9 research outputs found

    Competencia de la enfermera en el proceso de limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico en las unidades de cuidados intensivos

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    Trabajo fin de grado en Enfermeríaanalizar la competencia de la enfermera en el proceso de limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico en las unidades de cuidados intensivos. Método: revisión narrativa mediante la búsqueda bibliográfica en bases de datos de Ciencias de la Salud: PubMed, CUIDEN y CINAHL, y en el buscador especializado Dialnet. Resultados: se obtuvieron 55 artículos que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión, de los cuales se seleccionaron 23. Se generaron tres categorías de análisis en relación con la limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico: la participación enfermera en la toma de decisiones, la relación de ayuda a la familia y los cuidados dirigidos al paciente. El profesional enfermero tiene un papel clave en la etapa final de la vida del paciente crítico, sin embargo su participación en la toma de decisiones es muy escasa. Además, la figura de la enfermera es fundamental en todos los cuidados que se precisan una vez se ha implantado la limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico en un paciente, así como en la atención a las necesidades de su familia. Conclusiones: es necesario que los profesionales adquieran competencias en comunicación y en los ámbitos de la ética y los cuidados paliativos para así proporcionar una atención de calidad al final de la vida. Se evidencia la necesidad de crear normativas que respalden el desarrollo de la limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico, así como clarificar el rol de la enfermera en todos los procesos del final de la vida, incluida su participación en la toma de decisiones.Title: “Nurse competency in the process of withholding treatment in intensive care units” Objective: analyze the competency of the nurse in the process of withholding treatment in intensive care units. Method: a narrative review through bibliographic search in Health Science databases: PubMed, CUIDEN and CINAHL, and in the specialized search engine Dialnet. Results: 23 articles have been selected out of 55 which were obtained that met the inclusion criteria. Three categories of analysis were generated in relation with the withholding treatment: nurse participation in the decision making process, the nurse-family relationship with a supportive intent and patient care. Nursing has a key role in the end-of-life of critical ill patients; however, their participation in decision making process is very scant. Furthermore, nursing role is essential in providing end-of-life care once the withholding treatment has been agreed, as well as in the attention to the relatives’ needs. Conclusions: professionals need to acquire communication skills and competences in the ethical and palliative care fields in order to provide quality care at the end of life. It is evident the need of creating regulations which support the development of the withholding treatment, and clarify the role of the nurse in the whole process of end of life, including their participation in the decision making process

    Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Infants Younger Than 90 Days Old Following Enterovirus and Parechovirus Infections of the Central Nervous System

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    Enteroviruses (EVs) and human parechoviruses (HPeVs) are a major cause of central nervous system (CNS) infection in young infants. They have been implicated in neurodevelopmental delay, however limited data are available. The aim of this study is to describe the clinical outcome of young infants and to assess and compare the medium-term neurodevelopment following CNS infections caused by EV and HPeV. A multicentre observational ambispective study was conducted between May 2013 and March 2018. Children under 3 months of age with EV or HPeV CNS infection excluding encephalitis were included. Infants were contacted 1 year after the acute infection and their neurological development was evaluated using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire-3 (ASQ-3). If any area assessed was abnormal during the first round of tests, a second round was completed 6 to 12 months later. Forty-eight young infants with EV and HPeV CNS infection were identified: 33 (68.8%) were positive for EV and 15 (31.3%) for HPeV. At first assessment 14 out of 29 EV (48.3%) and 3 out of 15 HPeV (20%) positive cases presented some developmental concern in the ASQ-3 test. EV-positive infants showed mild and moderate alteration in all domains analyzed and HPeV-positive infants showed mild alterations only in gross and fine motor domains. Significant alterations in communication were observed in EV-positive but not in HPeV-positive infants (31 vs. 0%, p = 0.016). At second assessment 4 out of 13 EV-positive patients (30.8%) showed mild to moderate concerns in communication and gross motor function domains and 3 out of 13 (23.1%) showed significant concern in fine motor function. Although CNS infections without associated encephalitis are generally assumed to be benign our study shows that at a median age of 18 months almost half of the EV-infected infants (48.3%) and 20% of HPeV-positive infants presented some developmental concern in the ASQ-3 test. We recommend monitor the neurological development of infants during the first years of life after HPeV CNS infection and especially after EV CNS infection, even in mild cases, for an early intervention and stimulation of psychomotor development if necessary.This study was partially supported by grant from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (number PI18CIII/00017).S

