents in one step, which reduces significantly the time required by conventional methods. Concerning woody species, characterized by self-incompatibility, long juvenile period and high degree of heterozygosity, this technique is the only way to get homozygous lines. Haploid plants are of great interest for breeding and genomic studies, being used in mutation research, genetic analysis, genome mapping and gene transfer. Gametic embryogenesis, based on cellular totipotency, produces an embryo from an immature gamete, by switching its developmental pathway from gametophytic to sporophytic. This research is focused on inducing gametic embryogenesis in two important Mediterranean fruit crops: almond (Prunus dulcis Mill.) via in vitro anther culture and mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) via isolation and microspore culture. Also ploidy manipulation was applied to loquat (Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.) for getting genotypes whit different ploidy levels. The experiments were carried out through years 2014, 2015 and 2016 at the 'Università degli Studi di Palermo' (UNIPA) as well as at the 'Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias' (IVIA). Regarding the almond anther culture, formation of calli and production of embryos was achieved through the direct embryogenesis route. On then other hand, early embryo regeneration is reported, for the first time, from isolated microspore culture of mandarin, 'Mandarino Tardivo di Ciaculli'. Our results report the evidence of gametic embryogenesis and the production of homozygous regenerants in almond and mandarin, two species extremely recalcitrant to microspore embryogenesis. However, the results are affected by many factors that need further studies to better understand the embryogenic development and to increase the rate of embryo achievement. Moreover, another biotechnological tool (ploidy manipulation) was also applied for implementing the IVIA loquat breeding program. Polyploid plants are of great interest in this species, due to its potential for producing seedless genotypes via direct use of triploids or crosses between tetra and diploids. Aimed at obtaining new loquat genotypes, with different ploidy levels (polyploids), colchicine was applied to seeds before germination, to induce chromosome duplication. A total of three triploids (3x) and one tetraploid (4x) were obtained.La mejora genética tiene como objetivo la selección de nuevos genotipos con mejores características. Los métodos de mejora convencional basados en hibridaciones y aquellos basados en Biotecnología (hibridación somática, transformación genética, manipulación de la ploidía, etc.) se utilizan para obtener nueva variación genética. La Biotecnología proporciona herramientas poderosas en mejora genética, por ejemplo, la obtención de haploides permite obtener líneas homocigotas en un solo paso, disminuyendo significativamente el tiempo requerido usando métodos convencionales. Respecto a especies leñosas, caracterizadas por autoincompatibilidad floral, largo período juvenil y alto grado de heterocigosidad, esta técnica es el único método de obtención de líneas homocigotas. Los genotipos haploides tienen un alto interés en estudios genómicos, siendo utilizados en estudios de mutaciones, análisis genéticos, mapeo genético y transferencia genética. Este estudio tiene como objetivo la inducción de embriogénesis gamética en dos especies mediterráneas muy importantes: el almendro (Prunus dulcis Mill.) por medio de cultivo in vitro de anteras y el mandarino (Citrus reticulata Blanco) por medio de aislamiento de microesporas. Además, se ha estudiado la obtención de poliploides en níspero (Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.) con el objetivo de obtener genotipos con diversos niveles de ploidía. Los experimentos se llevaron a cabo en los años 2014, 2015 y 2016 en la 'Università degli Studi di Palermo' (UNIPA) y en el 'Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias' (IVIA). Respecto al cultivo de anteras en almendro, la formación de callos y producción de embriones se obtuvo mediante embriogénesis directa. Por otro lado, se ha conseguido regenerar por primera vez embriones a partir de microesporas aisladas en el cultivar de mandarino 'Mandarino Tardivo di Ciaculli'. