17 research outputs found

    Морфология и морфометрия тибиального органа самцов Dolichopus Latreille, 1796 (Dolichopodidae, Diptera)

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    Изучены морфологические и морфометрические признаки видового уровня тибиального органа самцов рода Dolichopus Latreille, 1796. На основании изученных признаков была изучена межвидовая изменчивость и выделены группы надвидового уровня

    Smart-Contracts in the digital economy: Contractual regulation and dispute resolution

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    This article has been prepared for the research purpose of identifying, disclosing, and justifying certain trends in the development of civil law and procedures in the context of the spread of smart contract practices and the expansion of their spheres of application. At the moment, there is no uniform approach to choosing an optimal form for the legal regulation of smart contracts within the system of contract law in modern legal systems or international law; meanwhile, globalization and the digitalization of the economy imply the growth of cross-border transactions. The emergence of smart contracts is due to the development of e-commerce, in which the parties’ interactions are carried out electronically instead of in physical exchanges or direct physical contact. Smart contracts gaining popularity in circulation are based on two interrelated elements: firstly, they eliminate a person’s direct participation in some or all cases of executing the agreement using an automated code designed for execution without reference to the intentions of the contracting parties after publication; secondly, they make use of decentralized blockchain technology, and also provide automatic code execution without any party’s potential intervention, so as to eliminate or reduce the self-control and third-party control of the commitment.This study examines the content, conclusion, validity, protection of rights and legitimate interests of the parties, interpretation, and legal nature of smart contracts. The research materials used foreign experience in resolving disputes from smart contracts on digital platforms (Kleros, JUR, Aragon Network Justice, OpenCourt, OpenBazaar), as well as domestic and foreign literature on smart contracts. This research has been prepared based on general (deduction, dialectical analysis, intersectoral relations of objects) and specialized (comparative-legal, economic-legal) methods of scientific experimentation.The authors conclude that there are no grounds for considering a smart contract as a new classification element of the system of contractual regulation (type or kind of contract). In addition, the analysis shows that the resolution of smart contract disputes through digital platforms remains radically uncertain, and currently is not creating obvious advantages in comparison with traditional judicial proceedings

    The importance of allergic factor in the etiopathogenesis of chronic adenoiditis in children

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    У статті представлено особливості перебігу хронічного аденоїдиту у дітей з алергічним ринітом. Поширеність алергічних захворювань та аденоїдних вегетацій у дитячому віці визначила актуальність вивчення проблеми дослідження. Установлено, що аденоїди при алергічному риніті стають своєрідним шоковим органом, на поверхні якого затримуються інгаляційні алергени. Визначено, що при алергічних ринітах видалення аденоїдів дає можливість покращувати загальний стан хворого та купірувати симптоми захворювання (закладеність носу), зменшувати ризик формування різноманітних хронічних патологій (хронічного отиту), а при обструктивному апное сну — зменшити ризик задухи. Досліджено алгоритм ведення дітей з патологією глоткового мигдалика при супровідних алергічних захворюваннях, де на першому етапі необхідно рекомендувати лікування в алерголога, і лише за неефективності консервативної терапії проводити хірургічне втручання. Доведено, що у більшості досліджених дітей (60–70 %) з гіпертрофією носоглоткового мигдалика ІІ стадії виявили алергічний риніт і підвищений рівень протизапальних цитокінів, що свідчить про взаємозв’язок хвороби із запальними захворюваннями носоглотки та імунної системи. На увагу науковців заслуговують проблеми правильного діагностування причин запалення та гіпертрофії носоглоткового мигдалика, стратегія, тактика і правильність їхнього лікування.The article presents the features of the course of chronic adenoiditis in children with allergic rhinitis. Allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and pathology of the pharyngeal tonsil today remain one of the most common diseases in pediatric practice and their pathogenetic mechanisms are often interrelated. The choice of treatment mode for this group of children is currently being actively discussed. The aim of the study is scientific-literary and practical consideration of the problem of the influence of an allergic factor on the pathogenesis of nasopharyngeal tonsil hypertrophy as a cause of chronic adenoiditis in children. The study examined 30 children with stage 2 adenoid hypertrophy, including 18 boys and 12 girls. A number of authors insist on the need to prioritize conservative management, while more and more evidence is emerging that there may often be indications for surgery. The prevalence of allergic diseases and adenoid vegetations in childhood has determined the relevance of studying the research problem. It is established that adenoids in allergic rhinitis become a kind of shock organ, on the surface of which inhaled allergens are delayed. It has been determined that in allergic rhinitis removal of adenoids has the ability to improve the general condition of the patient and relieve symptoms (including nasal congestion) and reduce the risk of various chronic pathologies (namely chronic otitis), and in obstructive sleep apnea — reduce the risk of suffocation. The algorithm of management of children with pathology of the pharyngeal tonsil in concomitant allergic diseases, where the first stage it is necessary to recommend treatment by an allergist, and only in the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy to perform surgery. It has been shown that most of the studied children (60–70%) with stage II nasopharyngeal tonsil hypertrophy showed allergic rhinitis and elevated levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines, which indicates the relationship of the disease with inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and immune system. It is determined that the problems of correct diagnosis of the causes of inflammation and hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsil and the strategy, tactics and correctness of their treatment deserve scientific attention

