42 research outputs found

    A new function for an old organelle: microtubule nucleation at the Golgi apparatus

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    The microtubule cytoskeleton of a mammalian cell origi-nates from the perinuclear region and controls membrane trafficking, organelle positioning, and cell polarisation. Although the centrosome is viewed as the major micro-tubule organising centre, there is emerging evidence that the Golgi apparatus also has a role in the nucleation of perinuclear microtubules during the interphase. In a recent paper in The EMBO Journal, Rivero and colleagues reported the identification of a microtubule nucleation machinery at the Golgi and provided clues about func-tional differences between Golgi- and centrosome-nucleated microtubules. Earlier studies have shown that microtubules can be nucleated by Golgi membranes (Chabin-Brion et al, 2001). Golgi-dependent microtubule nucleation requires g-tubulin and the g-TuRC complex

    Spatial analysis of Cdc42 activity reveals a role for plasma membrane–associated Cdc42 in centrosome regulation

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    The ability of the small GTPase Cdc42 to regulate diverse cellular processes depends on tight spatial control of its activity. Cdc42 function is best understood at the plasma membrane (PM), where it regulates cytoskeletal organization and cell polarization. Active Cdc42 has also been detected at the Golgi, but its role and regulation at this organelle are only partially understood. Here we analyze the spatial distribution of Cdc42 activity by moni­toring the dynamics of the Cdc42 FLARE biosensor using the phasor approach to FLIM-FRET. Phasor analysis revealed that Cdc42 is active at all Golgi cisternae and that this activity is controlled by Tuba and ARHGAP10, two Golgi-associated Cdc42 regulators. To our surprise, FGD1, another Cdc42 GEF at the Golgi, was not required for Cdc42 regulation at the Golgi, although its depletion decreased Cdc42 activity at the PM. Similarly, changes in Golgi morphology did not affect Cdc42 activity at the Golgi but were associated with a substantial reduction in PM-associated Cdc42 activity. Of interest, cells with reduced Cdc42 activity at the PM displayed altered centrosome morphology, suggesting that centrosome regulation may be mediated by active Cdc42 at the PM. Our study describes a novel quantitative approach to determine Cdc42 activity at specific subcellular locations and reveals new regulatory principles and functions of this small GTPase

    Spatial analysis of Cdc42 activity reveals a role for plasma membrane–associated Cdc42 in centrosome regulation

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    The ability of the small GTPase Cdc42 to regulate diverse cellular processes depends on tight spatial control of its activity. Cdc42 function is best understood at the plasma membrane (PM), where it regulates cytoskeletal organization and cell polarization. Active Cdc42 has also been detected at the Golgi, but its role and regulation at this organelle are only partially understood. Here we analyze the spatial distribution of Cdc42 activity by monitoring the dynamics of the Cdc42 FLARE biosensor using the phasor approach to FLIM-FRET. Phasor analysis revealed that Cdc42 is active at all Golgi cisternae and that this activity is controlled by Tuba and ARHGAP10, two Golgi-associated Cdc42 regulators. To our surprise, FGD1, another Cdc42 GEF at the Golgi, was not required for Cdc42 regulation at the Golgi, although its depletion decreased Cdc42 activity at the PM. Similarly, changes in Golgi morphology did not affect Cdc42 activity at the Golgi but were associated with a substantial reduction in PM-associated Cdc42 activity. Of interest, cells with reduced Cdc42 activity at the PM displayed altered centrosome morphology, suggesting that centrosome regulation may be mediated by active Cdc42 at the PM. Our study describes a novel quantitative approach to determine Cdc42 activity at specific subcellular locations and reveals new regulatory principles and functions of this small GTPase

    The Golgi and the centrosome: building a functional partnership

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    The mammalian Golgi apparatus is characterized by a ribbon-like organization adjacent to the centrosome during interphase and extensive fragmentation and dispersal away from the centrosome during mitosis. It is not clear whether this dynamic association between the Golgi and centrosome is of functional significance. We discuss recent findings indicating that the Golgi–centrosome relationship may be important for directional protein transport and centrosome positioning, which are both required for cell polarization. We also summarize our current knowledge of the link between Golgi organization and cell cycle progression

    Differential Effects of Small Molecule Inhibitors on the Intracellular Chlamydia Infection.