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la embriogénesis gamética y la regeneración de embriones homocigótos en almendro y mandarino, dos especies extremadamente recalcitrantes para la embriogenésis a partir de microesporas, es posible. Sin embargo, los resultados se ven afectados por muchos factores que necesitan estudios adicionales para comprender mejor el desarrollo embriogénico y para aumentar la tasa de obtención del embriones. Además, otra herramienta biotecnológica (manipulación de la ploidía) se aplicó con el objetivo de implementar el programa de mejora de níspero del IVIA. Las plantas poliploides en esta especie tienen un alto interés, pues podrían permitir la obtención de frutos sin semilla, por medio de la obtención directa de triploides o mediante cruzamiento entre tetraploides y diploides. Con el objetivo de obtener nuevos genotipos de níspero con diferentes niveles de ploidía (poliploides), se aplicó colchicina a semillas sin germinar con el fin de inducir la duplicación cromosómica y se obtuvieron 3 triploides (3x) y un tetraploide (4x).La millora genètica té com objectiu la selecció de nous genotips amb millors característiques. Els mètodes de millora convencional basats en hibridacions i aquells basats en Biotecnologia (hibridació somàtica, transformació genètica, manipulació de la ploïdia, etc.) s'utilitzen per aconseguir nova variació genètica. La Biotecnologia proporciona eines poderoses en millora genètica, per exemple, l'obtenció d'haploides permet obtenir línies homozigòtiques en un sol pas, disminuint significativament el temps requerit usant mètodes convencionals. Pel que fa a espècies llenyoses, caracteritzades per autoincompatibilitat floral, llarg període juvenil i alt grau d'heterozigosi, aquesta tècnica és l'únic mètode d'obtenció de línies homozigòtiques. Els genotips haploides tenen un alt interès en estudis genòmics, sent utilitzats en estudis de mutacions, anàlisis genètics, mapatge genètic i transferència genètica. Aquest estudi té com objectiu la inducció d'embriogènesi gamètica en dos espècies mediterrànies molt importants: l'ametller (Prunus dulcis Mill.) a través del cultiu in vitro d'anteres i el mandariner (Citrus reticulata Blanco) per mitjà d'aïllament de micròspores. A més a més, s'ha estudiat l'obtenció de poliploides en nespra (Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.) Amb l'objectiu d'aconseguir genotips amb diversos nivells de ploïdia. Els experiments es van dur a terme en els anys 2014, 2015 i 2016 a la 'Università degli Studi di Palermo' (UNIPA) i a 'l'Institut Valencià d'Investigacions Agràries' (IVIA). Respecte al cultiu d'anteres en ametller, la formació de calls i producció d'embrions es va obtenir mitjançant embriogènesi directa. D'altra banda, s'ha aconseguit per primera vegada la regeneració d'embrions a partir de micròspores aïllades en el conrear de mandariner 'Mandarino Tardivo di Ciaculli'. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que l'embriogènesi gamètica i la regeneració d'embrions homozigotics en ametller i mandariner, dues espècies extremadament recalcitrants per l'embriogènesi a partir de micròspores, és possible. No obstant això, els resultats es veuen afectats per molts factors que necessiten estudis addicionals per entendre millor el desenvolupament embriogènic i per augmentar la taxa d'obtenció dels embrions. A més, una altra eina biotecnològica (manipulació de la ploïdia) es va aplicar amb l'objectiu d'implementar el programa de millora de nespra de l'IVIA. Les plantes poliploides en aquesta espècie tenen un alt interès, ja que podrien permetre l'obtenció de fruits sense llavor, per mitjà de l'obtenció directa de triploides o mitjançant encreuament entre tetraploides i diploides. Amb l'objectiu d'aconseguir nous genotips de nespra amb diferents nivells de ploïdia (poliploides), es va aplicar colquicina a llavors sense germinar per tal d'induir la duplicació cromosòmica i es van obtenir 3 triploides (3x) i un tetraploide (4x).Cimò, G. (2017). Ploidy manipulation for genetic improvement in some Mediterranean fruit crops [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/79874TESI

