26 research outputs found

    Structural insights into TMB-1 and the role of residues 119 and 228 in substrate and inhibitor binding

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    Source at https://doi.org/10.1128/AAC.02602-16.Metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs) threaten the effectiveness of β-lactam antibiotics, including carbapenems, and are a concern for global public health. β-Lactam/β-lactamase inhibitor combinations active against class A and class D carbapenemases are used, but no clinically useful MBL inhibitor is currently available. Tripoli metallo-β-lactamase-1 (TMB-1) and TMB-2 are members of MBL subclass B1a, where TMB-2 is an S228P variant of TMB-1. The role of S228P was studied by comparisons of TMB-1 and TMB-2, and E119 was investigated through the construction of site-directed mutants of TMB-1, E119Q, E119S, and E119A (E119Q/S/A). All TMB variants were characterized through enzyme kinetic studies. Thermostability and crystallization analyses of TMB-1 were performed. Thiol-based inhibitors were investigated by determining the 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50) and binding using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) for analysis of TMB-1. Thermostability measurements found TMB-1 to be stabilized by high NaCl concentrations. Steady-state enzyme kinetics analyses found substitutions of E119, in particular, substitutions associated with the penicillins, to affect hydrolysis to some extent. TMB-2 with S228P showed slightly reduced catalytic efficiency compared to TMB-1. The IC50 levels of the new thiol-based inhibitors were 0.66 μM (inhibitor 2a) and 0.62 μM (inhibitor 2b), and the equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) of inhibitor 2a was 1.6 μM; thus, both were more potent inhibitors than L-captopril (IC50 = 47 μM; KD = 25 μM). The crystal structure of TMB-1 was resolved to 1.75 Å. Modeling of inhibitor 2b in the TMB-1 active site suggested that the presence of the W64 residue results in T-shaped π-π stacking and R224 cation-π interactions with the phenyl ring of the inhibitor. In sum, the results suggest that residues 119 and 228 affect the catalytic efficiency of TMB-1 and that inhibitors 2a and 2b are more potent inhibitors for TMB-1 than L-captopril

    Protein Interaction Studies with Low Molecular Weight Ligands : Applications for Drug Discovery, Basic Research and Diagnostic Tool Design

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    In this thesis, the interactions between different proteins and small ligands were characterized by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy (SPR) and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) based assays.    For the C-reactive protein (CRP), a new type of artificial binder was identified which allows designing diagnostic assays superior to commonly used standard assays. Furthermore, an interaction study with the endogenous ligand phosphocholine revealed the importance of the avidity of pentameric CRP for the distinction of different types of lipid membranes. The interaction study with calcium showed how SPR based assays can be used to study ion-protein interactions despite the low atomic weight of ions.    The transmembrane protease BACE1, an important drug target for Alzheimer’s disease, was immobilized to an SPR biosensor surface and embedded into a lipid membrane. An interaction study with a set of known BACE1 inhibitors showed that the transmembrane region has only minor effects on the interactions. Furthermore the pH-dependencies of the interactions were investigated and revealed new important conclusions for inhibitor design. Computer aided modelling showed that the protonation state of the aspartic dyad is dependent on the interacting inhibitor which offers new perspectives for in silico screenings. The SPR assay developed for BACE1 was adapted to a more complex membrane protein, the pentameric β3 GABAA receptor. The assay allowed the pharmacological characterisation for histaminergic and GABAergic ligands and gave further evidence for cross-talk between the two signal transduction pathways. This study shows that the immobilisation method used for BACE1 and the ß3 GABAA receptor has the potential to become a standard method for handling membrane proteins.   The identification of new drug leads from natural sources is a common strategy for drug discovery. A combination of SPR and FRET based activity assays were explored to increase the efficiency of this process. For HIV-1 protease, secreted aspartic protease (SAP) 1, 2 and 3 extracts from a marine vertebrate were identified containing potent inhibitors which interacted with the active site of the enzymes. The studies in this thesis show that the investigation of protein interactions is crucial for understanding protein functions and can help to develop novel drugs for the treatment of different diseases

    Protein Interaction Studies with Low Molecular Weight Ligands : Applications for Drug Discovery, Basic Research and Diagnostic Tool Design