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    Chlamydia are obligate intracellular bacteria that reside within a membrane-bound compartment called the chlamydial inclusion inside a eukaryotic host cell. These pathogens have a complex biphasic developmental cycle, which involves conversion between a replicating, but noninfectious, reticulate body (RB) and an infectious elementary body (EB). Small molecule inhibitors have been reported to have deleterious effects on the intracellular Chlamydia infection, but these studies have typically been limited in terms of assays and time points of analysis. We compared published and novel inhibitors and showed that they can differentially alter inclusion size, chlamydial number and infectious EB production, and that these effects can vary over the course of the intracellular infection. Our results provide the justification for analysis with multiple assays performed either at the end of the infection or over a time course. We also show that this approach has the potential to identify the particular step in the developmental cycle that is impacted by the inhibitor. We furthermore propose that the magnitude of inhibitor-induced progeny defects are best quantified and compared by using a new value called maximal progeny production (Progenymax). As a demonstration of the validity of this systematic approach, we applied it to inhibitors of Akt and AMPK, which are host kinases involved in lipid synthesis and cholesterol trafficking pathways. Both inhibitors reduced EB production, but Akt disruption primarily decreased RB-to-EB conversion while AMPK inhibition paradoxically enhanced RB replication. IMPORTANCE Chlamydia is the most reported cause of bacterial, sexually transmitted infection in the United States. This bacterium infects human cells and reproduces within a cytoplasmic inclusion via an unusual developmental cycle involving two specialized chlamydial forms. Small molecule compounds have been reported to negatively affect the inclusion as well as chlamydial replication and infectious progeny production, but we showed that these effects can be discordant and vary over the course of the 48- to 72-hour long intracellular infection. We propose approaches to analyze these nonuniform effects, including measurements at the end of the intracellular infection, and more detailed analysis with multiple assays performed over the course of the developmental cycle. We then applied this approach to investigate and compare the anti-chlamydial effects of two inhibitors that alter host lipid synthesis and cholesterol trafficking

    Chlamydia and HPV induce centrosome amplification in the host cell through additive mechanisms.

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    Based on epidemiology studies, Chlamydia trachomatis has been proposed as a co-factor for human papillomavirus (HPV) in the development of cervical cancer. These two intracellular pathogens have been independently reported to induce the production of extra centrosomes, or centrosome amplification, which is a hallmark of cancer cells. We developed a cell culture model to systematically measure the individual and combined effects of Chlamydia and HPV on the centrosome in the same host cell. We found that C. trachomatis caused centrosome amplification in a greater proportion of cells than HPV and that the effects of the two pathogens on the centrosome were additive. Furthermore, centrosome amplification induced by Chlamydia, but not by HPV, strongly correlated with multinucleation and required progression through mitosis. Our results suggest that C. trachomatis and HPV induce centrosome amplification through different mechanisms, with the chlamydial effect being largely due to a failure in cytokinesis that also results in multinucleation. Our findings provide support for C. trachomatis as a co-factor for HPV in carcinogenesis and offer mechanistic insights into how two infectious agents may cooperate to promote cancer. TAKE AWAYS: • Chlamydia and HPV induce centrosome amplification in an additive manner. • Chlamydia-induced centrosome amplification is linked to host cell multinucleation. • Chlamydia-induced centrosome amplification requires cell cycle progression. • Chlamydia and HPV cause centrosome amplification through different mechanisms. • This study supports Chlamydia as a co-factor for HPV in carcinogenesis

    The Golgi-associated Protein GRASP65 Regulates Spindle Dynamics and Is Essential for Cell Division

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    At the onset of mitosis, the pericentriolar Golgi apparatus of mammalian cells is converted into small fragments, which are dispersed throughout the cytosol. The Golgi-associated protein GRASP65 is involved in this process. To address the role of GRASP65 in mitotic Golgi fragmentation, we depleted the protein from HeLa cells by RNAi. In the absence of GRASP65, the number of cisternae per Golgi stack is reduced without affecting the overall organization of Golgi membranes and protein transport. GRASP65-depleted cells entered mitosis, but accumulated in metaphase with condensed chromatin and multiple aberrant spindles and eventually died. Although Centrin2 and g-tubulin were detected in two of the spindle poles, the other spindle poles contained g-tubulin, but not Centrin2. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the expression of the C-terminus of GRASP65 interferes with entry of cells into mitosis. Our results suggest the requirement for GRASP65 in the regulation of spindle dynamics rather than a direct role in the stacking of Golgi cisternae. This novel function is in addition to the previously established negative role of GRASP65 at the G2/M transition, which is mediated by its C-terminus

    The Small Molecule H89 Inhibits Chlamydia Inclusion Growth and Production of Infectious Progeny.

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    Chlamydia is an obligate intracellular bacterium and the most common reportable cause of human infection in the United States. This pathogen proliferates inside a eukaryotic host cell, where it resides within a membrane-bound compartment called the chlamydial inclusion. It has an unusual developmental cycle, marked by conversion between a replicating form, the reticulate body (RB), and an infectious form, the elementary body (EB). We found that the small molecule H89 slowed inclusion growth and decreased overall RB replication by 2-fold but caused a 25-fold reduction in infectious EBs. This disproportionate effect on EB production was mainly due to a defect in RB-to-EB conversion and not to the induction of chlamydial persistence, which is an altered growth state. Although H89 is a known inhibitor of specific protein kinases and vesicular transport to and from the Golgi apparatus, it did not cause these anti-chlamydial effects by blocking protein kinase A or C or by inhibiting protein or lipid transport. Thus, H89 is a novel anti-chlamydial compound that has a unique combination of effects on an intracellular Chlamydia infection