    Self-assembly of p-tert-butyl thiacalix[4]arenes and metal cations into nanoscale three-dimensional particles

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    The shape of supramolecular aggregates based on stereoisomers of p-tert-butyl thiacalix[4]arenes functionalized with secondary, tertiary amide and hydrazide groups at the lower rim in cone, partial cone and 1,3-alternate conformations with several metal cations were investigated by atomic force microscopy. The examined p-tert-butyl thiacalix[4]arenes form host-guest complexes; dimers, spherics ellipsoids and elongated nanoscale particles depending on the conformation of macrocycles, the nature of the binding centers and the nature of the metal cation. Only associates formed by p-tert-butyl thiacalix[4]arenes with morpholide groups at the lower rim in cone conformation with silver cations exhibited a higher antimicrobial activity. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd


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    Work is sanctified to research of adsorption descriptions and basic physical and chemical properties and chemical distribution of standards of the ground sedimentations (GS) selected from a superficial layer (0-18 cm) in north part of aquatorium of the Kuyalnik estuary. The sorption of water and methanol vapor, ammonia and sulfur dioxide was determined in the static conditions. Sorption isotherms have been analyzed according to Brunauer-Emmett-Teller theory of polymolecular sorption, the monolayer capacity and the heat of sorption of water molecules and methanol in the first layer have been determined. The essential difference between the values of the specific surface, calculated by different methods (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller theory, Kiselev). The differences in their values are is natural, as for the calculations data are used to measure the sorption of water vapor at different sites of isotherms (for BET - the area at p/ps = 0,01±0,4; Kiselyov at p/ps = 0,55±0,98). Under static conditions the absorption of sulfur dioxide and the ammonia by bottom sediments samples was studied. It is shown the SO2 uptake process, flogoing predominantly through the chemisorption mechanism, occurs only in the presence of «free» water formed after the formation of the monolayer. The maximum sorption capacity on dry samples is 2,6 mg/g. The limiting ammonia sorption capacity (19,1 mg/g at P = 13,3 kPa), unlike sulfur dioxide, in our view, is mainly determined by their organic component, namely the presence in it of humic acids having polyfunctional groups, such as phenolic, hydroxyl groups, carboxylic acid groups that are capable of adsorbing, absorbing and selectively extracting various organic and inorganic substances. The dispersion, organomineral composition, biological, bactericidal activity and sorption characteristics of the samples of bottom sediments (peloids) Kuyalnik estuary in relation to a number of markers of different nature (water vapor, methanol, ammonia, sulfur dioxide) show prospects for use as a cheap natural raw material to expand the range of sorbents for environmental purposes, entero - and vulnerosorbtion (application of sorbents) for medicine, cosmetology


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    Work is sanctified to research of adsorption descriptions and basic physical and chemical properties and chemical distribution of standards of the ground sedimentations (GS) selected from a superficial layer (0-18 cm) in north part of aquatorium of the Kuyalnik estuary. The sorption of water and methanol vapor, ammonia and sulfur dioxide was determined in the static conditions. Sorption isotherms have been analyzed according to Brunauer-Emmett-Teller theory of polymolecular sorption, the monolayer capacity and the heat of sorption of water molecules and methanol in the first layer have been determined. The essential difference between the values of the specific surface, calculated by different methods (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller theory, Kiselev). The differences in their values are is natural, as for the calculations data are used to measure the sorption of water vapor at different sites of isotherms (for BET - the area at p/ps = 0,01±0,4; Kiselyov at p/ps = 0,55±0,98). Under static conditions the absorption of sulfur dioxide and the ammonia by bottom sediments samples was studied. It is shown the SO2 uptake process, flogoing predominantly through the chemisorption mechanism, occurs only in the presence of «free» water formed after the formation of the monolayer. The maximum sorption capacity on dry samples is 2,6 mg/g. The limiting ammonia sorption capacity (19,1 mg/g at P = 13,3 kPa), unlike sulfur dioxide, in our view, is mainly determined by their organic component, namely the presence in it of humic acids having polyfunctional groups, such as phenolic, hydroxyl groups, carboxylic acid groups that are capable of adsorbing, absorbing and selectively extracting various organic and inorganic substances. The dispersion, organomineral composition, biological, bactericidal activity and sorption characteristics of the samples of bottom sediments (peloids) Kuyalnik estuary in relation to a number of markers of different nature (water vapor, methanol, ammonia, sulfur dioxide) show prospects for use as a cheap natural raw material to expand the range of sorbents for environmental purposes, entero - and vulnerosorbtion (application of sorbents) for medicine, cosmetology.Робота присвячена дослідженню адсорбційних характеристик та основних фізико-хімічних властивостей та хімічного складу зразків донних відкладень (ДВ), відібраних з поверхневого шару (0-18 см) у північній частині акваторії гіпергалінного Куяльницького лиману. У статичних умовах досліджена їх сорбційна ємність по відношенню до пари води, метанолу, аміаку та оксиду сірки (IV). У рамках теорії полімолекулярної сорбції Брунауера-Еммета-Теллера проаналізовані ізотерми сорбції, розраховані величини питомої поверхні і значення теплот сорбції молекул води і метанолу в першому шарі. За результатами величин питомої поверхні, розрахованих різними методами, встановлена суттєва відмінність їх величин, що закономірно, так як для розрахунків використовуються дані величин сорбції парів води на різних ділянках ізотерм (за БЕТ – ділянка при р/рs = 0,01...0,4; за Кисельовим при р/рs = 0,55...0,98). У статичних умовах досліджена також хемосорбція парів аміаку і оксиду сірки (IV) зразками ДВ. Показано, що процес поглинання оксиду сірки (IV) «сухими» зразками перебігає фактично за рахунок витіснення предадсорбованої води та їх сорбційна ємність за оксидом сірки (IV) складає 2,6 мг/г. Гранична сорбційна ємність аміаку (19,1 мг/г при Р = 13,3 кПа), на відміну від оксиду сірки (IV), на наш погляд, визначається, головним чином, їх органічною складовою, а саме наявністю в ній гумінових кислот, що мають поліфункціональні групи, як фенольні, гідроксильні, карбоксильні групи, які здатні адсорбувати і селективно екстрагувати різні органічні та неорганічні речовини. Дисперсність, органомінеральний склад, біологічна, бактерицидна активність та сорбційні характеристики зразків донних відкладень (пелоїдів) Куяльницького лиману по відношенню до ряду маркерів різної природи (пари води, метанолу, аміаку, оксиду сірки (IV)) свідчать про перспективи для використання в якості дешевої природної сировини для розширення асортименту сорбентів екологічного призначення, ентеро- та вульнеросорбентів (аплікаційних сорбентів) для медицини, косметології


