137 research outputs found

    Measuring contagion with a Bayesian, time-varying coefficient model

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    JEL Classification: C11, C15, F41, F42, G15Contagion, Gibbs sampling, Heteroskedasticity, Omitted variable bias, Time-varying coefficient models

    The transmission mechanism of European monetary policy : is there heterogeneity? Is it changing over time?

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    Este documento examina el mecanismo de transmission de la politica monetaria en un grupo de paises europeos mediante modelos dinamicos heterogeneos estimados de forma bayesiana. Utilizando evidencia relativa a Alemania, Francia, Italia y España anterior al establecimiento de la UME, se muestra que: a) existen diferencias entre estos paises respecto al momento en que se producen los efectos de la politica monetaria en la actividad economica, aunque su impacto acumulado despues de dos años es bastante homogeneob) parece que el mecanismo de transmision ha ido cambiando en el periodo previo a la creacion de la UME, si bien su grado de heterogeneidad no ha disminuido, y c) puede que los efectos 'a nivel europeo' de la politica monetaria sobre la actividad economica hayan sido mas rapidos en la segunda mitad de los años noventa, tardando de 6 a 7 meses en apareceralcanzando su maximo tras 12-16 meses y desapareciendo entre los 18 y los 24 meses. (mc) (ad

    Dieulafoy lesion. two pediatric case reports

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    Background: Massive gastrointestinal bleeding in children is uncommon. Dieulafoy lesion is an uncommon disease which may lead to massive and repeated upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage. We report two cases of gastric Dieulafoy lesion successfully treated with either band ligation or endoscopic hemoclipping. CASE PRESENTATION: First case report: A previously healthy 18-month-old female infant with E. coli sepsis, pneumonia and respiratory failure with bilateral pneumothorax requiring chest drainage. Over a few days, the patient presented hematemesis and melena with progressively worsening anemia. The esophagogastroduodenoscopy revealed an arterial vessel with eroded apex located between the body and the fundus of the stomach. Two elastic bands were applied which resulted in resolution of hematemesis and melena and improvement of the anemia. Second case report: A 8-year-old male was admitted to our department with sudden massive hematemesis and melena. Clinical examination revealed anemia (hemoglobin, 6.8 g/dl). Esophagogastroduodenoscopy revealed a mucosal erosion with visible vessel located along the small curvature, close to the antrum. Three hemostatic clips were placed on the Dieulafoy lesion and hemostasis was obtained. CONCLUSIONS: we showed that, similar to gastric DL in adult patients,, gastric DL in pediatric patients can be successfully treated with endoscopic therapy, and both hemoclipping and band ligation are suitable techniques

    Non-random retention of protein-coding overlapping genes in Metazoa

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although the overlap of transcriptional units occurs frequently in eukaryotic genomes, its evolutionary and biological significance remains largely unclear. Here we report a comparative analysis of overlaps between genes coding for well-annotated proteins in five metazoan genomes (human, mouse, zebrafish, fruit fly and worm).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For all analyzed species the observed number of overlapping genes is always lower than expected assuming functional neutrality, suggesting that gene overlap is negatively selected. The comparison to the random distribution also shows that retained overlaps do not exhibit random features: antiparallel overlaps are significantly enriched, while overlaps lying on the same strand and those involving coding sequences are highly underrepresented. We confirm that overlap is mostly species-specific and provide evidence that it frequently originates through the acquisition of terminal, non-coding exons. Finally, we show that overlapping genes tend to be significantly co-expressed in a breast cancer cDNA library obtained by 454 deep sequencing, and that different overlap types display different patterns of reciprocal expression.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data suggest that overlap between protein-coding genes is selected against in Metazoa. However, when retained it may be used as a species-specific mechanism for the reciprocal regulation of neighboring genes. The tendency of overlaps to involve non-coding regions of the genes leads to the speculation that the advantages achieved by an overlapping arrangement may be optimized by evolving regulatory non-coding transcripts.</p

    DNGR-1-tracing marks an ependymal cell subset with damage-responsive neural stem cell potential

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    Cells with latent stem ability can contribute to mammalian tissue regeneration after damage. Whether the central nervous system (CNS) harbors such cells remains controversial. Here, we report that DNGR-1 lineage tracing in mice identifies an ependymal cell subset, wherein resides latent regenerative potential. We demonstrate that DNGR-1-lineage-traced ependymal cells arise early in embryogenesis (E11.5) and subsequently spread across the lining of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-filled compartments to form a contiguous sheet from the brain to the end of the spinal cord. In the steady state, these DNGR-1-traced cells are quiescent, committed to their ependymal cell fate, and do not contribute to neuronal or glial lineages. However, trans-differentiation can be induced in adult mice by CNS injury or in vitro by culture with suitable factors. Our findings highlight previously unappreciated ependymal cell heterogeneity and identify across the entire CNS an ependymal cell subset wherein resides damage-responsive neural stem cell potential

