77 research outputs found

    An Overview of Approaches Towards the Timing Analysability of Parallel Architecture

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    In order to meet performance/low energy/integration requirements, parallel architectures (multithreaded cores and multi-cores) are more and more considered in the design of embedded systems running critical software. The objective is to run several applications concurrently. When applications have strict real-time constraints, two questions arise: a) how can the worst-case execution time (WCET) of each application be computed while concurrent applications might interfere? b)~how can the tasks be scheduled so that they are guarantee to meet their deadlines? The second question has received much attention for several years~cite{CFHS04,DaBu11}. Proposed schemes generally assume that the first question has been solved, and in addition that they do not impact the WCETs. In effect, the first question is far from been answered even if several approaches have been proposed in the literature. In this paper, we present an overview of these approaches from the point of view of static WCET analysis techniques

    A Contribution to Branch Prediction Modeling in WCET Analysis

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    Submitted on behalf of EDAA (http://www.edaa.com/)International audienceThe wider and wider use of high-performance processors as part of real-time systems makes it more and more difficult to guarantee that programs will respect their strict deadlines. While the computation of Worst-Case Execution Times relies on static analysis of the code, the challenge is to model with enough safety and accuracy the behaviour of intrisically dynamic components. In this paper, we focus on the dynamic branch predictor. Several models to bound the number of branch mispredictions have been previously published. Some of them exhibit a high complexity while other ones have shown that taking into account semantic information from the source code makes things more tractable. We extend this work to more general nested loop structures. We also give some simulation results that show that the way branch mispredictions are usually taken into account cannot be both safe and accurate in the case of high-performance pipelines. We propose a more realistic approach to be used as part of WCET computation

    A Framework to Quantify the Overestimations of Static WCET Analysis

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    International audienceTo reduce complexity while computing an upper bound on the worst-case execution time, static WCET analysis performs over-approximations. This feeds the general feeling that static WCET estimations can be far above the real WCET. This feeling is strengthened when these estimations are compared to measured execution times: generally, it is very unlikely to capture the worstcase from observations, then the difference between the highest watermark and the proven WCET upper bound might be considerable. In this paper, we introduce a framework to quantify the possible overestimation on WCET upper bounds obtained by static analysis. The objective is to derive a lower bound on the WCET to complement the upper bound

    Une architecture SMT pour le temps-réel strict

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    12 pagesLes processeurs multi-flot simultané (Simultaneous Multithreading ou SMT) peuvent être de bons candidats pour satisfaire les exigences en performances toujours croissantes des applications embarquées. Toutefois, les architectures SMT classiques ne présentent pas toujours la prévisibilité temporelle nécessaire pour permettre une analyse statique de temps d'exécution pire cas (Worst-Case Execution Times ou WCET). Dans cet article, nous analysons la prévisibilité de différentes politiques de contrôle des ressources partagées implémentées sur les coeurs SMT existants. Ensuite, nous proposons une architecture SMT conçue pour exécuter un thread temps-réel strict de façon à ce que son temps d'exécution pire cas soit analysable même si d'autres threads (non critiques) sont exécutés simultanément. Des résultats expérimentaux montrent que cette architecture reste performante, en moyenne et dans le pire cas

    Worst-Case Communication Overhead in a Many-Core based Shared-Memory Model

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    National audienceWith emerging many-core architectures, using on-chip shared memories is an interesting approach because it provides high bandwidth and high throughput data exchange. Such a feature is usually implemented as a multi-bus multi-banked memory. Since predicting timing behavior is key to efficient design and verification of embedded real-time systems, the question that arises is how to evaluate the access time for one memory access of a given task while others may concurrently access the same memory-bank at t the same time. In this paper, we give the answers for a subset of streaming applications modeled like CSDF Model of Computation and implemented in Kalray’s MPPA chip

    Automatic WCET Analysis of Real-Time Parallel Applications

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    National audienceTomorrow’s real-time embedded systems will be built upon multicore architectures. This raises two challenges. First, shared resources should be arbitrated in such a way that the WCET of independent threads running concurrently can be computed: in this paper, we assume that time-predictable multicore architectures are available. The second challenge is to develop software that achieves a high level of performance without impairing timing predictability. We investigate parallel software based on the POSIX threads standard and we show how the WCET of a parallel program can be analysed. We report experimental results obtained for typical parallel programs with an extended version of the OTAWA toolset

