1,608 research outputs found

    Genetic insights on sleep schedules: this time, it's PERsonal.

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    The study of circadian rhythms is emerging as a fruitful opportunity for understanding cellular mechanisms that govern human physiology and behavior, fueled by evidence directly linking sleep disorders to genetic mutations affecting circadian molecular pathways. Familial advanced sleep-phase disorder (FASPD) is the first recognized Mendelian circadian rhythm trait, and affected individuals exhibit exceptionally early sleep-wake onset due to altered post-translational regulation of period homolog 2 (PER2). Behavioral and cellular circadian rhythms are analogously affected because the circadian period length of behavior is reduced in the absence of environmental time cues, and cycle duration of the molecular clock is likewise shortened. In light of these findings, we review the PER2 dynamics in the context of circadian regulation to reveal the mechanism of sleep-schedule modulation. Understanding PER2 regulation and functionality may shed new light on how our genetic composition can influence our sleep-wake behaviors

    The quality of details when children and youths with intellectual disabilities are interviewed about their abuse experiences

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    The question for this study was to further understand how children and youths with intellectual disabilities (IDs) provide central and peripheral details when interviewed about their abuse experiences. Through a quantitative method we examined police officers' first formal investigative interviews with 32 children and youths with IDs. We analyzed the details they reported about abuse in relation to types of questions asked. The findings showed that few open-ended invitations were used and that a large number of option-posing questions were asked. The children and youths tended to agree with option-posing and suggestive statements but were nonetheless able to report important information about their abuse experiences without the ‘help’ from these potentially contaminating questions. The results of this study are limited because of the selective nature of the sample and that we did not have access to complete information about the participants specific diagnosis. Although it shows that police officers need to provide children and youths with IDs greater opportunities to report details using open-ended invitations. If they do not develop their responses when asked open-ended invitations they may be asked open directive questions to facilitate the elicitation of both central and peripheral information

    Barns and Farms

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    The art of Ed Ruscha has been a consistent and important presence on the art scene since 1960. Yet his works have not received the high visibility media coverage that the work of many of his peers, such as Jasper Johns and Andy Warhol, have garnered. This situation can, in part, be attributed to the fact that contemporary art criticism has tended to center around clearly defined movements, and Ruscha\u27s work has resisted easy categorization. In addition, interpretations of his work have shifted over the past few decades--his work has been cited in discussions of Pop art, Conceptual art and, most recently, strategies of postmodernist appropriation. As a result of this elusive quality, his work has tended to receive only cursory mention in general overviews of the art historical chronology. Since his emergence on the art scene in the early 1960s, Ruscha\u27s work has evolved and matured. However, the one consistent and most significant aspect throughout his work is the emphasis on the work as the central focus of his art. An understanding of Ruscha\u27s use of the word is critical to a comprehension of his oeuvre. Moreover, his emphasis on the verbal is crucial because it illustrates important issues in the art world during the past three decades. Ed Ruscha\u27s works are thus incisive in their ability to lay bare critical aspects of art production and, reception, and it is this added dimension that lends greater import to his art. In the early years of his career, Ruscha\u27s paintings were closely associated with the Pop art movement of the1960s because of their focus on images from the contemporary urban, consumer-oriented environment. Pop was a pivotal movement in the historical continuum of art in part because of its insistence on figuration, in contrast to the overwhelming predominance of abstraction in preceding and concurrent movements such as Abstract Expressionism, Post-Painterly Abstraction, and Minimal art. Through its content, style, and presentation, Pop art blatantly exposed the commodification of art and of our society in general, and Ruscha\u27s paintings reinforced this

    Sick and tired: how molecular regulators of human sleep schedules and duration impact immune function.

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    Why do we need to sleep? What regulates when we sleep? And what dictates the number of hours we require? These are often viewed as three separate biological questions. Here, we propose they share molecular etiologies, whereby regulators of sleep schedules and sleep duration also govern the physiological purposes of sleep. To support our hypothesis, we review Mendelian human genetic variants sufficient to advance sleep-wake onset (PER2) and shorten sleep length (DEC2), and evaluate their emerging roles in immune responses that may rely on a sound night of slumber

    Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy-Acute Cardiac Dysfunction Associated With Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders

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    Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TTC) is an acute and reversible cardiac wall motion abnormality of the left myocardium. Although many studies focused on etiology, diagnostic and treatment of TTC, precise clinical guidelines on TTC are not available. Research revealed emotional and physical triggering factors of TTC and emphasized the association of TTC with psychiatric and particularly acute neurological disorders. Similar clinical presentation of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and TTC patients, makes an anamnestic screening for TTC risk factors necessary. In psychiatric anamnesis affective disorders and chronic anxiety disorders are presumably for TTC. Subarachnoid hemorrhages and status epilepticus are typical acute neurological associated with a higher risk for TTC. Moreover, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies reveled brain alterations of the limbic system and reduced connectivity of central autonomic nervous system structures. Diagnosis of TTC is made by elevation of cardiac enzymes, electrocardiogram (ECG) and visualization of myocardial wall motion. Major differential diagnoses like acute coronary syndrome and myocarditis are hereby in synopsis with anamnesis with respect of possible emotional and physical triggering factors of TTC ruled out. In most cases the TTC typical wall motion abnormalities resolve in weeks and therapy is only necessary in hemodynamic instable patients and if rare complications, like cardiac wall ruptures occur. Recently, the two-parted International expert consensus document on Takotsubo syndrome was published, providing a detailed characterization of TTC and allows clinicians to understand this cardiac dysfunction with a multidisciplinary view

    Rumah Sakit Mata Di Manado (Blind Space - Impresi Ruang Non Visual Pada Arsitektur)

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    Tingginya jumlah pasien penyakit mata di Kota Manado bahkan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini, menuntut adanya sarana kesehatan mata yang memiliki kapasitas dan fasilitas yang memadai. Beberapa klinik mata sebenarnya sudah terdapat di Kota Manado, namun beberapa tempat tersebut di rasa kurang memadai dalam melayani kebutuhan masyarakat akan pelayanan terhadap mata mereka secara maksimal. Untuk menjawab kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan mata pada masyarakat ini, maka dibutuhkan suatu sarana yang dapat menampung segala kegiatan medis yang berhubungan dengan mata untuk skala pelayanan kota Metropolitan yaitu Rumah Sakit Mata. Objek ini haruslah memiliki suatu kelebihan yaitu dengan penyesuaian terhadap kekurangan dari pada pasien penyakit mata. Dengan mempelajari kebutuhan akan keterbatasan pasien, maka penetapan tema yang sesuai dengan objek Rumah Sakit Mata adalah Impresi Ruang Non Visual Pada Arsitektur. Tema ini memaparkan tentang cara lain merasakan sebuah ruang dengan memanfaatkan fungsi indera-indera pada manusia selain indera penglihatan. Hasil akhir Rumah Sakit Mata Di Manado ini berupa rumah sakit khusus tipe B dengan lebih dari 200 tempat tidur yang juga lengkapi fasilitas-fasilitas penunjang. Penerapan sirkulasi yang mudah serta elemen ruang dalam dan ruang luar yang menerapkan impresi ruang non visual, bertujuan untuk Kenyamanan dan kemandirian pasien dengan tetap mengutamakan kecepatan dan ketepatan pelayanan

    Penerapan Prinsip Good Governance Dalam Pengelolaan Keuangan Di Sekretariat DPRD Manado

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze how the form of applying the principles of good governance in the principles of accountability, law enforcement, transparency and responsibility for financial management at the Manado DPRD Secretariat. The author uses a qualitative descriptive comparative method and the data obtained through documentation, observation and then documentation and interview. This research shows that the legal principles of transparency and participation have been properly applied in terms of financial management plans and responsibilities. While in the accountability of financial management. Despite the transparency principle participation and the rule of law have been implemented properly. But there are still difficulties in the administrative process. The problem is because every year there are regulations that are changed. Thereore, the Secretariat Office urgently needs the assistance of the Central Government in adjusting the changes to existing regulations.Keywords: Accountability, Transparency, Responsibility, Good Governanc

    A neuronal relay mediates a nutrient responsive gut/fat body axis regulating energy homeostasis in adult Drosophila

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    The control of systemic metabolic homeostasis involves complex inter-tissue programs that coordinate energy production, storage, and consumption, to maintain organismal fitness upon environmental challenges. The mechanisms driving such programs are largely unknown. Here, we show that enteroendocrine cells in the adult Drosophila intestine respond to nutrients by secreting the hormone Bursicon α, which signals via its neuronal receptor DLgr2. Bursicon α/DLgr2 regulate energy metabolism through a neuronal relay leading to the restriction of glucagon-like, adipokinetic hormone (AKH) production by the corpora cardiaca and subsequent modulation of AKH receptor signaling within the adipose tissue. Impaired Bursicon α/DLgr2 signaling leads to exacerbated glucose oxidation and depletion of energy stores with consequent reduced organismal resistance to nutrient restrictive conditions. Altogether, our work reveals an intestinal/neuronal/adipose tissue inter-organ communication network that is essential to restrict the use of energy and that may provide insights into the physiopathology of endocrine-regulated metabolic homeostasis