2,476 research outputs found

    Varieties of platform work: Platforms and social inequality in Germany and the United States

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    The platform economy has been criticized for exacerbating social inequalities in various ways. This study draws on these discussions and examines the extent to which social inequalities are being reproduced, reduced, or even increased within platform work. The first central question is that of the precariousness of this form of work and the vulnerability of the platform workers as a group. This is followed by a second question about the role of classical dimensions of inequality of education and gender within the group of platform workers. The study focuses on inequalities related to income, workload, and the subjective perception of platform work. It follows a comparative approach, building on institutionalist analyses developed in labor market and inequality research. The empirical analysis is based on case studies of 15 crowdwork platforms in the United States and Germany and on an online survey of crowdworkers in both countries. While platforms represent a global organizational model, they are embedded in different models of capitalism. The study shows that existing labor market segmentation and social welfare systems determine who works on platforms and to what extent. The weaker the social safety net, the more likely platform work is to be both a curse and a blessing: It offers a much needed and flexible source of income, albeit under extremely precarious conditions. The stronger the social safety net, on the other hand, the greater the market power of workers vis-Ă -vis the platforms

    Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) and Ethnic Target Marketing: A Communitarian Ethical Framework in Action

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    This research project will be designed such that the philosophical metaphors of community, culture and responsibility will be analyzed as they pertain to integrated marketing research. These metaphors will then be placed on top of a theoretical foundation based in communitarian ethics in order to provide a more culturally relevant framework for marketing to United States Hispanics. Lastly, a pedagogy for teaching this framework will be included as an application of the theory. Specifically, in the introduction, the topic, research questions, arguments and thesis will be introduced. Introductory observations will be made on the size and importance of the Hispanic market to marketers, the historical evolution of the Hispanic market in the United States, today\u27s Hispanic consumer, the Hispanic marketplace, the importance of Hispanic culture and la familia, the departure from marketing driven target marketing practices to a more IMC driven approach that privileges responsibility, relationship, community, and trust and then a proposal of the research to follow

    How FM can enable the increasing need for process orientation in hospitals

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    Hospitals are challenged to operate more process orientated in order to gain efficiency and transparency as well as to reduce cost. This also includes the area of Facility Management (FM), which is a key element for successfully operating hospitals. This situation offers a great opportunity to look at the interfaces between the medical core business and the non-medical support services and to establish FM as a holistic process supporter instead of a sole provider for single services. In order to handle the numerous interactions between the different professions and requirements within the complex hospital context, specific process simulation tools and methods will have to be developed. This approach requires the generation of a big number of systematic data. On the basis of the KPI model for non-medical support services (KPImoS) and the corresponding process model (PromoS), a new model as a basis for simulating FM processes is thus presented. The model combines the view of the patient process as well as three different FM process types: FM processes with a direct contact with the patients such as catering and transport, FM processes which are provided upon specific request and can thus be allocated to a specific area such as procurement or maintenance of medical mobiles and overall FM-processes without a specific cost allocation to a single orderer such as maintenance of the building or cleaning of general areas. An extensive literature review on the subjects of process modelling and process simulation is the basis of the research approach. Following the Design Science Research principles, an iterative approach combining qualitative field observations and an explorative approach with expert interviews was chosen. This project shows that FM in Healthcare needs to intensify the systematic collection of data in order to become ready for comprehensive process simulations. Only with IT-supported simulation tools, can the very complex processes in hospitals be optimized in a holistic approach in the future. In addition, the process simulations shall also support a more intense cooperation between the FM and the core business in the future

    Das Metaphorische Werben des Paulus um Die Gemeinde in 2 Kor 10,1–6 und 11,1–4

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers (De Gruyter) frei zugänglich.Peer Reviewe

    Crowdworker*innen zwischen Autonomie und Kontrolle: Die Stabilisierung von Arbeitsteilung durch algorithmisches Management

