12 research outputs found

    The Properties and Functions of Glial Cell Types of the Hypothalamic Median Eminence

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    The median eminence (ME) is part of the neuroendocrine system (NES) that functions as a crucial interface between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The ME contains many non-neuronal cell types, including oligodendrocytes, oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs), tanycytes, astrocytes, pericytes, microglia and other immune cells, which may be involved in the regulation of NES function. For example, in mice, ablation of tanycytes (a special class of ependymal glia with stem cell-like functions) results in weight gain, feeding, insulin insensitivity and increased visceral adipose, consistent with the demonstrated ability of these cells to sense and transport both glucose and leptin, and to differentiate into neurons that control feeding and metabolism in the hypothalamus. To give a further example, OPCs in the ME of mice have been shown to rapidly respond to dietary signals, in turn controlling composition of the extracellular matrix in the ME, derived from oligodendrocyte-lineage cells, which may contribute to the previously described role of these cells in actively maintaining leptin-receptor-expressing dendrites in the ME. In this review, we explore and discuss recent advances such as these, that have developed our understanding of how the various cell types of the ME contribute to its function in the NES as the interface between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. We also highlight avenues of future research which promise to uncover additional functions of the ME and the glia, stem and progenitor cells it contains

    Nestin-Cre Mice Are Affected by Hypopituitarism, Which Is Not Due to Significant Activity of the Transgene in the Pituitary Gland

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    Nestin-Cre mice express Cre recombinase under control of the rat nestin promoter and central nervous system (CNS) enhancer. While endogenous Nestin is expressed in some other tissues including the pituitary gland, Nestin-Cre mice induce recombination predominantly in the CNS. For this reason, they have been widely used to explore gene function or cell fate in the latter. Pituitary hormonal deficiencies, or hypopituitarism, are associated with a wide range of symptoms and with a significant morbidity. These can have a neural and/or a pituitary origin as the gland's secretions are controlled by the hypothalamus. We report here that Nestin-Cre mice themselves are affected by mild hypopituitarism. Hence, physiological consequences are expected, especially in combination with defects resulting from Cre mediated deletion of any gene under investigation. To further investigate the origin of this phenotype, we re-examined the activity of the transgene. We compared it with expression of Nestin itself in the context of the hypothalamo-pituitary axis, especially in the light of a recent report showing pituitary Nestin-Cre activity, which contrasts with previous data. Our results disagree with those of this recent study and do not support the claim that Nestin positive cells are present in the pituitary anlagen, the Rathke's pouch (RP). Moreover we did not observe any significant activity in the post-natal pituitary, in agreement with the initial report

    Pathogenic variants in RNPC3 are associated with hypopituitarism and primary ovarian insufficiency

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    Purpose We aimed to investigate the molecular basis underlying a novel phenotype including hypopituitarism associated with primary ovarian insufficiency. Methods We used next-generation sequencing to identify variants in all pedigrees. Expression of Rnpc3/RNPC3 was analyzed by in situ hybridization on murine/human embryonic sections. CRISPR/Cas9 was used to generate mice carrying the p.Leu483Phe pathogenic variant in the conserved murine Rnpc3 RRM2 domain. Results We described 15 patients from 9 pedigrees with biallelic pathogenic variants in RNPC3, encoding a specific protein component of the minor spliceosome, which is associated with a hypopituitary phenotype, including severe growth hormone (GH) deficiency, hypoprolactinemia, variable thyrotropin (also known as thyroid-stimulating hormone) deficiency, and anterior pituitary hypoplasia. Primary ovarian insufficiency was diagnosed in 8 of 9 affected females, whereas males had normal gonadal function. In addition, 2 affected males displayed normal growth when off GH treatment despite severe biochemical GH deficiency. In both mouse and human embryos, Rnpc3/RNPC3 was expressed in the developing forebrain, including the hypothalamus and Rathke’s pouch. Female Rnpc3 mutant mice displayed a reduction in pituitary GH content but with no reproductive impairment in young mice. Male mice exhibited no obvious phenotype. Conclusion Our findings suggest novel insights into the role of RNPC3 in female-specific gonadal function and emphasize a critical role for the minor spliceosome in pituitary and ovarian development and function