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    In this thesis, the interactions between different proteins and small ligands were characterized by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy (SPR) and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) based assays.    For the C-reactive protein (CRP), a new type of artificial binder was identified which allows designing diagnostic assays superior to commonly used standard assays. Furthermore, an interaction study with the endogenous ligand phosphocholine revealed the importance of the avidity of pentameric CRP for the distinction of different types of lipid membranes. The interaction study with calcium showed how SPR based assays can be used to study ion-protein interactions despite the low atomic weight of ions.    The transmembrane protease BACE1, an important drug target for Alzheimer’s disease, was immobilized to an SPR biosensor surface and embedded into a lipid membrane. An interaction study with a set of known BACE1 inhibitors showed that the transmembrane region has only minor effects on the interactions. Furthermore the pH-dependencies of the interactions were investigated and revealed new important conclusions for inhibitor design. Computer aided modelling showed that the protonation state of the aspartic dyad is dependent on the interacting inhibitor which offers new perspectives for in silico screenings. The SPR assay developed for BACE1 was adapted to a more complex membrane protein, the pentameric β3 GABAA receptor. The assay allowed the pharmacological characterisation for histaminergic and GABAergic ligands and gave further evidence for cross-talk between the two signal transduction pathways. This study shows that the immobilisation method used for BACE1 and the ß3 GABAA receptor has the potential to become a standard method for handling membrane proteins.   The identification of new drug leads from natural sources is a common strategy for drug discovery. A combination of SPR and FRET based activity assays were explored to increase the efficiency of this process. For HIV-1 protease, secreted aspartic protease (SAP) 1, 2 and 3 extracts from a marine vertebrate were identified containing potent inhibitors which interacted with the active site of the enzymes. The studies in this thesis show that the investigation of protein interactions is crucial for understanding protein functions and can help to develop novel drugs for the treatment of different diseases

    Protein Interaction Studies with Low Molecular Weight Ligands : Applications for Drug Discovery, Basic Research and Diagnostic Tool Design

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    In this thesis, the interactions between different proteins and small ligands were characterized by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy (SPR) and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) based assays.    For the C-reactive protein (CRP), a new type of artificial binder was identified which allows designing diagnostic assays superior to commonly used standard assays. Furthermore, an interaction study with the endogenous ligand phosphocholine revealed the importance of the avidity of pentameric CRP for the distinction of different types of lipid membranes. The interaction study with calcium showed how SPR based assays can be used to study ion-protein interactions despite the low atomic weight of ions.    The transmembrane protease BACE1, an important drug target for Alzheimer’s disease, was immobilized to an SPR biosensor surface and embedded into a lipid membrane. An interaction study with a set of known BACE1 inhibitors showed that the transmembrane region has only minor effects on the interactions. Furthermore the pH-dependencies of the interactions were investigated and revealed new important conclusions for inhibitor design. Computer aided modelling showed that the protonation state of the aspartic dyad is dependent on the interacting inhibitor which offers new perspectives for in silico screenings. The SPR assay developed for BACE1 was adapted to a more complex membrane protein, the pentameric β3 GABAA receptor. The assay allowed the pharmacological characterisation for histaminergic and GABAergic ligands and gave further evidence for cross-talk between the two signal transduction pathways. This study shows that the immobilisation method used for BACE1 and the ß3 GABAA receptor has the potential to become a standard method for handling membrane proteins.   The identification of new drug leads from natural sources is a common strategy for drug discovery. A combination of SPR and FRET based activity assays were explored to increase the efficiency of this process. For HIV-1 protease, secreted aspartic protease (SAP) 1, 2 and 3 extracts from a marine vertebrate were identified containing potent inhibitors which interacted with the active site of the enzymes. The studies in this thesis show that the investigation of protein interactions is crucial for understanding protein functions and can help to develop novel drugs for the treatment of different diseases

    Efficient Screening of Marine Extracts for Protease Inhibitors by Combining FRET Based Activity Assays and Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy Based Binding Assays

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    The screening of extracts from marine organisms is a widely used strategy to discover new drug leads. A common problem in the screening process is the generation of false positive hits through unspecific effects from the complex chemical composition of the crude extracts. In this study, we explored a combination of a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) based activity assay and a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based binding assay to avoid this problem. An aqueous extract was prepared from rest raw material of the Norwegian spring spawning herring, and further fractionated by methanol solubility and solid phase extraction. FRET based activity assays were used to determine the influence of each extract on the activity of different proteases. Several extracts showed more than 50% inhibition. The inhibition mechanisms were elucidated by SPR based competition experiments with known inhibitors. For the secreted aspartic proteases 1, 2, 3 and HIV-1 protease, the results indicated that some extracts contain inhibitors interacting specifically with the active site of the enzymes. The study shows that a combination of an activity assay and an SPR based binding assay is a powerful tool to identify potent inhibitors in marine extracts. Furthermore, the study shows that marine vertebrates offer an interesting source for new bioactive compounds, although they have rarely been explored for this purpose

