48 research outputs found

    Prosudba kliničkih i ultrazvučnih nalaza kod abdominalnih poremećaja u krava.

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    In this study, 100 cattle were examined clinically and ultrasonographically in order to identify their abdominal disorders. The importance and advantages of ultrasonography were evaluated by testing the findings of radiography and abdominocentesis in suspicious cases. Examinations revealed that subjects were suffering from omphalitis (n = 30), extraumbilical abscess (n = 22), traumatic reticulitis (n = 14), urolithiasis and bladder rupture (n = 10), traumatic reticuloperitonitis (n = 6), hernia umbilicalis (n = 6), omphalophlebitis (n = 4), urachal fistula (n = 3), abomasum fistula (n = 2), hernia ventralis (n = 2) or ruminal fistula (n = 1). This investigation indicated that clinical symptoms were unspecific and insufficient for definitive diagnosis even though they provided valuable data at first. However, ultrasonography not only provided definitive results, but also dispelled doubts raised by techniques applied in previous or subsequent procedures.Stotinu goveda bilo je pretraženo klinički i ultrazvučno radi dokazivanja njihovih abdominalnih poremećaja. Važnost i prednosti ultrazvučne dijagnostike bili su procijenjeni na osnovi radiografskih nalaza i punkcije abdomena u sumnjivih slučajeva. Pretragom je bilo ustanovljeno da su goveda oboljela od omfalitisa (n = 30), izvanpupčanih apscesa (n = 22), traumatskog retikulitisa (n = 14), urolitijaze i prsnuća mokraćnog mjehura (n = 10), traumatskog retikuloperitonitisa (n = 6), pupčane hernije (n = 6), omfalofl ebitisa (n = 4), urahusne fistule (n = 3), fistule sirišta (n = 2), ventralne hernije (n = 2) ili buražnih fistula (n = 1). Istraživanje upućuje na zaključak da su klinički znakovi bili nespecifični i nedovoljni za postavljanje konačne dijagnoze, iako su u početku davali obećavajuće rezultate. Ultrazvučnom dijagnostikom potvrđeni su konačni nalazi i uklonjene sumnje postavljene pretragom metodama primijenjenima u prijašnjim ili naknadnim pretragama.

    Enzymatic Markers of Pulmonary Inflammation in Tracheal Wash Fluid in Racehorses: Alkaline Phosphatase and Lactate Dehydrogenase

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    Background: Diagnosis of the lower airway diseases (LAD) in horses relies on clinical signs, endoscopic examination and cytologic evaluation of lower respiratory tract flushing fluids as well. Specific enzyme activities in respiratory tract fluids of horses could be used as useful indicators in lower airway disorders. The main goal of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic usefulness of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) enzyme activites in tracheal wash (TW) fluids of horses with lower respiratory tract inflammation and/or damage and also in distinguishing of non-septic and septic inflammation in racehorses with LAD.Materials, Methods & Results: A cross-sectional study was conducted in racehorses. TW fluid samples were obtained from 83 racehorses (71 with lower airway diseases and 12 healthy controls) for the study. The One-Way ANOVA Test was used for the significance analysis of the differences between the groups in showing the normal distribution of blood serum ALP and LDH properties. Kruskal Wallis H Test and Tamhane T2 test were used for the significance analysis of the differences between the groups of tracheal ALP and LDH properties, which were not normally distributed.  The sampled horses were classified into 3 groups as healthy control, non septic neutrophilic inflammation (NS-LAD) and septic neutrophilic inflammation (S-LAD) according to the tracheal mucus scores determined during endoscopic examination, clinical signs, cytologic and bacteriologic examination of collected TW samples. According to cytology results normal neutrophil levels (< 20%) were determined in the heatlhy control group (14.5%). However, increased neutrophil levels (≥ 20% and ≥ 80%) were encountered in the NS-LAD (61.4%) and S-LAD (24.1%) groups respectively. Also, the signs of degenerative changes and presence of intracellular bacteria in the neutrophil cells in the S-LAD group was observed. Bacteriologic analysis of the samples revealed Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus was the most prevalent agent (85.6%) followed by Escherichia coli (4.8%), Staphylococcus aureus (4.8%) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (4.8%). ALP and LDH enzyme activities of TW fluid were found to be significantly higher in racehorses with LAD compared with healthy controls (P < 0.01). On the other hand, a significant difference was also determined for LDH levels between NS-LAD and S-LAD cases determining with cytological and bacteriological examination (P < 0.01). No statistically significant difference was found between NS-LAD and S-LAD group. Serum ALP and LDH levels of racehorses revealed no significant difference between each study groups.Discussion: Respiratory system diseases have been known to be one of the main causes of training disruption and interruption of racing events in racehorses. Specifically, LAD is the most frequently diagnosed disorder in racehorses evaluated for poor performance. In the present study established for determining the usefulness of ALP and LDH enzyme levels in the TW samples of horses with lower respiratory tract inflammatory disorders. It was concluded that ALP and LDH enzyme activities of TW fluid could be considered as indicators of pulmonary inflammation and/or damage and LDH enzyme activity is thought to be useful in distinguishing neutrophilic non-septic and septic pulmonary inflammation in racehorses with LAD. On the other hand, data obtained from the study indicated that TW fluid ALP activity was not enough statistically to differenatiate horses with non-septic and septic lower airway inflammation

