73 research outputs found

    Studies on the aetiology, diagnosis and epidemiology of clostridium difficile

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    Integration-Valuation Nexus in Invasive Species Policy

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    This paper reviews recent work examining two topics of economic research vital for invasive species policy-integration and valuation. Integration requires bioeconomic models that blend invasive biology with economic circumstances and the feedback loops between the two systems. Valuation requires nonmarket valuation associated with human and environmental damages posed by invasive species. We argue for a second-level of integration in invasive species economics-valuation based on integration models. Policy prescriptions based on integration models need valuation work; valuation surveys need integration models-the two are complements. Valuation could be enhanced with integration in mind; integration could be made better with valuation in mind. An example from blending the two research areas is presented and its merits demonstrated.invasive species, integrated economic-ecological modeling, nonmarket valuation, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Ephemeral space

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    The built environment offers resistance and solidity, physical values of mass and volume, weight and load. The building is persistent as an obstacle to our vector of motion, forcing a change in direction, or obscuring our path. While the physical building remains static, its content or programmes are under constant flux. This is most evident in situations of urban regeneration, where spaces are "recovered" and given entirely new programmes. Both of the sites in Kent that this project covers, fit into this category. The project explores the notion that the buildings themselves might exist in a state of flux, stripped of their physical properties and remaining only as delicate echoes. These spatial echoes can be explored as three dimensional moments in time, devoid of their physical boundaries and constraints. This study offers opportunities to re-imagine the spatial configuration and programmatic relationships across all boundaries. Upon entering these ephemeral spaces, the walls and floors become like a veil, as one moves towards them they recede, immaterial and as insubstantial as mist. The book describes a series of views into these captured spaces. Some views are taken from positions impossible to access in the real world, which give us glimpses of these sites as never before seen. Other views take on a more diagrammatic and architectural approach, slicing through the buildings and their context, to expose the sectional relationships between the spaces of the building. The project was realised through the use of a Faro lidar scanner, a device which measures millions of points in three dimensional space using lasers and constructs a colourised point cloud of that space. Many of these individual scan point clouds were stitched together and composited into a single point cloud model. The Ephemeral space project was developed by JJ Brophy and Christopher Settle at the University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury School of Architecture Digital Futures Lab and supported by the Interreg iV a France (Channel) – England project recreate, co- funded by the European regional development Fund

    Yahtzee: An Anonymized Group Level Matching Procedure

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    Researchers often face the problem of needing to protect the privacy of subjects while also needing to integrate data that contains personal information from diverse data sources. The advent of computational social science and the enormous amount of data about people that is being collected makes protecting the privacy of research subjects ever more important. However, strict privacy procedures can hinder the process of joining diverse sources of data that contain information about specific individual behaviors. In this paper we present a procedure to keep information about specific individuals from being leaked\u27\u27 or shared in either direction between two sources of data without need of a trusted third party. To achieve this goal, we randomly assign individuals to anonymous groups before combining the anonymized information between the two sources of data. We refer to this method as the Yahtzee procedure, and show that it performs as predicted by theoretical analysis when we apply it to data from Facebook and public voter records

    Genes, psychological traits and civic engagement

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    Civic engagement is a classic example of a collective action problem: while civic participation improves life in the community as a whole, it is individually costly and thus there is an incentive to free ride on the actions of others. Yet, we observe significant inter-individual variation in the degree to which people are in fact civically engaged. Early accounts reconciling the theoretical prediction with empirical reality focused either on variation in individuals\u27 material resources or their attitudes, but recent work has turned to genetic differences between individuals. We show an underlying genetic contribution to an index of civic engagement (0.41), as well as for the individual acts of engagement of volunteering for community or public service activities (0.33), regularly contributing to charitable causes (0.28) and voting in elections (0.27). There are closer genetic relationships between donating and the other two activities; volunteering and voting are not genetically correlated. Further, we show that most of the correlation between civic engagement and both positive emotionality and verbal IQ can be attributed to genes that affect both traits. These results enrich our understanding of the way in which genetic variation may influence the wide range of collective action problems that individuals face in modern community life

    Comparison of Aircraft Loads Using URANS and Actuator Disk Modelling of Propellers

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    Comparison of Control of Clostridium difficile Infection in Six English Hospitals Using Whole-Genome Sequencing

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    Background: Variation in Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) rates between healthcare institutions suggests overall incidence could be reduced if the lowest rates could be achieved more widely. Methods: We investigated whether whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of consecutive C. difficile isolates from six English hospitals over one year (2013-14) could be used to assess infection control performance. Fecal samples with a positive initial screen for C. difficile (GDH or toxin-PCR) were cultured and sequenced. Within each hospital, we estimated the proportion of cases plausibly acquired from previous cases, defined by an isolate ≤2 single nucleotide polymorphisms different from a previous isolate in the last 90-days. Results: 851/971(87.6%) sequenced culture-positive samples were toxigenic, and 451(46.4%) were fecal-toxin-positive. 128/652(20%,95%CI 17-23%) toxigenic isolates >90-days after the study started were genetically-linked to a prior patient’s isolate from the previous 90-days. Hospital-2 had the fewest linked isolates, 7/105(7%,3-13%), hospital-1 an intermediate proportion, 9/70(13%,6-23%), while hospitals 3-6 had similar proportions of linked isolates (22-26%) (p≤0.002 comparing hospital-2 vs 3-6). Results were similar adjusting for locally-circulating ribotypes. Adjusting for hospital, ribotype-027 had the highest proportion of linked isolates (57%, 95%CI 29-81%). Fecal-toxin-positive and toxin-negative patients were similarly infectious in terms of being a potential transmission donor, OR=1.01(0.68-1.49,p=0.97). There was no association between the estimated proportion of cases linked to a previous case within 90-days and testing rates (p=0.60). Conclusions: WGS can be used to identify varying rates of C. difficile transmission in different locations, and offers the potential to allow targeted efforts to reduce CDI incidence

    Discovering functional modules by identifying recurrent and mutually exclusive mutational patterns in tumors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Assays of multiple tumor samples frequently reveal recurrent genomic aberrations, including point mutations and copy-number alterations, that affect individual genes. Analyses that extend beyond single genes are often restricted to examining pathways, interactions and functional modules that are already known.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We present a method that identifies functional modules without any information other than patterns of recurrent and mutually exclusive aberrations (RME patterns) that arise due to positive selection for key cancer phenotypes. Our algorithm efficiently constructs and searches networks of potential interactions and identifies significant modules (RME modules) by using the algorithmic significance test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We apply the method to the TCGA collection of 145 glioblastoma samples, resulting in extension of known pathways and discovery of new functional modules. The method predicts a role for <it>EP300 </it>that was previously unknown in glioblastoma. We demonstrate the clinical relevance of these results by validating that expression of <it>EP300 </it>is prognostic, predicting survival independent of age at diagnosis and tumor grade.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We have developed a sensitive, simple, and fast method for automatically detecting functional modules in tumors based solely on patterns of recurrent genomic aberration. Due to its ability to analyze very large amounts of diverse data, we expect it to be increasingly useful when applied to the many tumor panels scheduled to be assayed in the near future.</p