214 research outputs found

    Support System Model for Value based Group Decision on Roof System Selection

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    A group decision support system is required on a value-based decision because there are different concern caused by differing preferences, experiences, and background. It is to enable each decision-maker to evaluate and rank the solution alternatives before engaging into negotiation with other decision-makers. Stakeholder of multi-criteria decision making problems usually evaluates the alternative solution from different perspective, making it possible to have a dominant solution among the alternatives. Each stakeholder needs to identify the goals that can be optimized and those that can be compromised in order to reach an agreement with other stakeholders. This paper presents group decision model involving three decision-makers on the selection of suitable system for a building’s roof. The objective of the research is to find an agreement options model and coalition algorithms for multi person decision with two main preferences of value which are function and cost. The methodology combines value analysis method using Function Analysis System Technique (FAST); Life Cycle Cost analysis, group decision analysis method based on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in a satisfying options, and Game theory-based agent system to develop agreement option and coalition formation for the support system. The support system bridges theoretical gap between automated design in construction domain and automated negotiation in information technology domain by providing a structured methodology which can lead to systematic support system and automated negotiation. It will contribute to value management body of knowledge as an advanced method for creativity and analysis phase, since the practice of this knowledge is teamwork based. In the case of roof system selection, it reveals the start of the first negotiation round. Some of the solutions are not an option because no individual stakeholder or coalition of stakeholders desires to select it. The result indicates the alternative solution that will be the best-fit solution. In this problem, a space frame system is the ‘best-fit’ solution for the roof system

    Analisis Sensitivitas Investasi Proyek Rebranding Hotel Grand Mangku Putra di Kota Cilegon

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    PT. Grand Mangku Putra yang menggandeng PT. Riyadh Group memanfaatkannya dengan melakukan proyek rebranding Hotel Grand Mangku Putra menjadi condotel. Rebranding dilakukan dalam rangka perbaikan citra maupun kualitas brand dari sebelumnya. Kegiatan rebranding yang dilakukan merupakan kegiatan rebranding yang menyeluruh meliputi fisik serta management. Metode yang digunakan dalam analisa investasi ini adalah metode Analisis Sensitivitas. Metode ini dilaksanakan dengan beberapa tahap, Tahap yang pertama adalah menghitung biaya investasi serta NOI (Net Operating Income) pada perhitungan Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), serta Payback Period (PP). Pada Analisis Sensitivitas, pada variabel biaya operasional, harga penyewa unit condotel, dan tingkat keterisian unit condotel. Analisa investasi ini dihitung dengan modal sebesar Rp. 35.587.829.043,03 yang bersumber dari PT. Grand Mangku Putra selaku pemilik properti. Investasi ini dilakukan dengan masa investasi 5 tahun dengan nilai MARR sebesar 6,925% serta bunga pinjaman bank sebesar 8,39%. Hasil yang didapat setelah melaksanakan perhitungan adalah nilai NPV sebesar Rp. 47.809.917.835,31 yang mana nilai tersebut lebih besar dari nol. Untuk nilai IRR sebesar 66,210906017% yang lebih besar dari nilai MARR yang ditetapkan. Pada perhitungan PP, masa pengembalian investasi didapatkan selama 1 tahun 10 bulan. Dari hasil tersebut dapat dikatakan investasi dapat dilakukan, karena nilai NPV diatas nol, nilai IRR lebih besar dari nilai MARR serta masa pengembalian kurang dari masa investasi yang ditetapkan. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis sensitivitas demi mendapatkan batas-batas investasi, didapatkan bahwa untuk merubah nilai NPV menjadi kurang dari nol adalah dengan menurunkan okupansi lebih dari 24,764%, terjadi penurunan harga sewa lebih dari 41,610%, serta terjadi peningkatan biaya operasional lebih dari operasional lebih dari 124,62%


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    Decisions for multi-person on building system selection are very complicated since many parties involved. Where a number of stakeholders are involved in choosing single alternative from a set of alternatives, there are different concern caused by differing preferences, experiences, and background. Therefore, a support system is required to enable each stakeholder to evaluate and rank the solution alternatives before engaging into negotiation. This paper presents a validation process of the negotiation support system in building system selection. A case study was carried out in a real estate company in Indonesia. Validation was conducted to a framework of coalition formation as a basis algorithm of negotiation support for building system selection in construction. Two methods of validation were conducted in a group decision to select building roof system. These methods are decision result validation by similarity index and stakeholder preferences validation by canonical correlation analysis and a set of descriptive statistic analysis. Two others conventional model were compared with the coalition formation algorithms. This validation process reveals that the algorithms proposed is better than single weight factor and aggregation method in terms of closely to the best fit option, stakeholder satisfaction, and performance of the model