    Efficient Screening of Marine Extracts for Protease Inhibitors by Combining FRET Based Activity Assays and Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy Based Binding Assays

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    The screening of extracts from marine organisms is a widely used strategy to discover new drug leads. A common problem in the screening process is the generation of false positive hits through unspecific effects from the complex chemical composition of the crude extracts. In this study, we explored a combination of a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) based activity assay and a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based binding assay to avoid this problem. An aqueous extract was prepared from rest raw material of the Norwegian spring spawning herring, and further fractionated by methanol solubility and solid phase extraction. FRET based activity assays were used to determine the influence of each extract on the activity of different proteases. Several extracts showed more than 50% inhibition. The inhibition mechanisms were elucidated by SPR based competition experiments with known inhibitors. For the secreted aspartic proteases 1, 2, 3 and HIV-1 protease, the results indicated that some extracts contain inhibitors interacting specifically with the active site of the enzymes. The study shows that a combination of an activity assay and an SPR based binding assay is a powerful tool to identify potent inhibitors in marine extracts. Furthermore, the study shows that marine vertebrates offer an interesting source for new bioactive compounds, although they have rarely been explored for this purpose

    Discovery of Novel Inhibitor Scaffolds against the Metallo-beta-lactamase VIM-2 by Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Based Fragment Screening

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    Accepted manuscript version. Published version at http://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jmedchem.5b01289.Metallo-β-lactamase (MBL) inhibitors can restore the function of carbapenem antibiotics and therefore help to treat infections of antibiotic resistant bacteria. In this study, we report novel fragments inhibiting the clinically relevant MBL Verona integron-encoded metallo-β-lactamase (VIM-2). The fragments were identified from a library of 490 fragments using an orthogonal screening approach based on a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based assay combined with an enzyme inhibition assay. The identified fragments showed IC50 values between 14 and 1500 μM and ligand efficiencies (LE) between 0.48 and 0.23 kcal/mol per heavy atom. For two of the identified fragments, crystal structures in complex with VIM-2 were obtained. The identified fragments represent novel inhibitor scaffolds and are good starting points for the design of potent MBL inhibitors. Furthermore, the established SPR based assay and the screening approach can be adapted to other MBLs and in this way improve the drug discovery process for this important class of drug targets

    The structure of the metallo-β-lactamase VIM-2 in complex with a triazolylthioacetamide inhibitor

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    The increasing number of pathogens expressing metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs), and in this way achieving resistance to β-lactam antibiotics, is a significant threat to global public health. A promising strategy to treat such resistant pathogens is the co-administration of MBL inhibitors together with β-lactam antibiotics. However, an MBL inhibitor suitable for clinical use has not yet been identified. Verona integron-encoded metallo-β-lactamase 2 (VIM-2) is a widespread MBL with a broad substrate spectrum and hence is an interesting drug target for the treatment of β-lactam-resistant infections. In this study, three triazolylthio­acetamides were tested as inhibitors of VIM-2. One of the tested compounds showed clear inhibition of VIM-2, with an IC50 of 20 µM. The crystal structure of the inhibitor in complex with VIM-2 was obtained by DMSO-free co-crystallization and was solved at a resolution of 1.50 Å. To our knowledge, this is the first structure of a triazolylthioacetamide inhibitor in complex with an MBL. Analysis of the structure shows that the inhibitor binds to the two zinc ions in the active site of VIM-2 and revealed detailed information on the interactions involved. Furthermore, the crystal structure showed that binding of the inhibitor induced a conformational change of the conserved residue Trp87

    Screening and Design of Inhibitor Scaffolds for the Antibiotic Resistance Oxacillinase-48 (OXA-48) through Surface Plasmon Resonance Screening

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    The spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria is a global threat that shakes the foundations of modern healthcare. β-Lactamases are enzymes that confer resistance to β-lactam antibiotics in bacteria, and there is a critical need for new inhibitors of these enzymes for combination therapy together with an antibiotic. With this in mind, we have screened a library of 490 fragments to identify starting points for the development of new inhibitors of the class D β-lactamase oxacillinase-48 (OXA-48) through surface plasmon resonance (SPR), dose-rate inhibition assays, and X-ray crystallography. Furthermore, we have uncovered structure–activity relationships and used alternate conformations from a crystallographic structure to grow a fragment into a more potent compound with a KD of 50 μM and an IC50 of 18 μM