75 research outputs found
Steigerung der Naturnahrung zur Förderung einer nachhaltigen und ökologischen Produktion in der Karpfenteichwirtschaft
Die vorliegende Studie befasste sich mit verschiedenen MaĂnahmen zur Steigerung der Naturnahrung unter Nutzung natĂŒrlicher Ressourcen mit dem Ziel des daraus resultierenden Gewinns an Naturertrag, Nachhaltigkeit und ProduktqualitĂ€t in der Karpfenteichwirtschaft. Die Versuche wurden sowohl in Teichen als auch in Teichparzellen unter Beprobung der fĂŒr den Karpfen wichtigsten NĂ€hrtierklassen durchgefĂŒhrt. Parallel erfolgte die chemische Analyse von Wasser und Teichboden. Als limitierender Faktor in untersuchten Teichen konnte v.a. bioverfĂŒgbarer Phosphor identifiziert werden. Der Teichboden ist dabei als NĂ€hrstoffspeicher ausschlaggebend fĂŒr den Naturzuwachs. Dessen Gehalt an verfĂŒgbarem Phosphor (P2O5-CAL) ist zusammen mit anderen Parametern wie dem pH-Wert und der mikrobiellen AktivitĂ€t ein MaĂ fĂŒr die Teichfruchtbarkeit. Das Aufkommen an NĂ€hrtieren zeigte eine deutliche AbhĂ€ngigkeit vom NĂ€hrstoffangebot und der PrimĂ€rproduktion (Phytoplankton). In einem Teich mit nĂ€hrstoffreicherem Teichboden (P2O5-CAL 23.8 mg/100 g Boden) konnte durch die Ausbringung verschiedener organischen DĂŒngemittel in fischfreien Parzellen keine signifikante Steigerung an Phyto- und Zooplankton sowie an benthischen NĂ€hrtieren erzielt werden. Dabei ist der Effekt auf planktisch und benthisch lebende NĂ€hrtiere jedoch mitunter verschieden, v.a. hinsichtlich der bodenlebenden SchlammröhrenwĂŒrmer, die auch im nĂ€hrstoffreichen Teich gut auf organische DĂŒngung ansprechen. In Teichen mit nĂ€hrstoffĂ€rmeren Teichböden (P2O5-CAL 13.4 mg/100 g Boden) konnte durch die organische DĂŒngung mit Pferde- und HĂŒhnermist (3t/ha) die NĂ€hrtierdichte erhöht und der Fischertrag in den Versuchseinheiten durchschnittlich um etwa 200 kg/ha gesteigert werden. BezĂŒglich der Zooplankton-Biomasse konnte eine positive Tendenz bei den P und N-dichten organischen DĂŒngesubstraten beobachtet werden, wobei unterschiedliche organischen DĂŒnger v.a. zeitlich verschiedene Wirkung auf die NĂ€hrtier-Biomasseproduktion ausĂŒben. GrĂŒndĂŒngung durch Aussaat im Herbst stellte sich zudem als adĂ€quates Mittel zur frĂŒhen Steigerung der Aufkommen an RĂ€dertierchen heraus. In wintertrockenen Teichen eignet sich hierzu Roggen. In staunassen Teichen sollte ab April auf schrittweise Gabe von Pferdemist zurĂŒckgegriffen werden. Einhergehend mit der DĂŒngung waren keine negativen Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt vorhanden. Insbesondere bei Fischbesatz zum Ende der Produktionsperiode waren weder im Teichwasser noch im Teichboden messbare Anreicherung von Stickstoff- und Phosphorverbindungen oder organischem Material festzustellen. Hohe pH-Werte konnten in Teichen durch StrohdĂŒngung deutlich gesenkt werden. Der Besatz mit Karpfen und mechanische BelĂŒftung und UmwĂ€lzung des Teichwassers begĂŒnstigt die mikrobielle AktivitĂ€t und mikrobielle Biomasse im Teichboden. Daneben förderte die UmwĂ€lzung von Teichwasser die bodenlebenden NĂ€hrtiere und die PrimĂ€rproduktion in Form von Mikroalgen. Weder die einmalige Trockenlegung von Teichen im Winter oder im darauf folgenden Sommer, noch eine dabei durchgefĂŒhrte Bodenkalkung erzeugte eine prozentuale Verringerung der organischen Substanz im Teichboden. Das winterliche Trockenlegen fĂŒhrte dennoch zu einer deutlichen Verringerung des Volumens des Teichschlammes, die nach erneuter VernĂ€sssung nicht reversibel istund nach Wiedereinstau erhalten bleibt. Die Verringerung der Schlammschichten hat ihre Ursache zunĂ€chst eher in einer Verdichtung der Struktur der organischen Substanz und der mineralischen Bestandteile des Bodens. Der Abbau organischer Substanz bedarf daher regelmĂ€Ăiger und wiederholter Trockenlegungsphasen. Wir konnten in dieser Studie verdeutlichen, dass durch verschiedene nachhaltige und ökonomisch wie ökologisch vertrĂ€gliche MaĂnahmen (und deren Kombination in der Praxis) der Naturertrag von Karpfenteichen zwar in unterschiedlichem MaĂe, aber dennoch effizient, gesteigert werden kann. Zur AbschĂ€tzung der DĂŒngebedĂŒrftigkeit eines Teiches und als Entscheidungsgrundlage fĂŒr die Wahl des DĂŒngemittels erscheint die Ermittlung einiger Grundparameter, wie z.B. dem Gehalt des Teichbodens an verfĂŒgbarem Phosphor sinnvoll. Hierzu besteht weiterer Forschungsbedarf
Characterization of designed, synthetically accessible bryostatin analog HIV latency reversing agents.
