6,488 research outputs found

    Inducción rizogénica en estacas semileñosas de Berberidopsis corallina

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    - Latsague, M. ; Sáez, P.; Cifuentes, P.; Yáñez ,Y. Laboratorio de Ecofisiología Vegetal y Citogenética, Facultad de Recursos Naturales, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile.Berberidopsis corallina (michay rojo) es una especie endémica, catalogada como especie “En Peligro de Extinción”. Su persistente disminución está asociada a tala y competencia con Eucalyptus spp. y P. radiata. A raíz de continuas campañas realizadas por organizaciones ambientales, se han enfocado esfuerzos en intentar conservar los bosques nativos remanentes. Entre las herramientas de gestión a esta problemática se cuenta la propagación vegetativa, como una forma de aumentar el numero de individuos y acortar el período vegetativo, sin embargo, existe escasa información respecto a la propagación de michay rojo, por lo que, el objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la respuesta al tratamiento de enraizamiento de estacas semileñosas, como un aporte a la conservación de la especie. Las estacas se colectaron en marzo del 2007 en el sector Villa las Araucarias, al Sur de la Cordillera de Nahuelbuta, región de la Araucanía. Las estacas se trataron con Ácido Indol Butírico (AIB) en distintas concentraciones (0, 500,1000 y 1500 ppm). Luego de cinco meses en cama caliente, se obtuvo un 87% de enraizamiento total. La concentración 1000 ppm de AIB mostró los mejores resultados respecto al proceso de rizogénesis con un 90% de enraizamiento, encontrando la mayor longitud de raíces en este mismo tratamiento con un promedio de 13,64 cm. El mayor número de raíces se obtuvo en el tratamiento 1500 ppm de AIB con un valor promedio de 38,11 raíces por estaca. Se concluye que michay rojo puede ser reproducido vegetativamente a través de la rizogénesis de estacas tratadas con AIB

    On the oxidation mechanism of pure tungsten in the temperature range 600-800 ºC

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    The oxidation behavior of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER)-reference tungsten grade has been evaluated in dry air in the temperature range 600-800 °C. At 600 °C , the scale remained protective while the integrity of W₁₈O₄₉ layer was kept. Rapid increase in mass gain resulted from massive cracking at local areas in the W₁₈O₄₉ layer. Then, a coarse non-protective columnar WO₂.₉₂ scale was developed which favoured rapid inward oxygen transport into the alloy. At 700 and 800 °C, growth stresses in the scale were released through local cracking. At this stage, WO₂.₉₂ became progressively transformed into WO₃ when the oxygen partial pressure increased across the scale thickness.This investigation was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (ENE2008 06,403 C06 04). The financial support from the Comunidad de Madrid, through the program TECHNOFUSION, Grant S2009/ENE 1679

    Direct Cell-to-Cell Transmission of Respiratory Viruses: The Fast Lanes

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    Virus particles protect genomes from hostile environments within and outside the host, eventually delivering these genomes to target tissues to initiate infection. Complex processes requiring significant energy and time are necessary to assemble these virus particles, but only a small portion of released virus will successfully infect new target cells (Fig 1A). While the science of virology has developed based on the isolation and purification of viral particles, it is becoming increasingly clear that direct cell-to-cell transmission of viruses and/or viral components is also highly relevant [1,2]. Direct cell-to-cell spread of infections has several advantages. The first is efficiency: genomic cargo is delivered directly to cells rather than being randomly released into the environment. The second is speed: appropriation of cellular protein trafficking infrastructure allows faster spread within tissues. The third is barrier avoidance: intrinsic immunity and other barriers interfering with entry or post-entry steps in target cells can be bypassed. The fourth is humoral immunity evasion: limited exposure time to the extracellular space allows evasion of neutralizing antibodies

    Influence of processing route and yttria additions on the oxidation behavior of tungsten

