43 research outputs found

    HPMA Copolymer-Based Nanomedicines in Controlled Drug Delivery

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    Recently, numerous polymer materials have been employed as drug carrier systems in medicinal research, and their detailed properties have been thoroughly evaluated. Water-soluble polymer carriers play a significant role between these studied polymer systems as they are advantageously applied as carriers of low-molecular-weight drugs and compounds, e.g., cytostatic agents, anti-inflammatory drugs, antimicrobial molecules, or multidrug resistance inhibitors. Covalent attachment of carried molecules using a biodegradable spacer is strongly preferred, as such design ensures the controlled release of the drug in the place of a desired pharmacological effect in a reasonable time-dependent manner. Importantly, the synthetic polymer biomaterials based on N-(2-hydroxypropyl) methacrylamide (HPMA) copolymers are recognized drug carriers with unique properties that nominate them among the most serious nanomedicines candidates for human clinical trials. This review focuses on advances in the development of HPMA copolymer-based nanomedicines within the passive and active targeting into the place of desired pharmacological effect, tumors, inflammation or bacterial infection sites. Specifically, this review highlights the safety issues of HPMA polymer-based drug carriers concerning the structure of nanomedicines. The main impact consists of the improvement of targeting ability, especially concerning the enhanced and permeability retention (EPR) effect

    Stanovení lokální prognózy porubu metodou dle směrnice č. 13 GŘ OKD a metodou ovlivňujících faktorů (OFL) ve vybraném porubu 210112 na Dole Ostrava, závod Petr Bezruč v OKR

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVysoká škola báňská. Fakulta hornicko-geologická. Katedra (524) větrání a techniky bezpečnosti dol

    Vlastnosti nízkouhlíkových ocelí legovaných bórem

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta metalurgie a materiálového inženýrství. Katedra (636) materiálového inženýrstv

    Comparison of Czech and German insolvency law with insight in to practice

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    As it implies from the title, aim of this thesis is to compare Czech and German insolvency law and find out differences, also on the practical level. Motivation to choose these countries came from facts, that both countries are economically connected and German law is traditional source of Czech law. Another aim is to find out, if the law of our western neighbours can be inspiration also for future changes to relatively new insolvency law in Czech. Because the title of this thesis is rather general, it was necessary to specify the content of this thesis with choosing main points. These are discharge from debts, reorganisation and insolvency administrator seen as a profession. Aim of this thesis is not to cover the insolvency law complexly. Thesis is divided into eleven chapters. First chapter is introduction and clears aims of this thesis. Second and third chapter describes the introduction to German insolvency law, which fairly overlaps the introduction to Czech insolvency law. Selected differences are mentioned in fourth chapter. Chapters five to seven are containing the main themes of this thesis, and these chapters are divided into subchapters with German law, Czech law and subchapter with comparison. The chapter about discharge from debts is rather extensive, because the concept of this legal..

    The criminal liability of legal persons

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    Tato diplomová práce je rozdělena do šest částí, které se dále dělí na kapitoly a podkapitoly.První část představuje úvod práce. Druhá část se nazývá "Vymezení pojmu" a krátce prezentuje dva klíčové pojmy.Část třetí, "Historický exkurz", má velmi stručně poukázat na to, že pojetí trestní odpovědnosti právnických osob neprošlo krátkodobým vývojem.Čtvrtou a zároveň klíčovou částí této práce je výklad o speciálním zákoně, zakotvující trestní odpovědnost, jež nese také název "Zákon o trestní odpovědnosti právnických osob a řízení proti nim".Pátá část otevírá téma do širšího mezinárodního kontextu.Zde je uveden mezinárodní a evropský vliv na přijetí úpravy a komparace s Německem a Slovenskem.Katedra trestního právaObhájenoThis thesis is divided into six parts that are further divided into chapters and subchapters.Part one is the introduction to the thesis. Part two called "Specification of the term" presents briefly two key terms.Part three called "Historical excursus" points out, that the conception of criminal liability of legal persons has not undergone a short-term development.Part four, which is the key part of this thesis, is an interpretation of a special law that confirms criminal liability. This chapter is called "Law of the criminal liability of legal persons and proceedings against them".Part five introduces the topic in international context.There is mentioned international and European influence on approval of legislation and compare with Germany and Slovakia

