7 research outputs found
Biologia reprodutiva e ecologia de ostras do gęnero Crassostrea Sacco, 1897 na Baía de Guaratuba (Paraná-Brasil): um subsídio ao cultivo /
Orientadora : Theresinha Monteiro AbsherTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Zoologia. Defesa: Curitiba,31/03/ 2006Inclui bibliografia e anexosÁrea de concentraçăo: Zoologi
Descrição alimentar e estágio de maturação de Crassostrea brasiliana comercializadas no mercado municipal de Paranaguá, Paraná, Brasil
Crasssotrea brasiliana (Lamark, 1819) is an epibiont filter feeder bivalve of fast growth and fast gonadal restructuring that feeds by filtration of microalgae, these characteristics are mainly related to the amount and quality of the phytoplankton filtered by the animal. In Paraná coast several sites of cultivation of the species can be found in Paranaguá Estuarine Complex (PEC) and Guaratuba Bay. Therefore, this work had as objectives to evaluate the size and the phytoplankton species ingested by adults of the oyster C. brasiliana and to describe its reproductive characteristics (index of meat revenue and stages of gonadal maturation). Oysters were acquired monthly in the Municipal Market of Paranaguá from cultivation in the PEC. The oysters were measured and length values (L), height (H) and gross weight (GW) obtained. Gonadal maturation stages were evaluated through the macroscopic examination of the gonads and revenue (R) through the wet weight of meat. The digestive gland was removed for the microscopic analysis of the stomach content (identification and measurement of the phytoplankton). The highest value of the R average (12,79%) was in July 2007, when a great portion of the population presented full gonads, however the predominance of individuals with full gonads (partially full and full) occurred in periods of warmer waters. The main microalgae genera found were: Diatoms - Gyrosigma Hassall, 1845; Cyclotella (Kützing) Brébisson, 1838; Coscinodiscus Ratray, 1890 and Pleurosigma W. Smith, 1852; Dinoflagellates - Noctiluca Suriray, 1836 and Ceratium Schrank, 1793 with size of phytoplankton ingested varying from 5 to 260 µm
Microsynthetics in waters of the South American Pantanal
Microplastics are an emerging global threat to freshwater ecosystems. There is a growing number of microplastic studies in wetlands and floodplains such as the Pantanal. Microplastics in the Pantanal’s water courses, lakes, and floodplains were sampled with a plankton net in 16 locations in the Pantanal lowlands at varying distances from their potential urban sources over 2 years. Microplastics from the water samples were separated from sediments and organic matter and examined under a stereomicroscope to be identified and counted. Visual determination was then confirmed by RAMAN spectrometry. We found 730 microplastics. The average ± std microplastic concentration was 38 ± 16 x/m3, ranging between 10 and 100 x/m3. Fibres, fragments, and films represented 68%, 28%, and 4%, respectively, of the total microplastics. Surprisingly, a synthetic blue fibre of non-identified composition accounted for 51.0% of the microplastics. Other identified polymers included PP (18.2%), PET (16.9%), PVC (5.1%), PVA (4.4%) and LDPE (4.4%). The blue fibres, PP, and PET were found at all sampling locations. Microplastic concentrations varied from 27 ± 12 x/m3 to 48 ± 21 x/m3 across the sampling sites. Microplastics’ average size was 0.51 ± 0.21 mm, ranging from 0.06 to 0.97 mm. In the study area, the average seasonal concentrations varied from 34 ± 11 to 43 ± 18 x/m3 during the 2 years study period (2018–2019). In lentic environments, the median concentrations (30 x/m3) were significantly lower than in the lotic ones (40 x/m3). Urban human activities are a potential source of microplastics as the concentration of these increased significantly with the population of the nearest human agglomeration. These results indicate widespread contamination of the Pantanal waters by microplastics. Furthermore, a microsynthetic of indeterminate composition is found everywhere in the Pantanal, and more research is urgently needed to determine its composition and sources. The contamination by micropolymers and other microsynthetics will likely impact the Pantanal biota and, eventually, humans living in these floodplains
Biologia reprodutiva e ecologia de ostras do gęnero Crassostrea Sacco, 1897 na Baía de Guaratuba (Paraná-Brasil): um subsídio ao cultivo /
Orientadora : Theresinha Monteiro AbsherTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Zoologia. Defesa: Curitiba,31/03/ 2006Inclui bibliografia e anexosÁrea de concentraçăo: Zoologi
Reprodução e potenciais impactos sobre Littorina flava (Neogastropoda: Littorinidae) na Ilha do Mel, Paraná
Littorina flava is used as bioindicator to measure environmental impacts and to assess the quality of the environment and how it changes over time. The main objective of this work was to determine the reproductive characteristics of L. flava and its relationship with environmental variables and the influence of contaminants in a rocky coast of Mel Island, Paraná, Brazil. Monthly sampling during eight months were performed in the intertidal region during spring low tide in two periods (Winter/Spring and Summer/Fall) in three levels (Upper, Middle and Lower) with three replicates (A,B,C). Monthly 40 individuals of L. flava were collected in the three levels. Environmental parameters: air and water temperature and water salinity were also obtained. The organisms collected were measured (height - H and width - W), examined for sex identification and gonadal maturation stage. Gonad maturation of L. flava was verified in the end of the first sampling cycle (Winter/Spring). Sexual intercourse behavior was observed. In September and October 2010. This reproductive behavior was less observed in the second period (Summer/Fall) together with a decrease in the gonads maturation. Sexual proportion demonstrated high predominance of males, indicating a possible imposex occurrence due to pollutants verified in the area (fuel from boats, sewer discharge).Littorina flava is used