    Optimisations du chargement des instructions

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    National audienceLes processeurs actuels et à venir, dont le coeur d'exécution exploite le parallélisme entre instructions, ne peuvent atteindre leurs performances maximales que s'ils sont alimentés par un débit d'instructions suffisant. Dans cet article, nous montrons que la bande passante d'accès au cache d'instructions est en général sous-exploitée. Nous proposons deux solutions pour optimiser les accès au cache d'instructions : l'une consiste à combiner plusieurs accès à une même ligne de cache ; l'autre prévoit de réordonner les accès pour limiter le nombre de conflits de bancs dans un cache multi-port. Les résultats de simulation montrent que ces deux optimisations améliorent sensiblement le débit de chargement des instructions. Par ailleurs, leur mise en oeuvre se fait au travers de séquences de contrôle du chargement qui tiennent également lieu de prédicteur multiple de branchements

    Génération automatique de simulateurs fonctionnels de processeurs

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    12 pagesLe développement d'un simulateur de processeur est long et fastidieux. Découpler la partie fonctionnelle (émulation) de la partie structure (analyse des temps de traitement) permet de réutiliser plus facilement du code existant (principalement le code d'émulation, les jeux d'instructions évoluant moins vite que les architectures matérielles). Dans ce contexte, plusieurs équipes ont proposé des solutions pour une génération automatique de la partie fonctionnelle d'un simulateur à partir d'une description plus ou moins formelle du jeu d'instructions. S'il est relativement aisé de générer automatiquement un émulateur pour l'architecture DLX, il s'avère plus compliqué de réaliser un générateur supportant à la fois des architectures de type CISC, RISC ou VLIW et produisant un code efficace. Dans cet article, nous décrivons plusieurs techniques mises en œuvre dans l'outil GLISS que nous avons développé et qui se veut aussi « polyvalent » que possible

    Hardware architecture specification and constraint-based WCET computation

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    International audienceThe analysis of the worst-case execution times is necessary in the design of critical real-time systems. To get sound and precise times, the WCET analysis for these systems must be performed on binary code and based on static analysis. OTAWA, a tool providing WCET computation, uses the Sim-nML language to describe the instruction set and XML files to describe the microarchitecture. The latter information is usually inadequate to describe real architectures and, therefore, requires specific modifications, currently performed by hand, to allow correct time calculation. In this paper, we propose to extend Sim-nML in order to support the description of modern microarchitecture features along the instruction set description and to seamlessly derive the time calculation. This time computation is specified as a constraint solving problem that is automatically synthesized from the extended Sim-nML. Thanks to its declarative aspect, this approach makes easier and modular the description of complex features of microprocessors while maintaining a sound process to compute times

    Computing Execution Times with eXecution Decision Diagrams in the Presence of Out-Of-Order Resources

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    Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) is a key component for the verification of critical real-time applications. Yet, even the simplest microprocessors implement pipelines with concurrently-accessed resources, such as the memory bus shared by fetch and memory stages. Although their in-order pipelines are, by nature, very deterministic, the bus can cause out-of-order accesses to the memory and, therefore, timing anomalies: local timing effects that can have global effects but that cannot be easily composed to estimate the global WCET. To cope with this situation, WCET analyses have to generate important over-estimations in order to preserve safety of the computed times or have to explicitly track all possible executions. In the latter case, the presence of out-of-order behavior leads to a combinatorial blowup of the number of pipeline states for which efficient state abstractions are difficult to design. This paper proposes instead a compact and exact representation of the timings in the pipeline, using eXecution Decision Diagram (XDD) [1]. We show how XDD can be used to model pipeline states all along the execution paths by leveraging the algebraic properties of XDD. This computational model allows to compute the exact temporal behavior at control flow graph level and is amenable to efficiently and precisely support WCET calculation in presence of out-of-order bus accesses. This model is finally experimented on the TACLe benchmark suite and we observe good performance making this approach appropriate for industrial applications
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