90 research outputs found

    Asia Rising: Ships of State?

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    The commercial-strategic linkages and state support for PRC port and shipping ventures resemble a twenty-first-century version of the Dutch East India Company. These notionally commercial enterprises operate globally with the full financial and military backing of their home state, and the vessels that connect the ports are “ships of state,” functioning as instruments of Chinese national strategy while they sail as commercial carriers

    Distribution, species composition and management implications of seed banks in southern New England coastal plain ponds

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Biological Conservation 142 (2009): 1350-1361, doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2009.01.020.Buried seeds that germinate during periods of low water or water level drawdown can play important roles in shaping plant community composition, community dynamics and species richness in ecosystems with fluctuating water levels. Northeastern US coastal plain ponds have fluctuating water levels and contain a characteristic shoreline flora that contains many rare plants. The objectives of this study were to: (1) test whether geographically distant ponds in Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard had distinct seed banks, (2) determine if hydrologic status as permanent and ephemeral ponds led to differences in seed banks, and (3) examine seed diversity and seed abundance across gradients of shoreline elevations and sediment characteristics. Viable seeds of 45 plant species were identified from 9 ponds. Native species dominated pond-shore seed banks and made up 89 to 100% of all species. There was high overlap in seed bank composition across hydrological classes and geographic regions. One hydrological class captured 73-76% of total species and one geographical region captured 69-78% of the total species recovered from the entire suite of seed bank samples. Seeds were relatively evenly distributed along the shorelines of ephemeral ponds but seed diversity and abundance were lower at low elevations in permanent ponds. Results suggest that strategies to protect pond shorelines to capture maximum diversity of coastal plain pond plants contained in pond sediment seed banks should be implemented across pond hydrologic classes and across a wide geographic area. Shoreline seed distributions indicate that ground-water withdrawals or climate changes that lower pond water levels in permanent ponds will reduce the diversity and abundance of plants recovered from seed banks by shifting water levels to a shoreline zone of high sediment organic matter where seed densities are lower. This effect will be much less in ephemeral ponds where seed diversity and abundance on pond bottoms was high.This study was funded by the Massachusetts Environmental Trust and the Barnstable Water Company

    STIS spectroscopy of the emission line gas in the nuclei of nearby FR-I galaxies

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    We present the results of the analysis of a set of medium resolution spectra, obtained by the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on board the Hubble Space Telescope, of the emission line gas present in the nuclei of a complete sample of 21 nearby, early-type galaxies with radio jets (the UGC FR-I Sample). For each galaxy nucleus we present spectroscopic data in the region of H-alpha and the dervived kinematics. We find that in 67% of the nuclei the gas appears to be rotating and, with one exception, the cases where rotation is not seen are either face on or have complex central morphologies. We find that in 62% of the nuclei the fit to the central spectrum is improved by the inclusion of a broad component. The broad components have a mean velocity dispersion of 1349 +/- 345 km\s and are redshifted from the narrow line components (assuming an origin in H-alpha) by 486 +/- 443 km\s.Comment: 119 pages, 26 figures, ApJS Accepted, version with full figures available at http://www.astro.columbia.edu/~jake/pub/fr1datapaper.pd

    An optical-IR jet in 3C133

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    We report the discovery of a new optical-IR synchrotron jet in the radio galaxy 3C133 from our HST/NICMOS snapshot survey. The jet and eastern hotspot are well resolved, and visible at both optical and IR wavelengths. The IR jet follows the morphology of the inner part of the radio jet, with three distinct knots identified with features in the radio. The radio-IR SED's of the knots are examined, along with those of two more distant hotspots at the eastern extreme of the radio feature. The detected emission appears to be synchrotron, with peaks in the NIR for all except one case, which exhibits a power-law spectrum throughout.Comment: ApJ accepted. 14 pages, 6 figure

