282 research outputs found

    Cloud Control of Connected Vehicle under Bi-directional Time-varying delay: An Application of Predictor-observer Structured Controller

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    This article is devoted to addressing the cloud control of connected vehicles, specifically focusing on analyzing the effect of bi-directional communication-induced delays. To mitigate the adverse effects of such delays, a novel predictor-observer structured controller is proposed which compensate for both measurable output delays and unmeasurable, yet bounded, input delays simultaneously. The study begins by novelly constructing an equivalent delay-free inter-connected system model that incorporates the Predictor-Observer controller, considering certain delay boundaries and model uncertainties. Subsequently, a stability analysis is conducted to assess the system's robustness under these conditions. Next, the connected vehicle lateral control scenario is built which contain high-fidelity vehicle dynamic model. The results demonstrate the controller's ability to accurately predict the system states, even under time-varying bi-directional delays. Finally, the proposed method is deployed in a real connected vehicle lateral control system. Comparative tests with a conventional linear feedback controller showcase significantly improved control performance under dominant bi-directional delay conditions, affirming the superiority of the proposed method against the delay

    Genetic variants in ELOVL2 and HSD17B12 predict melanoma‐specific survival

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    Fatty acids play a key role in cellular bioenergetics, membrane biosynthesis and intracellular signaling processes and thus may be involved in cancer development and progression. In the present study, we comprehensively assessed associations of 14,522 common single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 149 genes of the fatty‐acid synthesis pathway with cutaneous melanoma disease‐specific survival (CMSS). The dataset of 858 cutaneous melanoma (CM) patients from a published genome‐wide association study (GWAS) by The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center was used as the discovery dataset, and the identified significant SNPs were validated by a dataset of 409 CM patients from another GWAS from the Nurses’ Health and Health Professionals Follow‐up Studies. We found 40 noteworthy SNPs to be associated with CMSS in both discovery and validation datasets after multiple comparison correction by the false positive report probability method, because more than 85% of the SNPs were imputed. By performing functional prediction, linkage disequilibrium analysis, and stepwise Cox regression selection, we identified two independent SNPs of ELOVL2 rs3734398 T>C and HSD17B12 rs11037684 A>G that predicted CMSS, with an allelic hazards ratio of 0.66 (95% confidence interval = 0.51–0.84 and p = 8.34 × 10−4) and 2.29 (1.55–3.39 and p = 3.61 × 10−5), respectively. Finally, the ELOVL2 rs3734398 variant CC genotype was found to be associated with a significantly increased mRNA expression level. These SNPs may be potential markers for CM prognosis, if validated by additional larger and mechanistic studies

    Glassy carbon electrode modified with 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane and graphene oxide triggered a synergistic effect: low-potential amperometric detection of reduced glutathione.

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    A sensitive electrochemical sensor based on the synergistic effect of 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) and graphene oxide (GO) for low-potential amperometric detection of reduced glutathione (GSH) in pH 7.2 phosphate buffer solution (PBS) has been reported. This is the first time that the combination of GO and TCNQ have been successfully employed to construct an electrochemical sensor for the detection of glutathione. The surface of the glassy carbon electrode (GCE) was modified by a drop casting using TCNQ and GO. Cyclic voltammetric measurements showed that TCNQ and GO triggered a synergistic effect and exhibited an unexpected electrocatalytic activity towards GSH oxidation, compared to GCE modified with only GO, TCNQ or TCNQ/electrochemically reduced GO. Three oxidation waves for GSH were found at −0.05, 0.1 and 0.5 V, respectively. Amperometric techniques were employed to detect GSH sensitively using a GCE modified with TCNQ/GO at −0.05 V. The electrochemical sensor showed a wide linear range from 0.25 to 124.3 μM and 124.3 μM to 1.67 mM with a limit of detection of 0.15 μM. The electroanalytical sensor was successfully applied towards the detection of GSH in an eye drop solution

    Electrografting of amino-TEMPO on graphene oxide and electrochemically reduced graphene oxide for electrocatalytic applications.

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    4-Amino-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperridine N-oxyl (4-amino-TEMPO), an electroactive nitroxide radical, was attached to the surface of graphene oxide (GO) and electrochemically reduced graphene oxide (ERGO) modified glassy carbon electrode by a simple, rapid and green electrografting method. The electroactive interfaces were analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV). The calculated surface coverage for 4-amino-TEMPO is up to 1.55 × 10− 9 mol·cm− 2. The modified electroactive interface exhibited excellent electrocatalytic activity towards the electro-oxidation of reduced glutathione (GSH) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)

    Facile synthesis of a nickel sulfide (NiS) hierarchical flower for the electrochemical oxidation of H2O2 and the methanol oxidation reaction (MOR).

