176 research outputs found

    Evidence for Integrin – Venus Kinase Receptor 1 Alliance in the Ovary of Schistosoma mansoni Females Controlling Cell Survival

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    Parasites of the genus Schistosoma cause schistosomiasis, a life-threatening infectious disease for humans and animals worldwide. Among the remarkable biological features of schistosomes is the differentiation of the female gonads which is controlled by pairing with the male and a prerequisite for egg production. Eggs, however, are not only important for the maintenance of the life-cycle; they also cause the pathological consequences of schistosomiasis. Part of the eggs gets trapped in host tissues such as liver and spleen and trigger inflammatory processes, finally leading to liver cirrhosis. Research activities of the last decade have indicated that different families of cellular and receptor-type kinases but also integrins contribute to the control of mitogenic activity and differentiation the female goands. In this context an unusual class of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) has been identified, the venus kinase receptors (SmVKRs). By biochemical and molecular approaches we demonstrate that SmVKR1 activation can be achieved by cooperation with a signaling complex consisting of the beta integrin receptor SmĂź-Int1 and the bridging molecules SmILK, SmPINCH, SmNck2. Besides unravelling a novel way of SmVKR1 activation, we provide evidence that this complex controls the differentiation status of oocytes by regulating cell death-associated processes

    Whole-organ isolation approach as a basis for tissue-specific analyses in Schistosoma mansoni

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    As a neglected disease, schistosomiasis is still an enormous problem in the tropics and subtropics. Since the 1980s, Praziquantel (PZQ) has been the drug of choice but can be anticipated to lose efficacy in the future due to emerging resistance. Alternative drugs or efficient vaccines are still lacking, strengthening the need for the discovery of novel strategies and targets for combating schistosomiasis. One avenue is to understand the unique reproductive biology of this trematode in more detail. Sexual maturation of the adult female depends on a constant pairing with the male. This is a crucial prerequisite for the differentiation of the female reproductive organs such as the vitellarium and ovary, and consequently for the production of mature eggs. These are needed for life-cycle maintenance, but they also cause pathogenesis. With respect to adult males, the production of mature sperm is essential for fertilisation and life-cycle progression. In our study we present a convenient and inexpensive method to isolate reproductive tissues from adult schistosomes in high amounts and purity, representing a source for gonad-specific RNA and protein, which will serve for future sub-transcriptome and -proteome studies helping to characterise genes, or to unravel differentiation programs in schistosome gonads. Beyond that, isolated organs may be useful for approaches to establish cell cultures, desperately needed in the post-genomic era

    Transcriptome analyses of inhibitor-treated Schistosome females provide evidence for cooperating Src-kinase and TGFbeta receptor pathways controlling mitosis and egshell formation

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    Schistosome parasites cause schistosomiasis, one of the most prevalent parasitemias worldwide affecting humans and animals. Constant pairing of schistosomes is essential for female sexual maturation and egg production, which causes pathogenesis. Female maturation involves signaling pathways controlling mitosis and differentiation within the gonads. In vitro studies had shown before that a Src-specific inhibitor, Herbimycin A (Herb A), and a TGFb receptor (TbR) inhibitor TRIKI) have physiological effects such as suppressed mitoses and egg production in paired females. As one Herb A target, the gonad-specifically expressed Src kinase SmTK3 was identified. Here, we comparatively analyzed the transcriptome profiles of Herb A- and TRIKI-treated females identifying transcriptional targets of Src-kinase and TbRI pathways. After demonstrating that TRIKI inhibits the schistosome TGFbreceptor SmTbRI by kinase assays in Xenopus oocytes, couples were treated with Herb A, TRIKI, or both inhibitors simultaneously in vitro. RNA was isolated from females for microarray hybridizations and transcription analyses. The obtained data were evaluated by Gene Ontology (GO) and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA), but also by manual classification and intersection analyses. Finally, extensive qPCR experiments were done to verify differential transcription of candidate genes under inhibitor influence but also to functionally reinforce specific physiological effects. A number of genes found to be differentially regulated are associated with mitosis and differentiation. Among these were calcium-associated genes and eggshell-forming genes. In situ hybridization confirmed transcription of genes coding for the calcium sensor hippocalcin, the calcium transporter ORAI-1, and the calcium-binding protein calmodulin-4 in the reproductive system pointing to a role of calcium in parasite reproduction. Functional qPCR results confirmed an inhibitor-influenced, varying dependence of the transcriptional activities of Smp14, Smp48, fs800, a predicted eggshell precursor protein and SmTYR1. The results show that eggshell-formation is regulated by at least two pathways cooperatively operating in a balanced manner to control egg production

    Combinatory microarray and SuperSAGE analyses identify pairing-dependently transcribed genes in Schistosoma mansoni males, including Follistatin