    Comparison of epidemiology and clinical characteristics of infections by human parechovirus vs. those by enterovirus during the first month of life

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    Human parechoviruses (HPeV) have been recently recognized as important viral agents in paediatric infections. The aims of this study were to investigate the HPeV infection prevalence in infants <1 month in Spain and, secondly, to analyse the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the infected patients compared with those infected by enterovirus (EV). Infants <1 month with neurological or systemic symptoms were included in a multicentre prospective study. EV and HPeV detection by RT-PCR and genotyping were performed in cerebrospinal fluids (CSF), sera or throat swabs. Out of the total of 84 infants studied during 2013, 32 were EV positive (38 %) and 9 HPeV positive (11 %). HPeV-3 was identified in eight cases and HPeV-5 in one. Mean age of HPeV-positive patients was 18 days. Diagnoses were fever without source (FWS) (67 %), clinical sepsis (22 %) and encephalitis (11 %). Leukocytes in blood and CSF were normal. Pleocytosis (p = 0.03) and meningitis (p = 0.001) were significantly more frequent in patients with EV infections than with HPeV. Conclusions: Although HPeV-3 infections were detected less frequently than EV, they still account for approximately 10 % of the cases analysed in infants younger than 1 month. HPeV-3 was mainly associated with FWS and without leukocytosis and pleocytosis in CSF. In these cases, HPeV screening is desirable to identify the aetiologic agent and prevent unnecessary treatment and prolonged hospitalization.This study was partially supported by a grant from the Spanish National Health Institute PI12-00904.S

    Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of infants admitted to hospital due to human parechovirus infections: A prospective study in Spain

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    Incluye versión en castellano y en inglés.[ES] Introducción: Los parechovirus humanos (HPeV) son virus de la familia Picornaviridae, recientemente descritos, a los que se atribuyen cuadros de fiebre sin foco (FSF), sepsis clínica, gastroenteritis, meningitis o encefalitis fundamentalmente en lactantes pequeños. Nuestro objetivo fue describir la epidemiología y las características clínicas de las infecciones por HPeV en nuestro medio. Pacientes y métodos: Estudio multicéntrico prospectivo, llevado a cabo en 12 hospitales a nivel nacional, entre 2013-2015, en niños 3 meses. Todos los pacientes presentaron fiebre, el 45% irritabilidad, el 18,6% exantema y el 14% diarrea. No se observa ninguna alteración específica en las pruebas bioquímicas. El diagnóstico final más frecuente fue FSF (61%) seguido de sepsis clínica (29%). Aunque un 29% de los niños precisaron ingreso en cuidados intensivos, solo un paciente presentó secuelas. Conclusiones: Los HPeV circulan en nuestro país, afectando fundamentalmente a lactantes < 2 meses y se asocian a FSF y sepsis clínica, con un predominio en primavera y verano. Sería de interés implementar las técnicas moleculares de diagnóstico en todos los hospitales para reconocer y manejar adecuadamente estas infecciones. [EN] Introduction: Human parechovirus (HPeV) is one of the recently described picornaviridae viruses that have been associated with fever of unknown origin (FUO), clinical sepsis, gastroenteritis, meningitis, or encephalitis in very young infants. The aim of this study is to describe the epidemiology and clinical features of these viruses. Patients and methods: A prospective multicentre 3-year study was conducted in 12 hospitals in Spain. Out of 850 specimens examined, 47 were positive (5.52%), with HPeV-3 being the most frequent (29 cases). Infections occurred throughout the year, but mainly in May and July, and a biennial distribution was observed. More than half (57%) were neonates, and only 2 children were older than 3 months. Fever was present in all children, with irritability in 45%, rash in 18.6%, and diarrhoea in 14%. The results of biochemical tests were all in normal range. The most common final diagnosis was FUO (61%), followed by clinical sepsis (29%). Up to 29% of infants were admitted to the intensive care unit, but only one patient had sequelae. Results: Out of 850 specimens examined, 47 were positive (5.52%) for HPeV, with HPeV-3 being the most frequent (29 cases). Infections occurred throughout the year, but mainly in May and July, and a biennial distribution was observed. More than half (57%) were neonates, and only 2 children were older than 3 months. Fever was present in all children, with irritability in 45%, rash in 18.6%, and diarrhoea in 14%. The results of biochemical tests were all in normal range. The most common final diagnosis was FUO (61%), followed by clinical sepsis (29%). Up to 29% of infants were admitted to the intensive care unit, but only one patient had sequelae. Conclusions: HPeV circulates in our country, mainly during spring and summer, and affects young infants with a FUO and clinical sepsis. Molecular diagnostic techniques in all hospitals could help in improving the management of patients with these infections.Estudio financiado por el Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias: AES (PI12-00904).S