    Penetapan Harga Pokok Penjualan Berdasarkan Alokasi Biaya Terhadap Posisi Rumah Pada Perumahan Green Park Residence Sampang

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    Perumahan Green Park Residence Sampang merupakan salah satu perumahan di Kabupaten Sampang yang lokasinya sangat strategis. Para pengembang perumahan di Kabupaten Sampang biasanya menetapkan harga jual untuk setiap tipe rumah sama yaitu posisi rumah pada perumahan tersebut tidak berpengaruh terhadap harga jualnya. Sebelum menetapkan harga penjualan maka perlu diketahui terlebih dahulu harga pokok penjualan (HPP) rumah tersebut dan penetapan margin keuntungan. Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah mengetahui harga pokok penjualan untuk setiap unit rumah berdasarkan alokasi biaya terhadap posisi rumah pada perumahan dan margin keuntungan yang ditetapkan. Untuk mendapatkan harga pokok penjualan yang berbeda-beda berdasarkan posisi rumah maka perlu dilakukan analisa alokasi biaya tetap. Analisa biaya dilakukan menggunakan metode analisa titik impas. Dari hasil analisa yang dilakukan, didapatkan persamaan harga pokok penjualan rumah tipe 54/96 terhadap kenaikan prosentase margin keuntungan. Pada Kelompok Harga 1 didapatkan persamaan Y = 719.691,046 X + 262.209.447,206, Kelompok harga 2 Y = 686.392,595 X + 257.972.820,629, dan untuk kelompok harga 3 yaitu Y = 683.178,163 X + 239.934.886,053. Dimana Y merupakan Harga pokok penjualan (HPP) dan X adalah Persentase Margin Keuntungan

    Development of a Negotiation Support Model for Value Management in Construction

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    Decision making for value-based design in Value Management (VM) is very complicated due to the involvement of many parties. In such situation where the designer, project manager, facility manager and others are involved in choosing a single alternative from a set of solutions, a negotiation support is required to evaluate and rank the solution before engaging into negotiation. This research presents a conceptual model of negotiation support for VM. It consists of developing the appropriate research approach, methodology of negotiation and agent-based negotiation in VM. The research objectives are to find a theoretical basis and research approach for negotiation support methodology on VM, to develop a decision model for technical solution options in a satisfying function/cost preferences, to investigate negotiation style and outcome and analyze the correlation between them for the basis of scenarios on the agent system, to develop a model for agreement options and coalition algorithms on value-based decision, to validate the coalition algorithms and introduce an initial model of Negotiation Support for Value Management (NSVM). A triangulation methodology has been used to fulfill the objectives. It combines simultaneous triangulation by using case studies and survey methods and sequential triangulation in which results of one method are essential in planning the next method (theoretical mapping, survey research, focus group, case study and conceptual modeling). The methodology is based on a theoretical approach which consists of value-based decision nature in construction VM, multicriteria group decision making, game theory, negotiation theory, and agent-based development. This methodology combines value analysis method using Function Analysis System Technique (FAST); Life Cycle Cost analysis, group decision analysis method based on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), and Game theory-based agent system to develop a negotiation support

    A Concept of Decision Making in Land Productivity: Combining Highest & Best Use and Analytic Network Process

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    Understanding the concept of using the highest and best market is essential. Market forces will determine the creation of market value. To reach the equilibrium point, what the stakeholder wants is their desire is accep and provide optimal satisfaction (utility). To develop into a commercial property area it is necessary to analyse the most feasible and permitted land use permits, financially feasible and highest land productivity. Highest and best use (HBU) with feasibility requires interrelated criteria, therefore data and indirect consideration are required in additional research. Analytic Network Process (ANP) is a decision-making problem. It cannot be structured hierarchically because it leads to interaction and determines a higher level in the lower element. Not only are criteria that define alternatives as in hierarchy, but this is also an alternative can be important by using Analytic Network Process (ANP). This Paper is a conceptual based on literature review. A set of previous research are analysis to get the synthesis of the highest and best use (HBU) and the analytic network process (ANP) on land productivity decision making. A model is resulted to present the combination of four criteria of HBU into AN

    Optimizing State-Owned Enterprises Land Assets using HBU and Value-Based Decision