    Exploring in vivo multiple sclerosis brain microstructural damage through T1w/T2w ratio: a multicentre study

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    Objectives: To evaluate white matter and grey matter T1-weighted (w)/T2w ratio (T1w/T2w ratio) in healthy controls and patients with multiple sclerosis, and its association with clinical disability. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 270 healthy controls and 434 patients with multiple sclerosis were retrospectively selected from 7 European sites. T1w/T2w ratio was obtained from brain T2w and T1w scans after intensity calibration using eyes and temporal muscle. Results: In healthy controls, T1w/T2w ratio increased until 50-60 years both in white and grey matter. Compared with healthy controls, T1w/T2w ratio was significantly lower in white matter lesions of all multiple sclerosis phenotypes, and in normal-appearing white matter and cortex of patients with relapsing-remitting and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (p≤0.026), but it was significantly higher in the striatum and pallidum of patients with relapsing-remitting, secondary progressive and primary progressive multiple sclerosis (p≤0.042). In relapse-onset multiple sclerosis, T1w/T2w ratio was significantly lower in white matter lesions and normal-appearing white matter already at Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) <3.0 and in the cortex only for EDSS ≥3.0 (p≤0.023). Conversely, T1w/T2w ratio was significantly higher in the striatum and pallidum for EDSS ≥4.0 (p≤0.005). In primary progressive multiple sclerosis, striatum and pallidum showed significantly higher T1w/T2w ratio beyond EDSS=6.0 (p≤0.001). In multiple sclerosis, longer disease duration, higher EDSS, higher brain lesional volume and lower normalised brain volume were associated with lower lesional and cortical T1w/T2w ratio and a higher T1w/T2w ratio in the striatum and pallidum (β from -1.168 to 0.286, p≤0.040). Conclusions: T1w/T2w ratio may represent a clinically relevant marker sensitive to demyelination, neurodegeneration and iron accumulation occurring at the different multiple sclerosis phases

    Additive Manufactured Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering: Physical Characterization of Thermoplastic Composites with Functional Fillers

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    Thermoplastic polymer–filler composites are excellent materials for bone tissue engineering (TE) scaffolds, combining the functionality of fillers with suitable load-bearing ability, biodegradability, and additive manufacturing (AM) compatibility of the polymer. Two key determinants of their utility are their rheological behavior in the molten state, determining AM processability and their mechanical load-bearing properties. We report here the characterization of both these physical properties for four bone TE relevant composite formulations with poly(ethylene oxide terephthalate)/poly(butylene terephthalate (PEOT/PBT) as a base polymer, which is often used to fabricate TE scaffolds. The fillers used were reduced graphene oxide (rGO), hydroxyapatite (HA), gentamicin intercalated in zirconium phosphate (ZrP-GTM) and ciprofloxacin intercalated in MgAl layered double hydroxide (MgAl-CFX). The rheological assessment showed that generally the viscous behavior dominated the elastic behavior (G″ > G′) for the studied composites, at empirically determined extrusion temperatures. Coupled rheological–thermal characterization of ZrP-GTM and HA composites showed that the fillers increased the solidification temperatures of the polymer melts during cooling. Both these findings have implications for the required extrusion temperatures and bonding between layers. Mechanical tests showed that the fillers generally not only made the polymer stiffer but more brittle in proportion to the filler fractions. Furthermore, the elastic moduli of scaffolds did not directly correlate with the corresponding bulk material properties, implying composite-specific AM processing effects on the mechanical properties. Finally, we show computational models to predict multimaterial scaffold elastic moduli using measured single material scaffold and bulk moduli. The reported characterizations are essential for assessing the AM processability and ultimately the suitability of the manufactured scaffolds for the envisioned bone regeneration application.The work was supported by a Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme grant from the European Union, called the FAST project (grant no. 685825, project website: http:// project-fast.eu). The authors acknowledge the support of the FAST project consortium for the various aspects of this wor

    The Results of the URRAH (Uric Acid Right for Heart Health) Project: A Focus on Hyperuricemia in Relation to Cardiovascular and Kidney Disease and its Role in Metabolic Dysregulation