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    Objective: to analyze the clinical course of ventilator-associated pneumonia caused by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in infants as a high-risk group for the development of hospital acquired infection, as well as a study of the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics.Eighteen infants (14 premature and 4 mature infants) with ventilator -associated pneumonia due to (Stenotrophomonas maltophilia) were monitored. The disease occurred in the majority (72%) of infants as a monoinfection, more often in severe and acute form with severe toxicosis, trophic disorders, severe respiratory failure, bilateral lung and bronchial lesions. In 33% of children, mostly premature, there was a change in the pathogen, which increased the severity and duration of the disease. Pneumonia had complications in the form of sepsis (6%) and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (28%). Most Stenotrophomonas maltophilia retained sensitivity to ticarcillin + clavulanate, ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol and co-trimoxazol

    Self-assembly of p-tert-butyl thiacalix[4]arenes and metal cations into nanoscale three-dimensional particles

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    The shape of supramolecular aggregates based on stereoisomers of p-tert-butyl thiacalix[4]arenes functionalized with secondary, tertiary amide and hydrazide groups at the lower rim in cone, partial cone and 1,3-alternate conformations with several metal cations were investigated by atomic force microscopy. The examined p-tert-butyl thiacalix[4]arenes form host-guest complexes; dimers, spherics ellipsoids and elongated nanoscale particles depending on the conformation of macrocycles, the nature of the binding centers and the nature of the metal cation. Only associates formed by p-tert-butyl thiacalix[4]arenes with morpholide groups at the lower rim in cone conformation with silver cations exhibited a higher antimicrobial activity. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Self-assembly of p-tert-butyl thiacalix[4]arenes and metal cations into nanoscale three-dimensional particles

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    The shape of supramolecular aggregates based on stereoisomers of p-tert-butyl thiacalix[4]arenes functionalized with secondary, tertiary amide and hydrazide groups at the lower rim in cone, partial cone and 1,3-alternate conformations with several metal cations were investigated by atomic force microscopy. The examined p-tert-butyl thiacalix[4]arenes form host-guest complexes; dimers, spherics ellipsoids and elongated nanoscale particles depending on the conformation of macrocycles, the nature of the binding centers and the nature of the metal cation. Only associates formed by p-tert-butyl thiacalix[4]arenes with morpholide groups at the lower rim in cone conformation with silver cations exhibited a higher antimicrobial activity. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Self-assembly of p-tert-butyl thiacalix[4]arenes and metal cations into nanoscale three-dimensional particles

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    The shape of supramolecular aggregates based on stereoisomers of p-tert-butyl thiacalix[4]arenes functionalized with secondary, tertiary amide and hydrazide groups at the lower rim in cone, partial cone and 1,3-alternate conformations with several metal cations were investigated by atomic force microscopy. The examined p-tert-butyl thiacalix[4]arenes form host-guest complexes; dimers, spherics ellipsoids and elongated nanoscale particles depending on the conformation of macrocycles, the nature of the binding centers and the nature of the metal cation. Only associates formed by p-tert-butyl thiacalix[4]arenes with morpholide groups at the lower rim in cone conformation with silver cations exhibited a higher antimicrobial activity. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd