453 research outputs found

    Destabilization of a flow focused suspension of magnetotactic bacteria

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    Active matter is a new class of material, intrinsically out-of equilibrium with intriguing properties. So far, the recent upsurge of studies has mostly focused on the spontaneous behavior of these systems --in the absence of external constraints or driving--. Yet, many real life systems evolve under constraints, being both submitted to flow and various taxis. In the present work, we demonstrate a new experimental system which opens up the way for quantitative investigations, and discriminating examinations, of the challenging theoretical description of such systems. We explore the behavior of magnetotactic bacteria as a particularly rich and versatile class of driven matter, which behavior can be studied under contrasting and contradicting stimuli. In particular we demonstrate that the competing driving of an orienting magnetic field and hydrodynamic flow lead not only to jetting, but also unveils a new pearling instability. This illustrates new structuring capabilities of driven active matter

    Support vector machine (SVM) based multiclass prediction with basic statistical analysis of plasminogen activators

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    Plasminogen (Pg), the precursor of the proteolytic and fibrinolytic enzyme of blood, is converted to the active enzyme plasmin (Pm) by different plasminogen activators (tissue plasminogen activators and urokinase), including the bacterial activators streptokinase and staphylokinase, which activate Pg to Pm and thus are used clinically for thrombolysis. The identification of Pg-activators is therefore an important step in understanding their functional mechanism and derives new therapies

    Simplifying gene expression microarray comparative analysis.

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    Gene Expression Comparative Analysis allows bioinformatics researchers to discover the conserved or specific functional regulation of genes. This is achieved through comparisons between quantitative gene expression measurements obtained in different species on different platforms to address a particular biological system. Comparisons are made more difficult due to the need to map orthologous genes between species, pre-processing of data (normalization) and post-analysis (statistical and correlation analysis). In this paper we introduce a web-based software package called EXP-PAC which provides on line interfaces for database construction and query of data, and makes use of a high performance computing platform of computer clusters to run gene sequence mapping and normalization methods in parallel. Thus, EXP-PAC facilitates the integration of gene expression data for comparative analysis and the online sharing, retrieval and visualization of complex multi-specific and multi-platform gene expression results.<br /

    Dietary factors associated with obesity indicators and level of sports participation in Flemish adults : a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity develops when energy intake continuously exceeds energy expenditure, causing a fundamental chronic energy imbalance. Societal and behavioural changes over the last decades are held responsible for the considerable increase in sedentary lifestyles and inappropriate dietary patterns. The role of dietary fat and other dietary factors in the aetiology and maintenance of excess weight is controversial. The purposes of the present study were to investigate the dietary factors associated with body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC), and to analyse whether dietary intake varies between subjects with different levels of sports participation. METHODS: Data for this cross-sectional study, including anthropometric measurements, 3-day diet diary and physical activity questionnaire, were collected by the Flemish Policy Research Centre Sport, Physical Activity and Health (SPAH) between October 2002 and April 2004. Results of 485 adult men and 362 women with plausible dietary records were analysed. Analyses of covariance were performed to determine the differences in dietary intake between normal weight, overweight and obese subjects, and between subjects with different levels of sports participation. RESULTS: Total energy intake, protein and fat intake (kcal/day) were significantly higher in obese subjects compared to their lean counterparts in both genders. Percentage of energy intake from fat was significantly higher in obese men compared to men with normal weight or WC. Energy percentages from carbohydrates and fibres were negatively related to BMI and WC in men, whereas in women a higher carbohydrate and fibre intake was positively associated with obesity. Alcohol intake was positively associated with WC in men. Subjects participating in health related sports reported higher intake of carbohydrates, but lower intake of fat compared to subjects not participating in sports. CONCLUSION: This study supports the evidence that carbohydrate, fat, protein and fibre intake are closely related to BMI and WC. The sex differences for dietary intake between obese men and women might reflect the generally higher health consciousness of women. Alcohol intake was only associated with WC, emphasizing the importance of WC as an additional indicator in epidemiological studies. Besides enhancing sports and physical activity, it is necessary to improve the knowledge about nutrition and to promote the well-balanced consumption of wholesome food

    EST-PAC HPC - a web portal for high-throughput EST annotation and protein sequence prediction

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    Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) are short DNA sequences generated by sequencing the transcribed cDNAs coming from a gene expression. They can provide significant functional, structural and evolutionary information and thus are a primary resource for gene discovery. EST annotation basically refers to the analysis of unknown ESTs that can be performed by database similarity search for possible identities and database search for functional prediction of translation products. Such kind of annotation typically consists of a series of repetitive tasks which should be automated, and be customizable and amenable to using distributed computing resources. Furthermore, processing of EST data should be done efficiently using a high performance computing platform. In this paper, we describe an EST annotator, EST-PACHPC, which has been developed for harnessing HPC resources potentially from Grid and Cloud systems for high throughput EST annotations. The performance analysis of EST-PACHPC has shown that it provides substantial performance gain in EST annotation.<br /

    An upper limit on the mass of the circumplanetary disk for DH Tau b

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    DH Tau is a young (\sim1 Myr) classical T Tauri star. It is one of the few young PMS stars known to be associated with a planetary mass companion, DH Tau b, orbiting at large separation and detected by direct imaging. DH Tau b is thought to be accreting based on copious Hα{\alpha} emission and exhibits variable Paschen Beta emission. NOEMA observations at 230 GHz allow us to place constraints on the disk dust mass for both DH Tau b and the primary in a regime where the disks will appear optically thin. We estimate a disk dust mass for the primary, DH Tau A of 17.2±1.7M17.2\pm1.7\,M_{\oplus}, which gives a disk-to-star mass ratio of 0.014 (assuming the usual Gas-to-Dust mass ratio of 100 in the disk). We find a conservative disk dust mass upper limit of 0.42MM_{\oplus} for DH Tau b, assuming that the disk temperature is dominated by irradiation from DH Tau b itself. Given the environment of the circumplanetary disk, variable illumination from the primary or the equilibrium temperature of the surrounding cloud would lead to even lower disk mass estimates. A MCFOST radiative transfer model including heating of the circumplanetary disk by DH Tau b and DH Tau A suggests that a mass averaged disk temperature of 22 K is more realistic, resulting in a dust disk mass upper limit of 0.09MM_{\oplus} for DH Tau b. We place DH Tau b in context with similar objects and discuss the consequences for planet formation models.Comment: accepted for publication in A

    Automatic detection of optical signatures within and around floating Tonga - Fiji pumice rafts using MODIS, VIIRS, and OLCI Satellite Sensors

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    An underwater volcanic eruption off the Vava’u island group in Tonga on 7 August 2019 resulted in the creation of floating pumice on the ocean’s surface extending over an area of 150 km2. The pumice’s far-reaching effects from its origin in the Tonga region to Fiji and the methods of automatic detection using satellite imagery are described, making it possible to track the westward drift of the pumice raft over 43 days. Level 2 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Color Instrument (OLCI), and Sentinel-3 Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) imagery of sea surface temperature, chlorophyll-a concentration, quasi-surface (i.e., Rayleigh-corrected) reflectance, and remote sensing reflectance were used to distinguish consolidated and fragmented rafts as well as discolored and mesotrophic waters. The rafts were detected by a 1 to 3.5 °C enhancement in the MODIS-derived “sea surface temperature” due to the emissivity difference of the raft material. Large plumes of discolored waters, characterized by higher satellite reflectance/backscattering of particles in the blue than surrounding waters (and corresponding to either submersed pumice or associated white minerals), were associated with the rafts. The discolored waters had relatively lower chlorophyll-a concentration, but this was artificial, resulting from the higher blue/red reflectance ratio caused by the reflective pumice particles. Mesotrophic waters were scarce in the region of the pumice rafts, presumably due to the absence of phytoplanktonic response to a silicium-rich pumice environment in these tropical oligotrophic environments. As beach accumulations around Pacific islands surrounded by coral shoals are a recurrent phenomenon that finds its origin far east in the ocean along the Tongan trench, monitoring the events from space, as demonstrated for the 7 August 2019 eruption, might help mitigate their potential economic impacts