HIV latency in resting CD4+ T cell represents a key barrier preventing cure of the infection with antiretroviral drugs alone. Latency reversing agents (LRAs) can activate HIV expression in latently infected cells, potentially leading to their elimination through virus-mediated cytopathic effects, host immune responses, and/or therapeutic strategies targeting cells actively expressing virus. We have recently described several structurally simplified analogs of the PKC modulator LRA bryostatin (termed bryologs) designed to improve synthetic accessibility, tolerability in vivo, and efficacy in inducing HIV latency reversal. Here we report the comparative performance of lead bryologs, including their effects in reducing cell surface expression of HIV entry receptors, inducing proinflammatory cytokines, inhibiting short-term HIV replication, and synergizing with histone deacetylase inhibitors to reverse HIV latency. These data provide unique insights into structure-function relationships between A- and B-ring bryolog modifications and activities in primary cells, and suggest that bryologs represent promising leads for preclinical advancement
Reimagining the Digital Monograph: Design Thinking to Build New Tools for Researchers, A JSTOR Labs Report
Scholarly books are increasingly available in digital form, but the online interfaces for using
these books often allow only for the browsing of PDF files. JSTOR Labs, an experimental
product-development group within the not-for-profit digital library JSTOR, undertook an
ideation and design process to develop new and different ways of showing scholarly books
online, with the goal that this new viewing interface should be relatively simple and inexpensive
to implement for any scholarly book that is already available in PDF form. This paper
documents that design process, including the recommendations of a working group of scholars,
publishers, and librarians convened by JSTOR Labs and the Columbia University Libraries in
October 2016. The prototype monograph viewer developed through this processâcalled
âTopicgraphââis described herein and is freely available online at
Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 activation is associated with bladder cancer cell growth and survival
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Constitutive activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (Stat3) signaling pathway plays an important role in several human cancers. Activation of Stat3 is dependent on the phosphorylation at the tyrosine residue 705 by upstream kinases and subsequent nuclear translocation after dimerization. It remains unclear whether oncogenic Stat3 signaling pathway is involved in the oncogenesis of bladder cancer.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that elevated Stat3 phosphorylation in 19 of 100 (19%) bladder cancer tissues as well as bladder cancer cell lines, WH, UMUC-3 and 253J. To explore whether Stat3 activation is associated with cell growth and survival of bladder cancer, we targeted the Stat3 signaling pathway in bladder cancer cells using an adenovirus-mediated dominant-negative Stat3 (Y705F) and a small molecule compound, STA-21. Both prohibited cell growth and induction of apoptosis in these bladder cancer cell lines but not in normal bladder smooth muscle cell (BdSMC). The survival inhibition might be mediated through apoptotic caspase 3, 8 and 9 pathways. Moreover, down-regulation of anti-apoptotic genes (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL and survivin) and a cell cycle regulating gene (cyclin D1) was associated with the cell growth inhibition and apoptosis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results indicated that activation of Stat3 is crucial for bladder cancer cell growth and survival. Therefore, interference of Stat3 signaling pathway emerges as a potential therapeutic approach for bladder cancer.</p
The effect of dietary immunostimulants on the susceptibility of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) to the white spot parasite, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
One of the main obstacles in freshwater aquaculture is the parasitic ciliate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ich), the causative agent of white spot disease. The use of immunostimulants as feed additives may be a promising approach to control Ich infection. In the present study, we tested the prophylactic effect of orally administered ÎČ-1,3/1,6-glucan and propolis extract E50 against Ich infection in common carp. In total, 122 fish were separated into three experimental groups fed with a control, 3% ÎČ-glucan and 1% propolis diet for 40 consecutive days, respectively. On day 40, 16 fish per group were individually exposed to Ich theronts and the number of trophonts was counted 5 days post exposure. Relative gene expression of interleukin 1-ÎČ (IL-1-ÎČ) in common carp liver was examined by qPCR. Compared to control, the mean infection intensity was lower in the ÎČ-glucan- and propolis-fed groups; however, the difference was not statistically significant. The relative expression of IL-1-ÎČ significantly decreased in the propolis-fed group at day 10. In the ÎČ-glucan-fed group, a significant IL-1-ÎČ decrease was detected at day 15 compared to control. Although the Ich infection intensity was slightly decreased in both treated groups, and IL-1-ÎČ was moderately down-regulated in the liver of common carp, our results suggest that the applied feeding regime is insufficient to prevent Ich outbreaks in common carp