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    The relationship between Serum Uric Acid (UA) and Cardiovascular (CV) diseases has already been extensively evaluated, and it was found to be an independent predictor of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality but also acute coronary syndrome, stroke and heart failure. Similarly, also many papers have been published on the association between UA and kidney function, while less is known on the role of UA in metabolic derangement and, particularly, in metabolic syndrome. Despite the substantial number of publications on the topic, there are still some elements of doubt: (1) the better cut-off to be used to refine CV risk (also called CV cut-off); (2) the needing for a correction of UA values for kidney function; and (3) the better definition of its role in metabolic syndrome: is UA simply a marker, a bystander or a key pathological element of metabolic dysregulation?. The Uric acid Right for heArt Health (URRAH) project was designed by the Working Group on uric acid and CV risk of the Italian Society of Hypertension to answer the first question. After the first papers that individuates specific cut-off for different CV disease, subsequent articles have been published responding to the other relevant questions. This review will summarise most of the results obtained so far from the URRAH research project

    Serum Uric Acid Predicts All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality Independently of Hypertriglyceridemia in Cardiometabolic Patients without Established CV Disease: A Sub-Analysis of the URic acid Right for heArt Health (URRAH) Study

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    High serum uric acid (SUA) and triglyceride (TG) levels might promote high-cardiovascular risk phenotypes across the cardiometabolic spectrum. However, SUA predictive power in the presence of normal and high TG levels has never been investigated. We included 8124 patients from the URic acid Right for heArt Health (URRAH) study cohort who were followed for over 20 years and had no established cardiovascular disease or uncontrolled metabolic disease. All-cause mortality (ACM) and cardiovascular mortality (CVM) were explored by the Kaplan-Meier estimator and Cox multivariable regression, adopting recently defined SUA cut-offs for ACM (≥4.7 mg/dL) and CVM (≥5.6 mg/dL). Exploratory analysis across cardiometabolic subgroups and a sensitivity analysis using SUA/serum creatinine were performed as validation. SUA predicted ACM (HR 1.25 [1.12-1.40], p < 0.001) and CVM (1.31 [1.11-1.74], p < 0.001) in the whole study population, and according to TG strata: ACM in normotriglyceridemia (HR 1.26 [1.12-1.43], p < 0.001) and hypertriglyceridemia (1.31 [1.02-1.68], p = 0.033), and CVM in normotriglyceridemia (HR 1.46 [1.23-1.73], p < 0.001) and hypertriglyceridemia (HR 1.31 [0.99-1.64], p = 0.060). Exploratory and sensitivity analyses confirmed our findings, suggesting a substantial role of SUA in normotriglyceridemia and hypertriglyceridemia. In conclusion, we report that SUA can predict ACM and CVM in cardiometabolic patients without established cardiovascular disease, independent of TG levels

    Serum Uric Acid Predicts All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality Independently of Hypertriglyceridemia in Cardiometabolic Patients without Established CV Disease: A Sub-Analysis of the URic acid Right for heArt Health (URRAH) Study

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    High serum uric acid (SUA) and triglyceride (TG) levels might promote high-cardiovascular risk phenotypes across the cardiometabolic spectrum. However, SUA predictive power in the presence of normal and high TG levels has never been investigated. We included 8124 patients from the URic acid Right for heArt Health (URRAH) study cohort who were followed for over 20 years and had no established cardiovascular disease or uncontrolled metabolic disease. All-cause mortality (ACM) and cardiovascular mortality (CVM) were explored by the Kaplan-Meier estimator and Cox multivariable regression, adopting recently defined SUA cut-offs for ACM (&gt;= 4.7 mg/dL) and CVM (&gt;= 5.6 mg/dL). Exploratory analysis across cardiometabolic subgroups and a sensitivity analysis using SUA/serum creatinine were performed as validation. SUA predicted ACM (HR 1.25 [1.12-1.40], p &lt; 0.001) and CVM (1.31 [1.11-1.74], p &lt; 0.001) in the whole study population, and according to TG strata: ACM in normotriglyceridemia (HR 1.26 [1.12-1.43], p &lt; 0.001) and hypertriglyceridemia (1.31 [1.02-1.68], p = 0.033), and CVM in normotriglyceridemia (HR 1.46 [1.23-1.73], p &lt; 0.001) and hypertriglyceridemia (HR 1.31 [0.99-1.64], p = 0.060). Exploratory and sensitivity analyses confirmed our findings, suggesting a substantial role of SUA in normotriglyceridemia and hypertriglyceridemia. In conclusion, we report that SUA can predict ACM and CVM in cardiometabolic patients without established cardiovascular disease, independent of TG levels
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