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    This study is for: The Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-15) was held October 16–22, 2011, at the Charleston Marriott Hotel in Charleston, South Carolina (American United States).The oxidation resistance in dry air of pure tungsten and tungsten reinforced with a dispersion of 0.6 wt.% Y₂O₃ nanoparticles has been evaluated between 873 and 1073 K, temperature range that divertor in fusion power plants should endure during long-term times in the case of loss of coolant accident and/or air ingress in the vessel. Both materials were prepared by a powder metallurgy route involving hot isostatic pressing of ball milled tungsten powders and tungsten with dispersed Y₂O₃ nanoparticles. The results have been compared with those of pure tungsten processed by conventional techniques. Thermogravimetric tests at 873 K revealed that the processing route as well as yttria addition considerably affected the oxidation resistance of pure tungsten. Mass gain of W-0.6Y₂O₃ at 873 K was five and two times lower than that of pure tungsten prepared by conventional processing techniques and by powder metallurgy, respectively. This different behavior was related to changes in the structure and composition of the oxide scale. Above 873 K, the kinetics were significantly accelerated for all materials due to the development of a non-protective oxide scale from the earliest oxidation stages, although the kinetics of Y₂O₃-containing material were still the slowest, specially at 973 K. It was analyzed how yttria additions modify the oxidation mechanism of tungsten.Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid through the program ESTRUMAT-CM S2009MAT-1585 and by the Ministerio de Innovación y Ciencia (Project ENE2008-06403-C06-04). The additional subvention from EURATOM/CIEMAT association through contract EFDA WP11-MAT-WWALLOY.Publicad

    Recuperando el detalle y evaluando la calidad visual en GPU de modelos topográficos simplificados

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    La visualización interactiva de escenarios 3D es clave en la industria de entretenimientos, en multimedia y en otras aplicaciones de computer graphics. A la hora del rendering, el volumen y la complejidad de la información que define a cada ambiente resulta problemático. Por lo tanto, es necesario recurrir a técnicas que reduzcan los tiempos de rendering tales como la simplificación de modelos, el nivel de detalle adecuado para ciertas porciones del modelo, el uso de primitivas eficientes que aceleren el hardware gráfico, el balance entre CPU-GPU, entre otras. En este trabajo, presentamos una línea de investigación que propone un conjunto de técnicas las cuales han sido desarrolladas para ofrecer una alta performance del rendering de grandes terrenos en tiempo real.Eje: Computación gráfica, Imágenes y Visualizació

    Comparative study of green sub- and supercritical processes to obtain carnosic acid and carnosol-enriched rosemary extracts with in vitro anti-proliferative sctivity on colon cancer cells

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    In the present work, four green processes have been compared to evaluate their potential to obtain rosemary extracts with in vitro anti-proliferative activity against two colon cancer cell lines (HT-29 and HCT116). The processes, carried out under optimal conditions, were: (1) pressurized liquid extraction (PLE, using an hydroalcoholic mixture as solvent) at lab-scale; (2) Single-step supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) at pilot scale; (3) Intensified two-step sequential SFE at pilot scale; (4) Integrated PLE plus supercritical antisolvent fractionation (SAF) at pilot scale. Although higher extraction yields were achieved by using PLE (38.46% dry weight), this extract provided the lowest anti-proliferative activity with no observed cytotoxic effects at the assayed concentrations. On the other hand, extracts obtained using the PLE + SAF process provided the most active rosemary extracts against both colon cancer cell lines, with LC50 ranging from 11.2 to 12.4 µg/mL and from 21.8 to 31.9 µg/mL for HCT116 and HT-29, respectively. In general, active rosemary extracts were characterized by containing carnosic acid (CA) and carnosol (CS) at concentrations above 263.7 and 33.9 mg/g extract, respectively. Some distinct compounds have been identified in the SAF extracts (rosmaridiphenol and safficinolide), suggesting their possible role as additional contributors to the observed strong anti-proliferative activity of CA and CS in SAF extracts.This work was supported by the projects AGL2014-53609-P (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain) and S2013/ABI-2728 (Comunidad de Madrid).We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI)