419 research outputs found

    Numerical Analysis of External Supersonic Combustion of Hydrogen and Ethylene

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    A numerical analysis using a CFD code specifically designed for hypersonic flows has been performed by modelling external supersonic combustion of hydrogen and ethylene fuels with hypersonic air flow at Mach 7.6. In comparison with the Coras- Paull [1,2] experimental data from the University of Queensland shock-tunnel, the results indicate good correlation of the relative pressure increase on fore (intake) and aft (thrust) surfaces due to fuel injection with and without combustion. For the geometry considered, air by itself results in an increase in the net drag force. With fuel injection and combustion the drag force increases further. Ethylene injection for several inflow conditions did not yield stable combustion, but only caused an increase in the drag force

    Hubungan Penggunaan Smartphone Dengan Fungsi Penglihatan Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado Angkatan 2016

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    : Smartphone is a kind of cellular phone that has high capability, and worked by radiate the electromagnetic radiation of radio frequency. The eye is visual sense that can capture the reflected light beam of an object. The increased of using smartphone nowadays made the community worry about the effects of smartphone radiation for health especially on the visual function. Objective: To know the correlation between the duration of using smartphone with visual function, and to know the correlation between the intensity of using smartphone with visual function in students of Medical Faculty Unsrat 2016 generation. Method: The research conducted was analytic survey with used cross sectional approach, the research conducted on Oktober 2016 at Department of Physics in Medical Faculty of Manado Sam Ratulangi University. Result: Based on the analysis result by Chi Square test obtained p= 0,033 which means there was the correlation between the duration of using smartphone with the visual function, and there was no correlation the between intensity of using smartphone with visual function with score p=0,786. Conclusion: There was a correlation between the duration of using smartphone with visual function in students of Medical Faculty Manado Sam Ratulangi University. There was no correlation between the intensity of using smartphone with visual function in students of Medical Faculty Manado Sam Ratulangi University

    Caracterização de Clones de Cafeeiro Conilon em Sistema Consorciado Com Coqueiro-anão

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    O estudo de genótipos de Coffea canephora em diferentes ambientes, considerando as distinções de suas características edafoclimáticas e as técnicas utilizadas no sistema de produção, é uma ferramenta importante no processo de identificação de plantas adaptadas a determinado sistema de cultivo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o desenvolvimento de genótipos de cafeeiro conilon em sistema consorciado. O experimento foi realizado no município de Colatina-ES, em lavoura de cafeeiro conilon consorciado com coqueiro-anão, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, onde foram avaliadas características de crescimento, de produção e nutricionais de oito genótipos de cafeeiro conilon em seis repetições. Foi possível verificar variação de resposta entre os genótipos para características relacionadas à arquitetura de ramos, produção de frutos e aspectos nutricionais. Os genótipos 83 e 48 apresentaram número superior de frutos por ramo, além de crescimento vigoroso e maiores conteúdos nutricionais, e, juntamente com o genótipo 153, apresentaram folhas maiores e com maior teor de clorofila b. O genótipo 02 também apresentou maior teor de clorofila b, mas sem desenvolver folhas grandes. Já os genótipos 16 e 100 apresentaram menores teores de clorofila b e maiores desenvolvimento de folhas. Os genótipos 03 e 76 caracterizam-se por apresentarem menores índices de colheita e menor acúmulo de nutrientes em seus ramos. Observou-se que os descritores: número de frutos por ramo plagiotrópico, massa seca dos ramos plagiotrópicos e conteúdos nutricionais de ramos e frutos de genótipos de cafeeiro conilon podem ser úteis para facilitar futuros estudos de variabilidade entre genótipos em sistemas consorciados. Palavras-chave: Consórcio, Coffea canephora, Cocos nucifera

    Biometric analysis of seeds of genotypes of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.).

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    Procurou-se investigar aspectos da morfologia das sementes de diferentes genótipos de pinhão-manso, em razão da pouca literatura existente em relação aos aspectos biométrico das sementes desta espécie. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema simples, sendo 15 níveis de genótipos (Diamantina, Tominaga, Paraíso, Jales, CNPAE ? C2, CNPAE ? 171, G ? 2, AGE, 167, 200, 210, 315, 316, 1501 e 8001), com quatro repetições. As avaliações foram realizadas com parcelas de 100 sementes para cada repetição, mensurando as variáveis: medida de largura em mm (LAS), comprimento em mm (COS) e massa de 100 sementes e g (MCS), de sementes de pinhão-manso. No geral, para os 15 genótipos de pinhão-manso estudados houve a formação de 3 grupos de médias distintas em relação as variáveis biométricas, destacando-se os genótipos Paraiso e Jales e os acessos CNPAE ? C2 e AGE

    Effect of human immunodeficiency virus on the brain: a review

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    CITATION: Cilliers, K. & Muller, C. J. F. 2021. Effect of human immunodeficiency virus on the brain: A review. The Anatomical Record, 304:1389– 1399. doi:10.1002/ar.24573The original publication is available at https://anatomypubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/19328494Thirty million people are infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) worldwide, and HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND) is one of the most common comorbidities of HIV. However, the effect of HIV on the brain has not been fully investigated. This article aimed to review the changes to the brain due to HIV in terms of atrophy, diffusion changes, and hyperintensities. Studies have observed significant atrophy in subcortical gray matter, as well as in cortical white and gray matter. Moreover, the ventricles enlarge, and the sulci widen. Although HIV causes changes to the white and gray matter of the brain, few diffusion tensor imaging studies have investigated the changes to gray matter integrity. White and gray matter hyperintensities have frequently been observed in HIV-positive individuals, with the subcortical gray matter (caudate nucleus and putamen) and periventricular white matter frequently affected. In conclusion, subcortical gray matter is the first brain region to be affected and is affected most severely. Additionally, this review highlights the gaps in the literature, since the effect of HIV on the brain is not fully known. Future studies should continue to investigate the effect of HIV on the brain in different stages of the disease, and alternate therapies should be developed since highly active antiretroviral therapy is currently ineffective at treating HAND.https://anatomypubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ar.24573Publisher’s versio

    Scrutinizing calcium flux oscillations in T lymphocytes to deduce the strength of stimulus

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    The capture and activation of individual T cells on functionalised surfaces enables real-time analyses of the magnitude and rhythm of intracellular calcium release. Application of Haarlet transformations generate a calcium flux 'threshold', with the frequency of the 'threshold crossings' correlating with the strength of the original T cell stimulus. These findings represent a new method to evaluate graduations in T cell activation in real time, and at a single-cell level.Susan N. Christo, Kerrilyn R. Diener, Robert E. Nordon, Michael P. Brown, Hans J. Griesser, Krasimir Vasilev, Farid C. Christo, John D. Haybal