Organische DĂŒngung in der Karpfenteichwirtschaft: Fischertrag und Umweltaspekte
Dieses Mesokosmenexperiment befasst sich mit verschiedenen MaĂnahmen zur Steigerung der Naturnahrung in Teichen unter Nutzung natĂŒrlicher Ressourcen. Das Ziel war, Naturertrag, Nachhaltigkeit und ProduktqualitĂ€t in der Karpfenteichwirtschaft zu verbessern. Durch organische DĂŒngung mit Pferde- und HĂŒhnermist (3t/ha) konnte in
Teichen mit nÀhrstoffÀrmeren Teichböden (P2O5-CAL 13,4 mg/100 g Boden) die NÀhrtierdichte erhöht und der Fischertrag durchschnittlich um etwa 200 kg/ha gesteigert
werden. Zudem hatte die organische DĂŒngung am Ende der Produktionsperiode keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Wasser- und BodenqualitĂ€tsparameter
Experimental infection of conventional nursing pigs and their dams with \u3ci\u3ePorcine deltacoronavirus\u3c/i\u3e
Porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) is a newly identified virus that has been detected in swine herds of North America associated with enteric disease. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the pathogenicity, course of infection, virus kinetics, and aerosol transmission of PDCoV using 87 conventional piglets and their 9 dams, including aerosol and contact controls to emulate field conditions. Piglets 2â4 days of age and their dams were administered an oronasal PDCoV inoculum with a quantitative real-time reverse transcription (qRT)-PCR quantification cycle (Cq) value of 22 that was generated from a field sample having 100% nucleotide identity to USA/Illinois121/2014 determined by metagenomic sequencing and testing negative for other enteric disease agents using standard assays. Serial samples of blood, serum, oral fluids, nasal and fecal swabs, and tissues from sequential autopsy, conducted daily on days 1â8 and regular intervals thereafter, were collected throughout the 42-day study for qRT-PCR, histopathology, and immunohistochemistry. Diarrhea developed in all inoculated and contact control pigs, including dams, by 2 days post-inoculation (dpi) and in aerosol control pigs and dams by 3â4 dpi, with resolution occurring by 12 dpi. Mild to severe atrophic enteritis with PDCoV antigen staining was observed in the small intestine of affected piglets from 2 to 8 dpi. Mesenteric lymph node and small intestine were the primary sites of antigen detection by immunohistochemistry, and virus RNA was detected in these tissues to the end of the study. Virus RNA was detectable in piglet fecal swabs to 21 dpi, and dams to 14â35 dpi
Intonation and Compensation of Fretted String Instruments
In this paper we present mathematical and physical models to be used in the
analysis of the problem of intonation of musical instruments such as guitars,
mandolins and the like, i.e., we study how to improve the tuning on these
instruments. This analysis begins by designing the placement of frets on the
fingerboard according to mathematical rules and the assumption of an ideal
string, but becomes more complicated when one includes the effects of
deformation of the string and inharmonicity due to other string
characteristics. As a consequence of these factors, perfect intonation of all
the notes on the instrument can never be achieved, but complex compensation
procedures are introduced and studied to minimize the problem. To test the
validity of these compensation procedures, we have performed extensive
measurements using standard monochord sonometers and other basic acoustical
devices, confirming the correctness of our theoretical models. In particular,
these experimental activities can be easily integrated into standard acoustics
courses and labs, and can become a more advanced version of basic experiments
with monochords and sonometers.Comment: Improved version, with minor changes. 25 pages, including 6 figures
and 2 tables. Accepted for publication in the American Journal of Physics
Developing a lifestyle intervention program for overweight or obese preconception, pregnant and postpartum women using qualitative methods.
The time period before, during and after pregnancy represents a unique opportunity for interventions to cultivate sustained healthy lifestyle behaviors to improve the metabolic health of mothers and their offspring. However, the success of a lifestyle intervention is dependent on uptake and continued compliance. To identify enablers and barriers towards engagement with a lifestyle intervention, thematic analysis of 15 in-depth interviews with overweight or obese women in the preconception, pregnancy or postpartum periods was undertaken, using the integrated-Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services framework as a guide to systematically chart factors influencing adoption of a novel lifestyle intervention. Barrier factors include time constraints, poor baseline knowledge, family culture, food accessibility, and lack of relevant data sources. Enabling factors were motivation to be healthy for themselves and their offspring, family and social support, a holistic delivery platform providing desired information delivered at appropriate times, regular feedback, goal setting, and nudges. From the findings of this study, we propose components of an idealized lifestyle intervention including (i) taking a holistic life-course approach to education, (ii) using mobile health platforms to reduce barriers, provide personalized feedback and promote goal-setting, and (iii) health nudges to cultivate sustained lifestyle habits
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