    Comparison of epidemiology and clinical characteristics of infections by human parechovirus vs. those by enterovirus during the first month of life

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    Human parechoviruses (HPeV) have been recently recognized as important viral agents in paediatric infections. The aims of this study were to investigate the HPeV infection prevalence in infants <1 month in Spain and, secondly, to analyse the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the infected patients compared with those infected by enterovirus (EV). Infants <1 month with neurological or systemic symptoms were included in a multicentre prospective study. EV and HPeV detection by RT-PCR and genotyping were performed in cerebrospinal fluids (CSF), sera or throat swabs. Out of the total of 84 infants studied during 2013, 32 were EV positive (38 %) and 9 HPeV positive (11 %). HPeV-3 was identified in eight cases and HPeV-5 in one. Mean age of HPeV-positive patients was 18 days. Diagnoses were fever without source (FWS) (67 %), clinical sepsis (22 %) and encephalitis (11 %). Leukocytes in blood and CSF were normal. Pleocytosis (p = 0.03) and meningitis (p = 0.001) were significantly more frequent in patients with EV infections than with HPeV. Conclusions: Although HPeV-3 infections were detected less frequently than EV, they still account for approximately 10 % of the cases analysed in infants younger than 1 month. HPeV-3 was mainly associated with FWS and without leukocytosis and pleocytosis in CSF. In these cases, HPeV screening is desirable to identify the aetiologic agent and prevent unnecessary treatment and prolonged hospitalization

    Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress in Healthy Infants within the First Three Days after Birth

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    The clinical relevance of stress biomarkers in newborns is well established. Currently, oxidative stress (OS) parameters are seen to play an important role in neonatal resuscitation guidelines, and a link has been observed between the amount of oxygen delivered and the level of OS and the development of various pathologies. The aim of the current study was to investigate changes in neonatal plasma and urine OS status during the first hours after birth. A lower antioxidant capacity (TAC) and higher levels of malondialdehyde in blood were observed in newborns at the time of birth compared with results 48 h postnatally. The urine revealed a significant and progressive increase in TAC and creatinine during the first 36 h of life, with a progressive decline thereafter. Meanwhile, malondialdehyde in urine samples showed no significant differences over time. Overall, the correlation between blood and urine parameters was poor, except for the relationship between umbilical vein glutathione reduced/oxidized ratio and urine malondialdehyde (r = 0.7; p = 0.004) and between TAC in the umbilical artery and urine (r = −0.547; p = 0.013). The biomarkers evaluated in this study could be established as reference values for neonatal OS

    Características epidemiológicas y clínicas de los lactantes hospitalizados por infecciones por parechovirus humanos : Estudio prospectivo en España

