6,113 research outputs found

    Absorption in dipole-lattice models of dielectrics

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    We develop a classical microscopic model of a dielectric. The model features nonlinear interaction terms between polarizable dipoles and lattice vibrations. The lattice vibrations are found to act as a pseudo-reservoir, giving broadband absorption of electromagnetic radiation without the addition of damping terms in the dynamics. The effective permittivity is calculated using a perturbative iteration method and is found to have the form associated with real dielectrics. Spatial dispersion is naturally included in the model and we also calculate the wavevector dependence of the permittivity.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures; references added to section

    CRIMES AND OFFENSES Controlled Substances: Provide for the Distribution of Forfeited Real Property; Authorize the Acquisition of Forfeited Real Property by Land Bank Authorities

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    The Act amends the Georgia Code by allowing courts to provide for the distribution of forfeited real property. The Act provides that forfeited real property be turned over to the state and allows courts to sell the property and distribute the proceeds or to hold the property for use by law enforcement agencies. The Act amends the Georgia Code to permit land bank authorities to accept forfeited real property

    RETIREMENT AND PENSIONS Teachers Retirement System of Georgia: Permit Retired Teachers to Return to Service and Maintain Benefits; Define Terms Relating to Retirement; Provide Conditions Upon Which a School System May Employ a Retired Teacher

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    The Act allows retired teachers to return to teaching full-time while also drawing their retirement benefits. Specifically, the Act permits school systems to hire teachers who retired on or before December 31, 2001 to fill full-time vacancies. Additionally, the Act mandates that retired teachers return only to low-performing schools


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    The University of Richmond Law Review is pleased to present the fifth annual Allen ChairSymposium issue. This special issue is intended as the literary culmination of the efforts of national legal scholars and students alike during the 1997 Allen Chair Symposium conducted by the University of Richmond School of Law. The symposium is held each Spring to create a forum for discourse on legal issues of national and international interest

    Halo gas cross sections and covering fractions of MgII absorption selected galaxies

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    We examine halo gas cross sections and covering fractions, fc, of intermediate-redshift Mg II absorption selected galaxies. We computed statistical absorber halo radii, Rx, using current values of dN/dz and Schechter luminosity function parameters, and have compared these values to the distribution of impact parameters and luminosities from a sample of 37 galaxies. For equivalent widths Wr(2796) ≥ 0.3 Å, we find 43 ≤ Rx ≤ 88 kpc, depending on the lower luminosity cutoff and the slope, β, of the Holmberg-like luminosity scaling, R ∝ α L^β . The observed distribution of impact parameters, D, are such that several absorbing galaxies lie at D > Rx and several non-absorbing galaxies lie at D ~ 0.5 for our sample. Moreover, the data suggest that halo radii of Mg II absorbing galaxies do not follow a luminosity scaling with β in the range of 0.2–0.28, if fc = 1 as previously reported. However, provided fc ~ 0.5, we find that halo radii can remain consistent with a Holmberg-like luminosity relation with β ≃ 0.2 and R∗ = Rx/√(fc) ~ 110 kpc. No luminosity scaling (β = 0) is also consistent with the observed distribution of impact parameters if fc ≤ 0.37. The data support a scenario in which gaseous halos are patchy and likely have non-symmetric geometric distributions about the galaxies. We suggest that halo gas distributions may not be governed primarily by galaxy mass/luminosity but also by stochastic processes local to the galaxy

    Kinematics of Circumgalactic Gas: Feeding Galaxies and Feedback

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    We present observations of 50 pairs of redshift z ~ 0.2 star-forming galaxies and background quasars. These sightlines probe the circumgalactic medium (CGM) out to half the virial radius, and we describe the circumgalactic gas kinematics relative to the reference frame defined by the galactic disks. We detect halo gas in MgII absorption, measure the equivalent-width-weighted Doppler shifts relative to each galaxy, and find that the CGM has a component of angular momentum that is aligned with the galactic disk. No net counter-rotation of the CGM is detected within 45 degrees of the major axis at any impact parameter. The velocity offset of the circumgalactic gas correlates with the projected rotation speed in the disk plane out to disk radii of roughly 70 kpc. We confirm previous claims that the MgII absorption becomes stronger near the galactic minor axis and show that the equivalent width correlates with the velocity range of the absorption. We cannot directly measure the location of any absorber along the sightline, but we explore the hypothesis that individual velocity components can be associated with gas orbiting in the disk plane or flowing radially outward in a conical outflow. We conclude that centrifugal forces partially support the low-ionization gas and galactic outflows kinematically disturb the CGM producing excess absorption. Our results firmly rule out schema for the inner CGM that lack rotation and suggest that angular momentum as well as galactic winds should be included in any viable model for the low-redshift CGM.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Quenched Cold Accretion of a Large Scale Metal-Poor Filament due to Virial Shocking in the Halo of a Massive z=0.7 Galaxy

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    Using HST/COS/STIS and HIRES/Keck high-resolution spectra, we have studied a remarkable HI absorbing complex at z=0.672 toward the quasar Q1317+277. The HI absorption has a velocity spread of 1600 km/s, comprises 21 Voigt profile components, and resides at an impact parameter of D=58 kpc from a bright, high mass [log(M_vir/M_sun) ~ 13.7] elliptical galaxy that is deduced to have a 6 Gyr old, solar metallicity stellar population. Ionization models suggest the majority of the structure is cold gas surrounding a shock heated cloud that is kinematically adjacent to a multi-phase group of clouds with detected CIII, CIV and OVI absorption, suggestive of a conductive interface near the shock. The deduced metallicities are consistent with the moderate in situ enrichment relative to the levels observed in the z ~ 3 Ly-alpha forest. We interpret the HI complex as a metal-poor filamentary structure being shock heated as it accretes into the halo of the galaxy. The data support the scenario of an early formation period (z > 4) in which the galaxy was presumably fed by cold-mode gas accretion that was later quenched via virial shocking by the hot halo such that, by intermediate redshift, the cold filamentary accreting gas is continuing to be disrupted by shock heating. Thus, continued filamentary accretion is being mixed into the hot halo, indicating that the star formation of the galaxy will likely remain quenched. To date, the galaxy and the HI absorption complex provide some of the most compelling observational data supporting the theoretical picture in which accretion is virial shocked in the hot coronal halos of high mass galaxies.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Ap