    Dominant Nuclear Outflow Driving Mechanisms in Powerful Radio Galaxies

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    In order to identify the dominant nuclear outflow mechanisms in Active Galactic Nuclei, we have undertaken deep, high resolution observations of two compact radio sources (PKS 1549-79 and PKS 1345+12) with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) aboard the Hubble Space Telescope. Not only are these targets known to have powerful emission line outflows, but they also contain all the potential drivers for the outflows: relativistic jets, quasar nuclei and starbursts. ACS allows the compact nature (<0.15") of these radio sources to be optically resolved for the first time. Through comparison with existing radio maps we have seen consistency in the nuclear position angles of both the optical emission line and radio data. There is no evidence for bi-conical emission line features on the large-scale and there is a divergance in the relative position angles of the optical and radio structure. This enables us to exclude starburst driven outflows. However, we are unable to clearly distinguish between radiative AGN wind driven outflows and outflows powered by relativistic radio jets. The small scale bi-conical features, indicative of such mechanisms could be below the resolution limit of ACS, especially if aligned close to the line of sight. In addition, there may be offsets between the radio and optical nuclei induced by heavy dust obscuration, nebular continuum or scattered light from the AGN.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, emulateapj, ApJ Accepte

    Infrared Emission from the Nearby Cool Core Cluster Abell 2597

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    We observed the brightest central galaxy (BCG) in the nearby (z=0.0821) cool core galaxy cluster Abell 2597 with the IRAC and MIPS instruments on board the Spitzer Space Telescope. The BCG was clearly detected in all Spitzer bandpasses, including the 70 and 160 micron wavebands. We report aperture photometry of the BCG. The spectral energy distribution exhibits a clear excess in the FIR over a Rayleigh-Jeans stellar tail, indicating a star formation rate of ~4-5 solar masses per year, consistent with the estimates from the UV and its H-alpha luminosity. This large FIR luminosity is consistent with that of a starburst or a Luminous Infrared Galaxy (LIRG), but together with a very massive and old population of stars that dominate the energy output of the galaxy. If the dust is at one temperature, the ratio of 70 to 160 micron fluxes indicate that the dust emitting mid-IR in this source is somewhat hotter than the dust emitting mid-IR in two BCGs at higher-redshift (z~0.2-0.3) and higher FIR luminosities observed earlier by Spitzer, in clusters Abell 1835 and Zwicky 3146.Comment: Accepted at Ap

    VLBA Observations of Sub-Parsec Structure in Mrk 231: Interaction between a Relativistic Jet and a BAL Wind

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    We report on the first high frequency VLBI observations of the nearby broad absorption line quasar (BALQSO), Mrk 231. Three epochs of observations were achieved at 15 GHz and 22 GHz, two of these included 43 GHz observations as well. The nuclear radio source is resolved as a compact double. The core component experienced a strong flare in which the flux density at 22 GHz increased by >150> 150% (45 mJy) in three months. Theoretical models of the flare imply that the emission is likely enhanced by very strong Doppler boosting of a highly relativistic ejecta with a kinetic energy flux, Q∌3×1043ergs/secQ \sim 3 \times 10^{43} \mathrm{ergs/sec}. Combining our data with two previous epochs of 15 GHz data, shows marginal evidence for the slow advance of the secondary component (located ≈0.97\approx 0.97 pc from the core) over a 9.4 year span. We estimate that the long term time averaged kinetic energy flux of the secondary at Qˉ≈1042ergs/sec\bar{Q}\approx 10^{42}\mathrm{ergs/sec}. Low frequency VLBA observations indicate that the secondary is seen through a shroud of free-free absorbing gas with an emission measure of ≈108cm−6pc\approx 10^{8} \mathrm{cm}^{-6}\mathrm{pc}. The steep spectrum secondary component appears to be a compact radio lobe that is associated with a working surface between the ram-pressure confined jet, and a dense medium that is likely to be the source of the free-free absorption. The properties of the dense gas are consistent with the temperatures, displacement from the nucleus and the column density of total hydrogen commonly associated with the BAL wind.Comment: To appear in Ap

    Gemini IFU, VLA, and HST observations of the OH megamaser galaxy IRAS F23199 + 0123 : the hidden monster and its outflow

