2,577 research outputs found

    Deep learning of topological phase transitions from entanglement aspects

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    The one-dimensional p-wave superconductor proposed by Kitaev has long been a classic example for understanding topological phase transitions through various methods, such as examining the Berry phase, edge states of open chains, and, in particular, aspects from quantum entanglement of ground states. In order to understand the amount of information carried in the entanglement-related quantities, here we study topological phase transitions of the model with emphasis of using the deep learning approach. We feed different quantities, including Majorana correlation matrices (MCMs), entanglement spectra (ES) or entanglement eigenvectors (EE) originating from Block correlation matrices, into the deep neural networks for training, and investigate which one could be the most useful input format in this approach. We find that ES is information that is too compressed compared to MCM or EE. MCM and EE can provide us abundant information to recognize not only the topological phase transitions in the model but also phases of matter with different U(1) gauges, which is not reachable by using ES only

    ANG - a combination of Apriori and graph computing techniques for frequent itemsets mining

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    The Apriori algorithm is one of the most well-known and widely accepted methods for the association rule mining. In Apriori, it uses a prefix tree to represent k-itemsets, generates k-itemset candidates based on the frequent (k−1)-itemsets, and determines the frequent k-itemsets by traversing the prefix tree iteratively based on the transaction records. When k is small, the execution of Apriori is very efficient. However, the execution of Apriori could be very slow when k becomes large because of the deeper recursion depth to determine the frequent k-itemsets. From the perspective of graph computing, the transaction records can be converted to a graph G(V,E), where V is the set of vertices of G that represents the transaction records and E is the set of edges of G that represents the relations among transaction records. Each k-itemset in the transaction records will have a corresponding connected component in G. The number of vertices in the corresponding connected component is the support of the k-itemset. Since the time to find the corresponding connected component of a k-itemset in G is constant for any k, the graph computing method will be very efficient if the number of k-itemsets is relatively small. Based on Apriori and graph computing techniques, a hybrid method, called Apriori and Graph Computing (ANG), is proposed to compute the frequent itemsets. Initially, ANG uses Apriori to compute the frequent k-itemsets and then switches to the graph computing method when k becomes large (where the number of k-itemset candidates is relatively small). The experimental results show that ANG outperforms both Apriori and the graph computing method for all test cases

    Phase-encoded computer-generated-hologram implemented with liquid crystal television

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    ABSTRACT The advantages of phase-encoded computer-generated-hologram (CGH) are high diffraction efficiency and the ability to reconstruct images on-axis. These advantages are very fundamental and important for many applications. The implementation of phase-encoded CGH by using electrical-addressable liquid crystal television (LCTV) with pure phase-modulation provides the ability for programmable optical interconnections, optical neural systems, optical switches etc. In this paper we adopt the iterative Fourier transform algorithm to design a pure phase CGH. We also report the modulation characteristics of LCTV and its application for displaying the phase-encoded CGH. Criterions for evaluating the quality of output images are proposed

    A Retrospective Cohort Study Comparing Stroke Recurrence Rate in Ischemic Stroke Patients With and Without Acupuncture Treatment.

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    Little was known about the effects of acupuncture on stroke recurrence. The aim of this study is to investigate whether ischemic stroke patients receiving acupuncture treatment have a decreased risk of stroke recurrence. A retrospective cohort study of 30,058 newly diagnosed cases of ischemic stroke in 2000 to 2004 was conducted based on the claims of Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database. The use of acupuncture treatment and stroke recurrence were identified during the follow-up period from 2000 to 2009. This study compared the risk of stroke recurrence between ischemic stroke cohorts with and without acupuncture treatment by calculating adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of acupuncture associated with stroke recurrence in the Cox proportional hazard model. The stroke recurrence rate per 1000 person-years decreased from 71.4 without to 69.9 with acupuncture treatment (P < 0.001). Acupuncture treatment was associated with reduced risk of stroke recurrence (HR 0.88; 95% CI 0.84-0.91). The acupuncture effect was noted in patients with or without medical treatment for stroke prevention but its impact decreased with aging of stroke patients. Compared with stroke patients without acupuncture treatment and medication therapy, the hazard ratios of stroke recurrence for those had medication therapy only, acupuncture only, and both were 0.42 (95% CI 0.38-0.46), 0.50 (95% CI 0.43-0.57), and 0.39 (95% CI 0.35-0.43), respectively. This study raises the possibility that acupuncture might be effective in lowering stroke recurrence rate even in those on medications for stroke prevention. Results suggest the need of prospective sham-controlled and randomized trials to establish the efficacy of acupuncture in preventing stroke