    A Compact Extreme Scattering Event Cloud Towards AO 0235+164

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    We present observations of a rare, rapid, high amplitude Extreme Scattering Event toward the compact BL-Lac AO 0235+164 at 6.65 GHz. The ESE cloud is compact; we estimate its diameter between 0.09 and 0.9 AU, and is at a distance of less than 3.6 kpc. Limits on the angular extent of the ESE cloud imply a minimum cloud electron density of ~ 4 x 10^3 cm^-3. Based on the amplitude and timescale of the ESE observed here, we suggest that at least one of the transients reported by Bower et al. (2007) may be attributed to ESEs.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Multi-frequency Study of Intraday Variable Sources

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    Intraday variability (IDV) of compact extragalactic radio sources is a complex phenomenon and shows a wavelength dependent mixture of refractive interstellar scintillation (RISS) (dominant at long cm-wavelengths) and source-intrinsic effects (dominant at shorter wavelengths). Detailed investigations of individual sources and new high frequency observations suggest a source-intrinsic contribution to the IDV pattern at least in some sources. However, the sizes of intraday variable sources at cm-wavelength are typically smaller than the scattering size set by the ISM in our galaxy and scintillation must be present, too. We present new IDV observations in different regimes (from cm to sub-mm wavelengths) and show how such multi-frequency study can be used as powerful instrument to describe different aspects of IDV.Comment: 4 pages. Proceedings of the 6th European VLBI Network Symposium. Ros E., Porcas R.W., Lobanov A.P. and Zensus J.A. (eds.). June 25th-28th 2002, Bonn, German

    Compact Intraday Variable Radio Cores: New Observational Approaches

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    The evidence for refractive interstellar scintillation (RISS) being the main cause for rapid intraday variations (Intraday Variability, IDV) in Quasars and BL Lacs has recently become stronger. If IDV is still a complex composition of extrinsic and source intrinsic effects, the intrinsic part of the IDV pattern should show up in the millimeter and sub-millimeter regime due to the frequency dependence of RISS. Hence, observations at higher frequencies are essential in order to exclude RISS as the sole cause of IDV. Here we report on our new attempt to search for rapid variations at much higher frequencies. In addition, the possibility of a direct detection of the postulated scattering screen in front of IDV sources will be discussed. Our recent line observations towards a few IDV sources lead to the first detection of a high latitude molecular cloud in front of an intraday variable radio core.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings of the 6th European VLBI Network Symposium, Bonn 25th-28th June 200

    Analysis of an Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection by a spacecraft radio signal: A case study

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    Tracking radio communication signals from planetary spacecraft with ground-based telescopes offers the possibility to study the electron density and the interplanetary scintillation of the solar wind. Observations of the telemetry link of planetary spacecraft have been conducted regularly with ground antennae from the European Very Long Baseline Interferometry Network, aiming to study the propagation of radio signals in the solar wind at different solar elongations and distances from the Sun. We have analyzed the Mars Express spacecraft radio signal phase fluctuations while, based on a 3-D heliosphere plasma simulation, an interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) crossed the radio path during one of our observations on 6 April 2015. Our measurements showed that the phase scintillation indices increased by a factor of 4 during the passage of the ICME. The method presented here confirms that the phase scintillation technique based on spacecraft signals provides information of the properties and propagation of the ICMEs in the heliosphere

    A very rapid Extreme Scattering Event in the IDV source 0954+658

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    Extreme Scattering Events (ESEs) are dramatic variations of the flux density at Gigahertz frequencies caused by ray path distortions within an isolated inhomogeneity ("plasma lens") in the interstellar medium. These events are characterized by a deep flux density minimum in the light curve with, in some cases, surrounding maxima. The variability time scales range from weeks to months. These phenomena show a strong frequency dependence, in which the variability amplitudes increase with wavelength. During an Intraday Variability (IDV) monitoring project (March 2000), a feature resembling an ESE-like event appeared in the variable light curve of 0954+658, however with a time scale of less than two days. We will discuss this effect and its implications for a better description of the interstellar medium.Comment: 6 pages, 7 PS files. Accepted for publication in PASA; based on a talk given at the workshop: "AGN variability across the Electromagnetic Spectrum", Sydney 200

    Evaluating impact of possible transgenic poplar cultivation on protected areas

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    Plant biodiversity studies have been performed in the Migliarino-San Rossore-Massaciuccoli Regional Park in Tuscany (Italy) within the framework of the European project LIFE08 NAT/IT/342.This project aims at developing a quick monitoring index (QMI) to rapidly assess the potential risk generated by transgenic plants in characterized ecosystems or biotopes. For this reason test areas have been selected inside the protected area to evaluate plant (weeds and trees), animal, and soil microoganisms biodiversity. The proximity of the selected test area to cropped surfaces where Genetically Modified Plants (GMPs) might be cultivated has been taken into account. GMPs could spread pollen and contaminate natural populations. To avoid this risk, an efficient monitoring system is required taking into account genetic diversity and breeding study. As far as tree biodiversity concern, Populus species were identified in the test areas. Two populations of Populus present into two different ecosystems (forest and wetland areas) were examined together with two cultivated varieties. The two ecosystems were characterized for the vegetation. Nuclear microsatellites were used to evaluate genetic diversity of poplar populations and level of breeding between natural and cultivated Populus. In addition the insect populations present on male and female poplars during flowering period have been studied
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