97 research outputs found

    Zum geschlechtergerechten Sprachgebrauch am Beispiel deutscher und polnischer Stellenausschreibungen

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    The subject of consideration is the issue of using terms for professions which linguistically discriminate women or men in German and Polish job offers. Problems connected with the above were presented in the context of achievements of feminist linguistics in Germany and comprise a critical view of language asymmetries in Polish as well as the way of presenting it in Polish scientific discourses

    Biostratigraphy and depositional anatomy of a large olistostrome in the Eocene Hieroglyphic Formation of the Silesian Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians

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    The study focuses on a large olistostrome unit (~200 m thick and 4 km in strike-parallel extent) embedded in the Mid-Eocene shaly Hieroglyphic Formation of the Silesian Nappe, exposed in the Rożnów Lake area. Foraminifer biostratigraphy and petrographic comparisons are used to identify the provenance of olistoliths. The olistostrome is tripartite with respect of its olistolith composition. The lower part of the olistostrome abounds in olistoliths of sandstones derived from the Early Eocene turbiditic Ciężkowice Formation, whereas the middle part is dominated by olistoliths of Early Eocene bathyal mudshales. The upper part contains olistoliths of Middle Eocene turbiditic “banded sandstones”, known from the Hieroglyphic Formation and deposited in the bathyal zone above the CCD. The bathyal provenance of the olistostrome contrasts with the abyssal origin of the hosting green shales. The olistostrome unit is inferred to be composite, emplaced in the earliest Bartonian or at the Lutetian/ Bartonian transition by a series of at least three large debris flows that closely followed one another. Biostratigra- phical data and slump-fold vergence suggest resedimentation from the bathyal northern slope of the Silesian Cordillera that bounded the abyssal Silesian Basin to the south. Northward movement of the thrust-formed cordillera must have warped up the base-of-slope deposits of the Ciężkowice Formation, causing their gravita- tional collapse. This event destabilized the former lower-slope muddy deposits, resulting in a second phase of resedimentation by retrogressive slumping, which led to the collapse of mid-slope sandy turbidites. The slope failures involved contemporaneous Mid-Eocene sediment with an admixture of foraminifers derived from the upper slope or shelf margin and with exotic bedrock debris shed from the eroded cordillera crest. The catastrophic multi-phase emplacement of the olistostrome marked the last major thrusting pulse of the second (Late Cretaceous–Late Eocene) stage of tectonic evolution of the Outer Carpathian accretionary prism

    Germanizmy leksykalne wśród Barbaryzmów i dziwolągów językowych

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    The authors of the article discuss linguistic material excerpted from a small-scale book written by Józef Bliziński and entitled Barbaryzmy i dziwolągi językowe [Barbarisms and linguistic oddities] published in Cracow towards the end of the nineteenth century. The source material for the analysis and the main focus of the authors are the borrowings from the German language. The book, written by an eminent comedy writer, deals with the correctness and the accepted standards of the Polish language in the then Austrian-partitioned Poland. As one might expect, since the target readers for this linguistic handbook were the inhabitants of Galicia in Eastern Europe, it would include mostly Germanisms. The analysis of the book, however, has proved that German loan words in Blizinski’s book are rather scarce. Nearly a half from the fifteen words considered as Germanisms by Blizinski could have French origins (although they might have been borrowed to the Polish language through the German medium). On the other hand, the book includes six words that may be Germanisms but that were not assigned by the author to the group of German borrowings

    An olistolith interpretation for the Paleocene Szydłowiec sandstones in the stratotype area (Outer Carpathians, Poland)

