87 research outputs found

    Nonlinear forced change and nonergodicity: The case of ENSO-Indian monsoon and global precipitation teleconnections

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    We study the forced response of the teleconnection between the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and global precipitation in general and the Indian summer monsoon (IM) in particular in the Max Planck Institute Grand Ensemble. The forced response of the teleconnection is defined as the time-dependence of a correlation coefficient evaluated over the ensemble. The ensemble-wise variability is taken either wrt. spatial averages or dominant spatial modes in the sense of Maximal Covariance Analysis or Canonical Correlation Analysis or EOF analysis. We find that the strengthening of the ENSO-IM teleconnection is robustly or consistently featured in view of all four teleconnection representations, whether sea surface temperature (SST) or sea level pressure (SLP) is used to characterise ENSO, and both in the historical period and under the RCP8.5 forcing scenario. The main contributor to this strengthening in terms of a linear regression model is the regression coefficient, which can outcompete even a declining ENSO variability in view of using the SLP. We also find that the forced change of the teleconnection is typically nonlinear by (1) formally rejecting the hypothesis that ergodicity holds, i.e., that expected values of temporal correlation coefficients with respect to the ensemble equal the ensemble-wise correlation coefficient itself, and also showing that (2) the trivial contributions of the forced changes of e.g. the mean SST and/or precipitation to temporal correlations are insignificant here. We also provide, in terms of the test statistics, global maps of the degree of nonlinearity/nonergodicity of the forced change of the teleconnection between local precipitation and ENSO

    Exploiting Binary Abstractions in Deciphering Gene Interactions

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    We consider computationally reconstructing gene regulatory networks on top of the binary abstraction of gene expression state information. Unlike previous Boolean network approaches, the proposed method does not handle noisy gene expression values directly. Instead, two-valued "hidden state" information is derived from gene expression profiles using a robust statistical technique, and a gene interaction network is inferred from this hidden state information. In particular, we exploit Espresso, a well-known 2-level Boolean logic optimizer in order to determine the core network structure. The resulting gene interaction networks can be viewed as dynamic Bayesian networks, which have key advantages over more conventional Bayesian networks in terms of biological phenomena that can be represented. The authors tested the proposed method with a time-course gene expression data set from microarray experiments on anti-cancer drugs doxorubicin and paclitaxel. A gene interaction network was produced by our method, and the identified genes were validated with a public annotation database. The experimental studies we conducted suggest that the proposed method inspired by engineering systems can be a very effective tool to decipher complex gene interactions in living system

    Naked-eye observation of water-forming reaction on palladium etalon: transduction of gas-matter reaction into light-matter interaction

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    Abstract Palladium is the most prominent material in both scientific and industrial research on gas storage, purification, detection, and catalysis due to its unique properties as a catalyst and hydrogen absorber. Advancing the dynamic optical phenomena of palladium reacting with hydrogen, transduction of the gas-matter reaction into light-matter interaction is attempted to visualize the dynamic surface chemistry and reaction behaviors. The simple geometry of the metal-dielectric-metal structure, Fabry–Perot etalon, is employed for a colorimetric reactor, to display the catalytic reaction of the exposed gas via water-film/bubble formation at the dielectric/palladium interface. The adsorption/desorption behavior and catalytic reaction of hydrogen and oxygen on the palladium surface display highly repeatable and dramatic color changes based on two distinct water formation trends: the foggy effect by water bubbles and the whiteout effect by water film formation. Simulations and experiments demonstrate the robustness of the proposed Fabry–Perot etalon as an excellent platform for monitoring the opto-physical phenomena driven by heterogeneous catalysis.This work was supported by a National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (No. 2021R1A2C2009236 and No. 2020M3H5A108110413). Y.-S.R. acknowledges support from a grant of the Information and Communications Promotion Fund (ICT promotion fund) through the National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA), and Korea University Grant (K2311801). Y.P acknowledges support from KIST Institutional grants (No. 2E32451 and 2V09640

    The Impact of the Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity on the Cardiovascular Outcomes of Hemodialysis Patients

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    The aims of our study were to identify the risk factors for an increased aortic pulse wave velocity (AoPWV) and to assess the impact of the AoPWV on the cerebro-cardiovascular (CV) outcomes of hemodialysis (HD) patients. Seventy two HD patients were included, and the AoPWV, the echocardiography and the biochemical parameters were measured. After dividing the patients into tertiles according to the AoPWV values, we defined the low, the middle and the high AoPWV groups. The patients in the high AoPWV group showed a significantly higher age and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein level, a greater prevalence of diabetes and statin use, left ventricular hypertrophy, average pulse pressure (PP), AoPWV and left ventricular mass index and a lower serum albumin level than those in the low AoPWV group (p<0.05). On multivariate regression analysis of the AoPWV, age and the average PP were independently related to the AoPWV (p<0.05). On the multivariate Cox analysis for CV outcomes, the AoPWV and the average PP remained significant independent predictors of CV events. Our data suggest that an increased AoPWV is an independent predictor for the CV outcomes of HD patients