    XII. Czech - Slovak Conference Polymers 2022. Book of Abstracts

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    The book of abstracts contains summaries of all contributions to the 12th Czech-Slovak Conference POLYMERS 2022, organized by the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the CAS in Třešť, October 3-6, 2022. There were 33 lectures and 14 posters presented at the conference

    Contemporary Eucharistic Prayers of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church

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    Farského liturgie pocházející z roku 1924 byla ve své době velmi moderní a zdařilou formou liturgie. Její upravenou podobu Církev československá husitská používá dodnes. V západních církvích však mezitím došlo k zásadnímu vývoji v oblasti liturgických studií i liturgické praxe (2. vatikánský koncil a proudy obnovy v dalších církvích). Liturgická obnova nacházela inspiraci ve starokřesťanských vzorech. Farského liturgie byla sice několikrát revidována, ale k zásadním změnám nikdy nedošlo. Její revize nedosahují kvalit jiných obnovených liturgií. Cílem této bakalářské práce je srovnat strukturu současné eucharistické liturgie Církve československé husitské se starokřesťanskými vzory a zároveň s příkladem obnovy eucharistické liturgie v západních církvích. Pozornost je zaměřena především na strukturu eucharistických modliteb a jejich zasazení do kontextu liturgie. Jako příklad obnovy neřímského typu jsou vybrány současné anafory kanadských anglikánů. V závěru je navržen modelový příklad eucharistické modlitby s již revidovanou strukturou. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Liturgy of Farský from 1924 was a very modern and successful reform of liturgy in that historic period. Modified liturgy of Farský has been used in Czechoslovak Hussite Church up to now. Meanwhile liturgy underwent the essential development of liturgical studies and liturgical practices in western churches (2. Vatican council and the renewal movement in other churches). Liturgical renewal was inspired by old Christian patterns. Although Liturgy of Farský was revised several times, principal changes has not been done. Its revisions do not reach the quality of other renewal liturgies. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to compare the structure of contemporary Eucharistic liturgy of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church with old Christian patterns and also with an example of renewal Eucharistic liturgy in western churches. We focus on the structure of Eucharistic prayers and their context in liturgy. As the example of liturgical renewal of non-roman type is chosen contemporary anaphoras of the Anglican Church of Canada. Finally a model example of Eucharistic prayer with revised structure is proposed. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Institut ekumenických studiíInstitute of oecumenical studiesEvangelická teologická fakultaProtestant Theological Facult

    Comparison of Czech and German insolvency law with insight into practice

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    As it implies from the title, aim of this thesis is to compare Czech and German insolvency law and find out differences, also on the practical level. Motivation to choose these countries came from facts, that both countries are economically connected and German law is traditional source of Czech law. Another aim is to find out, if the law of our western neighbours can be inspiration also for future changes to relatively new insolvency law in Czech. Because the title of this thesis is rather general, it was necessary to specify the content of this thesis with choosing main points. These are discharge from debts, reorganisation and insolvency administrator seen as a profession. Aim of this thesis is not to cover the insolvency law complexly. Thesis is divided into eleven chapters. First chapter is introduction and clears aims of this thesis. Second and third chapter describes the introduction to German insolvency law, which fairly overlaps the introduction to Czech insolvency law. Selected differences are mentioned in fourth chapter. Chapters five to seven are containing the main themes of this thesis, and these chapters are divided into subchapters with German law, Czech law and subchapter with comparison. The chapter about discharge from debts is rather extensive, because the concept of this legal..