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    Background: Schistosomiasis is a disease of world-wide importance and is caused by parasitic flatworms of the genus Schistosoma. These parasites exhibit a unique reproduction biology as the femaleÂ’s sexual maturation depends on a constant pairing-contact to the male. Pairing leads to gonad differentiation in the female, and even gene expression of some gonad-associated genes is controlled by pairing. In contrast, no morphological changes have been observed in males, although first data indicated an effect of pairing also on gene transcription in males. Methodology/Principal Findings: To investigate the influence of pairing on males, we performed a combinatory approach applying SuperSAGE and microarray hybridization, generating the most comprehensive data-set on differential transcription available to date. Of 6,326 sense transcripts detected by both analyses, 29 were significantly differentially transcribed. Besides mutual confirmation, the two methods complemented each other as shown by data comparison and real-time PCR, which revealed a number of genes with consistent regulation across all methods. One of the candidate genes, follistatin of S. mansoni (SmFst) was characterized in more detail by in situ hybridization and yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) interaction analyses with potential binding partners. Conclusions/Significance: Beyond confirming previously hypothesized differences in metabolic processes between pairingexperienced (EM) and pairing-unexperienced males (UM), our data indicate that neuronal processes are involved in malefemale interaction but also TGFb-signaling. One candidate revealing significant down-regulation in EM was the TGFbpathway controlling molecule follistatin (SmFst). First functional analyses demonstrated SmFst interaction with the S. mansoni TGFb-receptor agonists inhibin/activin (SmInAct) and bone morphogenic protein (SmBMP), and all molecules colocalized in the testes. This indicates a yet unknown role of the TGFb-pathway for schistosome biology leading to male competence and a possible influence of pairing on the male gonad

    Arylmethylamino steroids as antiparasitic agents

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    In search of antiparasitic agents, we here identify arylmethylamino steroids as potent compounds and characterize more than 60 derivatives. The lead compound 1o is fast acting and highly active against intraerythrocytic stages of chloroquine-sensitive and resistant Plasmodium falciparum parasites (IC50 1–5?nM) as well as against gametocytes. In P. berghei-infected mice, oral administration of 1o drastically reduces parasitaemia and cures the animals. Furthermore, 1o efficiently blocks parasite transmission from mice to mosquitoes. The steroid compounds show low cytotoxicity in mammalian cells and do not induce acute toxicity symptoms in mice. Moreover, 1o has a remarkable activity against the blood-feeding trematode parasite Schistosoma mansoni. The steroid and the hydroxyarylmethylamino moieties are essential for antimalarial activity supporting a chelate-based quinone methide mechanism involving metal or haem bioactivation. This study identifies chemical scaffolds that are rapidly internalized into blood-feeding parasites

    Review on Pediatric Malignant Focal Liver Lesions with Imaging Evaluation: Part II

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    Malignant focal liver lesions (FLLs) represent various kinds of epithelial and mesenchymal tumors. In pediatric patients, the understanding of pediatric liver diseases and associated imaging manifestations is essential for making accurate diagnosis and differential diagnosis. This paper will discuss the latest knowledge of the common pediatric malignant FLLs, including undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, angiosarcoma, and malignant rhabdoid tumor. Medical imaging features are not only helpful for clinical diagnosis, but can also be useful in the evaluation and follow-up of pre- and post-treatment. The future perspectives of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) enhancement patterns of FLLs in pediatric patients are also mentioned

    Review on Pediatric Malignant Focal Liver Lesions with Imaging Evaluation: Part I

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    Malignant focal liver lesions (FLLs) are commonly reported in adults but rarely seen in the pediatric population. Due to the rarity, the understanding of these diseases is still very limited. In children, most malignant FLLs are congenital. It is very important to choose appropriate imaging examination concerning various factors. This paper will outline common pediatric malignant FLLs, including hepatoblastoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, and cholangiocarcinoma and discuss them against the background of the latest knowledge on comparable/similar tumors in adults. Medical imaging features are of vital importance for the non-invasive diagnosis and follow-up of treatment of FLLs in pediatric patients. The use of CEUS in pediatric patients for characterizing those FLLs that remain indeterminate on conventional B mode ultrasounds may be an effective option in the future and has great potential to be integrated into imaging algorithms without the risk of exposure to ionizing radiation