    The Effect of Direct Communication between Emergency Physicians and Interventional Cardiologists on Door to Balloon Times in STEMI

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    We developed an institutional protocol mandating emergency physicians to contact the interventional cardiologist directly in all cases of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and hypothesized that this would reduce door-to-balloon-times (DTBT). From January 2004 to July 2006, 208 patients with STEMI were treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). A total of 144 patients were treated before implementing the new protocol ("before") and 64 patients were treated after the implementation ("after"). The DTBT was significantly reduced from 148±101 min to 108±56 min (p<0.05). While only 25% of the "before" patients received PCI within 90 min after arrival, 50% of the "after" patients received PCI within 90 min (p<0.05). There were no significant differences between two groups in other outcomes (postprocedural TIMI flow, mortality, subsequent stroke, heart failure, shock, reinfarction, length of stay in intensive care unit, and the total hospital length of stay). In conclusion, mandating emergency physicians to directly notify interventional cardiologists of all STEMI patients reduces DTBT

    The Large-Scale Dynamical Response of Clouds to Aerosol Forcing

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    Radiative kernels are used to quantify the instantaneous radiative forcing of aerosols and the aerosol-mediated cloud response in coupled ocean–atmosphere model simulations under both historical and future emission scenarios. The method is evaluated using matching pairs of historical climate change experiments with and without aerosol forcing and accurately captures the spatial pattern and global-mean effects of aerosol forcing. It is shown that aerosol-driven changes in the atmospheric circulation induce additional cloud changes. Thus, the total aerosol-mediated cloud response consists of both local microphysical changes and nonlocal dynamical changes that are driven by hemispheric asymmetries in aerosol forcing. By comparing coupled and fixed sea surface temperature (SST) simulations with identical aerosol forcing, the relative contributions of these two components are isolated, exploiting the ability of prescribed SSTs to also suppress changes in the atmospheric circulation. The radiative impact of the dynamical cloud changes is found to be comparable in magnitude to that of the microphysical cloud changes and acts to further amplify the interhemispheric asymmetry of the aerosol radiative forcing. The dynamical cloud response is closely linked to the meridional displacement of the Hadley cell, which, in turn, is driven by changes in the cross-equatorial energy transport. In this way, the dynamical cloud changes act as a positive feedback on the meridional displacement of the Hadley cell, roughly doubling the projected changes in cross-equatorial energy transport compared to that from the microphysical changes alone

    Projections of central Arctic summer sea surface temperatures in CMIP6

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    One of the most dramatic climate responses to future global warming is the near-disappearance of the perennial sea ice cover in the central Arctic Ocean, a phenomenon known as the ice-free summer Arctic. The immediate consequence of an ice-free Arctic would be the surface warming of the central Arctic Ocean, where sea surface temperatures (SSTs) used to be at freezing levels. Through an analysis of climate models participating in the climate model intercomparison project phase-6, this study demonstrates a wide range of responses in the central Arctic SSTs in August–September as a result of the projected ice-free summer Arctic. These responses vary from 0.7 to 8 °C in the shared socioeconomic pathway 2 (SSP2-4.5), referred to as the ‘middle of the road’ scenario, in which socioeconomic and technological trends do not significantly deviate from historical patterns. The extent of the central Arctic sea surface warming in August–September is found to have a loose correlation with the September sea ice extent (SIE), but a stronger connection to the SIE during spring to early summer (May–July), when incoming shortwave radiation is most intense. In certain climate models, the perennial sea ice cover disappears completely in September, causing central Arctic SSTs to rise by 5 °C–8 °C by the end of the 21st century. This leads to a bimodal distribution of annual SSTs. Further analysis reveals a close relationship between mid-summer SSTs in the central Arctic Ocean and preceding winter sea ice thickness (SIT). This underscores the significance of winter SIT in predicting future Arctic surface warming and marine heatwaves

    An assessment of methods for computing radiative forcing in climate models

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    Because the radiative forcing is rarely computed separately when performing climate model simulations, several alternative methods have been developed to estimate both the instantaneous (or direct) forcing and the adjusted forcing. The adjusted forcing accounts for the radiative impact arising from the adjustment of climate variables to the instantaneous forcing, independent of any surface warming. Using climate model experiments performed for CMIP5, we find the adjusted forcing for 4 × CO2 ranges from roughly 5.5-9 W m−2 in current models. This range is shown to be consistent between different methods of estimating the adjusted forcing. Decomposition using radiative kernels and offline double-call radiative transfer calculations indicates that the spread receives a substantial contribution (roughly 50%) from intermodel differences in the instantaneous component of the radiative forcing. Moreover, nearly all of the spread in adjusted forcing can be accounted for by differences in the instantaneous forcing and stratospheric adjustment, implying that tropospheric adjustments to CO2 play only a secondary role. This suggests that differences in modeling radiative transfer are responsible for substantial differences in the projected climate response and underscores the need to archive double-call radiative transfer calculations of the instantaneous forcing as a routine diagnostic