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    Competitive business climate, lack of capital and urban land function changes have an impact on land assets that are not optimally used. State-owned land with an area of 32,495 m2 with a market value of 227,773,000,000 rupiah contained a cultural heritage building. The land is located in the east Kalimantan corridor, trade zone and service, which is the waterfront city development area of the city of Surabaya. This study aims to optimize assets and find the best development alternatives in asset utilization to become a profit center for the company. Based on surveys and interviews, found that the possible development alternatives to be carried out were Mixed Use Commercial (a1), Diesel Engine Industry (a2) and Maximize Workshop capacity (a3). Highest and Best Use (HBU) was found to be one of the techniques of decision making in the development of land and property. HBU criteria are used to build a value-based decision hierarchy. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is applied to develop decision making processes based on preferences and the best choices. The best alternative is obtained from the Satisficing Option calculation. This result is obtained by comparing functions to costs. The function is obtained from the HBU criteria and costs come from the estimated initial costs and life cycle costs (Life Cycle Cost). Based on financial analysis calculation obtained that mixed-use commercial development has the highest and best use Net Present Value (NPV) IDR 2,470,771,622,513 with an investment cost of IDR 1,367,230,380,324. Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 20.66% with a payback period of 6.70 years. Based on AHP analysis with HBU-Value Based Decision criteria and Satisficing Option calculations it was found that the mixed-use commercial property development is a development alternative chosen by stakeholders to optimize BUMN asset

    Analisa Nilai Pasar Hotel Inna Simpang

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    Hotel Inna Simpang adalah salah satu hotel milik PT Hotel Indonesia Natour yang dipertimbangkan sebagai salah satu aset yang digunakan sebagai jaminan untuk memperoleh dana untuk merenovasi hotel-hotel PT Hotel Indonesia Natour di Bali. Untuk menjadi jaminan, maka diperlukan suatu nilai pasar Hotel Inna Simpang. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai pasar Hotel Inna Simpang. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan pendapatan dan pendekatan biaya Digunakan pendekatan biaya karena Hotel Inna Simpang adalah suatu properti yang memiliki nilai tanah dan nilai banguna,sedangkan digunakanya pendekatan pendapatan adalah karena hotel Inna Simpang adalah sebuah properti yang menghasilkan pendapatan. Dari hasil analisa perhitungan nilai pasar, Hotel Inna Simpang memiliki nilai sebesar Rp122.073.131.789 (Seratus dua puluh dua milyar tujuh puluh tiga juta seratus tiga puluh saturibu tjuh ratus delapan puluh sembilan rupiah) ,dimana hasil analisa nilai pasar dengan metode pendekatan biaya adalah Rp 177.550.907.600 (Seratus tujuh puluh tujuh milyar lima ratus lima puluh juta Sembilan ratus tujuh ribu enam ratus rupiah) ,nilai pasar dari pendekatan pendapatan dengan metode kapitalisasi pendapatan Rp 36.326.880.631,- (Tiga puluh enam milyar tiga ratus dua puluh enam delapan ratus delapan puluh ribu enam ratus tiga puluh satu rupiah),sedangkan nilai pasar dengan metode discounted cashflow Rp  (Empat puluh tiga milyar tujuh puluh tiga juta seratus tiga puluh satu ribu tujuh ratus delapan puluh sembilan rupiah.

    Analisa Investasi The Akavia Indekost Residences Ngaliyan - Semarang

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    Dalam berinvestasi hal pertama yang menjadi bahan pertimbangan pastilah apakah investasi yang akan dilakukan akan menjanjikan keuntungan atau tidak. Akavia Indekost didesign dengan konsep perumahan mewah dan dilengkapi dengan fasilitas yang membuat nyaman dan mempermudah aktifitas penghuninya sehingga diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat yang membutuhkan tempat kos. Pasar yang dituju adalah investor, karyawan, maupun pelajar. Indekost ini akan dibangun secara keseluruhan sehingga membutuhkan biaya yang cukup besar untuk menyelesaikannya. Oleh karena itu, pembangunan Indekost ini harus memenuhi kelayakan dari segi finansial. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan analisis kelayakan The Akavia Indekost Ngaliyan-Semarang yang direncanakan dari aspek finansial. Metodologi yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengumpulan data, pengolahan data, analisa pendapatan dan pengeluaran, aliran kas serta meninjau aspek finansial dengan metode Net Present Value ( NPV ), Internal Rate of Return ( IRR ), dan Payback Periode (PP), serta melakukan analisa sensitivitas terhadap biaya investasi, tarif jual, suku bunga pinjaman, dan tingkat okupansi jual. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah NPV bernilai positif sebesar Rp 502.305.139 dengan tingkat suku bunga 11% . Nilai IRR sebesar 15% > arus pengembalian yang diinginkan yaitu sebesar 11% , dan PP pada tahun kedua. Sedangkan untuk hasil analisa sensitivitas antara variabel terhadap NPV diketahui bahwa The Akavia Indekost layak jika kenaikan biaya investasi tidak lebih dari 3%, kenaikan harga jual tidak lebih dari 3%, kenaikan bunga pinjaman tidak lebih dari 1,5%, dan occupancy penjualan unit tidak lebih dari 96%
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