13 research outputs found

    Assessing the Performance of Virtualization Technologies for NFV: a Preliminary Benchmarking

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    The NFV paradigm transforms those applications executed for decades in dedicated appliances, into software images to be consolidated in standard server. Although NFV is implemented through cloud computing technologies (e.g., virtual machines, virtual switches), the network traffic that such components have to handle in NFV is different than the traffic they process when used in a cloud computing scenario. Then, this paper provides a (preliminary) benchmarking of the widespread virtualization technologies when used in NFV, which means when they are exploited to run the so called virtual network functions and to chain them in order to create complex services

    Offloading personal security applications to a secure and trusted network node

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    The current device-centric protection model against security threats has serious limitations from the final user perspective, among the other the necessity to keep each device updated with the latest security updates and the necessity to replicate all the security polices across all devices. In our model, the protection is decoupled from the users terminals and it is provided through a Trusted Virtual Domain (TVD) instantiated in future edge routers. Each TVD provides unified and homogeneous security for a single user, irrespective of the terminal employed. This paper shows a first prototype implementing this concept through a network element, called Network Edge Device, capable of running the proposed virtualized architecture and making extensive use of SDN technologies, with the aim at providing a uniform security level for the final user

    Dizionario operativo per il criminologo

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    Il dizionario ha come finalit\ue0 quella di offrire uno strumento funzionale alle esigenze formative del criminologo e all'espletamento della sua attivit\ue0

    Aspetti contabili e metodologici dell'attuale stima degli investimenti in agricoltura

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    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Biblioteca Centrale / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    The Use of Oral Amino-Bisphosphonates and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outcomes

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    The determinants of the susceptibility to severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) manifestations are yet not fully understood. Amino-bisphosphonates (N-BPs) have anti-inflammatory properties and have been shown to reduce the incidence of lower respiratory infections, cardiovascular events, and cancer. We conducted a population-based retrospective observational cohort study with the primary objective of determining if oral N-BPs treatment can play a role in the susceptibility to development of severe COVID-19. Administrative International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical ModificationI (ICD-9-CM) and anatomical-therapeutic chemical (ATC) code data, representative of Italian population (9% sample of the overall population), were analyzed. Oral N-BPs (mainly alendronate and risedronate) were included in the analysis, zoledronic acid was excluded because of the low number of patients at risk. Incidence of COVID-19 hospitalization was 12.32 (95% confidence interval [CI], 9.61-15.04) and 11.55 (95% CI, 8.91-14.20), of intensive care unit (ICU) utilization because of COVID-19 was 1.25 (95% CI, 0.38-2.11) and 1.42 (95% CI, 0.49-2.36), and of all-cause death was 4.06 (95% CI, 2.50-5.61) and 3.96 (95% CI, 2.41-5.51) for oral N-BPs users and nonusers, respectively. Sensitivity analyses that excluded patients with prevalent vertebral or hip fragility fractures and without concomitant glucocorticoid treatment yielded similar results. In conclusion, we found that the incidence of COVID-19 hospitalization, intensive care unit (ICU) utilization, and COVID-19 potentially related mortality were similar in N-BPs-treated and nontreated subjects. Similar results were found in N-BPs versus other anti-osteoporotic drugs. We provide real-life data on the safety of oral N-BPs in terms of severe COVID-19 risk on a population-based cohort. Our results do not support the hypothesis that oral N-BPs can prevent COVID-19 infection and/or severe COVID-19; however, they do not seem to increase the risk. (c) 2021 The Authors. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR)

    Virtualized Security at the Network Edge: A User-centric Approach

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    The current device-centric protection model against security threats has serious limitations. On one hand, the proliferation of user terminals such as smartphones, tablets, notebooks, smart TVs, game consoles, and desktop computers makes it extremely difficult to achieve the same level of protection regardless of the device used. On another hand, when various users share devices (e.g. parents and kids using the same devices at home), the setup of distinct security profiles, policies, and protection rules for the different users of a terminal is far from trivial. In light of these problems, this article advocates for a paradigm shift in user protection. In our model, protection is decoupled from users’ terminals, and it is provided by the access network through a trusted virtual domain. Each trusted virtual domain provides unified and homogeneous security for a single user irrespective of the terminal employed. We describe a user-centric model where nontechnically savvy users can define their own profiles and protection rules in an intuitive way. We show that our model can harness the virtualization power offered by next-generation access networks, especially from network functions virtualization in the points of presence at the edge of telecom operators. We also analyze the distinctive features of our model, and the challenges faced based on the experience gained in the development of a proof of concept

    The concurrent assessment of agronomic, ecological and environmental variables enables better choice of agroecological service crop termination management

