Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) and Ethnic Target Marketing: A Communitarian Ethical Framework in Action


This research project will be designed such that the philosophical metaphors of community, culture and responsibility will be analyzed as they pertain to integrated marketing research. These metaphors will then be placed on top of a theoretical foundation based in communitarian ethics in order to provide a more culturally relevant framework for marketing to United States Hispanics. Lastly, a pedagogy for teaching this framework will be included as an application of the theory. Specifically, in the introduction, the topic, research questions, arguments and thesis will be introduced. Introductory observations will be made on the size and importance of the Hispanic market to marketers, the historical evolution of the Hispanic market in the United States, today\u27s Hispanic consumer, the Hispanic marketplace, the importance of Hispanic culture and la familia, the departure from marketing driven target marketing practices to a more IMC driven approach that privileges responsibility, relationship, community, and trust and then a proposal of the research to follow

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