    Elektron Demeti Buharlaştırma Yöntemi İle Süngerimsi Si Yapıların Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu

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    Bu projede süngerimsi yapıya sahip silisyum (Si) nanoyapıların dielektrik bir matris içerisinde elektron demeti (e-demeti) buharlaştırma yöntemi ile üretilmesi ve karakterizasyonu araştırılacaktır. Sahip olduğu kuvantum sınırlama etkisi (quantum confienment effect) ve üstün elektron iletimi nedeni ile, önerilen bu yeni malzemenin özellikle yeni nesil fotovoltaik güneş hücrelerinde kullanılması öngörülmektedir.Süngerimsi Si yapılar hakkında yeterince bilgi birikimi oluşmaması nedeniyle bu konuda yapılan deneysel ve teorik bilimsel çalışmalar yeterli seviyelere henüz ulaşamamıştır. Yapılan az sayıda çalışmada bu yapılar çoğunlukla proses kolaylığı ve kontrol edilebilirliği gibi nedenlerle buhar depolama yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Daha önce grubumuz tarafından saçtırma yöntemi kullanarak benzer yapılar elde edilmiştir. Bu projede ilk defa olarak Si süngerimsi nanoyapılar, elektron demeti buharlaştırma yöntemi kullanılarak elde edilecektir.Üretim için e-demeti yönteminden yararlanmayı ve bu yapıları SiOx dielektrik matris içerisinde büyütmeyi planlamaktayız. Tavlama işlemi ile nanoyapıların fiziksel özelliklerini kontrol etmeyi planlıyoruz. Üretilen malzemeler çeşitli tanı yöntemi ile incelenecek ve kimyasal-fiziksel özellikleri anlaşılacaktır

    Determination of critical submergence depth at horizontal intakes under asymmetric flow conditions

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    The purpose of the present study is to investigate the hydraulic conditions of air-entraining vortices under asymmetrical flow conditions and derive a general expression to determine the critical submergence depth required for the formation of these vortices at horizontal intake pipes. A series of experiments were conducted in a model composed of a concrete reservoir and intake pipe which was mounted horizontally to the reservoir. Three pipes of different diameters were tested with adjustable plexiglass side walls to investigate the effect of side-wall clearances on the critical submergence depth. Based on the experimental results obtained from a wide range of side-wall clearances and discharges, empirical equations for the critical submergence depth were derived and compared with Gordon's (1970) relationship