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    Der Beitrag beschreibt am Beispiel von Crowdwork die Veränderungen der Machtbeziehungen zwischen Kapital und Arbeit durch den Einsatz algorithmischer Systeme der Arbeitssteuerung auf digitalen Plattformen. Ausgangspunkt ist die weit verbreitete Annahme, dass das Management mittels solcher Systeme die direkte und repressive Kontrolle über Arbeitskraft verschärfen könnte. Demgegenüber analysiert die Autorin, inwiefern auch im untersuchten Feld die Zustimmung und das aktive Mitwirken der Crowd mobilisiert werden und welche Rolle die Technologie dabei spielt. Die Ergebnisse unterstreichen, dass selbst in recht umfassenden Systemen des algorithmischen Managements beides zur Stabilisierung der Arbeitsteilung notwendig ist. Die Basis der Herstellung von Zustimmung und Mitwirkung bilden Informationsasymmetrien, die das Wissen und die Handlungsoptionen der Crowd ordnen. Diese subtile und indirekte Form der Kontrolle verdeckt und verstetigt die Arbeits- und Machtbeziehungen durch das Gewähren gewisser Autonomiespielräume. Dies scheint notwendig, um die mobile und unabhängige Crowd in einer Kontrollbeziehung zu halten und ihre effektive Ausbeutung durch Selbst-Disziplinierung zu ermöglichen

    Liebe ohne Sex, Sex ohne Liebe – der Apostel Paulus gibt zu denken

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers (De Gruyter) frei zugänglich.Der Aufsatz entfaltet, dass Paulus in seinen Briefen Liebe (ἀγάπη) und das, was wir unter dem modernen Konzept von „Sexualität“ erfassen, als zwei distinkte Lebensäußerungen versteht. Die Ausführungen über sexuelle Beziehungen und Praktiken, die beispielhaft an Prostitution (1 Kor 6), Ehe (1 Kor 7) und homosexuellen Praktiken (Röm 1) erörtert werden, drehen sich um die Frage der Legitimität; sie sind aufgrund der veränderten Voraussetzungen heute nicht mehr anschlussfähig. Für einen Diskurs über Sexualität und Geschlechter, der die anthropologischen Einsichten der Gegenwart aufnimmt, mag aber das paulinische Konzept von Liebe als Solidarität, die Unterschiede zwischen Menschen überwindet, und als Bereitschaft zum Perspektivwechsel von Relevanz sein.This article explores the distinction between love (ἀγάπη) and what we commonly think of as a modern concept of „sexuality“ in the letters of Paul. It suggests that he renders them as two distinct expressions of life. The remarks on sexual relations and practices – exemplified by prostitution (1 Cor 6), marriage (1 Cor 7), and homosexual practices (Rom 1) – revolve around the question of legitimacy; these are no longer compatible with current-day conditions since they rely upon pre-modern anthropological presumptions that cannot be the basis for modern sexual ethics. When considering a discourse on sexuality and gender that ties in with present-day anthropological perspectives, the Pauline idea of love might be relevant insofar as love is understood as an act of solidarity that overcomes differences between people, and as a willingness to change perspectives.Peer Reviewe

    Alte Herrschaft in digitalen Gewändern? Der Arbeitsprozess auf Crowdwork-Plattformen

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    Comparing the Impact of the Varieties of Industrial Relations in Germany, Slovenia and Poland

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    This paper analyzes the development of trade unions' adaptation strategies towards the new challenge posed by the dualization of national labour markets into a stable core of standard employment and a growing margin of flexible, often precarious employment. On the basis of the controversial discussion surrounding the theory of Varieties of Capitalism (VoC), the main objective is to shed light on the question of how institutional frameworks shape unions´ adaptation strategies. By comparing the developments and union strategies in Germany, Poland and Slovenia – identified as traditionally rather coordinated market economies – the paper aims to connect the still much separated debates on Western and Eastern European regional institutional regimes

    Measuring work and workers: Wearables and digital assistance systems in manufacturing and logistics

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    The smart glove or smart data glasses: Digitalization of work means that technology is moving closer to the bodies of employees. It can make movements, vital signs and even emotions visible. Technologies which many people use privately to monitor their sporting activities or health opens up a new dimension of control in the workplace, but also the possibility of supporting employees in complex work processes. Based on case studies of companies in manufacturing and logistics as well as a survey of employees, this study provides insights into operational use cases of wearables and the assessments of employees. It reveals contradictory experiences and a high importance of co-determination and co-design of new technologies by employees and works councils as a condition for using new technologies for improving work quality
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