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    The thick-bedded complex of the Szydłowiec sandstones belongs to the lithological succession of the Subsilesian sedimentary area in the Polish Outer Carpathians. These sandstones contain abundant carbonate biogenic fragments, redeposited from shallower parts of the basin. Their Paleocene age is documented by autochthonous assemblages of agglutinated foraminifera as well as by the microflora occurring within the limestone clasts. The Szydłowiec sandstones in its type locality (locus typicus) at Szydłowiec in the vicinity of Wadowice forms, together with the Gorzeń sandstones, an isolated block surrounded by deformed flysch of the Oligocene-Miocene Krosno Formation, and contains shale clasts of older deposits. According to our results this block represents an olistolith which slided into the Skole part of the Menilite-Krosno basin during the Late Oligocene/Early Miocene deformational phase linked to the development of the Carpathian accretionary prism

    Geoturystyczne walory Gorczańskiego Parku Narodowego i jego otoczenia (Karpaty Zewnętrzne, Polska)

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    The Gorce Mountains are a picturesque range in the Polish sector of the Outer Carpathians. They are built with turbiditic deposits, representing sedimentary successions of the Krynica and Bystrica Subunits of the Magura Nappe, Late Cretaceous- Paleogene in age. In the Gorce Mts. the majority of lithostratigraphic divisions representing discussed subunits are very well exposed in numerous outcrops. The deposits of the Magura Nappe are folded, locally thrust, and cut by the strike-slip and oblique fault system. This nappe in the Gorce Mts. covers tectonically units of the Foremagura Group of Nappes, which crop out in two tectonic windows. From Rabka-Zdrój and Szczawa mineral waters are well known. Morphology of the Gorces Mts. is varied. A lot of rock tors occur there, as well as landslides, often extensive. Good localizations, varied geology, great land relief and rich live nature, as well as the highlander culture and monuments make the Gorce Mts. an area of high geotouristic potential.Gorce są malowniczym pasmem w polskiej części Zachodnich Karpat Zewnętrznych. Są one zbudowane z turbidytowych, późnokredowo-paleogeńskich utworów reprezentujących osadowe sukcesje krynickiej i bystrzyckiej podjednostki płaszczowiny magurskiej. W Gorcach większość wydzieleń litostratygraficznych reprezentujących wspomniane podjednostki jest bardzo dobrze eksponowana w licznych odsłonięciach. Utwory płaszczowiny magurskiej są sfałdowane, lokalnie złuskowane i pocięte systemem poprzecznych i ukośnych uskoków. Płaszczowina magurska w Gorcach przykrywa tektonicznie jednostki przedmagurskiej grupy płaszczowin, które odsłaniają się w dwu tektonicznych oknach. W Rabce-Zdroju i w Szczawie wykorzystywane są wody mineralne. Rzeźba Gorców jest zróżnicowana. Występują tu liczne skałki oraz osuwiska, często rozległe. Dogodna lokalizacja, interesująca budowa geologiczna, wspaniała rzeźba tego pasma, bogata fauna i fora oraz dziedzictwo kulturalne miejscowej ludności wpływają na duży potencjał geoturystyczny Gorców

    O potrzebie podjęcia badań nad radziecką wersją języków mniejszości narodowych byłego Związku Radzieckiego