    Etude des facteurs de transcription proneuraux dans la formation du gyrus dente de l'hippocampe chez la souris

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    Une question fondamentale en neurobiologie est de comprendre comment une cellule souche multipotente est capable de gĂ©nĂ©rer l ensemble du systĂšme nerveux central (SNC) que sont les neurones et les cellules gliales. Les gĂšnes proneuraux jouent notamment un rĂŽle dans la transition de l Ă©tat multipotent de la cellule souche Ă  un Ă©tat pluripotent, celui du progĂ©niteur neural. Mon projet de thĂšse a consistĂ© en l analyse du rĂŽle du gĂšne proneural NeurogĂ©nine2 (Ngn2) au cours de la neurogenĂšse embryonnaire et adulte de l hippocampe chez la souris.Les gĂšnes proneuraux (NeurogĂ©nines et Mash1), qui codent pour des facteurs de transcription Ă  domaine bHLH (basic Helix Loop Helix), jouent un rĂŽle important dans la formation du SNC. Chez les vertĂ©brĂ©s, par exemple, Ngn2 a Ă©tĂ© impliquĂ© dans le dĂ©veloppent du tĂ©lencĂ©phale dorsal (cortex). Des expĂ©riences in vitro ont montrĂ©es que Ngn2 favorise la formation de neurones et inhibe la formation de cellules gliales. L analyse du patron d expression de Ngn2 montre que ce dernier est exprimĂ© dans l hippocampe en dĂ©veloppement. Cependant, l identitĂ© des cellules exprimant Ngn2, leur devenir et la fonction de Ngn2 dans l hippocampe restait mĂ©connue. Ces questions ont Ă©tĂ© Ă  la base de mon projet de thĂšse.Le gyrus dentĂ© (GD) de l hippocampe est un lieu de neurogenĂšse secondaire chez l adulte et jouerait un rĂŽle important dans la mĂ©moire spatiale et l apprentissage. Les neurones du GD proviennent de trois groupes de progĂ©niteurs, ou matrices, gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s sĂ©quentiellement pendant l embryogenĂšse tardive et la vie post-natale prĂ©coce de la souris (du jour embryonnaire 16.5 jusqu au jour post-natal 7). La zone ventriculaire (ZV) mĂ©diale du tĂ©lencĂ©phale contient les progĂ©niteurs qui constituent la matrice primaire. Celle-ci donne naissance Ă  une population de progĂ©niteurs en migration qui constituent la matrice secondaire. Enfin, un troisiĂšme groupe de progĂ©niteurs situĂ©s dans le GD en dĂ©veloppement forme la matrice tertiaire. C est cette derniĂšre qui continue de produire de nouveaux neurones durant la vie adulte de l animal.Nous avons montrĂ© par immunohistochimie que Ngn2 est exprimĂ© par les progĂ©niteurs dans les trois matrices formant le GD chez l embryon ainsi que chez le nouveau-nĂ© et l adulte. De plus, nous disposons d une lignĂ©e de souris Knock-in (KI) GFP pour le gĂšne Ngn2 (Ngn2KIGFP). La stabilitĂ© de la GFP nous a permis d analyser le lignage des cellules exprimant et ayant exprimĂ© Ngn2 chez les animaux hĂ©tĂ©rozygotes (Ngn2GFP/+). Ainsi, nous avons montrĂ© que la majoritĂ© des neurones granulaires du GD proviennent du lignage Ngn2. L analyse des souris homozygotes mutantes a permis l Ă©tude de la fonction de Ngn2 dans la formation du GD. Nous avons observĂ© une perte de progĂ©niteurs et de diffĂ©renciation des progĂ©niteurs dans les trois matrices formant le GD. D une part, l expression du facteur de transcription NeuroD est une cible directe de Ngn2 dans d autre partie du systĂšme nerveux, d autre part il est impliquĂ© dans la diffĂ©renciation des cellules granulaires du GD. Cependant, l expression de NeuroD ne varie pas chez le mutant Ngn2 supposant que: 1/ NeuroD ne serait pas une cible directe de Ngn2 dans l hippocampe; 2/ un des mĂ©canismes impliquĂ©s dans la neurogenĂšse du GD serait dĂ©pendant de Ngn2. Etant donnĂ© que la neurogenĂšse du GD persiste post-natalement, nous avons poursuivi cette analyse au cours de la neurogenĂšse adulte.L Ă©tude des souris hĂ©tĂ©rozygotes Ngn2KIGFP/+ dans la neurogenĂšse adulte du GD, ainsi que l utilisation de marqueurs spĂ©cifiques des progĂ©niteurs du GD, nous a permis de montrer que Ngn2 est exprimĂ© par les progĂ©niteurs neuronaux qui donnent naissance Ă  des neurones granulaires, comme chez l embryon. En utilisant l acide kainate pour stimuler la neurogenĂšse adulte, nous avons observĂ© une augmentation de l expression de Ngn2 montrant que Ngn2 peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© comme marqueur de progĂ©niteurs dans le neurogenĂšse adulte du GD. Dans le but de discriminer le rĂŽle de Ngn2 chez l adulte de son rĂŽle chez l embryon, nous souhaitons utiliser une approche d inactivation conditionnelle du gĂšne.La stratĂ©gie adoptĂ©e consiste Ă  croiser les souris Ngn2 floxĂ©es avec une lignĂ©e de souris transgĂ©niques exprimant la recombinase Cre inductible au tamoxifen (CreERT2). Cette stratĂ©gie nous permettra d inactiver Ngn2 Ă  un temps prĂ©cis. Dans un premier temps, nous avons analysĂ© une nouvelle lignĂ©e de souris transgĂ©niques exprimant CreERT2 sous le contrĂŽle du promoteur CMV et de l enhancer du gĂšne b-actin de poulet (pCAGGS). L activitĂ© de CreERT2 s avĂšre hautement dĂ©pendante du dosage de tamoxifen administrĂ© et montre un patron de recombinaison mosaĂŻque, aussi bien chez l embryon que chez l adulte. Cependant, tous les types cellulaires analysĂ©s sont affectĂ© par la recombinaison. Afin d analyser la fonction de Ngn2 chez l adulte, nous sommes en train de croiser et d administrer le tamoxifen aux souris Ngn2 floxĂ©es; CreERT2.STRASBOURG-Sc. et Techniques (674822102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Nestin-Cre activity and Nestin expression.

