2,407 research outputs found

    Quantized Lattice Dynamic Effects on the Spin-Peierls Transition

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    The density matrix renormalization group method is used to investigate the spin-Peierls transition for Heisenberg spins coupled to quantized phonons. We use a phonon spectrum that interpolates between a gapped, dispersionless (Einstein) limit to a gapless, dispersive (Debye) limit. A variety of theoretical probes are used to determine the quantum phase transition, including energy gap crossing, a finite size scaling analysis, bond order auto-correlation functions, and bipartite quantum entanglement. All these probes indicate that in the antiadiabatic phonon limit a quantum phase transition of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless type is observed at a non-zero spin-phonon coupling, gcg_{\text c}. An extrapolation from the Einstein limit to the Debye limit is accompanied by an increase in gcg_{\text c} for a fixed optical (q=πq=\pi ) phonon gap. We therefore conclude that the dimerized ground state is more unstable with respect to Debye phonons, with the introduction of phonon dispersion renormalizing the effective spin-lattice coupling for the Peierls-active mode. We also show that the staggered spin-spin and phonon displacement order parameters are unreliable means of determining the transition.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev.

    A web accessibility auditing instrument to assist novice evaluators

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    Regional Perspectives Report Chapter 3: Ontario

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    Design and characterization of optical-THz phase-matched traveling-wave photomixers

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    Design and characterization of optical-THz phase-matched traveling-wave photomixers for difference-frequency generation of THz waves are presented. A de-biased coplanar stripline fabricated on low-temperature-grown GaAs is illuminated by two non-collinear laser beams which generate moving interference fringes that are accompanied by THz waves. By tuning the offset angle between the two laser beams, the velocity of the interference fringe can be matched to the phase velocity of the THz wave in the coplanar stripline. The generated THz waves are radiated into free space by the antenna at the termination of the stripline. Enhancement of the output power was clearly observed when the phase-matching condition was satisfied. The output power spectrum has a 3-dB bandwidth of 2 THz and rolls off as ~9 dB/Oct which is determined by the frequency dependent attenuation in the stripline, while the bandwidth of conventional photomixer design has the limitation by the RC time constant due to the electrode capacitance. The device can handle the laser power of over 380 mW, which is 5 times higher than the maximum power handring capability of conventional small area devices. The results show that the traveling-wave photomixers have the potential to surpass small area designs, especially at higher frequencies over I THz, owing to their great thermal dissipation capability and capacitance-free wide bandwidth

    A traveling-wave THz photomixer based on angle-tuned phase matching

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    A traveling-wave THz photomixer based on a free-space optical-THz phase-matching scheme is proposed. A dc-biased coplanar strip line fabricated on low-temperature-grown GaAs serves as the active area of the device, and is illuminated by two noncollinear laser beams which generate interference fringes that are accompanied by THz waves. The device with the laser-power-handling capability over 300 mW and a 3-dB bandwidth of 1.8 THz was experimentally demonstrated. The results show that traveling-wave photomixers have the potential to surpass small-area designs

    Sea surface temperature in global analyses: gains from the copernicus imaging microwave radiometer

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    Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) derived from passive microwave (PMW) observations benefit global ocean and SST analyses because of their near-all-weather availability. Present PMW SSTs have a real aperture-limited spatial resolution in excess of 50 km, limiting the spatial fidelity with which SST features, reflecting ocean dynamics, can be captured. This contrasts with the target resolution of global analyses of 5 to 10 km. The Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer (CIMR) is a mission concept under consideration as a high-priority candidate mission for the expansion of the Copernicus space programme. This instrument would be capable of real aperture resolution < 15 km with low total uncertainties in the range 0.4–0.8 K for channels between 1.4 and 36.5 GHz, and a dual-view arrangement that further reduces noise. This paper provides a comparative study of SST uncertainty and feature resolution with and without the availability of CIMR in the future SST-observing satellite constellation based on a detailed simulation of CIMR plus infrared observations and the processing of global SST analyses with 0.05◦ final grid resolution. Simulations of CIMR data including structured errors were added to an observing system consisting of the Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) on Sentinel-3A and the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on MetOp-A. This resulted in a large improvement in the global root-mean-square error (RMSE) for SST from 0.37 K to 0.21 K for January and 0.40 K to 0.25 K for July. There was a particularly noticeable improvement in the performance of the analysis, as measured by the reduction in RMSE, for dynamical and persistently cloudy areas. Of these, the Aghulas Current showed an improvement of 43% in January and 48% in July, the Gulf Stream showed 70% and 44% improvements, the Southern Ocean showed 57% and 74% improvements, and the Maritime Continent showed 50% and 40% improvements, respectively

    The Imprinted Retrotransposon-Like Gene PEG11 (RTL1) Is Expressed as a Full-Length Protein in Skeletal Muscle from Callipyge Sheep