    Drug-Induced Exposure of Schistosoma mansoni Antigens SmCD59a and SmKK7

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    BACKGROUND: Schistosomiasis is a serious health problem especially in developing countries and affects more than 243 million people. Only few anthelmintic drugs are available up to now. A major obstacle for drug treatment is the different developmental stages and the varying host compartments during worm development. Anthelmintic drugs have been tested mainly on adult schistosomes or freshly transformed cercariae. Knowledge concerning the larval stages is lacking. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, we used in vitro-grown schistosomula (aged between 2 to 14 days) to investigate drug effects of the three anthelmintics praziquantel, artemether, and oxamniquine. Further, we analyzed the antibody accessibility of two exemplary schistosome antigens SmCD59a and SmKK7, before and after drug treatment. Our results demonstrated that praziquantel applied at a concentration of 1 ÎĽM inhibited development of all life stages. Application of 10 ÎĽM praziquantel led to dramatic morphological changes of all schistosomula. Artemether at 1 and 10 ÎĽM had differential effects depending on whether it was applied to 2-day as compared to 7- and 14-day schistosomula. While 2-day schistosomula were not killed but inhibited from further development, severe morphological damage was seen in 7- and 14-day schistosomula. Oxamniquine (1 and 10 ÎĽM) led to severe morphological impairment in all life stages. Analyzing the accessibility of the antigens SmCD59a and SmKK7 before drug treatment showed no antibody binding on living intact schistosomula. However, when schistosomula were treated with anthelmintics, both antigens became exposed on the larvae. Oxamniquine turned out to be most effective in promoting antibody binding to all schistosomula stages. CONCLUSION: This study has revealed marked differences in anthelmintic drug effects against larvae. Drug treatment increases surface antigen presentation and renders larvae accessible to antibody attack

    The Formin-Homology Protein SmDia Interacts with the Src Kinase SmTK and the GTPase SmRho1 in the Gonads of Schistosoma mansoni

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    BACKGROUND:Schistosomiasis (bilharzia) is a parasitic disease of worldwide significance affecting human and animals. As schistosome eggs are responsible for pathogenesis, the understanding of processes controlling gonad development might open new perspectives for intervention. The Src-like tyrosine-kinase SmTK3 of Schistosoma mansoni is expressed in the gonads, and its pharmacological inhibition reduces mitogenic activity and egg production in paired females in vitro. Since Src kinases are important signal transduction proteins it is of interest to unravel the signaling cascades SmTK3 is involved in to understand its cellular role in the gonads. METHODOLOGY AND RESULTS:Towards this end we established and screened a yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) cDNA library of adult S. mansoni with a bait construct encoding the SH3 (src homology) domain and unique site of SmTK3. Among the binding partners found was a diaphanous homolog (SmDia), which was characterized further. SmDia is a single-copy gene transcribed throughout development with a bias towards male transcription. Its deduced amino acid sequence reveals all diaphanous-characteristic functional domains. Binding studies with truncated SmDia clones identified SmTK3 interaction sites demonstrating that maximal binding efficiency depends on the N-terminal part of the FH1 (formin homology) domain and the inter-domain region of SmDia located upstream of FH1 in combination with the unique site and the SH3 domain of SmTK3, respectively. SmDia also directly interacted with the GTPase SmRho1 of S. mansoni. In situ hybridization experiments finally demonstrated that SmDia, SmRho1, and SmTK3 are transcribed in the gonads of both genders. CONCLUSION:These data provide first evidence for the existence of two cooperating pathways involving Rho and Src that bridge at SmDia probably organizing cytoskeletal events in the reproductive organs of a parasite, and beyond that in gonads of eukaryotes. Furthermore, the FH1 and inter domain region of SmDia have been discovered as binding sites for the SH3 and unique site domains of SmTK3, respectively

    Diagnosing Schistosomiasis by Detection of Cell-Free Parasite DNA in Human Plasma

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    Bilharzia (schistosomiasis) occurs in the tropics and subtropics and is one of the most important parasite diseases of humans. It is caused by flukes residing in the vessels of the gut or bladder, causing fever, pain, and bleeding. Bladder cancer or esophageal varices may follow. Diagnosis is difficult, requiring detection of parasite eggs in stool, urine, or gut/bladder biopsies. In this paper, we introduce a fundamentally new way of diagnosing bilharzia from the blood. It has been known for almost 20 years that patients with cancer have tumor-derived DNA circulating in their blood, which can be used for diagnostic purposes. During pregnancy, free DNA from the fetus can be detected in motherly blood, which can be used for diagnosing a range of fetal diseases and pregnancy-associated complications. We found that parasite DNA can be detected in the same way in the blood of patients with bilharzia. In patients with early disease, diagnosis was possible earlier than with any other test. DNA could be detected in all patients with active disease in our study. Patients after treatment had significantly lower parasite DNA concentrations and turned negative 1–2 years after treatment. Future studies should implement the method in large cohorts of patients and should define criteria for the confirmation of the success of treatment by comparing the concentration of fluke DNA before and after therapy
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