25 research outputs found

    A Gis-Based Campus Information System: Izmir Institute of Technology

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    In the 21st century, GIS based Campus Information Systems (CIS) have been used by many universities for different aims and become an effective tool. CIS is a wholeness and integrity that is formed by hardware, software, data and users in order to collect spatial and non-spatial data about the university and its sub-units (both academic and administrative), transfer them to computer, store, query, analyze and present the result reports as graphics or non-graphics. In general, the goal of this study is to prepare a GIS-based Izmir Institute of Technology (IIT) CIS. Moreover, after preparing maps of campus area in desired formats, the objectives of the project are to store the maps to plan or update, to provide rapid and easy access to personal and sharable information about campus, to prepare the databases about each department, and to use them for administrative purposes. Therefore, it would have been achieved two main objectives in terms of planning and interactive access for students and staff. At first, by this system, it has been achieved more scientific spatial analyses about land use decisions depending on the natural capacities of the campus site. Then, some negative sides and impacts have been determined relating to the physical developments proposed by the existing campus plan. Thus, it has been achieved crucial results about these defects supporting our initial observations about campus. Secondly, to achieve all information about campus referring spatial or non-spatial by students, academic & administrative staff, and inter-active information access would be created. In order to create CIS for IIT, the spatial and non-spatial data about campus including maps, attribute data were collected; maps, databases, spatial analyses and queries were produced via ArcGIS. At the end of the study, site location of IIT, 1/50000 environmental plan, 1/5000 IIT Master Plan, existing map of campus area, proposed implementation plan of campus area, thematic maps & spatial analyses about topography, geology, soil capability and vegetation and other natural features and suitability analysis for campus site were produced as result productions.

    Effect of Preoperative Kegel Exercises on Continence Rates After Open Radical Prostatectomy

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    Objective: To reveal the effect of preoperative Kegel exercises on early period continence rates after open radical prostatectomy. Materials and Methods: Data of patients with open radical prostatectomy between January 2019 and July 2022, in a tertiary academic health center were retrospectively reviewed. Patient" characteristics, perioperative parameters and postoperative follow-up results were recorded. Patients were divided into two groups as those who did Kegel exercises in the preoperative period and those who did not, and groups were compared. Results: There were 38 patients in the Kegel exercise group and 40 patients in the other group. Postoperative 1st month and postoperative 3rd month incontinence rates were similar between the groups (p=0.406, and p=0.387). At 6th months postoperatively, the rate of incontinence in the Kegel group was 7.9%, while it was 25.0% in the other group (p=0.043). Similarly, the rate of incontinence at 1st year postoperatively was significantly lower in the Kegel group (5.3% vs 20.0%, p=0.001). At 6 months postoperatively, the QoL score in the Kegel positive group was 86, while it was 65 in the other group (p=0.001). In the postoperative 1st year controls, the quality of life (QoL) score was statistically significantly higher in patients with preoperative Kegel exercise (p=0.001). Conclusion: Our study demonstrated that preoperative Kegel exercises had a significant positive effect on continence rate after radical prostatectomy in the postoperative 6th month and in the first year follow-up, and preparative Kegel exercises were significantly associated with higher quality of life scores at 6th months and 1st year follow-up

    Enhancing social well-being through social innovation approach and design expertise: a case study for social innovation in a local district in Turkey

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    Design-driven scenarios can play a critical role in enhancing social and environmental well-being and creating sustainable solutions for better living conditions and sustainable futures. With this starting point, this study aims to use traditional knowledge as a source for sustainable development and a sustainable way of living by examining, empowering, and promoting local and traditional values through social innovation approach and design expertise. The main motivation of the study is to construct an intended link between traditional knowledge and a sustainable future for societies. The research was conducted by examining a multi-cultural local district in Turkey and its traditional and sustainable habits and proposing development ideas based on the social innovation literature and authors’ design expertise. The proposed ideas involve different approaches such as an ecosystem that promotes co-creation, women’s employment, symbiotic production processes, and digital marketing platforms for local products

    Thyroid malignancy in children: where does it locate?

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    ABSTRACT Objective: As far as we know, in English literature, a limited number of studies has examined the relationship between the location of the nodule and malignancy risk. The studies were performed with adults and their results were mainly inconsistent. We aim to evaluate the potential association between the location of the thyroid nodules and risk for malignancy in the pediatric population. Materials and methods: Patients younger than 18 years old with a pathological diagnosis were included. Nodules were divided into 5 categories according to the Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (TI-RADS) algorithm. The location of the nodules was recorded: Right lobe, left lobe, isthmus, upper pole, lower pole, and middle. Thyroid glands were divided into 3 equal longitudinal areas to define upper, lower, and middle portions. Results: Ninety-seven nodules of 103 children were included. The mean age of the population was 14.9 ± 2.51 years (7-18 years). Eighty-one participants were female (83.5%) and 16 male (16.5%). Fifty nodules were benign (51.5%) and 47 nodules were malignant (48.5%). We did not detect a significant correlation between the risk of malignancy and location of the nodule as right or left lobes or isthmus (P = 0.38). Rate of malignant nodules were significantly higher in middle lobe (23%, P = 0.002). Being located at middle part of thyroid gland increases the possibility of malignancy 11.3 times (OR = 11.3, P = 0.006). Conclusion: Nodule location can be used as a predictor for thyroid malignancy in pediatric patients, similar to adults. Middle lobe location increases the risk of malignancy. Using nodule location along with TI-RADS categorization can increase the efficacy of malignancy prediction

    The effect of anxiety and depression scores of couples who underwent assisted reproductive techniques on the pregnancy outcomes.

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of anxiety and depression scores of couples who underwent Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) on pregnancy outcomes. Method: This study was conducted as a prospective and comparative study with 217 couples. The study data was collected by using a semi-structured questionnaire and the Turkish version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). The questionnaire, STAI and BDI were applied to couples who initiated ART treatment. Couples\u2019 state anxiety scores were re-evaluated after embryo transfer (ET). Results: A significant relationship was found between the depression score of women and pregnancy outcome (p < 0.05). It was determined that anxiety scores for both men and women were higher before the ART procedure, but their anxiety scores decreased after ET (p < 0.05). Spouses of women with a negative pregnancy outcome had higher trait and state anxiety mean scores (p > 0.05) and lower depression scores (p <0.05) than spouses of women with a positive pregnancy outcome. Conclusion: Study results indicated that the anxiety and depression scores of couples who had achieved a positive pregnancy result were lower than for couples with a negative result. The results of this study will contribute to the health professionals especially to the nurses who spend the most time with couples in providing consulting services and supporting psychological status of couples during ART process in Turkey

    Cytokine Polymorphism and HLA Genotyping in Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Related to Hippocampal Sclerosis

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    Objective: Hippocampal sclerosis (HS) is the most common pathological substrate associated with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE), where inflammatory processes are known to play an increasingly important role in the pathogenesis. To further investigate the role of the immune system, both cytokine gene polymorphisms and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genotyping in patients with MTLE-HS were investigated

    The Effect of Anxiety and Depression Scores of Couples Who Underwent Assisted Reproductive Techniques on the Pregnancy Outcomes

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of anxiety and depression scores of couples who underwent Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) on pregnancy outcomes. Method: This study was conducted as a prospective and comparative study with 217 couples. The study data was collected by using a semi-structured questionnaire and the Turkish version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). The questionnaire, STAI and BDI were applied to couples who initiated ART treatment. Couples' state anxiety scores were re-evaluated after embryo transfer (ET). Results: A significant relationship was found between the depression score of women and pregnancy outcome (p 0.05) and lower depression scores (p < 0.05) than spouses of women with a positive pregnancy outcome. Conclusion: Study results indicated that the anxiety and depression scores of couples who had achieved a positive pregnancy result were lower than for couples with a negative result. The results of this study will contribute to the health professionals especially to the nurses who spend the most time with couples in providing consulting services and supporting psychological status of couples during ART process in Turkey.WoSScopu

    MHC Class I related chain A (MICA), Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)-DRB1, HLA-DQB1 genotypes in Turkish patients with ulcerative colitis

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    Objectives: We aimed to determine Human LeukocyteAntigen (HLA)-DRB1, DQB1, and MHC Class I related chainA (MICA) genotypes in patients with ulcerative colitis.Methods: HLA-DRB1, HLA-DQB1, MICA genotyping ofpatient (n:85) and controls (n:100) were performed by PCRSSOLuminex (One Lambda genotyping kit).Results: We found significantly higher DRB1*01 (p:0.022,OR:0.23, CI:0.06–0.8) and MICA*0002/20/55 (p:0.03,OR:0.53, CI:0.29–0.93) alleles in control group whereasDRB1*14 (p:0.04, OR:2.25, CI:1–5.08), DRB1*15 (p:&lt;0.0001,OR:4.54, CI:2.09–9.88) and MICA*0004 (p:0.01, OR:2.84,CI:1.2–6.7) alleles were higher in patient group.Conclusions: The present study will inform the MICAand HLA genotypes about the protective (DRB1*01,MICA*0002/20/55) or susceptible (DRB1*14, DRB1*15,MICA*0004) alleles of the disease and helps the literatureon Turkish patients with ulcerative colitis

    Investigation of cytokine gene polymorphisms in patients with psoriasis vulgaris

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    Psoriasisde enflamasyondan sorumlu Th hücrelerin ürettikleri proenflamatuvar sitokinler hastalığın patogenezinde önemli yer tutarlar. Buçalışmanın amacı, psoriasis hastalığı ile patogenezde rol alan tümör nekrozu faktörü alfa (TNF-α), interlökin (İL-10), interferon (İFN-γ), İL-6,dönüştürücü büyüme faktörü beta (DBF-β) gen polimorfizmleri arasındaki olası ilişkiyi saptamaktır. Çalışmaya psoriasis tanısı konmuş 89 hastaile 201 sağlıklı birey dahil edilmiştir. Hasta grubu, erken başlangıçlı (grup 1) ve geç başlangıçlı (grup 2) olarak ikiye ayrılmıştır. İki grubun sitokingen polimorfizmleri polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu-sekans spesifik primer yöntemi ile ticari kit kullanılarak tiplenmiştir. Tüm hastalar ile grup 1hastalarını ayrı ayrı kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırdığımızda DBF-β TT/GC haplotipi hastalarda anlamlı olarak yüksek bulundu (p&lt;0,05). Grup 1ve grup 2 karşılaştırıldığında İFN-γ AA genotipi grup 1 hastalarda anlamlı olarak yüksek değerlendirildi (p&lt;0,05). Bonferroni testi sonrası buanlamlılık gözlenemedi. Orta şiddetli semptom gösteren bireylerde anlamlı olarak yüksek bulunan İL-10 GCC/GCC genotipi doğrulama sonucuanlamlılığını kaybetti. Bu veriler, tüm hasta ve kontrol grubundaki tek farkın DBF-β TT/GC genotipinin hastalarda anlamlı olarak yüksek olduğunugösterdi. Th1 sitokinlerinin aktivitesi ile ilişkili diğer birçok genin varlığı nedeniyle psoriasisin moleküler temelini belirlemek için yeni çalışmalargereklidir