    Polymer drug carries based on HPMA copolymers facilitating solid tumour drug targeting and pH-triggered activation

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    ll I 1. Souhrn disertačnípráce Úvod PouŽití polymerních nosičůprotinádorových léčivpředstavuje slibný přístup k léčběnádorových onemocnění. Konjugace cýotoxických léčivs polymery mŮže redukovatjejich toxicitu a imunogenicitu, eliminovat nežád,oucíinterakce v těle, zlepšit jejichrozpustnost, biologickou dostupnost a stabilitu (vůčipůsobeníenzymů, teploty, atd.)a prodlouŽit dobu cirkulace v krvi. Navíc polynerní nosiče léčivumožňujíspeciÍickoudopravu léčivado léčenétkáně a v nířídit jeho uvolňování v terapeuticky aktivní formě.Prvnípráce se objevily na konci 70, |et20. století, od tédoby byt koncept použitípolymerních nosičůléčivpostupně akceptován. Zák|adní strukfura systémůza|ožených na vodorozpustných pol1rrnemích nosičíchléčivse skládá ze tŤíčástí:zpolymerního nosiče,biodegradovatelné spojky a léčiva.Preferovanínn způsobem připojení léčivak polymeru je navázání kovalentn ívazbouprostřednictvím vhodně volené spojky, toto spojení by totiž mělo umoŽnit řízeníuvolňování léčivav poškozenétkáni nebo v jednotlivých buňkách . Zřejměvětšina dosudsfudovaných polymemích nosičůkancerostatik byla zamýšlena jako lysosomotropnísystémy, ve kterých má bý,t léčivouvolňováno v důsledku působeníenzymův lysosomechnádorových buněk' Vposlední době byl častostudován i způsobuvolňování léčiva,přikterémje hydrolytické uvolň ování...2. Summary of the PhD. Thesis Introduction The use of synthetic polymer carriers of anticancer drugs represents a promising approach to cancer therapy. Conjugation of cýotoxic drugs with polymers may reduce their toxicity and immunogenicity, eliminate undesirable body interactions, improve their solubility, bioavailability and stability (enzymatic. thermal, etc.), and prolong blood clearance' Moreover, polStmer drug carriers may enable specific delivery to the diseased tissue and controlled drug release in therapeutically active form. Since the first papers were published in the late 1970's the concept of polymer drug carrier systems has been generally accepted. In principle basic water-soluble poll,tner drug delivery systems consist of three parts: of polymer carrier, biodegradable spacer and drug. Preferably, drugs are covalently bound to the pol}mers via spacers, which enable controlled release of active drug in the target tissue or cells. Probably, most of the studied polymer carriers of cancerostatic drugs have been designed as lysosomotropic systems, where the drug could be released by enzymes rn lysosomes of tumour cells. In recent years pH-triggered hydrolytic drug release has been intensively studied. Here, the presence of enzynes is not essential, as the drug might be released in endosomes in...Katedra fyzikální a makromol. chemieDepartment of Physical and Macromolecular ChemistryFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Polymer drug carries based on HPMA copolymers facilitating solid tumour drug targeting and pH-triggered activation

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    2. Summary of the PhD. Thesis Introduction The use of synthetic polymer carriers of anticancer drugs represents a promising approach to cancer therapy. Conjugation of cýotoxic drugs with polymers may reduce their toxicity and immunogenicity, eliminate undesirable body interactions, improve their solubility, bioavailability and stability (enzymatic. thermal, etc.), and prolong blood clearance' Moreover, polStmer drug carriers may enable specific delivery to the diseased tissue and controlled drug release in therapeutically active form. Since the first papers were published in the late 1970's the concept of polymer drug carrier systems has been generally accepted. In principle basic water-soluble poll,tner drug delivery systems consist of three parts: of polymer carrier, biodegradable spacer and drug. Preferably, drugs are covalently bound to the pol}mers via spacers, which enable controlled release of active drug in the target tissue or cells. Probably, most of the studied polymer carriers of cancerostatic drugs have been designed as lysosomotropic systems, where the drug could be released by enzymes rn lysosomes of tumour cells. In recent years pH-triggered hydrolytic drug release has been intensively studied. Here, the presence of enzynes is not essential, as the drug might be released in endosomes in..