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    peer-reviewedMembers of the Ty3-Gypsy retrotransposon family are rare in mammalian genomes despite their abundance in invertebrates and some vertebrates. These elements contain a gag-pol-like structure characteristic of retroviruses but have lost their ability to retrotranspose into the mammalian genome and are thought to be inactive relics of ancient retrotransposition events. One of these retrotransposon-like elements, PEG11 (also called RTL1) is located at the distal end of ovine chromosome 18 within an imprinted gene cluster that is highly conserved in placental mammals. The region contains several conserved imprinted genes including BEGAIN, DLK1, DAT, GTL2 (MEG3), PEG11 (RTL1), PEG11as, MEG8, MIRG and DIO3. An intergenic point mutation between DLK1 and GTL2 causes muscle hypertrophy in callipyge sheep and is associated with large changes in expression of the genes linked in cis between DLK1 and MEG8. It has been suggested that over-expression of DLK1 is the effector of the callipyge phenotype; however, PEG11 gene expression is also strongly correlated with the emergence of the muscling phenotype as a function of genotype, muscle type and developmental stage. To date, there has been no direct evidence that PEG11 encodes a protein, especially as its anti-sense transcript (PEG11as) contains six miRNA that cause cleavage of the PEG11 transcript. Using immunological and mass spectrometry approaches we have directly identified the full-length PEG11 protein from postnatal nuclear preparations of callipyge skeletal muscle and conclude that its over-expression may be involved in inducing muscle hypertrophy. The developmental expression pattern of the PEG11 gene is consistent with the callipyge mutation causing recapitulation of the normal fetal-like gene expression program during postnatal development. Analysis of the PEG11 sequence indicates strong conservation of the regions encoding the antisense microRNA and in at least two cases these correspond with structural or functional domains of the protein suggesting co-evolution of the sense and antisense genes

    What are the odds? Identifying factors related to competitive success in powerlifting

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    Background: The ability for athletes to gain a competitive advantage over their opponents is well recognised. At times, this advantage may be considered a marginal gain. However, in the context of competition, marginal advantages may be the difference between winning and losing. This investigation explores how competition factors influence the odds of competitive success (i.e. winning) in powerlifting (PL) to assist athletes and coaches in achieving a competitive advantage. Methods: A cross-sectional, retrospective analysis of competition data from raw/classic, Australian powerlifting competitions 2010–2019 was conducted. Data included 10,599 competition entries (males: n = 6567 [62%], females: n = 4032 [38%]). Independent t-tests were used to compare continuous data between sexes or winners and non-winners at an event. Cohen’s d and the 95% confidence interval (d [95% CI]) were calculated. Univariate odds of winning an event based on independent variables (age [irrespective of category], sex, body weight and weight of first lift attempt [regardless of success]), were assessed by separate simple logistic regression. Results: When compared to males, the odds of winning for females were 50% greater (OR [95% CI] 1.500 [1.384, 1.625]; P \u3c 0.001). Athletes who had larger first lift attempts (Squat: + 7.0 kg P \u3c 0.001, Bench Press: + 3.2 kg P \u3c 0.001, and Deadlift: + 6.1 kg P \u3c 0.001and competed for a longer period (winners: 401 vs non-winners: 304 days, P \u3c 0.001) had an increased likelihood winning. Age was associated with increased odds of success for males (OR [95% CI] 1.014 [1.009, 1.019], P \u3c 0.001) per additional year of age for males, but not females (P = 0.509). Conclusions: Multiple factors appear to contribute to the likelihood of winning a PL competition. These results may help coaches to develop competition and training strategies that optimise athletes’ likelihood of competitive success in PL


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    The Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), at ca. 55.8 Ma, is one of the most studied instances of past greenhouse gas-induced global warming. As such, it provides a rich opportunity to examine the impact of such global change on local climates. The effects of increased continental and sea surface temperatures on local precipitation and humidity during the PETM remain poorly constrained and studies reveal complex, regional differences; whilst some localities appear to experience a net increase in humidity, others exhibit the opposite. Crucially, there are few records of hydrological change from tropical regions. Recent onshore drilling expeditions in Tanzania have yielded expanded sedimentary sections, deposited in a marine environment, that span much of the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene and show exceptionally good preservation of both calcareous microfossils and organic matter. The PETM interval has previously been constrained by both biostratigraphy and carbon isotopic records and spans ca. 7 m of section. Lipid distributions, including various terrestrial, marine and bacterial biomarkers and their hydrogen isotopic compositions, as well as mineralogy, were used to examine East African vegetation and hydrological responses to the global change occurring at the PETM. Although total organic carbon contents decrease, the concentrations of both higher plant (n-alkanes, n-alkanoic acids) and soil bacterial (glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers) biomarkers increase dramatically at the onset of the PETM negative carbon isotope excursion (CIE), suggesting an increased discharge of fluvial sedimentary organic matter. Similarly, mineralogical indicators of terrestrial input – including Ti/Al and Si/Al ratios, quartz contents and, notably, the proportion of kaolinite – also increase at the onset of the CIE. However, higher plant leaf wax n-alkanes (C27, C29 and C31) become more deuterium-enriched throughout the same interval, suggesting a more arid and/or hotter, rather than a more humid, environment. This evidence collectively suggests an East African early PETM climate characterised by overall hot and arid conditions punctuated by intense, perhaps seasonal, precipitation events. These data match observations from other locations at mid-latitudes, suggesting that the humid climate often suggested for the PETM was not globally widespread