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    We present Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) Integral field Unit (IFU), Very Large Array (VLA), and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of the OH megamaser (OHM) galaxy IRAS F23199+0123. Our observations show that this system is an interacting pair, with two OHM sources associated with the eastern (IRAS 23199E) member. The two members of the pair present somewhat extended radio emission at 3 and 20 cm, with flux peaks at each nucleus. The GMOS-IFU observations cover the inner ∌6 kpc of IRAS 23199E at a spatial resolution of 2.3 kpc. The GMOS-IFU flux distributions in Hα and [N II] λ6583 are similar to that of an HST [N II]+Hα narrow-band image, being more extended along the north-east–southwest direction, as also observed in the continuum HST F814W image. The GMOS-IFU Hα flux map of IRAS 23199E shows three extranuclear knots attributed to star-forming complexes. We have discovered a Seyfert 1 nucleus in this galaxy, as its nuclear spectrum shows an unresolved broad (full width at half-maximum ≈2170 km s−1) double-peaked Hα component, from which we derive a black hole mass of MBH = 3.8+0.3−0.2× 106M . The gas kinematics shows low velocity dispersions (σ) and low [NII]/Hα ratios for the star-forming complexes and higher σ and [N II]/Hα surrounding the radio emission region, supporting interaction between the radio plasma and ambient gas. The two OH masers detected in IRAS F23199E are observed in the vicinity of these enhanced σ regions, supporting their association with the active nucleus and its interaction with the surrounding gas. The gas velocity field can be partially reproduced by rotation in a disc, with residuals along the north–south direction being tentatively attributed to emission from the front walls of a bipolar outflow

    An infrared survey of brightest cluster galaxies: Paper I

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    We report on an imaging survey with the Spitzer Space Telescope of 62 brightest cluster galaxies with optical line emission. These galaxies are located in the cores of X-ray luminous clusters selected from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. We find that about half of these sources have a sign of excess infrared emission; 22 objects out of 62 are detected at 70 microns, 18 have 8 to 5.8 micron flux ratios above 1.0 and 28 have 24 to 8 micron flux ratios above 1.0. Altogether 35 of 62 objects in our survey exhibit at least one of these signs of infrared excess. Four galaxies with infrared excesses have a 4.5/3.6 micron flux ratio indicating the presence of hot dust, and/or an unresolved nucleus at 8 microns. Three of these have high measured [OIII](5007A)/Hbeta flux ratios suggesting that these four, Abell 1068, Abell 2146, and Zwicky 2089, and R0821+07, host dusty active galactic nuclei (AGNs). 9 objects (including the four hosting dusty AGNs) have infrared luminosities greater than 10^11 L_sol and so can be classified as luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs). Excluding the four systems hosting dusty AGNs, the excess mid-infrared emission in the remaining brightest cluster galaxies is likely related to star formation.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ

    HST/STIS Spectroscopy of the Lyman-Alpha Emission Line in the Central Dominant Galaxies in A426, A1795, and A2597: Constraints on Clouds in the Intracluster Medium

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    We report on HST/STIS spectra of the Lyman-alpha emission in the central dominant galaxies in three rich clusters of galaxies. We find evidence for a population of clouds in the intracluster medium.We detect 10 Ly-alpha absorption systems towards the nucleus of NGC1275 with columns of N(HI) 1E12-1E14 cm-2. The detected absorption features are most consistent with associated nuclear absorption systems. There is very little nuclear absorption at the systemic velocity in NGC1275. This implies that the large columns detected in the 21 cm line towards the parsec scale radio source avoid the line of sight to the nucleus. This gas may be located in a circumnuclear disk or torus. We detect at least one and possibly two absorption features towards the extended Ly-alpha in A426. We do not detect absorption towards the extended Ly-alpha emission in A1795, and A2597 with upper limits N(HI) 1E13 cm-2 for optically thin absorbers. Our data constrain the covering factor of any high column density gas in the ICM to be less than 25%. Our results suggest that the lack of observed intermediate temperature gas is not explained by obscuration. In addition, the low columns of gas on the 100 kpc scales in the ICM suggests that (1) the rate at which cold gas accumulates in the ICM on these scales is very low, and (2) the dense nebulae in the central 10 kpc must have cooled or been deposited in situ.Comment: 6 figure
