2,742 research outputs found

    Chung-Hua Chen v. Attorney General United States

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    Chung Hua School Sebagai Representasi Pendidikan Etnis Tionghoa Di Jember Tahun 1911-1966

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    Artikel ini berisi uraian mengenai keberadaan sekolah berbasis etnis Tionghoa di Jember yang disebut Chung Hua School. Pendiriannya atas prakarsa Tiong Hoa Hwee Koan yaitu sebuah organisasi Tiong- hoa peranakan terbesar pada masa itu. Melalui pendekatan sosiologi pendidikan dan identitas ke-Tiong- hoaan, dalam skripsi ini dipaparkan mengenai faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi pendirian sekolah tersebut, kelompok pencetus, tujuan didirikan, efek keberadaannya terhadap kelompok masyarakat ter- tentu, relevansi kondisi politik Indonesia dengan keberlangsungan sekolah tersebut, hingga faktor-faktor penyebab penutupannya. Bagi etnis Tionghoa pendidikan ideal ialah pendidikan yang sarat dengan iden- titas ke-Tionghoaan yang terwujud dalam ilmu pengetahuan mengenai budaya serta adat-istiadat Tiong- hoa. Melaluinya USAha transformasi budaya terhadap etnis Tionghoa (khususnya Tionghoa peranakan) di Hindia Belanda perlahan-lahan berusaha diwujudkan serta baru terealisasi pada awal abad ke-20 dengan berdirinya sekolah berbahasa pengantar bahasa Tionghoa yang modern dan terstruktur. Dinami- ka pendidikan berbasis etnis ini ternyata mengalami pasang surut seiring dengan kebijakan pemerintah yang berkuasa di Hindia Belanda hingga Indonesia merdeka. Keberlangsungan pendidikan berbasis et- nis Tionghoa ini harus terhenti pasca Gestapu tahun 1965 seiring meningkatnya sentimen negatif ter- hadap etnis Tionghoa di Indonesia

    Shen Ya-chih\u27s literary reputation in the ninth century

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    Are crisis-induced devaluations contractionary?

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    Why are some currency crises followed by economic contractions while others are not? This paper is an attempt at answering this query. In particular, we investigate two closely related questions. First, we explore whether there is a difference in the output effects of a devaluation during “normal” periods versus crises ones; after all, during noncrisis periods, real exchange devaluation is seen as an important policy option for promoting exports and output growth. Yet, the literature has not made a distinction between crisis and noncrisis periods. To preview the main conclusion, we find that the contractionary effects tend to exist only during the crisis period. Building on this, we go one to explore the factors that cause a crisis-induced devaluation to be contractionary.Financial crises ; Foreign exchange rates


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    This study attempts to investigate the reading behaviour of primary ESL (English as a Second Language) learners in SJKC Chung Hua Semera Sarawak through the perspective of their teachers in the ESL classroom. To acquire this, interviews were carried out with the teachers to collect qualitative data. A total of 3 ESL teachers were selected from the school to participate in this study. The analysis of the data reveals that majority of the ESL learners spent most of their time reading by skimming and scanning, identifying keywords, applying one-time reading, non-linear reading, and reading selectively. On the contrary, the ESL learners spent less time reading expansively and comprehensively. Since the English language is the learners’ second or third language, they lack confidence and motivation as they face various hindrances in fully understanding and interpreting information in this language. The findings of this study intend to provide a springboard for further researches on the approaches to enhance ESL reading skills. Instructional implications are also discussed

    Tung Chung-Shu and the new text confucian victory, with a translation of his three memorials to emperor Wu

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    The work consists of five sections, of which the fifth is the translation, made from the punctuated text of the Chung hua shu chii edition of the Han shu, and taking account of the glosses therein of Yen Shih-ku and others. The first of the four introductory sections considers the importance of Tung Chung-shu and the problem of his writings, and indicates the urgent need for an exhaustive textual inquiry into the Ch'un ch'iu fan lu. The second is concerned with that aspect of New Text Confucianism which was responsible for its victory, namely its Yin Yang teachings, together with the origin and absorption into Confucian dogma of this school of thought. The third considers the victory itself and examines Tung Chung-shu's part in it, which has hitherto been somewhat exaggerated. The fourth section is a specific introduction to the Han shu biography and the following translation of the three memorials. There is a bibliography of works quoted, and a list of Chinese characters

    Long Way Home the Life History of Chinese-Indonesian Migrants in the Netherlands

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    The purpose of this paper is to trace the modern history of Indonesia through the experience of two Chinese Indonesians who migrated to the Netherlands at different periods of time. These life stories represent both post-colonial experiences and the Cold War politics in Indonesia. The migration of Chinese Indonesians since the beginning of the twentieth century has had long history, however, most of the previous literature has focused on the experiences of the “Peranakan” group who are not representative of various other groups of Chinese Indonesian migrants who have had different experiences in making their journey to the Netherlands. This paper will present two stories as a parallel to the more commonly known narratives of the “Peranakan” experience