258 research outputs found

    The Norwegian eHealth Platform: Development Through Cultivation Strategies and Incremental Changes

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    Implementing Open Network Technologies in Complex Work Practices: A Case from Telemedicine

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    New non-desktop technologies may turn out to be of a more open and generic nature than traditional information technologies. These technologies consequently pose novel challenges to systems development practice, as the design, implementation, and use of these technologies will be different. This paper presents empirical material from a project where multimedia technology was introduced into a complex medical work practice (surgery). The implementation process is analyzed at the micro-level and the process is found to be highly complex, emergent, and continuous. Using actor-network theory, we argue that conceptualizing the process as cultivating the hybrid collectif of humans and non-humans, technologies and non-technologies (Callon and Law 1995) is a suitable and useful approach. This concept may capture the open-ended and emergent nature of the process and indicate the suitability of an evolutionary approach

    Loitering with intent: dealing with human-intensive systems

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    This paper discusses the professional roles of information systems analysts and users, focusing on a perspective of human intensive, rather than software intensive information systems. The concept of ‘meaningful use’ is discussed in re-lation to measures of success/failure in IS development. The authors consider how a number of different aspects of reductionism may distort analyses, so that processes of inquiry cannot support organizational actors to explore and shape their requirements in relation to meaningful use. Approaches which attempt to simplify complex problem spaces, to render them more susceptible to ‘solution’ are problematized. Alternative perspectives which attempt a systematic, holistic complexification, by supporting contextual dependencies to emerge, are advocated as a way forward

    The transaction costs analysis of the customer-supplier relationships in product development

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    The golden circle: A way of arguing and acting about technology in the London ambulance service

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    This paper analyses the way in which the London Ambulance Service recovered from the events of October 1992, when it implemented a computer-aided despatch system (LASCAD) that remained in service for less than two weeks. It examines the enactment of a programme of long-term organizational change, focusing on the implementation of an alternative computer system in 1996. The analysis in this paper is informed by actor-network theory, both by an early statement of this approach developed by Callon in the sociology of translation, and also by concepts and ideas from Latour’s more recent restatement of his own position. The paper examines how alternative interests emerged and were stabilized over time, in a way of arguing and acting among key players in the change programme, christened the Golden Circle. The story traces four years in the history of the London Ambulance Service, from the aftermath of October 1992 through the birth of the Golden Circle to the achievement of National Health Service (NHS) trust status. LASCAD was the beginning of the story, this is the middle, an end lies in the future, when the remaining elements of the change programme are enacted beyond the Golden Circle

    Actors and networks or agents and structures: towards a realist view of information systems

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    Actor-network theory (ANT) has achieved a measure of popularity in the analysis of information systems. This paper looks at ANT from the perspective of the social realism of Margaret Archer. It argues that the main issue with ANT from a realist perspective is its adoption of a `flat' ontology, particularly with regard to human beings. It explores the value of incorporating concepts from ANT into a social realist approach, but argues that the latter offers a more productive way of approaching information systems

    Organization theory and military metaphor: time for a reappraisal?

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    A ‘conventional’ use of military metaphor would use it to convey attributes such as hierarchical organization, vertical communication and limited autonomy. This is often used in contrast to a looser form of organization based on the metaphor of the network. However, this article argues that military practice is more complex, with examples of considerable autonomy within the constraints of central direction. It is suggested that not only might this be a more useful metaphor for many contemporary organizations, but also that simplistic uses of military metaphor divert our attention away from the functions that management hierarchies play. The discussion is embedded within a critical realist account of metaphor, arguing for both its value and the need for its further development

    Dynamic knowledge integration in socio-technical networks: an interpretive study of intranet use for knowledge integration

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    A major challenge facing firms competing in electronic business markets is the dynamic integration of knowledge within and beyond the firm, enabled by internet-based infrastructure and emergent fluid socio-technical networks. This paper explores how social actors dynamically employ intranets to integrate formal and informal knowledge within evolving socio-technical networks that emerge, permeate and extend beyond the organisational boundary. The paper presents two case studies that illustrate how static intranets can be useful for dynamically integrating knowledge when they are interwoven with other knowledge channels such as e-mail through which flows the informal knowledge needed to make sense of and situate formal organisational knowledge. The findings suggest that businesses should carefully examine how employees integrate intranets with other channels in their work, and the shaping of knowledge outcomes that flows from such use. There are practical implications for the proper skilling of thepeople who share and integrate knowledge in this way. The paper also provides a framework for dynamic knowledge integration in socio-technical networks, which can help underpin future research in this area.<br /

    The identification and analysis of making-do waste: insights from two Brazilian construction sites

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    Making-do has been pointed out as an important category of waste in the construction industry. It refers to a situation in which a task starts or continues without having available all the inputs required for its completion, such as materials, machinery, tools, personnel, external conditions, and information. By contrast, the literature points out that improvisation is a ubiquitous human practice even in highly structured business organizations, and plays an important role when rules and methods fail. The aim of this paper is to provide some insights on the nature of making-do as a type of waste, based on two exploratory case studies carried out on construction sites. The main contributions of this research work are concerned with the identification of different categories of making-do and its main causes. This paper also discusses some strategies for reducing making-do on construction sites
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