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    About the need to take up research concerning the Russian version of former Soviet Union’s national minorities’ languagesResearch on the so-called Polish Russian language of the interwar period, i.e. specific type of contemporary Polish used within the territory of the Russian empire in post-war twenties, has been successfully developing for 10 years. There were numerous articles published on this topic and recently the first two-volume monography came out.According to the authors of this article, it is worth using the experience of persons researching the Polish Russian language and taking up studies on Russian types of many other languages that were used in the Soviet Union during the early post-revolutionary period. It is in particular about languages of those national minorities that had their own countries outside the Soviet Union (for instance the Germans, French, Greek, Latvians and Finns). Thanks to the so-called Lenin’s national politics, introduced at the beginning of the twenties in relation to all nationalities residing in the Soviet Union, there was mass production of various documents, propagandist materials, books, school books with the mother tongue as the lecture language, didactic materials for institutions fighting illiteracy of adults etc. published in their mother tongue. Nowadays this entire publishing production is a great source reflecting the state of national languages of those days – languages that were impregnated with various Russian and Soviet idioms, abounding in strange new-coined words. Some of the above changes are presented by the authors on the example of the German Russian language of the post‑revolutionary period. O необходимости исследования советских вариантов языков национальных меньшинств в бывшем Советском СоюзеУже лет 10 успешно развиваются исследования т. н. советского польского языка межвоенного периода, т. е. особого варианта современного польского языка, употреблявшегося на территории советской империи в послереволюционный период. По этой теме опубликованы несколько десятков научных статей, в 2009 г. появилась первая (двухтомная) монография.Согласно мнению авторов настоящей статьи, необходимо использовать накопившийся уже опыт исследователей советского польского языка и начать изучение советских вариантов многих других языков, употреблявшихся в СССР в ранний послереволюционный период. Это касается прежде всего тех национальных меньшинств, у которых были собственные государства вне СССР (напр. немцы, французы, греки, латыши, финны). Благодаря т. н. ленинской национальной политике, реализованной советскими властями в начале 20-х гг. ХХ в., для всех народностей, проживавших в Советском Союзе, массово издавались на их национальных языках различные документы, всяческие пропагандистские материалы, книги, учебники для школ, в которых велось обучение на родных языках, методические материалы, предназначавшиеся для пунктов ликвидации безграмотности взрослого населения, и т.п. В наши дни вся тогдашняя издательская продукция – это бесценный источник, отразивший состояние национальных языков в раннее послереволюционное время, напр. их насыщенность диковинными новообразованиями. Часть языковых изменений этого рода авторы статьи показывают на примере советского немецкого языка послереволюционного периода

    Early Miocene age of the Stare Bystre Formation based on calcareous nannofossils (Magura Nappe, Outer Carpathians, Poland)

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    The area of investigation is situated close to the contact zone between the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Krynica Subunit of the Magura Nappe and the Neogene strata of the Orava–Nowy Targ Intramontane Basin (southern Poland). In the area studied, marine deposits of the Stare Bystre Formation outcrop at the surface where they emerge from beneath freshwater and terrestrial Neogene and Quaternary deposits. Nannofossil assemblages from all samples are strongly dominated by reworked species. The Early Miocene age (NN2) of the Stare Bystre Formation has been determined on the base of the first occurrence of Sphenolithus disbelemnos after Shackleton et al. (2000). During the Late Oligocene (NP25/NN1), the frontal part of Magura Nappe was thrust northwards on to the terminal Krosno flysch basin. The northwards thrusting of the Magura Nappe was accompanied by the formation of the piggy-back basin on the Magura Nappe, filled with the synrorogenic turbidites belonging to the Zawada, Kremná and Stare Bystre formations (NN2)

    Mało znane źródło germanizmów: wileński Słownik błędów językowych Juliana Szweda

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    The dictionary mentioned in the title was compiled in the interwar period (1918- -1939) and was then quite well known. Today, very few people remember about it. In the opinion of the authors of the article, it is worthwhile to remind about this book, especially to the scholars studying foreign influences upon the Polish language, including— which may seem surprising—the linguists investigating the influence of the German language upon the Polish language. In his guide, J. Szwed used not only the linguistic material collected in the Vilnius province, he had strong personal ties with, but also originating from Little Poland and Cieszyn Silesia. As it has been shown in the analysis, there were more than 180 lexical Germanisms in the small dictionary from Vilnius, i.e., definitely more than in the other publications of this type issued in the first half of the 20th century. This material is dominated by loan words, quite well known in the Polish language (130 items), recorded in 1-2 definition dictionaries, e.g., cug “train”, fojt “voivode”. However, we also find the Germanisms that are evidenced only in the small dictionary by J. Szwed, for instance bruch “hernia”. In the publication of the Vilnius teacher we can also find phonetic Germanisms (e.g., voiced s after sonorous consonants in foreign words, comp.: intenzywny, konzul), inflectional (e.g., changes of grammatical gender) and syntactical (e.g., mam pieniądze na banku [I have got money on the bank], instead of: w banku [in the bank])