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    Los parechovirus humanos (HPeV) son virus de la familia Picornaviridae, recientemente descritos, a los que se atribuyen cuadros de fiebre sin foco (FSF), sepsis clínica, gastroenteritis, meningitis o encefalitis fundamentalmente en lactantes pequeños. Nuestro objetivo fue describir la epidemiología y las características clínicas de las infecciones por HPeV en nuestro medio. Estudio multicéntrico prospectivo, llevado a cabo en 12 hospitales a nivel nacional, entre 2013-2015, en niños 3 meses. Todos los pacientes presentaron fiebre, el 45% irritabilidad, el 18,6% exantema y el 14% diarrea. No se observa ninguna alteración específica en las pruebas bioquímicas. El diagnóstico final más frecuente fue FSF (61%) seguido de sepsis clínica (29%). Aunque un 29% de los niños precisaron ingreso en cuidados intensivos, solo un paciente presentó secuelas. Los HPeV circulan en nuestro país, afectando fundamentalmente a lactantes < 2 meses y se asocian a FSF y sepsis clínica, con un predominio en primavera y verano. Sería de interés implementar las técnicas moleculares de diagnóstico en todos los hospitales para reconocer y manejar adecuadamente estas infecciones

    Características epidemiológicas y clínicas de los lactantes hospitalizados por infecciones por parechovirus humanos. Estudio prospectivo en España

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    Incluye versión en castellano y en inglés.[ES] Introducción: Los parechovirus humanos (HPeV) son virus de la familia Picornaviridae, recientemente descritos, a los que se atribuyen cuadros de fiebre sin foco (FSF), sepsis clínica, gastroenteritis, meningitis o encefalitis fundamentalmente en lactantes pequeños. Nuestro objetivo fue describir la epidemiología y las características clínicas de las infecciones por HPeV en nuestro medio. Pacientes y métodos: Estudio multicéntrico prospectivo, llevado a cabo en 12 hospitales a nivel nacional, entre 2013-2015, en niños 3 meses. Todos los pacientes presentaron fiebre, el 45% irritabilidad, el 18,6% exantema y el 14% diarrea. No se observa ninguna alteración específica en las pruebas bioquímicas. El diagnóstico final más frecuente fue FSF (61%) seguido de sepsis clínica (29%). Aunque un 29% de los niños precisaron ingreso en cuidados intensivos, solo un paciente presentó secuelas. Conclusiones: Los HPeV circulan en nuestro país, afectando fundamentalmente a lactantes < 2 meses y se asocian a FSF y sepsis clínica, con un predominio en primavera y verano. Sería de interés implementar las técnicas moleculares de diagnóstico en todos los hospitales para reconocer y manejar adecuadamente estas infecciones. [EN] Introduction: Human parechovirus (HPeV) is one of the recently described picornaviridae viruses that have been associated with fever of unknown origin (FUO), clinical sepsis, gastroenteritis, meningitis, or encephalitis in very young infants. The aim of this study is to describe the epidemiology and clinical features of these viruses. Patients and methods: A prospective multicentre 3-year study was conducted in 12 hospitals in Spain. Out of 850 specimens examined, 47 were positive (5.52%), with HPeV-3 being the most frequent (29 cases). Infections occurred throughout the year, but mainly in May and July, and a biennial distribution was observed. More than half (57%) were neonates, and only 2 children were older than 3 months. Fever was present in all children, with irritability in 45%, rash in 18.6%, and diarrhoea in 14%. The results of biochemical tests were all in normal range. The most common final diagnosis was FUO (61%), followed by clinical sepsis (29%). Up to 29% of infants were admitted to the intensive care unit, but only one patient had sequelae. Results: Out of 850 specimens examined, 47 were positive (5.52%) for HPeV, with HPeV-3 being the most frequent (29 cases). Infections occurred throughout the year, but mainly in May and July, and a biennial distribution was observed. More than half (57%) were neonates, and only 2 children were older than 3 months. Fever was present in all children, with irritability in 45%, rash in 18.6%, and diarrhoea in 14%. The results of biochemical tests were all in normal range. The most common final diagnosis was FUO (61%), followed by clinical sepsis (29%). Up to 29% of infants were admitted to the intensive care unit, but only one patient had sequelae. Conclusions: HPeV circulates in our country, mainly during spring and summer, and affects young infants with a FUO and clinical sepsis. Molecular diagnostic techniques in all hospitals could help in improving the management of patients with these infections.Estudio financiado por el Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias: AES (PI12-00904).S

    Interim 2017/18 influenza seasonal vaccine effectiveness: Combined results from five European studies

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