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    <p>(A, B) Immunofluorescence for GFP and Nestin in 13.5dpc NestinCre; R26RYFP embryo. Ventral diencephalon (VD) (A) and Ratkhe's pouch (RP) (B). Note that EYFP expression always correlates with that of Nestin within the CNS. (C, D) Immunofluorescence for Nestin on 16.5dpc (C) and 18.5dpc (D) wild-type pituitaries. (E, F) Immunofluorescence for GFP (E) and for GFP and Nestin (F) on Nestin-Cre; R26ReporterEYFP eleven month-old pituitaries. The arrows point to Nestin<sup>+ve</sup>, EYFP<sup>+ve</sup> cells. Scale bar: 50 ”m; ant.: anterior; int.: intermediate; pos.: posterior; inf: infundibulum</p

    Strategic Choices in Optimization

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    International audienceMany decision problems have two levels: one for strategic decisions, and an- other for tactical management. This paper focuses on the strategic level, more specifically the sequential exploration of the possible options and the final selec- tion (recommendation) of the best option. Several sequential exploration and recommendation criteria are considered and empirically compared on real world problems (board games, card games and energy management problems) in the uniform (1-player) and adversarial (2-player) settings. W.r.t. the sequential ex- ploration part, the classical upper confidence bound algorithm, the exponential exploration-exploitation algorithm, the successive reject algorithm (designed specifically for simple regret), and the Bernstein races, are considered. W.r.t. the recommendation part, the selection is based on the empirically best arm, most played arm, lower confidence bounds, based on the reward distribution or variants thereof designed for risk control. This paper presents a systematic study, comparing the coupling of the sequential exploration and recommenda- tion variants on the considered problems in terms of their simple regret. A secondary contribution is that, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first win ever of a computer-kill-all Go player against professional human players