as bioindicator to measure environmental impacts and to assess the quality of the environment and how it changes over time. The main objective of this work was to determine the reproductive characteristics of L. flava and its relationship with environmental variables and the influence of contaminants in a rocky coast of Mel Island, Paraná, Brazil. Monthly sampling during eight months were performed in the intertidal region during spring low tide in two periods (Winter/Spring and Summer/Fall) in three levels (Upper, Middle and Lower) with three replicates (A,B,C). Monthly 40 individuals of L. flava were collected in the three levels. Environmental parameters: air and water temperature and water salinity were also obtained. The organisms collected were measured (height - H and width - W), examined for sex identification and gonadal maturation stage. Gonad maturation of L. flava was verified in the end of the first sampling cycle (Winter/Spring). Sexual intercourse behavior was observed. In September and October 2010. This reproductive behavior was less observed in the second period (Summer/Fall) together with a decrease in the gonads maturation. Sexual proportion demonstrated high predominance of males, indicating a possible imposex occurrence due to pollutants verified in the area (fuel from boats, sewer discharge)
Reprodução e potenciais impactos sobre Littorina flava (Neogastropoda: Littorinidae) na Ilha do Mel, Paraná
Littorina flava is used as bioindicator to measure environmental impacts and to assess the quality of the environment and how it changes over time. The main objective of this work was to determine the reproductive characteristics of L. flava and its relationship with environmental variables and the influence of contaminants in a rocky coast of Mel Island, Paraná, Brazil. Monthly sampling during eight months were performed in the intertidal region during spring low tide in two periods (Winter/Spring and Summer/Fall) in three levels (Upper, Middle and Lower) with three replicates (A,B,C). Monthly 40 individuals of L. flava were collected in the three levels. Environmental parameters: air and water temperature and water salinity were also obtained. The organisms collected were measured (height - H and width - W), examined for sex identification and gonadal maturation stage. Gonad maturation of L. flava was verified in the end of the first sampling cycle (Winter/Spring). Sexual intercourse behavior was observed. In September and October 2010. This reproductive behavior was less observed in the second period (Summer/Fall) together with a decrease in the gonads maturation. Sexual proportion demonstrated high predominance of males, indicating a possible imposex occurrence due to pollutants verified in the area (fuel from boats, sewer discharge).Littorina flava is used as bioindicator to measure environmental impacts and to assess the quality of the environment and how it changes over time. The main objective of this work was to determine the reproductive characteristics of L. flava and its relationship with environmental variables and the influence of contaminants in a rocky coast of Mel Island, Paraná, Brazil. Monthly sampling during eight months were performed in the intertidal region during spring low tide in two periods (Winter/Spring and Summer/Fall) in three levels (Upper, Middle and Lower) with three replicates (A,B,C). Monthly 40 individuals of L. flava were collected in the three levels. Environmental parameters: air and water temperature and water salinity were also obtained. The organisms collected were measured (height - H and width - W), examined for sex identification and gonadal maturation stage. Gonad maturation of L. flava was verified in the end of the first sampling cycle (Winter/Spring). Sexual intercourse behavior was observed. In September and October 2010. This reproductive behavior was less observed in the second period (Summer/Fall) together with a decrease in the gonads maturation. Sexual proportion demonstrated high predominance of males, indicating a possible imposex occurrence due to pollutants verified in the area (fuel from boats, sewer discharge)
<b>Moluscos como indicadores paleoambientales en ecosistemas acuáticos del Trópico Americano</b>
Los sedimentos continentales y marinos se utilizan para explorar cambios pasados en el clima y en los ecosistemas. A pesar de que los moluscos son uno de los grupos de invertebrados macroscópicos más comúnmente hallados en los registros sedimentarios, el conocimiento sobre su potencial como paleobiondicadores es fragmentado y generalmente omite el aporte de la información ecológica basándose principalmente en la información isotópica. En el presente estudio, utilizamos restos de moluscos (gasterópodos y bivalvos) así como variables geoquímicas (Ti, TIC/TOC) para inferir las condiciones ambientales durante el Holoceno Tardío (últimos 4 000 años) en tres ecosistemas acuáticos del Trópico Americano. Los sitios de estudio incluyeron el Lago Nahá (Chiapas, México), la laguna costera Río Lagartos (Yucatán, México) y las Islas Belmonte (archipiélago de São Pedro y São Paulo, Brasil) e Ilha do Mel (Paranaguá, Brasil). Se obtuvieron testigos de sedimentos cortos en el Lago Nahá (60 cm; ~500 años) y en la Laguna Río Lagartos (25 cm; ~123 años), mientras que en las islas brasileñas se recuperaron múltiples muestras de depósitos costeros arrecifales. La cronología de los testigos se estableció a través del análisis de 210Pb y 137Cs, mientras que la edad de las muestras de conchas de las islas se determinó mediante radiocarbono (14C). Los moluscos de cada registro se identificaron a nivel de especie y se contabilizaron. De acuerdo con el recambio ecológico de las especies, se observó que los gasterópodos de agua dulce del Lago Nahá respondieron a los cambios en el nivel del agua y el estado trófico del lago, mientras que los moluscos de la laguna costera respondieron a cambios en la salinidad y modificaciones del entorno terrestre. Finalmente, los vermétidos de las islas respondieron a los cambios del nivel del mar.Video presentado en congreso EBRAM-CLAMA 2023</p