41 research outputs found


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    Main aim of this article is to find method for determination thermal diffusivity of induction heated charge. Unique try of utilisation  ÅNGSTRÖM’s method and it’s sensitivity on various parameters of setup was presented. Summary allows to say that with respect to shown precautions it is possible to achieve results on satisfactory level of accuracy.Przedmiotem niniejszej pracy było poszukiwanie metody szacowania dyfuzyjności cieplnej wsadu nagrzewanego indukcyjnie. Przedstawiono próbę wykorzystania metody ÅNGSTRÖMA w układzie, w którym wymuszenie generowano metodą indukcyjną.  Analiza objęła zagadnienie wrażliwości badanej metody na wybrane parametry układu. Zaprezentowane wyniki pokazują, że przy zachowaniu odpowiednich wymiarów geometrycznych próbki oraz odpowiednio rozmieszczonych punktów pomiarowym możliwe jest uzyskanie wyników szacowania dyfuzyjności cieplnej z poziomem błędu poniżej 50%

    Rumen simulation technique study on the interactions of dietary lauric and myristic acid supplementation in suppressing ruminal methanogenesis

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    The interactions of lauric (C12) and myristic acid (C14) in suppressing ruminal methanogenesis and methanogens were investigated with the rumen simulation technique (Rusitec) using bovine ruminal fluid. The fatty acids were added to basal substrates (grass hay:concentrate, 1:1.5) at a level of 48 g/kg DM, provided in C12:C14 ratios of 5:0, 4:1, 3:2, 2·5:2.5, 2:3, 1:4 and 0:5. Additionally, an unsupplemented control consisting of the basal substrates only was employed. Incubation periods lasted for 15 (n 4) and 25 (n 2) d. CH4 formation was depressed by any fatty acid mixture containing at least 40 % C12, and effects persisted over the complete incubation periods. The greatest depression (70 % relative to control) occurred with a C12:C14 ratio of 4:1, whereas the second most effective treatment in suppressing CH4 production (60 % relative to control) was found with a ratio of 3:2. Total methanogenic counts were decreased by those mixtures of C12 and C14 also successful in suppressing methanogenesis, the 4:1 treatment being most efficient (60 % decline). With this treatment in particular, the composition of the methanogenic population was altered in such a way that the proportion of Methanococcales increased and Methanobacteriales decreased. Initially, CH4 suppression was associated with a decreased fibre degradation, which, however, was reversed after 10 d of incubation. The present study demonstrated a clear synergistic effect of mixtures of C12 and C14 in suppressing methanogenesis, mediated probably by direct inhibitory effects of the fatty acids on the methanogen

    Selected Risk Level Factors in Group Life Insurance

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    The problem discussed in this paper is the risk level factors existing in group life insurance that do not influence the risk level in individual life insurance. The number of factors is remarkable, which results from: a) wider scope of cover; b) no obligation for employees to enter the group programme; c) possibility for members of the employees" families to enter the programme; d) possibility to divide employees into groups; e) simplified risk evaluation procedures. The factors that are discussed in this paper are: a) antiselection risk (which is the main factor and - to some extent - the result of points b-g listed underneath); b) moment of entering the programme; c) definition of the insured that can be changed and cover not only employees (who can enter the programme); d) definition of the second part of the insurance contract (other than insurer- who can form the group of the insured); e) number of the insured and their share in total number of employees; f) division into groups and the division criterium; g) number of insured members of the employees' family; h) structure of the employees (standard deviation of ageing).Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk

    Influence on the development of winter sports of accommodation in Białka Tatrzańska

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    Rozwój turystyki na obszarach górskich na Podhalu – w tym analizowanego obszaru miejscowości Białki Tatrzańskiej – w ostatnich latach przyczynił się do wielu pozytywnych zmian w społeczeństwie. Białka Tatrzańska jest miejscowością należącą do gminy Bukowina Tatrzańska. Wieś jest coraz bardziej znanym ośrodkiem turystycznym, z roku na rok gości dużo większą liczbę turystów. Rozwój infrastruktury narciarska oraz szybki wzrost przyjazdów w celach turystycznych spowodował rozbudowę bazy noclegowej, gastronomicznej oraz towarzyszącej w miejscowości. Praca przedstawia rozwój bazy noclegowej na tle powstających wyciągów narciarskich na przełomie XX i XXI wieku. Inwentaryzacja bazy noclegowej, gastronomicznej i towarzyszącej pozwoliła na określenie części miejscowości posiadających najlepiej rozwiniętą infrastrukturę turystyczną. Ponadto przedstawiono opis zinwentaryzowanej w 2012 roku infrastruktury narciarskiej.Przestrzenne rozmieszczenie infrastruktury narciarskiej bezpośrednio wpływa na liczbę i charakter obiektów świadczących usługi noclegowe oraz gastronomiczne w analizowanej miejscowościIn the recent years, the development of tourism in mountain areas in the Podhale region, including Białka Tatrzańska town and its surroundings proved to be advantageous because of a number ofchanges in the society. Białka Tatrzańska is a town, which is subordinate to Bialka Tatrzańska community council. The town is becoming a well-known holiday destination with a growing number of tourists visiting the place. The skiing infrastructure improvement as well as the rapid growth of tourist frequency contributed to the development of hotel and catering facilities together with other support facilities. The dissertation elaborates on the development of accommodation facilities with the development of ski-lift in at the turn of XX-XXI century. Cataloguing the hotel and catering and support facilities helped to define which part of the town has the highest level of tourism infrastructure developed. Moreover, there is a chapter devoted to the analysis of the skiing infrastructure catalogued in 2012. The layout of skiing infrastructure planning has a direct influence on the number and types of accommodation and catering facilities in the town

    Pulse method for estimation thermal properties on induction heated charge

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    Opracowanie poświęcono analizie możliwości wykorzystania metody impulsowej Flash do wyznaczenia dyfuzyjności cieplnej materiału w układzie nagrzewania indukcyjnego. Analizie poddano próbki walcowe wsadu nagrzewane w układzie: „od czoła" i „od boku". Przedstawiono zależność umożliwiającą wyznaczenie dyfuzyjności cieplnej w metodzie Flash przy radialnym przepływie ciepła wewnątrz nagrzewanej próbki walcowej.The study was devoted to analysis of possibility of using the impulse Flash method for determination thermal diffusivity of induction heated charge. Two set-up's was analysed: "natural" and "side". A process of determination the relation taking the radial heat flow into account was described

    The influence of Natura 2000 sites on the investment attractiveness of Polish regions

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    This article evaluates the influence of the Natura 2000 network (N2K) of protected areas on the investment attractiveness of Polish regions. Natura 2000 sites were analyzed with the use of the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), a linear ordering method with a common pattern and anti-pattern of development, and correlation analysis (Pearson’s correlation coefficient). The basic unit of analysis was the county (Polish: powiat, the second-level unit of local government and administration in Poland). Poland is divided into 16 regions (known as voivodeships) with a total of 380 counties. The results of the analysis were used to determine synthetic values describing the level and potential of investment attractiveness in Polish counties, and the strength of correlations between the evaluated phenomena. Indicators of investment attractiveness of Polish counties were selected based on published data and analyzed in view of several criteria: labor resources, technical infrastructure, social infrastructure, market support and administrative support. The correlations between the investment attractiveness of Polish counties and the presence of N2K sites in those counties were analyzed statistically. Data for analysis were acquired from the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office. The analysis revealed that the presence of N2K sites in the examined territorial units does not significantly influence their investment attractiveness