2,721 research outputs found

    Separation of a benzene and nitric oxide mixture by a molecule prism

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    A study was performed on the separation of nitric oxide and benzene mixture by a molecule prism. The energy conservation and wave properties of molecules were used to obtain the molecule-optical index of refraction for a nonresonant infrared laser pulse. A chromatographic resolution of 0.62 for the spatial separation of a mixture was obtained using the focused Nd:YAG laser pulse as a molecule prism.open273

    Curved Microneedle Array-Based sEMG Electrode for Robust Long-Term Measurements and High Selectivity

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    Surface electromyography is widely used in many fields to infer human intention. However, conventional electrodes are not appropriate for long-term measurements and are easily influenced by the environment, so the range of applications of sEMG is limited. In this paper, we propose a flexible band-integrated, curved microneedle array electrode for robust long-term measurements, high selectivity, and easy applicability. Signal quality, in terms of long-term usability and sensitivity to perspiration, was investigated. Its motion-discriminating performance was also evaluated. The results show that the proposed electrode is robust to perspiration and can maintain a high-quality measuring ability for over 8 h. The proposed electrode also has high selectivity for motion compared with a commercial wet electrode and dry electrode.open111615Ysciescopu

    Cool pulsed molecular microbeam

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    The technique to produce a cool pulsed supersonic molecular beam of CaF radicals was described. The radicals were generated by laser ablation of solid precursors target in a small ablation cell of volume of about 0.01 cm 3. It was observed that the ablation plume supersonically expands into a vacuum chamber of the expansion by feeding into the ablation cell about 10 Torr of He, Ar, or Xe carrier gas. It was shown that the highly unstable species were amenable for producing cool intense molecular microbeams.open121

    Structural subnetwork evolution across the life-span: rich-club, feeder, seeder

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    The impact of developmental and aging processes on brain connectivity and the connectome has been widely studied. Network theoretical measures and certain topological principles are computed from the entire brain, however there is a need to separate and understand the underlying subnetworks which contribute towards these observed holistic connectomic alterations. One organizational principle is the rich-club - a core subnetwork of brain regions that are strongly connected, forming a high-cost, high-capacity backbone that is critical for effective communication in the network. Investigations primarily focus on its alterations with disease and age. Here, we present a systematic analysis of not only the rich-club, but also other subnetworks derived from this backbone - namely feeder and seeder subnetworks. Our analysis is applied to structural connectomes in a normal cohort from a large, publicly available lifespan study. We demonstrate changes in rich-club membership with age alongside a shift in importance from 'peripheral' seeder to feeder subnetworks. Our results show a refinement within the rich-club structure (increase in transitivity and betweenness centrality), as well as increased efficiency in the feeder subnetwork and decreased measures of network integration and segregation in the seeder subnetwork. These results demonstrate the different developmental patterns when analyzing the connectome stratified according to its rich-club and the potential of utilizing this subnetwork analysis to reveal the evolution of brain architectural alterations across the life-span

    Synergies for Improving Oil Palm Production and Forest Conservation in Floodplain Landscapes

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    Lowland tropical forests are increasingly threatened with conversion to oil palm as global demand and high profit drives crop expansion throughout the world’s tropical regions. Yet, landscapes are not homogeneous and regional constraints dictate land suitability for this crop. We conducted a regional study to investigate spatial and economic components of forest conversion to oil palm within a tropical floodplain in the Lower Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. The Kinabatangan ecosystem harbours significant biodiversity with globally threatened species but has suffered forest loss and fragmentation. We mapped the oil palm and forested landscapes (using object-based-image analysis, classification and regression tree analysis and on-screen digitising of high-resolution imagery) and undertook economic modelling. Within the study region (520,269 ha), 250,617 ha is cultivated with oil palm with 77% having high Net-Present-Value (NPV) estimates (413/ha?yr413/ha?yr–637/ha?yr); but 20.5% is under-producing. In fact 6.3% (15,810 ha) of oil palm is commercially redundant (with negative NPV of 299/ha?yr-299/ha?yr--65/ha?yr) due to palm mortality from flood inundation. These areas would have been important riparian or flooded forest types. Moreover, 30,173 ha of unprotected forest remain and despite its value for connectivity and biodiversity 64% is allocated for future oil palm. However, we estimate that at minimum 54% of these forests are unsuitable for this crop due to inundation events. If conversion to oil palm occurs, we predict a further 16,207 ha will become commercially redundant. This means that over 32,000 ha of forest within the floodplain would have been converted for little or no financial gain yet with significant cost to the ecosystem. Our findings have globally relevant implications for similar floodplain landscapes undergoing forest transformation to agriculture such as oil palm. Understanding landscape level constraints to this crop, and transferring these into policy and practice, may provide conservation and economic opportunities within these seemingly high opportunity cost landscapes

    Selective-logging and oil palm: Multitaxon impacts, biodiversity indicators, and trade-offs for conservation planning

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    Strong global demand for tropical timber and agricultural products has driven large-scale logging and subsequent conversion of tropical forests. Given that the majority of tropical landscapes have been or will likely be logged, the protection of biodiversity within tropical forests thus depends on whether species can persist in these economically exploited lands, and if species cannot persist, whether we can protect enough primary forest from logging and conversion. However, our knowledge of the impact of logging and conversion on biodiversity is limited to a few taxa, often sampled in different locations with complex land-use histories, hampering attempts to plan cost-effective conservation strategies and to draw conclusions across taxa. Spanning a land-use gradient of primary forest, once- and twice-logged forests, and oil palm plantations, we used traditional sampling and DNA metabarcoding to compile an extensive data set in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo for nine vertebrate and invertebrate taxa to quantify the biological impacts of logging and oil palm, develop cost-effective methods of protecting biodiversity, and examine whether there is congruence in response among taxa. Logged forests retained high species richness, including, on average, 70% of species found in primary forest. In contrast, conversion to oil palm dramatically reduces species richness, with significantly fewer primary-forest species than found on logged forest transects for seven taxa.Using a systematic conservation planning analysis, we show that efficient protection of primary-forest species is achieved with land portfolios that include a large proportion of logged-forest plots. Protecting logged forests is thus a cost-effective method of protecting an ecologically and taxonomically diverse range of species, particularly when conservation budgets are limited. Six indicator groups (birds, leaf-litter ants, beetles, aerial hymenopterans, flies, and true bugs) proved to be consistently good predictors of the response of the other taxa to logging and oil palm. Our results confidently establish the high conservation value of logged forests and the low value of oil palm. Cross-taxon congruence in responses to disturbance also suggests that the practice of focusing on key indicator taxa yields important information of general biodiversity in studies of logging and oil palm

    Consumer credit in comparative perspective

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    We review the literature in sociology and related fields on the fast global growth of consumer credit and debt and the possible explanations for this expansion. We describe the ways people interact with the strongly segmented consumer credit system around the world—more specifically, the way they access credit and the way they are held accountable for their debt. We then report on research on two areas in which consumer credit is consequential: its effects on social relations and on physical and mental health. Throughout the article, we point out national variations and discuss explanations for these differences. We conclude with a brief discussion of the future tasks and challenges of comparative research on consumer credit.Accepted manuscrip