    Fabrication and Low Temperature Thermoelectric Properties of Na_xCoO_2 (x = 0.68 and 0.75) Epitaxial Films by the Reactive Solid-Phase Epitaxy

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    We have fabricated Na_xCoO_2 thin films via lateral diffusion of sodium into Co_3O_4 (111) epitaxial films (reactive solid-phase epitaxy: Ref. 4). The environment of thermal diffusion is key to the control of the sodium content in thin films. From the results of x-ray diffraction and in-plane resistivity, the epitaxial growth and the sodium contents of these films were identified. The thermoelectric measurements show a large thermoelectric power similar to that observed in single crystals. The quasiparticle scattering rate is found to approach zero at low temperatures, consistent with the small residual resistivity, indicating high quality of the Na_xCoO_2 thin films.Comment: 16 pages. 4 figures. To appear in Applied Physics Letter

    Sustainabilitas Arsitektur Masjid: Evaluasi Konsep “Simple Architecture” sebagai Implementasi Desain Arsitektur Berkelanjutan suatu Kawasan

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    Makalah ini membahas aspek-aspek “kesederhanaan” (simplicity) sebagai konsep desain bangunan masjid secara berkelanjutan (sustainable) sesuai konteks dengan mengambil studi kasus masjid kawasan Al-Irsyad Satya Kota Baru Parahyangan, Bandung. Masjid sebagai subyek arsitektur dan pusat ibadah menjadi ruang publik yang didesain dari elemen-elemen yang secara ideal mengandung nilai-nilai Islam dan bertujuan mendukung fungsinya. Desain masjid berkonsep simple atau “sederhana” digunakan sebagai alternatif kontemporer untuk mengoptimalisasi fungsi tersebut, meliputi struktur bangunan hingga biaya pemeliharaan (maintenance) sesuai prinsip keberlanjutan. Keterkaitan erat bangunan masjid dengan aktivitas masyarakat berpotensi melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat dan pengelola dalam menerapkan program sustainabilitas sesuai konteks lingkungannya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berbasis pendekatan Grounded Theory secara kualitatif melalui pengumpulan data dari kegiatan observasi, interview dan analisis program keberlanjutan kawasan. Penelitian menemukan keterkaitan konsep “sederhana” yang mendukung sustainabilitas desain sekaligus menggarisbawahi evaluasi konsep desain “sederhana” yang hadir serta faktor pemeliharaan/pengembangan masjid dan kawasan

    Integrating high dimensional bi-directional parsing models for gene mention tagging

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    Motivation: Tagging gene and gene product mentions in scientific text is an important initial step of literature mining. In this article, we describe in detail our gene mention tagger participated in BioCreative 2 challenge and analyze what contributes to its good performance. Our tagger is based on the conditional random fields model (CRF), the most prevailing method for the gene mention tagging task in BioCreative 2. Our tagger is interesting because it accomplished the highest F-scores among CRF-based methods and second over all. Moreover, we obtained our results by mostly applying open source packages, making it easy to duplicate our results

    Amyloid-β peptide induces oligodendrocyte death by activating the neutral sphingomyelinase–ceramide pathway

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    Amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) accumulation in senile plaques, a pathological hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD), has been implicated in neuronal degeneration. We have recently demonstrated that Aβ induced oligodendrocyte (OLG) apoptosis, suggesting a role in white matter pathology in AD. Here, we explore the molecular mechanisms involved in Aβ-induced OLG death, examining the potential role of ceramide, a known apoptogenic mediator. Both Aβ and ceramide induced OLG death. In addition, Aβ activated neutral sphingomyelinase (nSMase), but not acidic sphingomyelinase, resulting in increased ceramide generation. Blocking ceramide degradation with N-oleoyl-ethanolamine exacerbated Aβ cytotoxicity; and addition of bacterial sphingomyelinase (mimicking cellular nSMase activity) induced OLG death. Furthermore, nSMase inhibition by 3-O-methyl-sphingomyelin or by gene knockdown using antisense oligonucleotides attenuated Aβ-induced OLG death. Glutathione (GSH) precursors inhibited Aβ activation of nSMase and prevented OLG death, whereas GSH depletors increased nSMase activity and Aβ-induced death. These results suggest that Aβ induces OLG death by activating the nSMase–ceramide cascade via an oxidative mechanism