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    Although organic farming was originally promoted as an alternative farming system to address agronomic, environmental and ecological issues, its conventionalisation has led to an intensification and specialisation of production. In the light of this, several studies have questioned the environmental benefits of organic farming as well as its agronomic viability. Thus, there is a need to improve organic vegetable systems to reduce their environmental impact without affecting their productivity. To tackle this challenge, European farmers and researchers have recently started to focus on agroecological service crops (ASCs). However, few studies have simultaneously evaluated the agronomic, environmental and ecological aspects of ASC management under different European pedo-climatic conditions. We evaluated effects of the ASC management strategies-no-till roller crimping (NT-RC) and green manuring (T-GM) on cropping system performance using agronomic, environmental and ecological indicators-to exemplify the need for multidimensional analysis to understand management implications for addressing environmental and agronomic challenges. We combined the results from 11 organic vegetable field trials conducted in seven European countries over a period of 2 years to test for general trends. Our results provide solid evidence that NT-RC management across different pedo-climatic conditions in Europe enhances the activity density of ground and rove beetles and improves both the potential energy recycling within the system and weed control. However, in NT-RC plots, lower cash crop yield and quality, energetic efficiency of production and activity density of spiders were observed compared to T-GM. Synthesis and applications. Multidimensional analyses using agronomic, environmental and ecological indicators are required to understand the implications of agricultural management in agroecosystem functioning. Introducing agroecological service crops combined with the use of no-till roller crimping is a promising strategy for improving agronomic performance (e.g. fewer weeds) and reducing environmental (e.g. increasing the potentially recyclable energy) and ecological (e.g. enhancing the activity density of beneficial taxa such as ground and rove beetles) impacts. However, our study also indicates a need for agronomic and environmental improvements while promoting a wider acceptance of this strategy

    Impatto a breve termine dell'inquinamento dell'aria nelle citt\ue0 coperte dalla sorveglianza epidemiologica EpiAir2

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    OBIETTIVO: stimare l\u2019impatto a breve termine dell\u2019inquinamento atmosferico sulla popolazione adulta di 23 citt\ue0 italiane nel periodo 2006-2009 nell\u2019ambito del progetto EpiAir2. DISEGNO, MATERIALI E METODI: per ogni citt\ue0 inclusa nello studio \ue8 stato calcolato l\u2019impatto dell\u2019effetto a breve termine dell\u2019inquinamento atmosferico sulla mortalit\ue0. In particolare, sono stati calcolati i decessi attribuibili a concentrazioni delle polveri (PM10 e PM2.5) superiori a soglie differenti definite dalla legislazione europea o nell\u2019ambito delle linee guida dell\u2019Organizzazione mondiale della sanit\ue0 (per il PM10: 20 e 40 \u3bcg/m3, riduzione del 20% ad arrivare a 20 \u3bcg/m3 e superamento del limite di 35 giorni con concentrazioni medie di 50 \u3bcg/m3; per il PM2.5: 10, 18 e 25 \u3bcg/m3, riduzione del 20% ad arrivare a 18 \u3bcg/m3). La stima di impatto \ue8 stata ottenuta combinando la stima di effetto delle polveri, il livello di mortalit\ue0 osservato e i livelli di concentrazione degli inquinanti misurati dalle reti di monitoraggio urbane. Per quanto riguarda le stime di effetto, sono state utilizzate le distribuzioni a posteriori specifiche per citt\ue0 risultanti da una metanalisi bayesiana. L\u2019incertezza sulle stime di impatto \ue8 stata calcolata con metodi Monte Carlo. RISULTATI: nell\u2019insieme delle 23 citt\ue0 valutate nel presente studio il numero di decessi attribuibili agli effetti a breve termine delle concentrazioni di PM10 superiori a 20 \u3bcg/m3 e di PM2.5 superiori a 10 \u3bcg/m3 nel periodo 2006-2009 \ue8 risultato rispettivamente pari allo 0,9% (assumendo indipendenza tra citt\ue0 l\u2019intervallo di credibilit\ue0 all\u201980% \ue8 0,4-1,4) e allo 0,8% (ICr80% 0,2-1,3) della mortalit\ue0 naturale. L\u2019impatto delle concentrazioni di polveri PM10 e PM2.5 \ue8 risultato concentrato nelle citt\ue0 della Pianura Padana, della Piana fiorentina, e nelle grandi realt\ue0 metropolitane di Roma, Napoli e Palermo: per il PM10 la percentuale sui decessi \ue8 risultata 1,0% (ICr80% 0,4-1,5) contro 0,4% (ICr80% 0,2-0,7) nelle altre citt\ue0 analizzate. Se i livelli di concentrazione delle polveri fossero stati inferiori del 20%, complessivamente l\u2019impatto si sarebbe ridotto del 42% per il PM10 e del 51% per il PM2.5. CONCLUSIONI: i livelli di inquinamento osservati nel periodo in studio sono stati responsabili di un numero importante di decessi nelle citt\ue0 analizzate. Politiche di contenimento basate sulla diminuzione percentuale delle concentrazioni annuali di polveri interesserebbero tutte le citt\ue0 coperte dallo studio e potrebbero ridurre in modo importante l\u2019impatto dell\u2019inquinamento sulla salute