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    The synthesis of a novel hierarchical flower-like NiS via a solvothermal method for the electrochemcial oxidation of H2O2 on a carbon paste electrode with high catalytic activity for the (MOR) in an alkaline medium has been reported. Novel nickel sulfide (NiS) hierarchical flower-like structures were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, and transmission electron microscopy. A carbon paste electrode was modified with the as-prepared hierarchical flower-like NiS, resulting in a high electrocatalytic activity toward the oxidation of H2O2. The NiS-modified electrode was used for H2O2 sensing, which was achieved over a wide linear range from 0.5 μMto1.37mM(I/μA =-0.19025 + 0.06094 C/mM) with a low limit of detection (LOD) of 0.3 μM and a limit of quantitation (LOQ) of 0.8 μM. The hierarchical flower-like NiS also exhibited a high electrocatalytic activity for the methanol oxidation reaction (MOR) in an alkaline medium with a high tolerance toward the catalyst-poisoning species generated during the MOR. The MOR proceeded via the direct electrooxidation of methanol on the oxidized NiS surface layer because the oxidation peak potential of the MOR was more positive than that of the oxidation of NiS

    Effects of NH3 and alkaline metals on the formation of particulate sulfate and nitrate in wintertime Beijing

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    Sulfate and nitrate from secondary reactions remain as the most abundant inorganic species in atmospheric particle matter (PM). Their formation is initiated by oxidation (either in gas phase or particle phase), followed by neutralization reaction primarily by NH3, or by other alkaline species such as alkaline metal ions if available. The different roles of NH3 and metal ions in neutralizing H2SO4 or HNO3, however, are seldom investigated. Here we conducted semi-continuous measurements of SO4 2−, NO3 −, NH4 +, and their gaseous precursors, as well as alkaline metal ions (Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+) in wintertime Beijing. Analysis of aerosol acidity (estimated from a thermodynamic model) indicated that preferable sulfate formation was related to low pH conditions, while high pH conditions promote nitrate formation. Data in different mass fraction ranges of alkaline metal ions showed that in some ranges the role of NH3 was replaced by alkaline metal ions in the neutralization reaction of H2SO4 and HNO3 to form particulate SO4 2− and NO3 −. The relationships between mass fractions of SO4 2− and NO3 − in those ranges of different alkaline metal ion content also suggested that alkaline metal ions participate in the competing neutralization reaction of sulfate and nitrate. The implication of the current study is that in some regions the chemistry to incorporate sulfur and nitrogen into particle phase might be largely affected by desert/fugitive dust and sea salt, besides NH3. This implication is particularly relevant in coastal China and those areas with strong influence of dust storm in the North China Plain (NCP), both of which host a number of megacities with deteriorating air quality

    Inhibition of GPR39 restores defects in endothelial cell–mediated neovascularization under the duress of chronic hyperglycemia: evidence for regulatory roles of the sonic hedgehog signaling axis

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    Impaired endothelial cell (EC)–mediated angiogenesis contributes to critical limb ischemia in diabetic patients. The sonic hedgehog (SHH) pathway participates in angiogenesis but is repressed in hyperglycemia by obscure mechanisms. We investigated the orphan G protein–coupled receptor GPR39 on SHH pathway activation in ECs and ischemia-induced angiogenesis in animals with chronic hyperglycemia. Human aortic ECs from healthy and type 2 diabetic (T2D) donors were cultured in vitro. GPR39 mRNA expression was significantly elevated in T2D. The EC proliferation, migration, and tube formation were attenuated by adenovirus-mediated GPR39 overexpression (Ad-GPR39) or GPR39 agonist TC-G-1008 in vitro. The production of proangiogenic factors was reduced by Ad-GPR39. Conversely, human ECs transfected with GPR39 siRNA or the mouse aortic ECs isolated from GPR39 global knockout (GPR39KO) mice displayed enhanced migration and proliferation compared with their respective controls. GPR39 suppressed the basal and ligand-dependent activation of the SHH effector GLI1, leading to attenuated EC migration. Coimmunoprecipitation revealed that the GPR39 direct binding of the suppressor of fused (SUFU), the SHH pathway endogenous inhibitor, may achieve this. Furthermore, in ECs with GPR39 knockdown, the robust GLI1 activation and EC migration were abolished by SUFU overexpression. In a chronic diabetic model of diet-induced obesity (DIO) and low-dose streptozotocin (STZ)-induced hyperglycemia, the GPR39KO mice demonstrated a faster pace of revascularization from hind limb ischemia and lower incidence of tissue necrosis than GPR39 wild-type (GPR39WT) counterparts. These findings have provided a conceptual framework for developing therapeutic tools that ablate or inhibit GPR39 for ischemic tissue repair under metabolic stress

    Analysis of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene Polymorphisms in Vitiligo in Han Chinese People

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    Background: Vitiligo is a chronic depigmented skin disorder with regional melanocytes depletion. The pathogenesis was not completely clarified. Recently, more and more evidence suggested that polymorphisms of some genes are associated with vitiligo risk. Here, we want to examine the association between the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) gene polymorphisms and the risk of vitiligo in Chinese populations. Methods and Principal Findings: In a hospital-based case-control study of 749 patients with vitiligo and 763 age- and sexmatched healthy controls, three polymorphisms of iNOS gene were genotyped by using the PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and mutagenically separated PCR (MS-PCR) methods, respectively. We found the iNOS-954 polymorphism was associated with a significantly higher risk of vitiligo (adjusted OR = 1.36, 95 % CI = 1.02–1.81). Furthermore, this association is more pronounced in vulgaris vitiligo, active vitiligo and vitiligo without other autoimmune diseases in the stratification study. Analysis of haplotypes showed increased risk for the C-1173C-954CEx16+14 (OR = 1.44, 95% CI = 1.01–1.74). In addition, the serum iNOS activity is significantly associated with iNOS-954 combined genotype (GC+CC) and is much higher in vitiligo patients than in the controls (P,0.01). Logistic regression analysis of iNOS activity showed increased risk between higher activity and iNOS-954 GRC variant genotype carriers (Ptrend,0.001). Conclusions and Significance: INOS gene polymorphisms may play an important role in the genetic susceptibility to th